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Darkside Love Affair

Page 18

by Michelle Rosigliani

  I shut my eyes and conjured Charlotte’s charming face and contagious giggles, but instead of calming down, I became even more agitated. Question after question pounded in my head, creating a dire ache.

  Why had Charlotte been so affected by Brayden’s stupid assault? How frequently did she have those nightmares? Was she afraid of me? I groaned in frustration. Brayden’s stupid behavior and Bryson’s stupid tendency to encourage him in all the stupid things he did made me feel wrathful.

  Then a stinging hopelessness eclipsed the rage. Saturday night, while I had believed that the sweet, captivating flush animating her complexion, her ragged breath, or the heated nuance of her eyes were all symptoms induced by my seduction, they had only been the result of one too many glasses of wine.

  In the silence of the exercise room, I growled loudly. Maybe I had no effect on her whatsoever. Maybe the attraction between us had been completely one-sided.

  I hated feeling confused and being unable to do anything about it. But most of all, I hated that I couldn’t get immediately in touch with her. Despite the confusion, I missed her, but she was in D.C., so all I could do was throw another punch and wait.

  Turning off the lights and brushing my face with the towel draped around my neck, I locked the door of the exercise room and wearily made my way down the dark corridor to the living area. It was quiet, too quiet, and the quietness perturbed me.

  “Dude, you stink.” A voice spoke in the dark, making me jump and bare my teeth in a mute snarl.

  Suddenly, light bathed the space, revealing Kai and Brayden sitting leisurely on my sofa and Bryson leaning against the wall with his hand on the switch. They erupted into copious laughter, while I glared and tried very hard not to retaliate violently. After all, I was foully mad at them.

  “Look at him, scared like a little girl,” Brayden mocked. “You need a pink tutu to complete the picture.”

  “Why are you here?” I snapped.

  “Easy, don’t get your panties in a twist.”

  Kai was the eternal peace-maker. I directed my glare to him and absently prayed that I wouldn’t unleash my whole wrath on him. He had his part of the blame, but the responsible one for my fury, for Charlotte’s fears, was Brayden.

  “We figured we should pay you a visit if we want to see you. You’ve gone completely MIA.”

  Bryson moved from where he had been leaning against the wall and slumped negligently on the couch beside his brother. His face was, as usual, a combination of amusement and seriousness.

  “I’ve been working, unlike others present.”

  I cast them all a displeased glance, and both Bryson and Brayden rolled their eyes simultaneously. They weren’t brothers for nothing. Only Kai remained quiet and pensive in his corner, absently patting Kinga who napped serenely with her head in his lap. Apparently, whatever had ailed him a week ago, still did.

  “Only working? Nothing else?” Brayden and Bryson both laughed and winked conspiratorially, but I chose to ignore them. I wished they weren’t here so I wouldn’t strain to remain patient.

  “Have they tamed you already or are you up for a race tonight?”

  I glanced up at Brayden, wondering if he truly was an idiot. I had recently staged a race, which had ended with multiple injuries, a nice view of a prison cell from behind bars, and a signed deal with my father. My bruises were finally fading, and my ribs had finally stopped hurting. No, I did not want to race. I wanted Charlotte and that made me groan, unmindful of my audience.

  “Not necessarily to take part in it. Just to hang out,” Bryson said.

  He read me better than his reckless brother, so he cut in tentatively, cajoling, but ultimately, he failed to convince me.

  “I have to stay legit for a while.”

  “You can stay legit on the sidelines,” Brayden insisted. Once again, I ignored him.

  “Are you racing?” I asked Kai.

  He stared up, looking startled, then he nodded with a frown. “Why wouldn’t I?”

  “I don’t think you’re in the right frame of mind. You should stay on the sidelines tonight too.”

  “I’m a little old to be told what to do, don’t you think?”

  “I was not telling you what to do. I’m just worried about you.”

  Kai sighed and ran an impatient hand over his face then jumped to his feet, startling Kinga. Kicking a cushion, he walked to the window, brushing his jaw with furious fingers until a faint shade of red colored his skin. But through his unrest, he remained silent. I had never seen him this agitated or desolate.

  “Well, can we all be worried on the road?”

  My head snapped to Brayden with a scowl that I couldn’t hide. Thankfully, at that precise moment, the doorbell rang, and all our heads turned to the door. Kinga growled, preparing to bark, but fell silent once I fixed my scowl on her.

  I padded slowly down the small corridor that led to the door and opened it with a resigned sigh. I had expected to be faced with somebody contributing further to my growing irritation, perhaps my father, but when I opened the door my breath caught.

  “I know I might be trespassing or crossing a line, and I’m definitely abusing my power by showing up at your door unannounced, but I missed you. And I am on a mission.”


  She was on my doorstep, prattling while I stared at her like an idiot. She was really here. Her brown eyes shone with enthusiasm, and her fair skin glowed a charming shade of red. I itched to touch her skin, to feel the softness of her lips surrendering beneath mine, to have her lithe body writhing in my arms.

  Then I remembered, with a frustration that simply did not want to vanish, that we were not alone. Inside, a thick silence had settled. I could only imagine Brayden, Bryson, and Kai, all straining to hear who I was talking to and especially what about. They were worse than gossiping women sometimes.

  “I can leave.”

  Thrown between shock and frustration, I hadn’t realized she would interpret my silence the wrong way. One moment, Charlotte was looking expectantly at me, then gradually her face fell, and her enthusiasm vanished.

  “Come inside, Charlotte.” My voice came out sharper and louder than I had intended. She jumped but quickly stilled and watched me warily. Her former girlish enthusiasm was definitely gone. “Please,” I added and reached for her.

  When she gingerly placed her small hand in mine, I exhaled in relief, only then realizing I had been holding my breath. I opened the door wider so she could come inside, and Charlotte stepped closer. Her warmth radiated off her cheeks and tipped me in a calming haze.

  I cupped her face and let my thumb linger on her parted lips, absorbing the heat coming from the delicious depths of her mouth. Then I stepped to the side, allowing her to come in.

  Charlotte had hardly taken four steps inside when she halted abruptly, and I slammed right into her. My arm went instinctively around her waist to keep her from falling. Pressed tightly against my chest, I could almost feel her hectic heartbeat.

  I followed the trail of her eyes and landed on the surprised faces of Kai, Bryson, and Brayden—the very same who had assaulted her, the very same who still haunted her dreams.

  Damn it.

  My first instinct was to throw the three of them out, but the rational part of me knew that I had to make Charlotte understand that they were only three immature men, who had hardly wanted to really harm her.

  “I should go,” she muttered under her breath.

  Perhaps involuntarily, she pressed back into me, her instinct to flee back to her shell kicking in.


  My hands curled around her shoulders, keeping her in place, while I fought the urge to put myself between her and the glares coming from Brayden and Bryson. Kai was the only one watching the scene impassively, curiously even.

  “What is she doing here?” Brayden hissed and rose to his full height. In my one-arm embrace, Charlotte trembled and swallowed with difficulty.

  “You shut up!”

  “Who is she?”

  “I’m Charlotte Burton.”

  She lifted her chin, and a spark of defiance settled in her fearful eyes. She had no confidence in her own strength, but she was stronger and braver than she knew. Inexplicably, I felt so proud of her.

  “She is the reason you got into that firm? Are you a complete idiot?” Bryson’s voice went through the roof, causing Charlotte to stiffen like a rock.

  “Well, it’s not a surprise. He has always been a complete idiot,” Brayden spat, but I couldn’t tell whether the disdain was directed at Charlotte or at me.

  “I’ll let you get back to your friends,” she sneered quietly, and suddenly her impenetrable armor was up and tightly wrapped around herself. She backed away, both physically and emotionally, in a blink of an eye, and the beast within me roared furiously in protest.

  “No,” I said again and wrapped my hand around her elbow. She stilled. I tugged her back to me but refrained from enfolding her in my arms. “Charlotte, they won’t hurt you. They are irresponsible but not criminals.”

  “Don’t—” she snapped in a whisper. With her back to our audience, facing me, close but miles away, she quietly fumed and shuddered. She attempted sidestepping me, but when I didn’t move, she began speaking through clenched teeth, in lethal, furious whispers. “You asked me not to defend your father to you. I ask you not to defend them to me.”

  I had little to counter that. I ran my hand over my face and through my hair, but for once, the gesture didn’t help me calm down. In that precise moment, I was a breath away from spinning around and beating Brayden black and blue, like his own brother should have done long ago. Suddenly, a merciless headache threatened to make my head explode.

  “You should all go,” I snarled, and Charlotte gave a subtle start.

  They were smart enough to not argue this time. Brayden brushed past us without sparing a glance, arrogance and defiance in his every move. Bryson, surprised and a tad annoyed, walked slowly, assessing Charlotte as if she were a rare, dangerous specimen before he joined his brother.

  The last to go and the only one I felt regretful for having snarled at was Kai. With his shoulders drawn forward and a lost look in his eyes, he patted Kinga, who had hidden behind the couch, then strolled silently to the door. Just when I thought he would leave just as quietly, he stopped in front of Charlotte and watched us somberly.

  “I’m glad for you if you’re happy,” he told me.

  He sounded sincere and miserable at the same time. Charlotte looked up and apprehensively but intently perused him. The vehement tension that had coiled her whole body into a tight spring slowly dispersed. Apparently, she was quick to empathize with other’s misery.

  “So your awful disposition is still because of that woman.”

  Although Kai still concerned me, I allowed myself a breath of relief. At least, he wasn’t involved in unhealthy affairs. Only his heart was at risk, a situation I knew painfully well.

  “It is.”

  He nodded, and Charlotte’s eyes narrowed in surprise, then her brows knit in confusion. She did empathize. Kai headed for the door, his arm grazing against Charlotte’s. As if flames had swept over her skin, she jumped back, directly on my toe.

  “Easy,” I murmured against her hair and stroked her back reassuringly. Under my rhythmic touch, she slightly relaxed.

  “Hey, I won’t touch you,” Kai said, raising his hands by his head. He was grave, embarrassed, and remorseful, but at the same time, mischief danced at the corner of his lips. “Some parts of my anatomy still regret deeply the first time I did.”

  “And only time,” I punctuated with a low growl.

  “Got that.” Kai rolled his eyes, smiling. “Miss Burton, I am really sorry for our behavior. I don’t expect you to understand or turn a blind eye.”

  When Charlotte’s lips remained sealed, Kai sighed, nodded, and followed Brayden and Bryson outside. I made sure the door was locked then returned to Charlotte, who was standing rigidly at the edge of the living room, with her arms wrapped protectively around her torso.

  “Welcome to my humble abode.”

  Wrapping my arms around her waist, I propped my chin on her left shoulder. She had come to me on her own initiative when I least expected it. Perhaps she had missed my company just as I had missed hers. The thought brought an unexpected warm feeling and a huge grin that I hid in the crook of her neck.

  “You shouldn’t have asked them to leave.”

  Her voice was soft and nervous, a whisper that cast its spell on me with each note. I spun her in a pirouette so our chests brushed together. She looked up at me as nervously as she had spoken.

  “You should decide what you want, Charlotte.”

  “I don’t think I am in the position to ask you to kick your friends out.”

  She licked her lips and looked away. Her emotions hit me like a big ball of tension. I was so deeply attuned to her that I could identify her facial changes when she was restless.

  Her eyes crinkled just the slightest bit at the corners, and a crease appeared between her brows. Her mouth tightened and paled, and her gaze shifted from one spot to another. I itched to touch her, to kiss her. The unrest caused by her absence burned more avidly now that I fully realized what I had been missing.

  Brayden had been right in a way. I was a complete idiot—because when I got attached, I poured my whole essence into that person until she became all I needed and all I craved. And while I let myself be consumed, I became possessive, overprotective, and suffocating. Or so I had been told.

  I was too flawed to know how to love flawlessly.

  “What was that about?” Charlotte asked. She nodded to the door, wearing an expression that was both puzzled and pensive. She clearly referred to Kai. “Does he expect me to press charges?”

  “You should,” I told her sternly, caressing her soft, flushed cheeks with both my hands. “If the incident affected you this badly, you should have.”

  She shook her head firmly and a little bit gloomily but commented no more on the subject. I just wanted to pick up from the instant I opened the door and she assaulted me with her enthusiasm. I wished I had been alone when she arrived.

  “Smile for me, please.”

  Shyly, Charlotte looked up, thick, long lashes grazing against her cheeks. That blend of innocence and naughtiness of hers was my undoing. I bent and took her mouth in a slow, coaxing kiss that inevitably developed into an untamed crusade of tongues and lips and throaty moans. Then the strident sound of a bark interrupted the spell we had been under.

  “Christ,” Charlotte shrieked, and our teeth clinked together.

  “Now you deign to appear, you poor excuse of a dog.”

  Kinga darted from behind the couch and inched tensely yet curiously toward us. Charlotte tensed too, and Kinga barked again, wagging her tail.

  “Don’t be scared. She’s softer than a Chihuahua.”

  “Who is supposed to be on the list for most aggressive dogs.”

  I scoffed and suppressed a smile at Charlotte’s cautious countenance. Despite being a scary-looking Cane Corso, Kinga was as docile as a puppy. Or so she behaved when she was treated with the same docility. I disentangled myself from Charlotte to her sudden trepidation and kneeled before Kinga.

  “Kinga let’s show Charlotte how aggressive you can be. Roll. Good girl.”

  The most beautiful sound echoed behind me. Charlotte giggled, and the brightest beam covered her lovely face. Oh no, she wasn’t just lovely. She was breathtaking. And I wanted her to be mine. The realization stole my breath.

  “So you do have a dog.”

  “I found her when she was little, after a race, in a box. She weighed less than a rabbit and had her paws frosted. By the time I nurtured her back to health, I couldn’t just take her to a dog shelter.”

  “Quite the rescuer you are.”

  “Oh, Charlotte, I am far from that.”

  She shook her head with visible disbelief, but I was indeed far from
being a rescuer. In the end, I was the one who abused his power. I stood abruptly, with a curt movement of my hand signaling for Kinga to sit, then I continued what she had interrupted. At that very moment, I felt like the worst hunter.

  Charlotte gasped but met my assault without hesitation, without objection. I pillaged her mouth restlessly until neither of us could breathe. Our tongues stroked against each other in a feral, erotic dance. Her lips swelled under my inexorable plunder, but they kept molding firmly around mine.

  There was a fierce passion within Charlotte that screamed to be unleashed. The more she received, the more she longed for, mirroring my hunger.

  “I missed you too badly, Charlotte.”

  “You are not used to missing people,” she stated. She was breathless and flushed, and she looked properly kissed. Good.

  “No, I am not. And I think you are getting under my skin.”


  Taking advantage of her momentary surprise, I towed her to the couch and pulled her into my lap. Kinga’s attention never strayed from us, but otherwise, she remained seated as I had instructed her.

  Under my fascinated perusal, Charlotte fidgeted.

  “What?” she asked, blushing.

  “What mission were you talking about?” I asked instead of answering and began toying with a lock of her soft hair.


  She looked away, kneaded her hands, and blushed a deep crimson. Delectable.

  “Don’t get shy on me now.” I grabbed her chin and lifted her face. I was too greedy to allow her any form of evasion.

  “I think I should correct an assumption you have wrongly reached.”

  The mixture of shyness and determination as she looked at me with big doe eyes did strange things to me. It created chaos in the orderly emptiness inside me. I stroked her cheek, my fingers lingering on her lips. The more I touched, the less I wanted to stop.

  “Yes...” I nodded encouragingly while she quietly chewed on her bottom lip. When her eyes met mine again, she blurted everything in one breath.


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