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Arousing Family

Page 69

by Emelia Andersen

  I could be just as stubborn as she was. I could tell she was more than disappointed. Probably very angry because she looked at me for a long moment and then said, "OK, if that's the way you want it."

  The next week she didn't come home until after I was asleep but I woke up when I heard the shower running at 2 am. She never showered when she came home on any of the previous Thursdays. I was feigning sleep with my back to her when she got into bed and kissed my shoulder.

  "It's a good thing you won't ask," she whispered, "because now I won't have to tell."

  God damn it, what had she done! I laid there stewing, my imagination running wild. In the morning at breakfast I refused to say anything about what time she got home or ask about what she had done. But the tension between us was palpable. I didn't even kiss her goodbye when I left for work.

  I was more than a little annoyed at what was going on and I decided to check out the Cougar's Club for myself. I went there for lunch; it was a pretty big place with two big bars with a large settee area in between. Sofas and love seats and hassocks spread out. The restaurant was an after thought, tucked in the back behind a small dance floor. Everything done in dark colors and dim even in the afternoon.

  I sat at the bar and watched the few people there, three women sitting singly, two of whom soon paired up with two guys. I said to the bar tender, indicating the women with a nod of my head. "Not much action today?"

  "Naw," he said, "never is much during the day, mostly housewives who can't get out at night. The real action is mostly nights, Thursday night seems to attract the married ones and Friday and Saturday nights, the single women."

  "How real is the action?"

  "Well we don't allow any obvious fucking but almost anything up to that goes on. I've heard plenty of women getting it off while they were wrapped around some guy."

  I took out my wallet, I had a head shot of Lila in it. I laid it on the bar.

  "Ever seen this woman in here?" I laid a $100 dollar bill next to it.

  "Yeah, she comes in a couple of times a week." Another hundred on top of the first.

  "Days or evenings?" Another hundred

  "Sometimes during the day, every Thursday night." Another hundred

  "Does she ever hook up?" One more hundred.

  "Every time. That's one hot Mama."

  "Thanks," I said and I got up to leave.

  "Hey, don't forget your picture." he called out as I walked away.

  "I don't need it any more." was my parting remark.

  I told Janet Hobbs that we were going out to dinner next Thursday evening; pro bono would have to get along without us. She gave me a questioning look and I had to tell why.

  "Oh Max, I'm so sorry to hear this. What are you going to do?"

  "I don't know Janet. I really don't know what is going on. That's why I want to go there tonight to see for myself. I'm asking you out because I need a companion so I won't look out of place."

  She agreed to come with me and Thursday night we were in the club, in the settee area, sitting on a love seat, watching Lila waiting at the bar. I saw her face light up when he walked up to her. I saw the sparkle in her eye and her arms go around his neck when he kissed her hello. I saw his hands cup her ass as he pulled her to him and I saw her thrusting her hips as she rubbed her cunt on his thigh. She was humping him as he openly fondled her ass.

  They started walking in our direction and even in the dim light I was afraid she would recognize me so I quickly swung around and with the back of my head facing them. I kissed Janet. I heard them settle into the sofa near us and we could hear their muted conversation.

  "I have been dreaming about your cock all week," Lila said, "I can still feel it pulsing between my tits and spraying on my face. It made me cum when you did that."

  "It will be better when you let me cum inside of you. I want to feel your pussy clamping down on my cock when you cum tonight. Why are you holding me off? When are you going to let me in?"

  Ohhh god Larry," she moaned, "When you do that to me......Ooh please........ Larry.... Please, your cummmmmmmmmmmm.

  "I'm glad you listened to me and you didn't wear a bra tonight. Your tit is so soft and your nipple so hard."

  "Oh god, you make me so hot. I can't get enough of you. I'm cumming againnnnnnnn."

  "Lila please, let me fuck you. Sit on my cock, Nobody will know."

  "No, let me suck it first. I love the taste of your cum."

  "No, Lila. No I'll cum too soon. Ooh god........yes..... swallow it all......ooooh.

  It was all too much. Even though I was listening to my wife, I was kissing Janet and I didn't stop. My hand went to her tit and at first she tried to push it away but then her hand left mine and it went to my cock, my stiff hard cock, and she stroked it. I came in my pants and she followed when my hand rubbed her clit. Both of us had wet pants and we couldn't talk for fear of being overheard.

  But we could hear Larry, "Come home with me. Let me make love to you in my bed. Let me fill your pussy with my love juice and let me be your husband."

  "Larry, you're so sweet. But you're fifteen years younger than I am. We would never last as a couple. You are almost the same age as my daughter. Besides, I still love my husband; I don't want to leave him. I told you when we started; I just wanted to experience some different men."

  I stood up and lifted Janet with me. As I did I heard Lila continue, "Oh yes, right there........ooooooh yes...... on my clit.....your good.....

  Janet and I wended our way through the wriggling mass of bodies that now surrounded us and we made our way back to our cars. I said to her, "I'm embarrassed, that never should have happened."

  "I'm glad it did," she answered, "It's been too long for me since my husband died." She stepped in close and gave me a lingering kiss on the lips. "I enjoyed every bit of it. It's just too bad about your wife. What are you going to do?"

  "I don't know. She says she doesn't want to leave me. She said she still loves me. I guess I will have to blink and ask her what is going on. I have to know if she fucked him and if she will stop."

  "Good luck." was her parting comment and I went home to await Lila's return.

  It was after two am when she walked in the door. I was sitting in the den awaiting her return. She was not even trying to hide her tardiness.

  "Hi Max, I didn't expect you to waiting up for me."

  "I know you didn't but we have to talk. This can't go on."

  "What can't go on?"

  "Your going out on Thursday nights. Where do you go, Lila? What do you do?"

  "What happened to 'Don't ask, don't tell?" She countered my question with hers.

  "It's over, finished, and our marriage might be also. Did you fuck him, Lila?"

  "Our marriage, finished? Did I fuck who? What are you talking about?"

  You once told me that you did nothing to be ashamed of, nothing that you couldn't tell me about. Do you want to tell me what you did tonight?"

  She stood silently, her eyes downcast, her fingers nervously wrestling with one another.

  "I'm talking about Larry, the guy you have been meeting at the Cougar's Club. Did you fuck him tonight?"

  "No, I never fucked anyone but you."

  "I can see you are not wearing a bra. Are you wearing panties?"

  She didn't answer and the look on her face told me what I wanted to know.

  "He had his fingers in your pussy?"

  A whispered, "Yes. But never his cock"

  "He never had his cock in your mouth or in your ass," I questioned?

  Silence, which was answer enough.

  "Do you want to stay married to me?"

  "Yes," the tears were running now.

  "OK then you don't have to tell me anymore. You have had your experience with another man. That's as much as you are going to get. You have done things with anther man that you have never done with me. Things that you denied and refused me. It stops now or our marriage is finished. I love you but I w
ill not share you. It is going to be hard for us to get past this and if you do anything that resembles intimacy with anyone but me we are done. Do you understand and do you accept my conditions?"


  I accepted her desire to remain married and her promise to be faithful but it was never the same between us. There was never the same love and trust, never the same confidence in our relationship, never the same sharing of our lives. In the rare times when we made love it was more mechanical than passionate. Perhaps I always felt I was in competition with Larry, perhaps she was looking for something of him in me. The intimacy was gone from our marriage.

  It took less than two years for every thing to fall apart. I came home from work one evening to find the house empty, no Lila to greet me, no dinner waiting. Instead I found letter propped up on the kitchen table. It read,


  I'm so sorry for what happened to our marriage. It's all my fault and I accept the entire blame. I still love you, just not the way I once did and I am sure that you feel it's not the same either. It's just not like it was between us before I wanted to experience another man,

  I know some one has replaced me in you heart, I don't know who but she has come between us. I do know that I cannot remain in this farce of a marriage, knowing I was the one who destroyed it. You told me once I was playing with fire and I realize that I am the one who got burnt.

  I ran into Larry a few months ago and we have become lovers again. I find that now I am much more comfortable with him than I am with you. Maybe it's the guilt I am carrying. I am taking only what I came into our marriage with, my clothes (although they are more now than I had then) and my personal items. I want and deserve nothing else from you.

  When you want a divorce I will accept whatever terms you propose.

  I leave you with my best wishes and deepest regrets,


  There it was then, the final blow, my marriage was over. Of course the end had started with her decision to sample another man but the tipping point was my relationship with Janet. The evening at the Cougar's Club was only the beginning of an extra marital romance that grew way beyond that first evenings kisses.

  Janet and I had become very close working together on those pro bono evenings and even closer after we shared those kisses at the Cougar's Club. She became my personal assistant in the office and my mistress during our lengthened lunches and afternoon assignations. She was soon joining me on all of my out of town trips. The sex with her was incredible, much more varied and more intense than it ever was with Lila. I was spending so much time with her that I hardly came home to Lila. By the time Lila left, I didn't miss her at all. The strangest thing was that Janet never asked why I didn't marry her.

  Of course the reason was that I never divorced Lila. I knew the court would award her some share of my wealth and I had no desire to share any of it with Lila for the benefit of Larry. I had cut any financial ties to her the day after I read her letter. I had found out later, from my children, that she had moved in with him and had subsequently become pregnant. I had thought she was past that possibility, evidently so did she. Eventually, I heard that she had a boy and it must have upset their relationship because they separated shortly thereafter. Then I lost track of Lila, she just seemed to disappear.

  My children finished college and Janet's children entered their university years. This freed Janet to move in with me. We became a couple and everyone, even my children, seemed to accept the fact that we were as good as married. Everything was fine for about three years and then I got a call from an Officer Stanley Grabowski on a Thursday evening. Janet answered the phone, I watched her face as she handed it to me, "It's about Lila," she said.

  "You don't know me Councilor," he said, "but a couple of years ago you helped my brother in law get out of a wrongful conviction and I am now returning your favor. I broke up a bar room brawl a little while ago, two guys were fighting over a woman in a gin mill over on Third Street and I had to take them all into custody."

  "What's that got to do with me? I don't take on those kinds of cases."

  "The woman was egging them on telling them that winner could take her home."


  "The woman says she was your wife. I didn't want to book her without calling you first. I'm returning your favor."

  "I'll be right there."

  She was locked in to the back seat of the police cruiser, she had been screaming like a banshee. She was a mess, a black eye, clothes torn, makeup smeared all over her face, her voice now reduced to a hoarse whisper, she was drunk. I had never seen her like this.

  I thanked Grabowski and took her home and she started to fight back when I tried to get her into the house. I overpowered her and literally threw her into the shower, clothes and all, and turned it on cold and that seemed to shock her into some semblance of sanity. Janet was there and helped me get her to the point where I could get the clothes off of her and it was there that I got shocked. She has lost a lot of weight and was covered with bruises........and hickies. Tits, belly, inner thighs, neck and shoulders, covered with suck marks and bite marks.

  The next morning I had a doctor come to the house. I had helped him out of a malpractice problem and he owed me a favor. He took a lot of blood samples and after interviewing Lila and me, said if the blood tests confirmed his preliminary diagnosis; it was a simple case of menopausal and hormonal imbalances that he should be able to clear up. And that's what it turned out to be, early onset menopause that had her system completely out of whack.

  It seems she had been making her living on her back. She was whore, maybe she was still looking for variety. How she survived and supported her son was beyond my comprehension. The boy was with her roommate, another prostitute, and they were barely scraping out a living between the two of them. He was a cute kid, undernourished but with a lively personality. But what really got to me was that she had named him Max!

  It took a while, for her body to heal and a bit longer for her to regain her sanity and then the three of us sat down to talk. She realized what had she had done and that there was no going back to what we once had. I agreed to a divorce with a settlement that would let her get started in a new life, now that she was rational. Janet talked me into getting both Lila and her roommate jobs with a client of ours but on different shifts so someone would always with the boy.

  Because of my children I maintained contact with Lila and, I ended up monitoring her life. Now that she got the medical help she needed she kept her life in order. We both accepted that our break up was complete and could not be repaired. Besides, I was now completely in love with Janet, who I finally did marry. Max turned out to be a great kid and I became Uncle Max and a mentor to him. Maybe he will grow up to be a lawyer too.

  Regrets, I had a few. But I ended up with woman who I loved, perhaps more than the one I lost. It was Lila who had the most to regret but she now has her second son, who she seems to dote on. Maybe it all evened out.

  The End.

  Pretty Vacant

  "I'm not really hypnotized," Valerie said quietly. "I'm pretty tired, I'll admit. Pretty..." She paused, momentarily distracted by a gleam of light from Jacqueline's crystal pendant. "Um...vacant...but I'm not hypnotized."

  "Of course you're not," Jacqueline agreed. "You're just relaxed, that's all. You're relaxed and happy, feeling pleasantly sleepy and enjoying the sensation of listening to my words and watching the pendant."

  Valerie nodded. "I'm just watching the pendant," she said. She was so grateful to hear that Jacqueline wasn't going to disagree with her on this; after the long plane ride and the exhausting process of dragging her bags from the airport to the train station to the hotel, she didn't have the energy to argue with the bunkmate she'd been assigned to. Even thinking about thinking felt too hard right now. It was a relief to hear that the two of them could spend the night before the teachers' convention relaxing and chilling out, instead of bickering about whether you could really hypnotize someone agains
t their will. "I'm just relaxing."

  "Mm-hmm," Jacqueline murmured, her eyes fixed on Valerie's gaze. "You're relaxing deeper and deeper, Valerie." Valerie only kind of noticed Jacqueline's stare, though, because she was looking more at the pendant than at Jacqueline. But the pendant swung past Jacqueline's deep blue eyes, and every once in a while it felt like she would lose track of the pendant and sink into Jacqueline's gaze for a little while. But that was normal, when you were tired like this. You wound up zoning out every once in a while, not really thinking about much of anything. It was perfectly natural.

  "It's perfectly natural," Valerie repeated out loud. She hadn't even realized that Jacqueline had said it until she'd repeated it; she'd kind of blanked out, losing track of her surroundings for a moment while she stared at Jacqueline's pendant. But that wasn't the same as hypnosis. She was still aware of Jacqueline's voice, and Jacqueline's eyes, so she wasn't hypnotized. She remembered everything that Jacqueline said...eventually. That proved she wasn't hypnotized. She was just relaxed and happy, that was all. "I'm not hypnotized," she said, eager to make the fact clear to her temporary roommate.

  "No, you're not hypnotized," Jacqueline said, her voice calm and soothing as she agreed with everything Valerie said. "You're just tired, that's all. You're sleepy and relaxed, drifting and floating on a warm tide of pleasant drowsiness as you listen to my words and follow along with them."

  "Exactly," Valerie responded. She felt her head sink back into the pillows as she reclined onto the bed. It made it a little harder to see the pendant--she had to look up at it from this angle--but she was too drowsy to sit up much longer. "I'm just tired," she said. "It's been a long day."

  "Such a long, exhausting day," Jacqueline agreed. Valerie was so glad that she was being reasonable about this. She'd worried when she first met the other woman that she was going to be rooming with some sort of obnoxious kook, but Jacqueline was turning out to be so nice. "So exhausting that you're worn down. All the effort of travel has left you weary, deep down in your mind. You don't even want to think anymore."

  Valerie nodded enthusiastically. "I don't want to think anymore," she replied. That was exactly right. Jacqueline understood it perfectly. She didn't want to think about connecting flights or train tickets or registration forms, she just wanted to kick back and relax deeper and deeper. She just wanted to let her mind go...


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