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Owned by the Highlanders

Page 4

by Lily Harlem

  “Aye, I can. Thanks.” He needed to get his strength back. Get out of here, nice as it was. He wanted to find Kendal and find out what the hell was going on.

  “You won’t be going anywhere for a few days,” she said with a frown. “You need to recover from your injuries. You took a nasty blow to the head. You’ve been out cold for a long time. Longer than I’ve ever known anyone be out of it.”

  “I have enemies.” He stared into her eyes, wondering if they shared foe. “They may come here, to your home.”

  “I understand.” She held his gaze. “Enemies who seek to impose their king on us.”

  His chest slackened in relief. He was in the home of a fellow supporter of the cause. This woman, Lady Moira Campbell and her husband, the laird, were helping him not just from the goodness of their hearts but because they had the same vision for the future of Scotland as he had.

  “Stay there.” She rested her small hand on his shoulder, her touch gentle and soothing. “I’ll be back soon.”

  When she’d left the room he glanced at the window, wondering what time it was. There seemed to be a slight pink glow in the sky now and with that he guessed it wouldn’t be long before the birds started singing.

  But would morning bring Red Coats? His enemies. The last thing he wanted was to bring trouble to this threshold.

  She quickly returned with a small pot full of steaming broth. After perching on the side of the bed, she fed him a spoonful.

  “Thank you,” he said, after swallowing the hot, salty liquid that held a tang of beef and herbs.

  She smiled and stirred the broth.

  “Where is your husband?”

  She didn’t look up. Instead she rolled her lips in on themselves and pulled in a deep breath.

  Reid kept quiet.

  “He’s not here.”

  Still he said nothing.

  “He’s dead. I’m a widow.” She looked back up at him with a determination in her eyes.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault.”

  He accepted another spoonful of broth.

  “I live here alone now.” She slid her hand to her waist and he noticed a sheathed dagger attached to her bodice. “My brother is also not here.”

  “Where is he?”

  “He’s been gone a long time. I don’t know if he’ll return.” She blinked rapidly a few times but he saw no tears. “So I have naught choice but to maintain this house… alone.”

  “That puts you in a very vulnerable position,” he said. He’d only just met Lady Moira Campbell but concern filled his chest. “Surely you have a manservant about the place.”

  “No, I sent my maid home yesterday. Her family needed her. I’m more than capable of looking after myself.”

  He didn’t doubt that she could cook, clean, tend animals and pasture, but with murderous Red Coats in the vicinity, she was an easy target and they’d no doubt consider her to be just their type.

  She continued to feed him and he studied her face. Her skin was pale with a sprinkle of freckles on her nose. Her lips were rosy, as if rouged, but he was sure that was just their natural colour. They were very kissable too, as was her slender neck and the crease between the rise of her breasts.

  His cock stirred, a pleasant rush of blood and heat.

  His attention strayed to her hands as she held the bowl and repeatedly filled the dip of the spoon and carefully lifted it to his mouth.

  Her fingers were long, her nails short and clean, and there was elegance to her movements.

  He caught his breath as another sudden vision came to him—those hands, around his penis, masturbating him, working him to release, harder, faster, and with an expert touch.

  “What is it? Are you in pain?”

  “No.” He shifted his ass. His buttocks ached from not moving. “Well, no more pain than when I woke.”

  “The broth will help.”

  He gestured to his injured arm. “What did you do to me, while I slept?”

  “I stitched up the cut from the sword. It was deep.”

  “Anything else?”

  “I bathed your head wounds.”

  He waited for her to go on.

  “And I… I washed your feet.”

  “Aye, I can see that.” He wriggled his clean toes.

  Was he mistaken or could he make out a new glow in her cheeks? The light was dim so it was hard to tell. “I ken I was a filthy sight when I arrived.”

  “I suppose you could say that but I was mostly concerned with blood loss.”

  “Mmm.” He accepted another mouthful.

  “And your unconscious state.”

  “I really was out of it, huh.”


  “Makes a man vulnerable, wouldn’t you say? To be injured like that. Exposed.” He paused and lowered his voice. “For anyone to do what they want with him.”

  Ah, now he knew she was blushing. It was not only telling, it was incredibly sweet to witness.

  “I don’t know what you mean.” She glanced away.

  He smiled and continued to enjoy the tingle in his cock. He’d bet gold coins that his flashbacks of her touching him intimately, witnessing him come, were real and not dreams. Her reaction to his probing was a dead giveaway.

  But he decided to let it drop… for now. “The broth is good.”

  “I’m glad you like it. Here, this is the last of it for now.”

  He took it then licked his lips. “Thanks.”

  “You should try to sleep.” She set the bowl aside and nodded at the window. “It’s too early.”

  “I will.” The truth was he was exhausted again. Just a few minutes awake, watching her, talking to her, and eating had drained what scrap of energy he’d had.

  “Rest.” She sat back on the rocking chair, hands linked in her lap. “I’ll be here when you wake.”

  He sighed and closed his eyes. He hardly knew Lady Moira Campbell, but her presence was welcome. There was something soothing about her voice, her touch, her care, and he was glad of it.

  Perhaps when he’d regained some strength he’d ask her again about exactly where her pretty little hands had strayed when he’d been in slumber. But that would have to wait. Right now, all he needed was sleep.

  Chapter Six

  Moira bustled around the kitchen. She was making bread as Reid bathed in the drawing room before a roaring fire. She’d wanted to carry the tin bath upstairs for his ablutions, but he wouldn’t hear of her doing that, or her having to transport the water so far. In fact he’d helped her prepare it, his one good arm proving to be very strong despite what he’d gone through, and he’d carried several pails.

  She smiled as she worked the dough. Reid had been in her home for five days now and was making good progress. There seemed to be no lasting damage, thankfully, from his head wounds. And although the slash on his arm had been deep, and for a while inflamed, that was also on the mend. Soon she’d take the stitches out and he’d be able to start using it properly again.

  A dull thud sounded from across the hallway. She glanced to her left. Thinking of him naked in the tub had sped up her heart and quickened her breaths. He was a fine specimen of a Scotsman; handsome, strong, tall, and with a quick smile. As the days had gone on and his strength returned he’d become more conversational, telling her about the village he’d grown up in on the west coast and talking about his family, three brothers, who he hadn’t seen for nearly a year.

  She’d confessed how much she missed Bryce, and told him of her hopes for his safe return.

  ‘Young men get wanderlust. They can’t help it.’

  Reid’s words came back to her. Was that all it was? Bryce had simply wanted to travel the world?

  She finished working the dough and set it aside to prove. They’d have ham pie later, with bread if Reid was still hungry afterward. He had one heck of an appetite now he was out of his sick bed. He ate much more than Angus ever had. But then he was much bigger… in every sense.

bsp; Again there were noises from the drawing room. She guessed her houseguest had finished bathing. Should she go and see if he needed help dressing?

  No, he was perfectly capable now. Back to normal, just about.

  Which pleased her. Of course it did. But equally she knew what that meant. Soon he’d be on his way. Kendal, his friend, would return and they’d leave Leannan Creag to continue their fight for the cause.

  The thought of him getting hurt again created a sick feeling low in her belly. She couldn’t bear the very idea. It was as if he’d become part of her family, even though it had been only days. She cared for him… a lot.

  She washed her hands then wiped down the huge table in the middle of the kitchen. A quick glance outside told her all was well in the courtyard. The chickens were pecking around a bale of hay she’d allowed the tethered goats to nibble and the sun was shining on the vegetable patch.

  The archway was empty, as usual, no visitors today.


  She turned at the sound of Reid’s deep voice.

  He stood in the doorway wearing his freshly laundered kilt, nothing else. Although she’d seen his naked torso several times, it still took her breath away. He was broad and strong, his shoulders rounded with muscles and his pecs square and defined.

  She swallowed, her mouth suddenly dry, as she remembered how his abdomen had tensed like a dry stonewall as he’d released his pleasure.

  “Smells good in here.” He stepped into the kitchen. “What are you making?”

  “There’s ham pie cooking.”

  “Ham?” He raised his eyebrows.

  “I got it from my neighbour.”

  “He’s been here?” Reid looked out of the window. “Today?”

  “No. I got it last week when I went there to see about a dog.”

  “Ah, okay.” He turned to her. “The less people that know I’m here the better… for now. Do you understand?”

  “Aye, I understand.” But who would she tell? It wasn’t as if her home was overflowing with visitors these days.

  “Good.” He was standing close. She could smell the soap on his skin. An urge to touch him came over her and she rubbed the tips of her fingers over her palms.

  “Lady Campbell.”

  “I told you, please, call me Moira.”

  He inclined his head. “Forgive me. Moira.”

  She smiled, enjoying the way the sunlight caught in his damp hair and how his blue eyes glinted as he’d said her name.

  “Do you still need to wear this?” He reached out and set his hand on her waist.

  She caught her breath. His closeness, his touch, it was mesmerizing. “What do you mean?” Did he want her to undress?

  And would I if that’s what he desired?

  “This dagger, do you still need to wear it attached to your bodice?”

  “Oh… well, aye, I do. It’s for protection.”

  “But I’m here.” He tensed his jaw, a small muscle flexing beneath his clean-shaven flesh. “I will protect you. Naught will happen while I’m at your side.”

  He’d spoken with such conviction her chest squeezed and her belly tightened.

  “Nothing and no one will hurt you.” He slid his right hand upward, slowly, over her waist, then to her arm, her shoulder, and finally circled it around her neck, his fingers at her nape. “You, and your husband, may he rest in peace, should know that while I’m here you’re safe.”

  “Thank you.” And she was grateful for him being there, and for his strength as a man. “I feel safer with you here.”

  He smiled and lowered his face to hers.

  She held her breath. Was he going to kiss her? In that moment she realized how badly she wanted to know what it would feel like to have his lips on hers. What he’d taste like. How his mouth would move, if his tongue would probe and search for hers.

  “Can I ask you something?” His sweet breath washed over her cheek.


  He pulled her a little closer then set his mouth, not on her lips, but by her ear.

  She stared at the inglenook, her concentration not really on it. Having his naked chest so close to the exposed flesh of her décolletage was incredibly distracting.

  “I want to ask you,” he whispered. “Exactly what happened when…”

  “When?” she managed.

  “When I was sleeping.”

  “I don’t ken what you mean.” Her heart tripped over itself.

  “Aye, I think you do.”

  She knew full well what he was referring to. But he hadn’t been awake. Apart from one fitful moment when his eyes had flicked open for a split second he’d been asleep. Surely he didn’t know she’d taken his erection in hand, relieved the pressure, and played with him for her own amusement.

  My own amusement! Damn, it had been.

  “I have this memory,” he whispered hotly. “Of you next to me when I was naked.”

  “I… I bathed you.”

  “And for that I’m grateful.” His fingers tightened, the pads of them pressing on her flesh. “And I’m also grateful for the pleasure you gave my body when I knew only great pain.”

  She caught her breath. He’d known. All along, from the moment he’d woken in the middle of the night he’d been playing with her by not admitting he’d been aware of their encounter.

  “Oh, the memory is vague,” he said, his lips now touching the shell of her ear. “But something so delicious, so satisfying, cannot be ignored, no matter how much the body aches or the mind wanders.”

  “Reid.” She went to pull away but he held her firm by slipping his other hand around her waist. “Please, I…”

  “You what?” He pulled his face back and stared down at her.

  “I’m sorry.” Her cheeks were burning and her heart thumping.

  “Don’t be sorry. I enjoyed it.” He paused. “Just like I’m enjoying seeing your pretty pale cheeks turn red at the memory.”

  She couldn’t find any words to say even though her head was spinning with them.

  “You thought you’d gotten away with it, Moira, didn’t you?”

  “It was just that…”

  “I was there, with my big hard cock, and you wanted it.”

  She swallowed. “Something like that.” Raising her chin, she added. “It’s been a long time since Angus and I…” She paused. “A woman has needs too, you ken.”

  “Aye, I ken that.” He stepped her backward, so her shoulders touched the cool wall beside the window. “I ken exactly what a woman like you needs.”

  “Reid. What are you…?”

  “Shh.” He ran set his free hand on her waist. He gripped her dress and began to gather it upward.

  Air washed around her ankles, her knees, then her thighs as he bunched it upward, the material collecting over his forearm.

  “Reid,” she said again. “You can’t.”

  “I can’t what? Touch you?”

  No, he couldn’t. He shouldn’t. Damn it, she wanted him to.

  “You touched me,” he whispered. “Now it’s my turn.”

  “Oh, God.”

  “You think he’ll help you at this moment?”

  “Aye. No. I don’t ken.”

  He grinned. A seriously sexy grin, which made her knees go weaker than they already were. He was so damn handsome, and in this moment, predatory too. He wanted to touch her and there wasn’t anything she could do about it.

  “The problem is,” he said, “I don’t have the advantage of having you naked and unconscious on a bed like you did me.”

  “No. You don’t. I’m not.”

  The juncture of her thighs was exposed. He swiped his fingertips over her soft fluff of pubic hair.

  She caught her breath.

  “But I do have the advantage of having you here alone.”


  “Open your legs for me.” He tapped her ankle with his bare foot.

  “We shouldn’t.”

  “Open.” His eyes flashed wit
h desire. His breathing had sped up. He wanted her.

  She parted her legs.

  “Good girl. If I’d had to ask you again I would have been forced to spank your pretty ass.”


  He raised his eyebrows. “Actually I should do that anyway, so you’ll learn to ask before you touch, or wait to be told.”

  “No, please. Not a spanking. I don’t want one of those.”

  He set the tip of his nose on hers and slid through her soft folds.

  She groaned and fluttered her eyes closed. It had been so long.

  “Your husband spanked you, right?”

  “Aye.” She locked her knees as he applied pressure to her clit.

  “When you disobeyed.”

  “Ohh…” She reached out and gripped his shoulders. He was circling her special bud, two fingers delivering spine-tingling pleasure.

  “Tell me,” he said firmly. “What did he spank you for?”

  “If I disobeyed.” She gasped. “If I belittled myself by doing menial tasks.”


  “Sweeping the yard. Cleaning out the chicken coop.” Damn it. Thinking straight wasn’t easy with him doing wickedly good things to her.

  “He sounds like a man who knew how to keep his woman in line.”

  “Aye. He was a good man.”

  He tipped his head and set his lips over hers. His tongue probed forward and at the same time he sought her entrance and eased inside her cunny.

  She moaned, the sound catching in his mouth. It felt so damn good.

  He deepened the kiss and deepened his penetration of her. The heel of his hand caught on her clit and he massaged it as he began to finger her.

  She was dizzy with desire, with need. The pressure was building.

  “I want to watch you, the way you watched me,” he said against her lips. “I want to watch you find pleasure and release it.”

  “We shouldn’t.”

  “Aye, we should.” His mouth tilted in a slight smile. “We really should.”

  She knew he was right. Of course they should do this. Damn it. If he stopped now she’d die of frustration.

  He still had a hold of the back of her head and kept her face angled to his.

  She was breathing hard, panting. The tightness in her belly was a lightning strike waiting to happen and on and on he fed it with his ministrations.


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