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Copycat Killer

Page 20

by Hermione Stark

  There is a momentary glint in her eyes that almost seems like a victory. It makes me want to slap her. But it disappears before I can be sure it was there.

  When she speaks her voice is gentle. “I see. It’s not difficult to imagine in those circumstances why the death of a loved one must have impacted you particularly hard.” She frowns. “I usually only work with otherkind.”

  “You could have said that at the start,” I say, feeling resentful. If she is trying to find out about my origins, that is a step too far. I have no intention of discussing my confusion about what I am with her or anyone. Ever. “I’m human, as far as I know.”

  “You’re not a succubus?” she says with a frown.

  “What makes you say that?”

  “Experience,” she says, but something in her eyes tells me that this was not it at all. “I sense that you’re not accustomed to asking for help. It means a lot to me that you did, Diana. So I will book you in for a couple of sessions and we can see how it goes from there.”

  “Oh thank God,” I say in a rush. I had been severely worried that she was going to refuse me. “Storm said if I got some professional help it was the first step towards getting my job back. I means a lot to me. Thank you.”

  I reach out and I hug her. She stiffens in my arms, as if shocked. And then her one arm pats me gently on the back, reassuring me that everything is going to be okay. When I step back from her, I quickly wipe away tears from my eyes.

  “Sorry,” I mutter. “I never cry. I thought it was going to be really hard to trust you because—”

  I cut myself off abruptly, averting my gaze and looking down at the ground.

  “Because what?” She sounds curious.

  I shake my head. “It’s stupid.”

  “Tell me.”

  “I used to see this psychiatrist back when I lived in America, and he was helping me with trying to recover my memories and other things. His name was Dr Carrington.” My eyes flick up to check her reaction.

  She has gone still. She waits for me to continue, not giving anything away.

  “Dr Carrington was the one who tried to abduct me and nearly got me killed,” I say.

  “How terrible.”

  “It’s just your perfume,” I say. “That apple scent. But it’s smoky too, because it’s not just perfume is it? It’s an e-cigarette. Apple flavored. That’s where you were going right now, isn't it? For a smoke?”

  Her eyebrows rise. “Not exactly a pleasant habit to admit to,” she confesses. “But what of it?”

  “I’ve smelled it before once. That exact same scent. It was the last time I saw Dr Carrington. He’d come to my house for a visit, and the car that he’d used was parked in our driveway. There was someone still inside it. Someone smoking that same apple-scented cigarette. So I guess when I met you I must’ve subconsciously remembered that and my old life, and felt uneasy.”

  She gives the little laugh. “Scent-memories can evoke strong subconscious associations. Even mistaken ones. A lot of people smoke apple-flavored e-cigarettes.”

  “True,” I say. “I knew that it probably wasn’t you. I don’t even know if my memory of the car and the cigarette was all real. Because I’m psychic too. But you must already know that, from seeing me talking to Raif Silverstone’s ghost when we were both in the morgue waiting room.”

  “Yes,” she confesses. “I did think that was rather odd. It took me by surprise.”

  “But you didn’t react,” I say. “And in hindsight that was a really strange thing for me when I realized it.”

  “In my job you get used to odd things, and I didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.”

  “But you knew it was Raif’s ghost I was talking to? Weren’t you curious? Didn’t you want me to ask him anything about what happened to him?”

  “In hindsight, yes. But I have to admit that it took me by surprise of the time. What did he say?”

  “He was babbling. He wasn’t really making sense, I’m afraid. His remnant was fading quite fast and was nearly already gone.” I watch her face, and I cannot quite tell if I see a hint of relief on it.

  “That’s a pity. It would have been incredible had he been able to tell you what happened.”

  “True,” I say. “But the point I was making was that I’m psychic. I’ll admit the thing that made me scream in Raif’s office was that being in your presence gave me a vision.”

  She is watching my face eagerly, her eyes riveted, and I sense her nervousness. But her shoulders are stiff and defensive. No matter what I say, she knows that she is perfectly placed to deny it.

  Just say it already, snaps the little voice. I want to see the look on her face.

  But what if we’re wrong? I ask.

  We might be, she says firmly, but we won’t know until you say it.

  “In the vision,” I continue. “I saw you in Otherworld. You were younger than you are now. Probably around my age. And you were wearing a wedding dress, white, with a beautiful lace veil. But you were marrying Dr Carrington. And it was such a shock to me that I screamed.”

  She has gone perfectly still, her face pale. “I’m so sorry,” I say. “I didn't want to bring up bad memories for you.”

  “I don’t know what you mean,” she says.

  “He was an awful man. So controlling and clever and relentless. It must have taken a lot of courage for you to leave him and start this new life. I imagine you’ve had to change your name and everything. You must have been so worried that he would find you.”

  Her eyes are wide. Hands trembling. I take hold of one gently. I squeeze her fingers. “I’m sorry that you went through that. It must have been terrible for you. And I’m so sorry to bring it up here and now. I just… I just really needed to tell you that I know. So that we can trust each other.”

  She gives a brief jerky nod of her head. When she speaks her voice is husky with held back tears. “I never knew what kind of man he was until it was too late,” she whispers. “What kind of business he ran. How he used people. I just can’t believe how he was able to keep it from me for so long.”

  I nod. “I know what you mean. Everyone thought he was so wonderful. He hid it so well.”

  Her voice turns angry. “He turned me into a fool. I felt so stupid. And then I was so scared because no one would believe me. The whole community adored him and thought he was doing wonderful work. And in the end I just had to leave.”

  “And that’s why you started your charity. To help young women. To make up in your own way for the awful things your husband did.”

  She nods. “To make it right. But it’s never enough. Never enough.”

  I clutch her hand sympathetically. “But it is! It’s why you’re the perfect person to help people like me. The only one we can trust. Because you know what that was like. And you were strong. You survived it. You came through the other end, and I just really need someone to show me how to do that. To stop being so angry and afraid all the time.”

  She sniffs, and quickly wipes away the tears that had been shining in her eyes. This time it is her who hugs me, wrapping me tightly in a warm embrace. “Thanks for trusting me,” she whispers huskily.

  We both break apart, giggling a little. “So if I give you my phone number, will you call me with an appointment?” I ask a little anxiously.

  “Of course I will.” She takes out a little case from her purse and hands me a business card. “You can call me anytime.”

  “Thank you. And I’ll be sure to text you my number.” I smile at her, turning away slightly because everything just feels overly awkward now. “If I stay here am just gonna keep thanking you,” I tell her. She laughs as I turn to walk away.

  I swing back towards her suddenly. “Beatrice, sorry, one last thing.”

  She had been walking away, but she halts. “Yes, of course?”

  “Raif did mention one thing when I saw him. He was talking about a key? To a safe-deposit box, I think? Or a locker? Do you know what he was talking about?”r />
  She shakes her head. “Sorry. No idea. It probably wasn’t important.”

  “You’re right. I mean Storm’s team are sure the murderer was after Lynesse and poor Raif just got in the way. She was the gorgeous succubus, newly engaged to the famous actor and all that. And it happened at her house. It would be so weird if it turned out to be about Raif after all.”

  “Exactly,” she says.

  “Anyway, just forget I said anything. It probably isn’t relevant. I’ll let Storm know, though. He likes to cover all his bases. He’ll probably want to do another search of Raif’s place to make sure they didn’t miss anything.”

  I walk away slowly, and I am sure I can feel her eyes on my back.

  Nicely done, says the little voice. Now we’ll see.

  Chapter 22


  Caprio rolls to his side on the ground, groaning as Storm handcuffs him.

  “What the hell are you doing, man?” he says. “This isn’t fair.”

  Storm finishes reading him his rights and yanks him upright onto his feet. Remi limps over. She takes off her broken-heeled shoe, looking mightily angry at it. “Serves me right for wearing a human-made shoe,” she mutters.

  “As opposed to what?” says Monroe, catching up to her.

  “Goblin-made of course. You wouldn’t get a goblin-made shoe that couldn't take a beating.”

  “Shoes?” Caprio roars. “What the hell are you talking about? You tricked me! And I never assaulted no one!”

  “Sure you did,” says Remi. “My poor foot is gonna bruise up any second now.”

  “Calm down,” says Storm. “We’re taking you down to our offices.”

  Storm’s phone rings in his pocket. He grabs it with one hand. Seeing that it is Diana, he hands Caprio over to Remi and Monroe. He moves away a little to answer the call, wanting to tell Diana the good news.

  “Hi, Di—”

  She cuts him off, babbling urgently into the phone, “I’ve got her, Storm! She was pretending to be nice to me, and she was oh-so-convincing, but I just know it!” Her voice is low like she is worried about being overheard by others.

  “What are you talking about Diana?”

  “Beatrice Grictor, of course. You have to come to Raif Silverstone’s house because everything is about to happen.”

  “Are you there now?” he asks sharply.

  “Not yet. Meet me there in say ninety minutes, okay?” She sounds odd, and more than a little strained.

  “No I will not!” Storm snaps. “Stay away from that house, Diana. We’ve secured it for evidence. And you promised me you’d let this Beatrice Grictor thing go.”

  “No. I promised to ask Beatrice for counseling, and I did. So that’s all done. Are you going to meet me there or not, Storm? I need you.”

  “You are not to go there, Diana,” Storm says, biting off each word tensely, trying to keep his anger in check. “We already have a suspect in custody. This case is over. Do you hear me?”

  Her tone changes suddenly to chipper and bright. “A suspect? Really? I hear you, boss man. It looks like you’ve won. Talk about spoiling all the fun. Toodle pip.” She hangs up.

  Storm slides his phone back in his pocket, wondering what the hell has gotten into her. He is going to have a serious word with her later. After he’s given himself a chance to calm down.

  Back at the van, Caprio is struggling with Monroe and Remi who are trying unsuccessfully to get him to take a seat. Caprio keeps yanking himself away from the van door and throwing himself onto the ground, determined not to get inside. Even at the cost of injuring himself.

  When he sees Storm approaching, Caprio bodily throws himself in the opposite direction.

  “Okay, okay!” Caprio pleads. “Look, I should have told you that I flew back to London early. I came to see a girl. Why should I stay on set while Jared was out having his fun? But the girl didn’t answer my calls okay? She didn’t want to see me, so I flew back to Ireland.”

  Remi smirks at Storm. “That was easy,” she mouths at him.

  “I want to call my pop!” Caprio yells.

  “Sure. You’ll get your phone call when we’re there,” she says.

  “Now. I want to call him now!”

  “That’s not how it works,” says Storm. “You can call him when you get to headquarters.”

  “And then you’ll answer some questions,” says Monroe. “Like how come your fingerprints were found where they shouldn't be.”

  “Of course my fingerprints are in Jared’s house. I’m his assistant!”

  “Nice try,” says Storm.

  “I knew you would think it was me!” Jared says. “So my fingerprints are in her bedroom. She wanted it, okay? She was always coming on to me. She couldn’t get enough.”

  “So you admit you were having an affair with Lynesse Jones?” says Remi.

  “So what? We’re consenting adults!”

  “And the baby was yours?”

  “She wouldn’t keep it. I loved her but she wouldn’t keep it.” Caprio is crying now, his face crumpling as tears pour down his cheeks. “I said we could get married, but she wanted the hot celebrity wedding with Jared and all the fame. She said she needed it.”

  “Sounds like motive for murder to me,” says Storm.

  “It wasn’t me!” he wails. “It was Jared. He must have found out. I bet he rigged the cameras even though we switched them off. He was so possessive. He was cheating on her, but he still wanted Lynesse all to himself. The pig! You haven’t seen how he gets when he’s angry. The guy gets off on playing a vampire hunter! He’s said he could do it for real!”

  “Sure, we can talk about all of that,” says Storm. He puts one hand on Caprio’s back and his other on top of Caprio’s head, and in one swift motion he forcibly bundles him into the van and secures him with restraining seat belts.

  “Wait!” shouts a voice. “What the hell is going on?” A panting Jared Everett has emerged from the embassy. He looks into the van and seems astonished to see Kris in hand cuffs.

  “Why are you arresting him?” He leans around Storm so that he can look at Jared. “Was it you, you bastard? Did you kill my sweet precious Lynesse?” He looks baffled, like he can’t quite believe it.

  “Your sweet precious Lynesse?” Jared scoffs. “Don’t make out like you weren't screwing anything in a skirt any chance you got. You didn’t care about Lynesse!”

  Everett’s face goes red. “It really gets your goat that the women want me. How is that my fault? So what if I had a little fun? Lynesse was the one I loved! She knew it!”

  “Yeah, then why was she screwing me every chance she got?” Caprio snaps, seeming to relish finally being able to throw his secret in Everett’s face. “While the others were throwing themselves at you, Lynesse was throwing herself at me!”

  Everett laughs. “You? She wouldn’t give you a second glance.”

  “I’ve had her,” Caprio sneers. “In your bed. In your lounge. Up against your favorite Jackson Pollock. She liked that. I had her from behind that time. She wanted to look at it while I banged her.”

  Everett’s face goes puce. Something about what Caprio said makes him believe it. “You bastard!” he chokes, barely able to get the words out. “I’ll kill you!”

  “You’ll have to wait,” says Storm, firmly pushing Everett back from the van. “Because your buddy here is in for a very long prison sentence.”

  Chapter 23


  Back off, I tell the little voice. Back off right now. I said I would take care of this.

  “You can’t take care of it,” she tells me, speaking out of my mouth as if it is hers. “You don’t even know where his house is.”

  She doesn't even bother to keep her voice low, and I am glad I had retreated to beyond the pillars at the edge of the ballroom to make my call to Storm. Fortunately there aren’t any other people in earshot. She had fought me for control the second I’d made my call to Storm, taking me by surprise.

warning you, I tell her. If you don’t give it up, I’ll force you, and then we’ll both have a headache. Is that what you want?

  “Look,” she murmurs reasonably. “You don’t even know where his house is. I do. And you don’t have a way to get there. I do. So just let me take care of this next part, okay?”


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