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Do You Dare v1

Page 19

by James, Lylah

  A sudden spark of an idea had me silently gasping. Of course, I could make him smile. I knew exactly how.

  I let go of his hand and pointed at the building next to Berkshire Academy, opened every day, even the weekends. The library.

  “I dare you,” I started.

  “For fuck’s sake.”

  “I dare you to go in there, no clothes except your boxers.”

  He paused, watching me with his mouth agape. “Are you serious?”

  “Dead serious.” I crossed my arms over my chest.


  I nodded, fighting back a smile. “Only your boxers.”

  Oh, this was going to be a sight to see.

  “They’ll call the police,” Maddox said, still looking at me as if I had lost my mind.

  “That’s the point, Poodle.”

  He blinked, still looking surprised. “Holy shit, I corrupted you,” he gasped.

  My lips quirked up. “Do you dare, Coulter?”

  Maddox smirked, a playful and sinful as fuck smirk. “I accept this dare.”

  He quickly pulled his clothes off his body and handed them to me. He was partially… naked. His Calvin Klein boxers hung low around his hips, the crevice of his ass visible and my throat was suddenly parched. Fully clothed Maddox was… sexy.

  Partially naked Maddox was… gulp

  We were just friends, but damn it, I was a hormonal teenager who wasn’t scared to appreciate a fine specimen like Maddox Coulter.

  “Stop looking at my ass, Garcia.”

  “Stop prancing around me naked, Coulter.”

  He sneaked a glance over his shoulder. “I’ve a feeling this was your way of getting me naked. Are you feeling tempted, Sweet Cheeks?”

  “Tempted to kick your ass to Mars, yes.”

  He grinned. “Liar.”

  Fine, I was a liar.

  “Damn, it’s cold!” His teeth were chattering as he rubbed his hands up and down his arms.

  I stuck my tongue out and waved toward the library. “Off you go.”

  He jogged toward the entrance. “Do a little twerk,” I yelled after him.

  His warm laughter was heard through the cold breeze. I stalked after him and waited at the entrance, watching Maddox’s spectacle through the large glass windows. He pranced around the library, completely at ease and with a cocky smirk. He was completely comfortable in his skin. The people stared, speechless and in shock. A girl had her phone out, probably filming him. Some laughed, others looked outraged.

  Maddox paused in front of the old librarian, who was blushing and sputtering, bent down and did a half twerk against the granny before running off.

  I couldn’t hold my laughter in anymore. My stomach cramped, and I wheezed as he sprinted out of the library, the librarians and security guard at his heels.

  “Run!” he hollered at me, his smile wide and infectious.

  I took off, and we ran.

  We didn’t stop until we lost them. Hiding behind the dumpster, I tried to catch my breath.

  “Fuck, you’re crazy,” he gasped through his laughter.

  I elbowed him, grinning. “We make a good team, don’t we?”

  He smiled.

  A real fucking smile.

  My chest tightened, and my stomach did a crazy flip, like little butterflies dancing around in there.

  Maddox might seem like he had the world at his feet. He was Berkshire’s king, and he ruled with a cocky grin, though no one saw the pain behind that playful smile. To the world, he had everything everybody else wanted: money, status, friends, a scholarship and two beautiful, successful parents. He was untouchable.

  But he was still human.

  Maddox Coulter wasn’t invincible. He had multiple cracks and scars in his soul.

  He was a simple, seventeen year old boy, who only wanted his parents’ approval, with a little messy childhood and now, he starved for attention.

  I made him smile.

  I did it. And I’d continue to do so.

  One dare at a time, I’d chase his smiles–because I realize Maddox needed someone who cared enough about his happiness and his anger. And I did.



  The crowd cheered so loudly that I wondered if my eardrums were ever going to be the same. Excitement bubbled in my chest, and I felt giddy as the players strode out of the tunnel, leading to the football field. Maddox liked to have me accompany him to his practices but this was my first actual game. I knew absolutely nothing about football but I had to be here for Maddox. This was important to him, hence it was important to me.

  “MC! MC! Go Berkshire!” the girls screamed from behind me.

  Holy shit, this was huge and it was exhilarating.

  The cheerleaders were doing their own thing as the game started. All eyes were on the Berkshire players. I held my breath, and I couldn’t tear my eyes off the field. Riley grasped my hand in hers, and she was screaming at the top of her lungs.

  Maddox probably just scored a point because the crowd went wild, batshit crazy wild. I knew it was him because of the swagger as he trotted around the field, soaking up all the attention. He banged his fist against his chest, and our cheerleaders cheered even louder. I was too far away to see his face, but I could imagine the cocky grin. Yeah, this was definitely MC–Maddox Coulter, all macho and arrogant.

  Tonight was the last football game of the season. Due to the snow in January, the game got pushed back a few weeks. It was still cold as fuck, but our Berkshire boys were crushing the other team. I didn’t understand much about football or any sports for that matter, but when Riley and our people cheered, I did too.

  I tried to keep an eye on Maddox, but everything was happening too fast, so I had no idea what was going on.

  The audience hollered once more, “MC! MC! MC!”

  They were calling out to Maddox. He was the star football player, after all.

  There was one last touchdown before the field and crowd erupted. We… won?

  Holy shit, we won! Not that I was surprised or anything, but WE WON!

  I was never much of a sports fan; I didn’t much care about football, but this was Maddox’s passion–his whole fucking life. He was happy, which made me happy.

  Riley jumped, and I danced in my spot, laughing. “We won!” she shrieked.

  My heart thumped so loudly that I could hear the beats in my ears. What a night.

  Maddox paused at the edge of the field, and I was standing in the front row, courtesy of being the quarterback’s friend. He took off his helmet, smirking. His breathing was ragged, but the expression on his face was one of pleasure and bliss.

  Maddox wiggled his eyebrows at me as the girls surrounded him. A cheerleader rubbed herself against him, grabbed his face and landed a big kiss on his lips.

  Okaaayy then.

  More girls joined the group, all of them trying to cop a feel of Maddox. I sincerely worried for his ego. This couldn’t be healthy for a seventeen year old boy. So much arrogance and cockiness.

  He spared me a glance, challenging me with his gaze. I remembered the words he spoke to me before the game.

  Riley stood beside me, completely oblivious of what was about to happen. Maddox waited, giving me an infuriating look, as if he expected me to lose this stupid dare.

  Sincerely, fuck you, Maddox Coulter.

  As another girl wrapped her arms around him, I lunged into action.

  Do you dare?

  Ha. Ha. Ha.

  Riley let out a shocked gasp as I grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her forward. My mouth landed on hers, and her eyes flared in surprise. I pressed my lips harder against hers before pulling away.

  She wiped her mouth, sputtering and glaring. “What the fuck, Lila?”

  Shrugging, I gave her a sheepish look. “Maddox dared me, sorry.”

  “If I win the game, I dare you to kiss Riley,” he said, amusement flashing in his eyes. This was probably some woman on woman fantasy for him.
  “You can’t be serious!”

  His lips quirked up. “Do you dare?”

  I turned to face Maddox again, and he was chuckling. I flashed him the middle finger, and he laughed even harder. Maddox pulled away from all the girls as they tried to grab him, vying for his attention, but he shook his head.

  He said something to them and pointed at me. Everyone turned to stare at the same time.

  Suspicious, I squinted at him as he made his way to me.

  “What did you say to them?” I asked with my hands on my hips. My eyes narrowed on him.

  He smirked. “Told them my girlfriend was getting jealous.”

  Huh? Wait… what?

  I was in too much shock from his words that I didn’t see it coming until I was flung upside down and over his shoulder.

  “Maddox!” I screeched.

  He swatted my ass. “Be nice. These girls are driving me crazy, and you’re my escape plan.”

  “Let me down. Now!” I banged my fists into his back, feeling his muscles clench under my attack.

  “How about you be docile for five minutes?” He rumbled with a chuckle.

  Docile? Excuse me, DOCILE?

  I hit him with my fist again, although I was pretty sure he didn’t feel anything. “What am I? Your pet?” I snapped.

  Maddox hummed, thoughtfully. What a douchebag.

  “You’re such a wild chihuahua,” he said.

  “Careful, or you’ll end up with a nasty bite, Coulter.”

  His shoulders shook with silent laughter. “Bite me then, Garcia.”

  I rolled my eyes as he stalked away from the crowd with me over his shoulder, caveman style.

  Once we reached the boys’ locker room, he let me down, and I blew my hair out of my face. “Why are we here?”

  “I need a shower and then we’ll be on our way to the bonfire. Berkshire is celebrating tonight. I need my favorite person there.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest as he sauntered toward his locker. “You do realize if you keep grabbing me and throwing me over your shoulder like this, they will never believe that we’re just friends.”

  We were already getting weird looks. No one believed we were just friends. Maybe that was partially our fault.

  Maddox and I spent way too much time together. He’d hold my hands, kiss my cheek or throw an arm over my shoulders while we walked down the halls. He stole bites of my lunch, and we continued to play silly pranks on each other. At first, I hated the public displays of affection, but they grew on me, just like the rest of Maddox’s quirks. He still made inappropriate jokes, but he never tried to do anything… more.

  Maddox gave me a nonchalant half shrug. He removed his shoulder pads and stripped off his jersey before throwing it my way. “A souvenir, Sweet Cheeks.”

  “You really don’t care?” I asked.

  He didn’t bother to hide his amusement at my question. “Lila, people’s opinions don’t matter to me. You shouldn’t care either. They live to gossip while we’re living our lives to the fullest. So, who the fuck cares if they think we’re friends or we’re fucking?”

  Okay, true. Point taken.

  Two hours later, we were celebrating with the rest of the Berkshire students around bonfire. There was a lot of us here but the open field was big enough so it didn’t seem crowded. Bottles and cans of beer littered around us. A few guys were already a tad drunk, and they were laughing about something, pushing each other around.

  Maddox walked over with a beer in his hand and a paper plate in the other. “Got you some Hawaiian Teriyaki Chicken skewers.”

  I smiled, taking the plate from him. “Thanks.” I looked around, seeing all the smiles. “They sure love celebrating.”

  He took a long pull of his beer before wiping the corner of his mouth. His legs were lazily spread apart, and he was wearing black ripped jeans, expensive leather boots and a hat that probably cost more than my bra. Maddox looked like he owned the world–a god amongst us mere mortals.

  He licked his lips, grinning. “This is nothing. The real celebration is at Colton’s house next weekend.”

  My brows furrowed at that. “I don’t want to know.”

  I munched on my grilled skewers while slowly nursing my own beer. A moment later, Maddox tsked. “I’m bored. Let’s cause a little trouble.”

  He stood up and went to the middle of the field. He spread his arms out, smirking. “Let’s play a game,” he announced.

  The others hollered in agreement.

  Oh, no.

  His gaze found mine, mischief flashing in his eyes. I glared, trying to look severe, but my own lips twitched with a smile.

  Here comes trouble.



  I glanced down at my phone for probably the hundredth time, waiting for a text back. She wasn’t replying. I left school early today when Lila missed the first two classes. Now, I sat in my car in front of her grandparents’ home like a goddamn stalker. Worry gnawed at me because it was so unlike Lila to ghost me, and she never missed her classes.

  I did the same shit a few weeks ago. Bailed on her and ghosted everyone who tried to reach out to me. I didn’t expect her to turn the tables on me, and I didn’t like it, not one bit. Now, I understood how she felt when I wasn’t answering her phone calls and she found me in that tub, freezing and pissed drunk.

  Was she hurt?

  Did something happen?

  Why. The. Fuck. Won’t. She. Reply. To. My. Texts?

  Goddamn it!

  I slammed my fists against the steering wheel, slightly unhinged at the mere thought of Lila being hurt.

  I went to their grocery store today and found out that her grandma was home. Sure, I could have spoken with Sven, her Pops, but I’d rather not. He liked me enough, but he didn’t seem to trust any boys around his little Lila, even ones who were her friends and didn’t want to get in her pants.

  Okay, that was a fucking lie.

  I still wanted to get in her panties.

  Maybe he could read me better than I thought. Was I that obvious?

  Oh, she was my friend, but I still wanted to fuck your granddaughter. Up and down, sideways, on our knees, every fucking position.

  Well, yeah. No wonder he didn’t like, like me.

  I rang the doorbell, and Lila’s grandma opened the door, a pensive look on her face. She looked tired and weary. At the sight of me, she smiled a little. “Maddox, what are you doing here?”

  “Hi,” I said, peering behind her shoulder, expecting Lila to pop up. “Is Lila home? I tried to contact her, but she isn’t answering, so I grew worried.”

  She was silent for a moment, her eyes turning glassy. “You don’t know?” She spoke the words so softly that I almost missed them.

  My heart skittered a beat, and I started sweating. The blood rushed through my ears and my heart hammered in my ears. “Is… something wrong? Did something happen to her?”

  She shook her head. “You don’t know what today is?” she questioned, but then answered her own question before I could say a word. “She didn’t tell you. I’m not surprised. My Lila always suffers alone.”

  Suffers… alone?

  Fuck, no. She would never. Not alone.

  Lila had me.

  True, she didn’t need a hero to save the day, but the more I got to know her, the closer we grew–I wanted, no –I needed to protect her. Maybe it was to return the favor since she took care of me when I was at my weakest or simply because I…cared. I’d ever confess that out loud to her. She’d sock me in the face because Lila Garcia hated to be pitied.

  Except, I didn’t pity her.

  I just wanted to… protect her.

  “What are you saying? Is she hurt?”

  Her grandma gave me a heartbroken smile. “She’s been hurting for a long time.”

  That… hurt. Right there, in my fucking chest.

  Mrs. Wilson leaned against the doorframe, looking more haggard than her age. “Did you kno
w that Lila never cries? Never, except one day of the year. On that day, she cries alone; she hides her tears from everyone. That’s the only day she lets herself feel pain.”

  My heart nearly spilled out, and I rubbed my chest, trying to alleviate the ache. It didn’t stop the pain. It infiltrated my veins and my blood, for her.

  Her shoulders shook and slumped, as if she had finally been released from a heavy burden she carried. “My Lila is strong with a fragile heart,” she whispered.

  “Where is she right now? Where can I find her?” Even I could hear the urgency in my voice, the desperation.

  And I was not a desperate guy.

  But Lila made me feel many things I’d never felt before. Not for any other girl.

  “Lila left this morning. She’s at Sunset Park. You’ll find her sitting on a bench.”

  I nodded my thanks and took a step back, clenching my car keys in my hand. Sunset Park, I’d find my Lila there.


  I paused and glanced over my shoulder. “Yes?”

  “Are you Lila’s friend?”

  Confused, I blinked, and my brows furrowed. Grandma was well aware we were friends; we had been for months. But she stared at me, expectantly, as if her question held more meaning behind those simple words.

  And I realized they did.

  That question was powerful because it made me think about how important Lila was to me, how close we were and how much she meant to me. One simple question, and it put our whole relationship in perspective.

  Yes, I respected the hell out of Lila. She was smart, funny, wild and… caring.

  Yes, I still wanted a taste of her. Wanted it since I first laid eyes on her.

  But she meant more.

  We had each other–she got me and I got her.

  Suddenly, the idea of us being more than friends became taboo. Because if we were ever more than friends, we risked losing what we had now. A silent understanding. A friendship based on honesty and loyalty. Lila saw behind all my bullshit and didn’t let it deter her. She pushed and pushed until I cracked open in front of her. Lila and I were alike in so many ways, yet still… different. Maybe that was why we suited each other so well as friends. We balanced each other.


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