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Arousing Family

Page 11

by Emelia Andersen

  Her face brightened. "It's an operation that keeps you from getting a girl pregnant, right?"

  I told her it was and she said, "No matter how often, or how much we fuck, I won't get pregnant."

  "That's right," I told her. My cock was fully erect and Stephanie smiled as she rubbed the shaft.

  "Fuck me again," she said.

  "Now?" I asked, pleased and aroused by her eagerness.

  She swung one over me and straddled my hips. With one hand on my chest, she used her other hand to hold my cock straight up as she lowered her pussy onto it. Stephanie lowered her body against mine and drew her knees forward.

  We kissed, our tongues playing with each other as Stephanie moved her hips, sliding her hot, wet pussy up and down on my hard cock.

  We both came a second time.

  The End.

  Many Sucking, One Fucking

  Dana had done this so many times this week; she was sick of it and just wanted it to be over. Her Psychiatric class had come up with an experiment, she would go into a bar, find an old man, and ask him if he wanted to have sex. If he said yes, then she would lead him outside and then tell him it had been an exercise for her class. There would be several boys from the class waiting, just in case the man got too upset.

  Dana had thought it was a waste of time from the very beginning. At 21, she was pretty, with long dark hair, light blue eyes, and breasts that were large enough to make most men stare. The purpose of the experiment was to see how many of the older men would take her up on her offer of sex. So far all of the older men had liked her offer and left with her. She could have told the answer the men would give before she had even left the classroom, any girl could have. She also could have given her opinion of the stupid experiment; it had only hurt the men and humiliated her.

  She reluctantly walked into yet another bar, but at least she knew it was the last time she had to do this. Having put on a sexy dress that clung to her curves, she walked in and the guy's heads turned towards her. It had been the same each time in every bar, and quite frankly, she was tired of it.

  Looking around, Dana usually had a hard time picking the object of the experiment. She had to pick an older man that was looking at her with sex on his mind. Dressed as she was the number of men looking was always high and this bar was no exception. She just needed to ignore all of the younger guys, which she was happy to do.

  Smiling, she saw her intend victim and she knew it the second she laid eyes on him. He didn't fit the parameters of the experiment but at this point she didn't care. Dana wasn't attracted to older men, but if she were then this man would have been the one. In one glance, she had sized him up. He was cute, and although looks wasn't one of the things the experiment called for, it was something she called for. She was the one being asked to degrade herself, if they didn't like it that was too bad.

  It wasn't so much that his appearance drew her to him; it was the fact that he didn't look when the other guys did. Of course he could have been gay, but she instinctively knew that wasn't it. He hadn't looked and then turned away not interested, he hadn't looked at all. The not looking part meant he didn't fit the criteria for the experiment, but she couldn't help herself and started to walk in his direction.

  The closer she got to him the more she could tell about him. He had the look of someone that gave orders, ex-military came to her mind, but he also looked like he wasn't afraid of hard work, so he had been enlisted, if he had been in. He was starting to go bald, but didn't wear one of those hair pieces. He was also going gray but didn't color his hair. To her, these things meant that he was all right with the way he was, and someone like that always stood out. He wasn't here to get drunk, just to have a beer or two. While he didn't need company to enjoy himself, he wouldn't mind having some.

  Dana was pretty sure that even if there wasn't a psych experiment, she just might have wandered over to talk to him on her own. But there was a psych experiment and she had a grade to think of. Sitting down next to him, saw him smile at her, and she immediately hated herself for doing this to him.

  Chet looked up as a very pretty girl was sitting down. He acknowledged her with a nod and a smile so that he wasn't discourteous, and then went back to his beer.

  "Hi, I'm Dana."

  "Hi back at you, I'm Chet."

  "Well how you doing Chet, I'm starved, is there anything worth getting here?"

  He pushed a bowl of peanuts toward her, "The food here sucks, but I highly recommend the peanuts."

  Dana looked at the offered peanuts and giggled, "Chet you seem to be here all alone, would you like some company?"

  He chuckled, "I'd love the company, but ..."

  "Hey, babe, is this old shit bothering you?"

  They both looked around. Dana saw it was one of the many younger guys that had looked and kept on looking when she came in. She went to instant pissed off, "I'm not your babe and he isn't bothering me, you are."

  The guy was half drunk and lost his cool, "Fuck you bitch."

  Chet just shook his head, "It has to be the hormones. You younger guys just can't stand the thought of an old fart like me being with this lovely lady, and you aren't."

  Dana just wanted him gone, "Guys like you think with your little head instead of your big head. Why don't you go screw yourself?"

  The guy reached for her and found himself on his knees, with Chet holding the offending arm behind the guys back. About that time the bouncer came over, "Is there a problem here?"

  Dana pointed to the younger man, "This thing won't leave me alone. Chet here didn't like it that this guy called me a bitch and tried to grab me."

  The bouncer took the guy from Chet, "I think I will escort you to the door. I advise you to leave," and he left with the man.

  Dana decided to go ahead with the experiment. She put her hand on Chet's, "Would you like to go have sex?"

  "Wow that was certainly romantic. Why leave, let's just get on the bar?" Dana turned every shade of red there was. Chet sighed and gave her a smile, "Look, I'm sorry for that, I sometimes use my mouth before my brain starts up. You seem like a nice girl and I'm flattered that you would consider me for something as special as that, but you are young and pretty and should have someone more your age that can appreciate how exceptional you are."

  Dana sat opened mouth and didn't know what to say. She was used to guys hitting on her, and because of this experiment she was used to having her offer of sex accepted. This was the first time a man had fussed at her for having low morals, apologized for doing it, and then added a compliment on top of it all. She grinned from ear to ear and shook her head, "I knew it. I could just sense it when I looked at you."

  "Sense what?"

  Dana put her hand on his again, this time it wasn't for the experiment. "Could you please come outside with me?"

  Chet smiled, "I'm afraid you would just be disappointed with me."

  Dana started to laugh, saw how sad he really was, and realized that this was something she should never laugh at. "Please, I just want you to meet someone."

  Dana saw him take a deep breath, stand up, and offer his arm to her. The question that kept running through her mind was why was this nice man hurting so much? As she put her arm on his, the second thing she thought of was how utterly charming he was.

  Chet walked out of the bar with the young woman and the eyes of all of the young men followed them. The two went out the door, with Chet holding it open for her, and then arm in arm Dana led him to an elderly woman. "Professor Shale this is Chet -- I'm sorry I didn't get his last name. Chet, this is Professor Shale from the Psychiatric Department at Waverly University.

  The Professor extended her hand to shake Chet's and instead found her hand held and kissed. Chet chuckled at the look on her face, "Look, I don't mind being the object of a sorority prank, but you need to be less phony about the details." Still holding her hand, he added, "There is no way this beautiful lady is old enough to be a professor."

  Dana was surprised at two things t
hat happened. She saw her professor blush at the compliment, and she found herself not liking the other woman getting the attention from Chet.

  Professor Shale smiled, "You missed your age Mr. ah..."

  Chet pleaded, "Please don't, I'd rather leave it at Chet, if it's all right."

  "You missed your age, Chet. You should have been born when there were knights riding horses and fair maidens that needed rescuing."

  He fussed at the two of them, "You just ruined a perfectly good bar for me."

  Dana started to get upset, but then saw his grin, "Why is that?"

  "When I go back, after they've seen me with you, all of the young ladies will think I'm easy."

  Dana rolled her eyes, and then told Chet about the experiment. She told her professor about his saying no. "I'm sorry for putting you through this Chet, but it was for a grade."

  Chet shrugged, "I didn't hear me complaining."

  The professor shook her head, "No you didn't, and you were the only one, but then again, you were the only one that said no."

  Dana asked, "Could you go and talk with the guys for a minute, I need to speak to the professor? After he got out of listening range, she asked, "Professor, I'm having a problem with him."

  "Like what?"

  "Well, I absolutely hated to put him through this, and I didn't care about the others. I sense that he uses the humor as a defense -- he's hurting."


  Dana gave a half smile, "When he was paying attention to you, I found myself getting jealous. Why would I do that, I don't even know him?"

  "I think you answered your question when you said that you didn't care about the others. That means..."

  "How can I care about him, I just met him, besides, he so much older than me."

  "Your instincts are good and will be valuable when you are trying to help a patient. I agree with you, he is using the humor as a defense. It shields him from anyone getting too close. If you want to help him, I think you first have to find out why you are having all of these other feelings about him."

  "What about the age thing?"

  The professor laughed, "Oh please, younger women have been attracted to older men forever."

  "I didn't say I was attracted to him."

  "You did when you got jealous."

  Dana was shocked; she knew that the professor was right. In truth, she had been attracted to him the minute she saw him in the bar, but why? "Why did I zero in on him, he didn't even fit the profile for the experiment?"

  The professor was fond of Dana, besides being one of her better students; she felt a friendship toward her. "What makes women attracted to older men?" She saw the look of doubt on Dana's face, "Admit it, older men really do have an appeal. It makes you feel secure in knowing that you're with someone who has already experienced a lot of things in life and is stable and responsible."

  "I don't think so...well maybe...I guess so...oh, I don't know."

  "Why did you break up with your last three boyfriends?"

  "Oh...they got on my nerves...they were so...juvenile." She just stood there with a stunned expression, "Oh, no," looking intently at her professor, "I was searching for him or at least someone like him."

  "Here he comes. I think you should pursue this, find out if he is what you want. Discover why he's hurting."

  For the next few months, Dana tried to include Chet in her life. She was in her bedroom at her sorority, when two of her sisters, Sheryl and Amber, made an intervention.

  Amber was the spokesperson for the group, "Dana we want to talk to you about this older guy you are dating."

  Dana frowned, "I take it you don't approve?"

  "Yes and no."

  "What's that's supposed to mean?"

  "When we see you together, he is always respectful toward you and us. He's kind and considerate and absolutely charming, plus, he has never hit on any of us."

  Dana thought she knew where this was going, "So that's the yes, what's the no?"

  Amber was hesitant, so Sheryl took over, "Have you thought about where this relationship is heading? You can't possibly think you are going to be sexually satisfied with this older guy."

  Amber sat beside her friend, "You need a young stallion, not an old plow horse."

  Dana's face was stiff with the anger she felt and couldn't release. "First of all, I'm not sleeping with him, so it doesn't matter if he is a plow horse or not, not that it's any of your business. I like being with him because he treats me like a lady."

  Sheryl got defensive, "Now don't be that way, we're just worried about you. You have no idea how hard it was for us to come to you like this."

  Dana slowly exhaled, "I'm sorry, I know you are just concerned, but you and the rest of my sisters are part of the problem." She started to tear up, "I like him and he makes me feel special. I can see the look of disapproval on everyone's faces when you see us together; it hurts, especially when I desperately want you to be happy for me. He's good and gentle and kind and I just wish...," she started crying and couldn't finish.

  The girls both tried to comfort her. Dana pleaded with them, "Look, I'm not engaged to marry him, I'm just trying to find out why I'm so attracted to an older man, when I never have been."

  Amber breathed a sigh of relief, "So you two aren't..."

  Dana was so sad that just looking at her broke the other girl's hearts, "No, he won't even kiss me. It's always me kissing him and him returning the kiss"

  Sheryl wondered, "Is he too old to do anything?"

  "No," she smiled at the thought, "I can get him pretty worked up, and trust me, judging from what I've seen in his pants, when I do he won't have any problems. But every time, he tells me to stop and find someone younger."

  Amber was pissed, "Do you mean to tell me you wanted him and he told you no?" Amber and Sheryl looked at each other, "Council."

  Dana shook her head, "I don't want this to be everyone's business."

  Sheryl laughed, "It's too late for that we were just the two that got selected to come to you with this."

  The word went out and a few nights later all the sorority sisters that could attend, did. The council consisted of a three women that would sit in judgement, these three were the only ones present that were not part of the sorority, they were faculty. There was even a special room set aside for it. The head of the council was Professor Shale from the Psychiatric Department, Professor Taylor from the Math Department and Professor Baylor from the Art Department.

  Everyone present were women, there would be no men, except one. Chet had received an invitation to attend an informal sorority function with an RSVP by telephone. He had called and said he would be there, even though he had no idea what the sorority function was.

  Parking his car he walked up to the Victorian house that served as the Phi Delta Theta Sorority. He had been there several times over the past few months to get Dana. He was met by two girls and escorted to the council. The room lights were off, but hundreds and hundreds of candles had the room and everyone in it lit with a surreal glow.

  Chet recognized Professor Shale, "Hi professor, what's going on?"

  Professor Shale nodded to him, "Chet, you are here for a very serious matter. Tonight I am not Professor Shale, I'm your judge."

  He was getting worried, "I don't know -- can you tell me what this is about?"

  "In due time, all will be explained. You do not have to go through this, but if you don't, Dana will not be allowed to see you again." She saw the concern on his face, he didn't hide his emotions well, "Relax, we aren't going to cut your penis off."

  "It wouldn't matter even if you did."

  Professor Shale didn't wait for him to accept the courts authority in the matter; she started right in, "It's that attitude that has brought you in front of this council." She pointed to an overstuffed chair, "Have a seat."

  Chet did as she asked; Dana sat in one just like it.

  "We will start with all of the charges against you, and then you can answer them. Item, a member o
f the Phi Delta Theta Sorority did on several occasions kiss you, and you did not return her affection. All of her tries were rejected outright."

  "Item, the same member of this sorority wanted to take you to her bed, and you refused, and she claims that every time she got you aroused you told her to find someone her own age."

  Dana burst out crying, "What's wrong with me?"

  Chet was miserable, "Guilty as charged professor -- ah -- your honor. Can I go now?"

  "Of course you can go; you are free to leave whenever you wish. The purpose of all of this is to get to the truth. Something is wrong, and if we can we want to fix it. If we can't, then you two can go your separate ways. Give us a chance."

  Chet gave a long sigh, "Item, every time her sorority sisters see us together, they make me feel like a leper. They preach tolerance and acceptance, but it appears they are tolerant of and accept only what they like, not what they don't like. I don't want to sound mean or anything, because I happen to agree with them in this case." He gave a fond look at Dana. "Item, I don't return her affection, even though I would like to, because I know her life would be better if she found a younger man to share her life with. I believe she will be happier when she gets over me and whatever is making her feel this way."

  He turned towards the judges, "I was surprised when she got a reaction from me, down there. I thought I would never feel that in my life again. But, even when it happened, I knew I couldn't go through with it." He paused, thinking, "I'd be a liar if I said I didn't find her attractive, but I could never satisfy her on any level. Dana is sweet and intelligent, I find her extremely interesting, and any man would be honored to be a part of her life."

  Dana started crying again, "I don't understand any of this," she saw a tear run down Chet's face.

  "Look, I never meant for any of this to happen." He closed his eyes, "I am starting to have feelings for her, which is why we have to stop seeing each other." He stood and walked over to Dana, "You're friends and sorority sisters will never accept us. You have your whole life in front of you, and I'm the wrong choice."

  He turned to leave, but was stopped by professor Shale, "Please come back." Chet reluctantly turned back around, and sat down in the chair. He watched the three judges talking among themselves. Professor Shale started, "Before we pass judgement on this, we need more information from you. Do you agree to abide by our ruling, whatever it is?"


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