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Arousing Family

Page 135

by Emelia Andersen

  "I like perverted, Ed. Tell me."

  "I can't stop thinking about having sex, but without all the romance part. Just straight out fucking a woman from behind and walking away." I didn't break eye contact with her. "But the important part is that the first time I ever touch her is when I slide my cock into her pussy. The first time we touch would be as the head of my cock slowly opens up the folds of her vagina and I bury myself inside her."

  Terry stared back. "That sounds hot, Ed. I like your thinking. But can I add one thing?"

  I nodded.

  Terry glanced around again. "You never look at each other's faces. You never see them. Just the sex itself. No talking. No nothing. Just fucking."

  "From behind then," I added.

  "From behind," she confirmed.

  I looked around. "I can't stand this Terry. I want to fuck you so badly. Tomorrow is Saturday and no one will be down at the garage. Can you get away on a "shopping trip" for an hour, at like 7:00 before anyone else is up?"

  "Sure, I get up earlier than Greg and the kids, so it will be fine" she said.

  "Great. I'm an early riser too. I'll head down to the shop and get things ready. I'll leave the north most garage door unlocked. Drive in from the alley so passing cars won't see you. Pull open the door, park just inside, get out and close the door. Wear a dress with no panties. Lift your skirt up and bend over the hood of your car. After I know you are ready, I'll come out and, well, fuck you from behind."

  "Got it," she smiled.

  I turned and walked on to the concession stand. Terry headed back to her seat. I grabbed and couple of sodas and some popcorn and headed back also.

  My wife asked what took me so long. I told her there was a line in the bathroom. She ate some popcorn and never gave it another thought.

  The next morning I got up at 6:00, showered and headed down to the county garage. By 6:30 I was ready, hiding behind a rack of wiring, waiting. As I waited, I was thinking about Terry which made me hard as a rock. I wanted to fuck her, but didn't want to get into a regular thing that would make Greg suspicious. I had a plan for that.

  I heard a car pull up and glanced out as she lifted the garage door. She was looking back and forth down the alley. She wore a light jacket and a long sun dress. She pulled in and closed the door. She looked around in the mostly dark work area, and then turned and lifted her dress up over her hips and bent over, resting her elbows on the hood of the car. I wondered if she was wet, thinking about what was about to happen. I let her stand there exposing herself to me for a minute, and then quietly walked up behind her.

  I slowly unzipped my pants. At the first sound on my zipper Terry jumped. I let my pants and underwear fall to the floor. Terry spread her legs and moaned. I grabbed my cock and slowly guided it between her legs. I was careful not to touch her, until my cock first grazed against the lips of her pussy. As soon as I made first contact I leaned in hard and buried my cock in her pussy. She was soaking wet. We both moaned at the feeling. I grabbed her hips and started power fucking her. She laid down on the hood and started panting as I drove my cock in and out of her dripping hot vagina. She wasn't very tight, but I could feel her muscles squeezing me as I bottomed out inside her and my head pushed on her cervix.

  At that moment it hit me that I should have asked her if I could come inside her pussy. I knew I wasn't going to last long, but there was no turning back now. I slammed my cock home for another minute and felt the pressure build down below. I pushed as deep as I could into Terry and held the tip of my cock against her cervix as I shot stream after stream of sperm into her womb. She convulsed as her organism matched mine. Neither of us was breathing. The garage was quiet. She mumbled, "oh my God" and started to straighten up. I said, "shhh" and pushed her back down onto the hood of her car. I slowly pulled my spent cock from Terry's oozing pussy and wiped it on her ass cheeks. I pulled up my pants and slowly backed away from her. She didn't turn around.

  After a few minutes she sat up and looked around. I watched from my hiding spot as she reached between her legs and scooped the mixture of sperm and vaginal secretions from her crotch and licked her fingers. She was putting on a show for me. Then she grabbed some tissues from her car and wiped the juices from her cunt, ass and hands, lowered her dress and smoothed it out. She opened the garage door and looked both ways down the alley, backed out, closed the door and speed away.

  The next Friday night we were at another basketball game. Terry and Greg were there too. Terry glanced at me several times as the game started, then got up and went down to the concession stand. I followed a few minutes later and smiled to myself as I thought about what I would say to her. She was looking around waiting for me, as expected, probably planning our next encounter. As I approached she started to say something but I held up my hand and said, "Stop. Listen, Terry. I'm sorry I stood you up Saturday morning. I just couldn't go through with it. We're both married for God's sake." She stood there dumbfounded as I walked away and went to the bathroom.

  Terry wasn't back yet when I went back to the stands. I laughed to myself as I told a coworker of mine that I had to stop by the garage tonight after the game. Last weekend we found out that a homeless man had popped open the north garage door and spent the weekend there. I knew the lie would get back to Terry, and I just loved it.

  The End.

  My Precious Pet

  The sun shining in through the campus library windows was slowly going down, and it hit my eyes in just the right way as to make me squint and turn my head. Sighing, I closed my Chemistry textbook and looked around. Fellow students of Idaho Falls University milled around, using computers, checking out books, and completing homework, just as I had been doing. But now that I had been here for roughly two hours, it was time to go home and start my weekend.

  Darkness eclipsed my table, causing me to look up and see a guy closing the shade directly in my line of view. Mentally I thanked him, as the bright sunlight infiltrating my eyes was starting to give me a headache. Once the fabric was pulled down all the way and the black silhouette of guy came into focus, it took a lot of willpower not to keep staring at him. He was almost as tall as the window himself, and it was a good seven feet off the ground. His hair was jet black with what looked like turquoise streaks cutting through it, and was spiked severely in the back with long razor bangs covering almost half of his face. He was pale, but not overly so, and most shockingly, was staring right at me. I focused my attention on stuffing my books into my backpack when I heard a throat being cleared loudly in front of my table. Once again, my neck bent backwards to travel way up to see the face of the guy with the cool hair.

  "Hi there! I didn't know if the sun was bothering you as much as it was me, so I closed the shade. Hope that was okay."

  I momentarily startled at how deep this guy's voice was. He didn't sound his age, which I guessed to be around 23 or younger. It sounded much more mature and had a rumbling quality to it, like it was coming from his chest directly.

  "Oh, no. It's fine. I was just leaving anyway." I returned his warm smile and stood up, slinging my backpack over one shoulder. "Thanks for the thought though!"

  "No problem. My name's Avery, by the way. Are you a full time student here?"

  I accepted his hand shake with a nod of my head.

  "Yep. I'm here every weekday. My name is Sadie. Nice to meet you, Avery. Sorry I have to go so soon." In reality, I was really sorry I had to go, because this guy was what could be considered a super stud. Tall, built like a linebacker, angular but nicely proportioned face, and very intense grey eyes. I could have stayed there staring for another two hours.

  "It's cool. Maybe I'll see you on Monday. Have a good weekend!" His wide smile revealed straight, white teeth, and instantly activated a blushing reaction in my cheeks. I turned around fast to hide it, and gave him a lazy wave over my shoulder. I doubt we'd cross paths again, but it was still nice to get positive attention from a man.

  After driving home that evening, grabbing something
to eat, showering and getting ready for this party, I was finally on my way to my classmate Jenny's house. It was early October and the chill wind tried to blow my skirt up as I walked to my car. I didn't want to dress in anything fancy tonight, so I just donned a flowy black skirt and a low-cut peasant top of the same color. My plans didn't include staying at her house for very long anyway, so I didn't even put on a ton of heavy make-up. Just some eyeliner and neutral colored eyeshadow to bring out the deep brown of my irises. Parties weren't much of my thing, but Jenny was a sweet girl in my Speech class and had pleaded with me to make an appearance, so I agreed.

  Thankfully she lived close and it only took me five minutes to make the drive to her large house, which she shared with several other students. Parking was a nightmare, and I was surprised to find an empty spot of curb just around the block. It seemed a lot further once I got out and started walking however, as the wind had picked up the pace and was blowing my shoulder-length chestnut curls all around my face. I hadn't brought a jacket, either, so my clothes felt like they would be lifted right off. Needless to say, I was relieved when I made it to Jenny's wide open front door.

  The party was in full swing. Loud music with a very heavy bass line shook the walls, and every room was packed to the max with young people holding one or two drinks in their hands. I recognized some students from the University, but no one I was close to. Pushing through the many warm bodies of alcohol-filled students, I made my way through the living room, dining room, and finally to the kitchen, where I spotted Jenny by the counter, mixing drinks. I felt my creased forehead relax as a tiny bit of relief hit me, then made my way over to the smiling girl.

  "Hey Jenny!" I tapped her on the shoulder.

  Turning around with two drinks in her hand, she saw me and immediately beamed brighter.

  "Sadie!" Squealing, she quickly transferred the full cups to waiting hands, then embraced me tight. I was momentarily taken off guard, seeing as I didn't know her that well. But once I smelled the booze on her breath, it all made sense.

  "I am so glad you're here! Hopefully you can meet some new friends tonight. Doesn't it feel good to get out?" Holding my shoulders at arms length, Jenny stared at me expectantly with her big green eyes. Even though I smiled, her words picked at my brain. Was I really that transparent? I had never told her that I was a homebody, but maybe I gave off some sort of signal in class.

  "Oh, yeah. I'm super excited. This is a really nice set up you've got here." I motioned to the large house. Jenny nodded and turned to her makeshift bar, pulling forward a red plastic cup and a couple bottles of liquor.

  "Thanks, Sadie! Now how about I get you a drink... Let's see, you look like you'd enjoy something fruity and sweet." Her giggle made me shift a bit uncomfortably, but hey, I was at a party. Wasn't drinking what people were supposed to do? And it was Friday. I had no commitments this weekend, so one or two wouldn't hurt.

  "There you go!" In a flash, a colorful mixed drink was in my grasp, while Jenny had a hold of my upper arm and was starting to steer me through the house. She gave me the grand tour, stumbling every once in a while as we navigated through the happy crowd. The people were so numerous that eventually they kind of blurred together as one big mass. The strong drink I was chugging probably didn't help. Occasionally I stopped short, having thought I saw a tall head of spiky black hair standing in a corner, but whenever I looked back, he was gone. The thought of Avery being here sent a thrill through me, even though I had barely exchanged four sentences with him.

  Jenny and I made it back to the kitchen after a while, and after giving me another drink, she slipped off into the moving group of party-goers. I was left alone to my own devices, so I settled for standing in a corner of the kitchen, watching everyone making out, dancing, talking, laughing and just in general having fun. The desire to have more friendly and intimate connections crossed my mind, but just like the past 21 years of my life, I was too shy to do anything about it. Talking to strangers was never one of my strong points, especially when they were in such a big gathering as this. As loneliness started to infiltrate my mind, a flash of darkness to my left made me turn my head. In the doorway, I saw a tall guy with blue and black spiky hair moving into the living room. Something in my mood shifted, and a new reserve took hold as I downed the last of my sickly sweet concoction. Nearly throwing the cup onto the counter behind me, I strode towards the living room in search of Avery. I didn't want to stand alone at this party, and he had seemed friendly enough in the library. Maybe he would be interested in making friends.

  It was hard wiggling through all the drunken people, but once I was in the center of the living room, I looked up and turned around. Avery was nowhere to be seen. How impossible, though. I had surely seen him enough times tonight to know he was actually here... The maddening feeling of needing to know I was right took over, causing me to move as quickly through the house as possible. I searched upstairs and down, scanning every room for a guy standing a head above the rest, but to no avail. Now I was really starting to feel foolish. Maybe I had drank those cocktails a little too fast. My vision was starting to wobble a bit, so I decided then and there to call it a night. In no time I had found Jenny and told her goodbye, apologizing at her protests that I had only stayed an hour. Eventually she understood that I was tired and hugged me. As I walked to my car, the brief thought nagged at me that maybe I shouldn't drive, but I wasn't terribly smashed. Plus, I only lived five minutes away.

  The ride home was thankfully uneventful, and it felt so good to slip out of my clothes that reeked of alcohol. I put on a simple black sleeveless nightgown, brushed my teeth, and was in bed before midnight. The quiet solitude of my apartment was a stark contrast to the loud, busy environment of the party. It left me with a small bit of longing for more interaction, and I turned on my side while curling up so the ache in my belly would lessen. How hard could it be to make more of an effort to gain friends? On one hand, I had just moved to Idaho Falls not three months ago, but on the other, I knew I'd always had trouble making connections. Closing my eyes, I reassured my overactive mind that in time, things would be better. I did just attend a party, even if for only an hour. But it was a start, right? Positive mantras of that type continued to occupy my thoughts until sleep was inevitable.

  My name. Someone was calling my name. As my eyes snapped open, I laid stock-still, straining to hear the noise I had just heard. I was in that place between consciousness and sleep where I had almost drifted off, but could awaken at a moment's notice at the tiniest thing. Which is exactly what happened. After a few moments, I heard nothing, and finally dared to breathe. Was I dreaming it? My name had floated through my mind drawn out and soft, like a Siren calling out to me. But it had sounded so distant.


  I froze once again, every part of my body on high alert. There was no mistaking it that time. The voice was close; Too close. And nothing short of menacing. Quickly flipping onto my back, I raised my head and strained to see anything in the pitch darkness of my room. Nothing seemed out of place, but all at once I knew I wasn't alone. Even though I was unable to see, I detected movement at the foot of my bed. Some black shape was getting closer and closer, and the pulse in my head threatened to deafen me. I trembled like the ground in an earthquake as pressure on my mattress quickly pressed down all around me, and whoever or whatever was in my room covered my body with it's own. Whimpers like that of a scared puppy escaped my throat, while my eyes riveted to the outline of a pale face lowering itself directly to mine. A deep chuckle vibrated over my chest, and in that moment I thought I might faint.

  "Hello, Sadie. You seem to have had quite the busy day. Maybe it would be a good idea for you to go back to sleep..."

  That voice was so familiar. So deep and rich, unlike any man I had ever heard. Before I could put the obvious thought together, two eyes right above mine began to glow a bright red, much like those lit signs in shop fronts. I couldn't look away, nor did I want to. Something drew me i
nto them, and even though in the back of my mind I was screaming bloody murder, my body relaxed completely as the man's red eyes burned intensely. The only thought I had was to keep staring, to melt into his gaze. His eyes were the only thing I lived for as they carried me into oblivion.

  The End.

  A Succubus in the Shower

  Erin hadn't been in many girl's locker rooms, but she could tell this one was nice. Someone had been writing the university some very generous checks. She checked her watch and thought for a moment. She had ten minutes until her 'guest' arrived, and maybe thirty before Stace might show up. Plenty of time. She disrobed casually, tossing things about in a way that could be thought of as "carefree".

  Despite being a newer facility the ladies shower lacked for private stalls. It was just one big communal shower. If she had to use this shower on a regular basis it might have bothered her, but for what she planned to do it was perfect.

  The air was chilly and made her nipples stand to attention. Turning, she faced the entrance and covered her breasts with one arm and genitals with another. She made a face, practicing, and tried to make her voice sound both surprised and afraid.

  "My goodness Coach! I didn't realize you would be here!"

  She dropped her hands and expression. Erin had never liked Theater and was worried that he wouldn't buy it. Well, he might seriously scare her by accident. Maybe she wouldn't have to act. Well, she'd try if she had to.

  She walked around the room, turning shower knobs as she went. Only eight knobs, but that was plenty. The room quickly filled up with steam and moisture. It quickly chased away the chill that had aroused her nipples. Stepping under one of the streams, she began to soap her body, making everything nice and slippery.

  Erin wasn't a knock-out, but she was incredibly cute. A short pageboy haircut had given her a newfound innocent look which she liked, since it was a lie. Her chest was capped by a respectable C cup, and her butt. Mmm, the butt was nice. She gave it a slap now to hear it accompany the rushing water.


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