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Arousing Family

Page 87

by Emelia Andersen

  "You want to fuckin' wreck my life, don't you, you fuckin' rapist!" she sneered.

  Her words felt like a verbal kick in the groin. Was I REALLY RAPING her?

  I decided to come completely clean with her, unleashing my hidden emotions of the greater part of my life.

  "But Holly, I want to have babies with you - not to wreck your life, but as part of joining our lives," I admitted. "They'll be the smartest kids on the planet. Holly, don't you see? I LOVE you. I always HAVE."

  I thrust deeper, kissing her cheeks, her nose, her forehead, and -- finally -- her lips.

  She seemed to be frozen in stunned silence. Finally, as I slowed my thrusting, she spoke.

  "You -- LOVE me?" she rasped.

  "And I'm going to spurt my cum inside you to make you mine! I've never loved anyone else!" I had lost all inhibition.

  "Holy SHIT!" she exclaimed. "You BASTARD!"

  Despite her words, I couldn't hold back. I increased the tempo of my thrusts as I continued to kiss and fondle her body.

  She went completely rigid just as my throbbing cock and balls could contain their enthusiasm no longer.

  "Holly, I'm going to cum! Cum with me! Oh, HOLLY!!!" I cried out. My orgasm erupted violently and my sperm spewed forth in search of Holly's egg.

  Tears flowed once again from Holly's eyes. She was shaking spasmodically, and I couldn't tell whether from anger or joy, from fear or sexual release.

  As my climax subsided, my brain began to overload. I desperately wanted to clear the air with her, but my alcoholic overindulgence at the bar, the strain of the role-playing, and the endorphin release of my orgasm conspired to overwhelm my fuzzy synapses. I rolled off Holly and onto the bed beside her, draping my arm across her chest. Without realizing it, I drifted off to sleep...

  * * * * *

  I awoke to bright sunlight filtering through the window. I had a splitting headache. I was hung over and needed some coffee. Where was I? Had I just been dreaming about Holly Grandal again?

  My brain slowly began to piece together the events of the night before. Had I really met up with Holly Grandal at a sports bar? Was this her apartment? Holly was not in the room.

  Oh, my GOD! Had I RAPED her?

  I pulled back the sheets in horror. Sure enough, there was a mixture of blood and semen on the sheets. I had taken her cherry. It was no dream.

  "Holly?" I called out, "Are you HERE, Holly?"

  No answer.

  I crawled out of bed, completely naked. I grabbed my clothes up off the floor and quickly dressed. After taking a piss in her toilet, being careful to raise the seat, I left Holly's apartment.

  Outside, I hailed a cab and gave him the address to my apartment. The cabbie gave me an odd stare. I stared back at him, taking in his turban and Middle Eastern appearance.

  It took me a moment to realize the source of his consternation: I was disheveled and smelled of raw sex. "Let's go," I said, ending the staredown. I guess he decided his fare was more important than his disdain. We headed toward my apartment.

  He dropped me off in front of my building. It was Saturday, so at least I didn't have to worry about being late for class amidst all my other troubles. I went upstairs to get a shower.

  The door to the bathroom was locked. I banged on the door, and my roommate Ted called out. "Just a minute, bro," he shouted.

  I heard the sound of a flush, and then water running in the sink. When he opened the door, the stench of shit stopped me in my tracks.

  "You might want to wait a minute to go in there, dude," Ted said, "Had to take a major dump. I left the fan on for you."

  "Sure, Ted," I said, backing away from the door.

  He was wrapped in a large gray bath towel, his hair still sopping wet. I couldn't tell whether the towel was supposed to be gray or just really needed to be washed.

  "You okay, dude?" he asked as he passed by me.

  "Sure," I replied.

  He stopped and sniffed. "You get laid?" he queried, looking me over.

  I was struck with the thought that he could just as well have been a disapproving cabbie, were it not for the smile on his face.

  "Well, sort of -- yeah," I answered.

  "Who was it?"

  "Oh, a girl I used to know in school," I said nonchalantly, trying to evade further discussion.

  I wanted to have my shower before the police arrived. Surely the aroma of crap had dissipated from the bathroom by now. And, if not, I knew where to find a can of Lysol under the sink.

  "Really?" he asked. "Was it that girl that called yesterday afternoon?"

  His words stopped me in my tracks. "What girl?" I asked.

  "Well, a girl called saying she went to school with you. Said she wanted to talk to you. Said she was having a problem and you were the only person she trusted to help her out." Ted hesitated as he saw the expression on my face.

  "Go on," I said.

  "It sounded important, so I told her where you'd be watching the game," he continued.

  I let out a gasp.

  "Well, you're the one who's too cheap to buy a cell phone. You sure you're okay?" Ted asked.

  Ted's revelation had stunned me. So it wasn't happenstance that Holly had run into me at the sports bar. She had sought me out! She knew all along that I WAS THE ONE she wanted to help her through her sick dilemma. I WAS THE ONE SHE WANTED TO TAKE HER CHERRY!

  That was the good news. But was there bad news? Had she truly changed her mind and tried to back out? Had I actually raped her? In a court of law, I would be guilty as charged. But in the court of Holly's mind and heart, where did I stand?

  "Dude, you need to sit down," Ted encouraged, "you look like you're about to pass out."

  I took his advice and allowed him to guide me to the couch. I sat as Ted went to the kitchen to pour me a cup of coffee. "Here, take this," he said, handing me my java.

  Ted went to his room to dress while I drank from the cup. The coffee helped with the hangover but not with the nagging fear.

  I finished up and headed toward the bathroom. Ted passed me in the hall. "I'll be back tonight," he said as he headed to the front door.

  As I showered, I thought about a myriad of possible interpretations and outcomes from the night before. I lingered in the stream of hot water, wishing I knew the answers, hoping for the best but preparing for the worst.

  After drying off, I dressed slowly, still thinking. I was just going to the kitchen to find some food when the doorbell rang. I felt a wave of panic. I was sure it was the police.

  When I opened the door, Holly stood in front of me, looking directly into my eyes. She looked radiant and beautiful, but her state of mind was unreadable.

  "You left this at my place," she said, handing me my Red Sox cap.

  "Thanks," I replied, my brain still addled.

  She didn't turn to leave.

  Here's where she slams the hammer down, my inner voice warned me. I waited for her to make the next move.

  She seemed to be taking a moment to work up her courage. Was the "rapist" accusation about to fly? Finally, she spoke.

  "Did you mean what you said last night, Derek?" she asked directly.

  "About what?" I feigned ignorance, hoping the word "rape" would not enter the conversation.

  "That you've always loved me..." she responded bluntly.

  I gazed directly into her clear blue eyes. "Yes, I meant it," I responded.

  "And that you want me to have your babies?"

  "Yes, I meant that too."

  She shook her head and closed her eyes. "You know what, Derek?"

  "No -- what?" I couldn't imagine what she was going to say.

  "This hell I was telling you about last night -- wanting to have sex but feeling like I had to save myself for marriage..."

  "Yes -- what about it?" I asked.

  "I didn't want to have sex with just anybody -- I wanted to have sex with YOU."

  I felt a little bit lighter in my chest. "Well, my roommate told me you called l
ooking for me..."

  "Yes, but then I got so nervous that I had to get drunk before I could work up the nerve to see you," she confessed.

  I was beginning to see the picture more clearly. "So you came looking for me to have sex with me. But that whole 'fear of hell' and 'need for non-consent' thing -- is that real?"

  "Scary real," she replied. "I wasn't just messing with your head."

  "So did I actually -- rape you?"

  There was a stricken look in her eyes.

  I feared the worst. I started to babble. "I mean, I would never want to hurt you or traumatize you, Holly. I was so conflicted, knowing that you said you WANTED me to rape you in order to help you out of your moral dilemma..."

  Her shoulders sagged and her head dropped. Then she looked back up at me, a tear once again forming in each eye.

  "Derek, I'm so sorry about that. I'm so messed up. I had to try to convince myself that I wasn't consenting. But Derek -- I wanted it -- wanted YOU -- SO MUCH."

  I breathed a sigh of relief. I reached out and gently stroked her cheek.

  "So does that mean I'm not going to jail, but you're going to hell?" I joked.

  I immediately wished I hadn't said it -- I felt like such an idiot, making fun of something that had given her such pain.

  I think she could see the remorse in my eyes. She smiled at me and stroked my cheek in return.

  "You took away that fear when you told me you loved me and wanted to have babies with me. Imagine that -- I find out just as you're plowing your cock into my pussy that it's more than just a physical act for you. I could have killed you right then and there!"

  "Is that why you called me a bastard?"

  "Damned straight. You see, Derek -- I've always loved you, too. I just didn't know you loved me in return. You were always so competitive. I thought you couldn't STAND me. So when you confessed your love last night, I was angry that you'd never shown any interest before, that we wasted all those years."

  "But, Holly -- oh, my gosh. I really BLEW it, didn't I?'"

  "Only for a season, Derek. What's meant to be is meant to be..."

  "And what's meant to be for US, Holly?"

  "You love me -- I love you. You want to have babies together -- I want to have babies together. So, in a spiritual sense, we're sort of -- married."

  "Your 'get out of hell free' card?" I quipped.

  "Something like that. The point is, I was struggling with saving myself for marriage because I've always been so attracted to you. But I was convinced you didn't love me and so would never marry me, so I couldn't give myself to you. It's a classic catch-22 situation. But now, everything has changed."

  I smiled at Holly. My dream girl was real. I wasn't a rapist -- I was a lover, a spiritual husband. Everything had changed, indeed.

  "Holly, why didn't YOU ever try to let me know about your feelings for ME?" I asked.

  She laughed light-heartedly. "In high school, why do you think I joined all the same clubs and activities as you did?" she asked.

  I stared blankly at her, still mentally processing the import of her confession.

  "It was to be near you," she continued, "heck, I'd have even joined the chess club if I didn't suck so bad at chess. I didn't want you to see me as weak."

  A lump was forming in my throat. Holly Grandal had always wanted to be near - ME?

  "Derek, I'd have even followed you to Boston College if my parents would have let me. I couldn't afford school on my own, even with some pretty good scholarships. I did the best I could to be near you. My parents always wanted the best for me, so they could hardly say no to Harvard."

  I reached out for her hand, entwining her fingers in mine. "So why didn't you contact me here in Boston before now?" I asked.

  "I wanted to - I desperately did. I found out where you lived. I'd go and stand outside your apartment building, across the street so as not to be noticed, hoping to catch a glimpse of you, wishing I had the courage to talk to you about my problem. But then I felt like such a stalker, and my inner demons were telling me you'd think I was a psycho." Her eyes were brimming with tears.

  True enough, her fragile mental state was worrisome to me. But not because I was afraid of her or repulsed by her, rather because I cared about her. I could see that she was a genuinely good person - not just beautiful, funny, and smart - who was tormented by her feelings and beliefs.

  I wiped tears from the corners of her eyes with my thumb.

  "It's okay, sweetheart," I said. Man, did it feel good to call her that in real life, not just in my dreams. "I don't think anything of the sort. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

  "You know, Derek," she smiled through her tears, "it's kind of ironic. I DID tell you how I felt about you, over and over, as we were growing up..."

  "How so?" I asked.

  "How many times have you heard me say, 'Catch me if you can!'?"

  "About a million..." I replied.

  "Don't you get it? I was trying to get you to PURSUE me, silly..."

  "Holy shit!" I exclaimed, "I never did get it. I can't believe how STUPID I am."

  "Don't say that about yourself, Derek," she chided, "you're the smartest man I've ever known. And besides -- you CAUGHT me." She winked and smiled at me.

  "I'm just wondering - not that it matters - but why did you leave me alone in your apartment this morning?" I queried.

  "I just walked down to the market for a few things. I was going to scrounge us up some breakfast. But when I got back you were gone. I was worried that maybe you were having second thoughts about what you had said - that maybe you didn't really mean it in the cold, sober light of day."

  I took her in my arms and held her tight, then locked lips with her for a slow, deliberate kiss. I wanted to remove any lingering doubts from her mind. Her tongue felt SO good against mine. It may have been five minutes before we came up for air.

  "So, my sweet girl, what am I going to do with you?" I asked absent-mindedly, not really thinking about what I was saying.

  "Is your roommate at home?" she asked.

  "Nah, he'll be back tonight. Did you want to thank him for ratting out my location yesterday?"

  "That's not exactly what I had in mind," Holly replied with a grin, "I was really just wondering if we were alone. I thought you might want to practice the 'making babies' thing with me..."

  The End.

  At First Light

  He woke up harder than ever. Spooning up against her he gently rubbed his naked cock against her silky PJ's. It had been almost three weeks since he came last and was oh so desperate. He knew he shouldn't wake her like this. She almost always never liked it, but his other head was taking over.

  After a few minutes he stopped and rolled over, tossing and turning. His rock hard shaft tormenting every fiber of his being.

  "Poor baby." he heard her whisper. "Come and snuggle."

  He rolled back over and she opened her legs just enough for him to slide his cock between them. "Don't move." she said as she began slowly rocking to and fro. The pressure of her thighs and the warmth of her pussy, so close, was maddening.

  He moaned and whimpered. "Please."

  "Mmm, no whining. You know I don't like it when you whine."

  He bit his lip and gripped the sheets as continued to tease him. She listened to his breathing and felt his body language. Changing pressure and tempo right up until he was one thrust away. He quivered and tensed as he tried to hold back his impending orgasm, knowing he did not yet have her permission to release. Then nothing. His cock throbbed and ached. Longing for any type of contact. After a few maddening minutes his body reflexively rubbed up against her.

  She purred and shifted her leg so that is was between his. "Hump it." she whispered.

  He froze.

  "Go ahead. Hump my leg."

  He tightened his leg around hers and slid his shaft along her leg. Moaning softly.

  "Yes, that's it. Hump my leg like a horny dog who can't control his urges."
br />   It was not yet light enough for her to see him blush from the humiliation of her commands and stinging remarks. However, they also excited him even more.

  "Maybe I could have you sit up and beg for a treat." she giggled.

  The without warning she pushed him off.

  He watched as she threw back the sheets and began to strip down. There was just enough light in the milky haze of the morning twilight for him to make out her beautiful features. She purred as she delicately ran her fingers across her skin. Teasing him with the sight of her nakedness. "Do you want this?"

  "Please. Oh, please."

  "Of course you do, but do you deserve it?"

  He gulped, knowing what his answer should be. "No, I do not, but if you would please just take pity on me this. . ."

  "Pity? No. You don't deserve this. . . And why?"

  He watched as she slid her hand down between her legs. He could barely make out the trimmed patch of hair above her vagina. The vagina that he so desperately wanted. "I don't deserve it because I'm naughty masturbator."

  "That's right. You'd rather hide and jerk off to porn on your computer rather than worship my beautiful gift." She leaned in and began to kiss him passionately and raked her nails down his skin. He reciprocated, hesitantly. Feeling her soft silky skin. His cock leaked freely from their foreplay. He wanted to cum so bad. His balls ached and his shaft throbbed at the prospect of actually being able to cum.

  Her deep kisses and his probing hands helped moisten her up for what she wanted. This also had the desired effect of making him even hornier. Hornier than he had to endure over the past few weeks. Her hands touched him everywhere but his swollen cock or balls, he in turn explored her body as if for the first time, but was not allowed to touch her pussy. She toyed with him as she got herself excited. Teasing him while he tried his very best to make sure she had the orgasm of her dreams.

  Without warning she stopped. "Get ready." she said plainly.

  Without question or hesitation he jumped out of bed and rolled out two condoms over his throbbing shaft. He quickly lay back down on the bed and she worked her way on top of him.


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