Book Read Free

The Reluctant Medium

Page 12

by GG Anderson

  “And what do I do?” Tyler looked around nervously.

  “You just don’t let me fall. Basically, you are here so I don’t take a dive down the stairs, or crash on the floor, or hit my head on the fireplace and bleed out right here” Ok, I may have been a tad over-dramatic, but all of those thoughts had gone through my head. “Oh, and a quick kiss to supercharge my sight would be good.”

  He kissed me, but not as deep as it could be. “Don’t let you die. Check,” he tried to joke, but I could see the tension behind his eyes. Who could blame him? This entire situation was completely crazy to the outside person.

  “Ok, so you good?” I asked, he nodded, and I took a deep breath.

  “You have been trying to get my attention for months. I am here. What can I help you with?”

  Silence answered me.

  Nothing moved but the twitch of his fingers gripping my hand.

  Then I felt it.

  The temperature dropped and the room wiggled.

  I focused again on staying grounded, staying calm. Breathing in and out as regularly as I could.

  “Please let me know what I can do for you.”

  The child appeared before me, just like in the window.

  Its eyes blinked and looked up at me.

  “Hi,” the tiny voice sounded high pitch and airy.

  “Hello, what is your name?”

  “Hi,” the child repeated.

  “My name is Savanah,” I continued.

  She faded from view only to reappear on the other side of Tyler.

  “Who this?” the little voice tinkled.

  “He is my friend, but he can’t see you like I can,” I looked over at Tyler whose face was drained of all color. “You ok?” I asked him quietly. He nodded slightly and I turned back to the child.

  “What is your name little one?”



  Her face wrinkled, “Noo, Eiy-beth.”


  Her hand went to her hips. “No!” She yelled, and the temperature dropped again.

  The energy charged up my leg, and I grabbed Tyler’s hand harder.

  “I’m so sorry, I’m trying to say it right.”

  “Elizabeth.” It was Tyler who whispered.

  I turned toward him, “You can hear her?” My eyes bulged out of their sockets.

  His head shook. “My cousin couldn’t say my aunt's name.”

  I nodded, turning back toward the little girl. “Elizabeth, how old are you?”

  “Four” she looked back at Tyler and then started walking across the room. I took a small step, pulling Tyler with me. She stopped in the living room, staring out the window. I pulled Tyler over to the sofa, sitting down quietly.

  "Elizabeth, what can I do for you?”

  She looked out the window. “Where’s mommy?”

  My heart dropped to my toes. This poor little girl. “I don’t know, has she been gone a long time?”

  She nodded, still staring out the window.

  “Did you want help finding her?” Not that I had a clue where to find a woman who had been dead for years.

  She looked at me with her beautiful blue eyes and nodded. “I want mama.”

  I leaned back into the sofa and felt my head cloud over.

  My eyes fluttered open, as Tyler tapped my face. “Savanah are you ok?”

  I inhaled deeply, looking around. “Where is she?”

  Tyler laughed, “That’s a great question, but first are you ok?”

  “I think so.” I took an internal inventory, feeling pretty happy that I had chosen to sit on the sofa. “What happened? I was talking to her, and then everything went black.”

  “Your skin just kept getting colder and then you were out. It was scary actually,” he put his hand on my arm, “That is so weird to experience.”

  I turned toward him, “I’m so sorry, are you ok?”

  He laughed, “Yeah I’m fine. A little freaked out that my girlfriend is straight out of The Sixth Sense, but other than that I’m fine.”

  Girlfriend, dang I liked how that sounded.


  Not a friend that was a girl. Not just dating, my cheeks blushed slightly, and the prickle brought back the knowledge of how cold I really was. “Let’s go,” I stood up and wobbled slightly. Tyler grabbed my elbow and reached for my other shoulder.

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah. It will be better when I leave.” We walked to the front entry, I looked up the stairs. “Thank you, I will try. Goodnight, Elizabeth.”

  We walked through the door and instantly the flood of relief washed over me. I still felt the exhaustion, but the wooziness was gone.

  “Did you want to come hang out?” I asked Tyler as we started walking back to the other side of campus. I didn’t think being alone was the best idea. I just needed to digest all of this slowly, and he was a great distraction.

  “Yeah, but did you want to get coffee or food or something? You just passed out back there.”

  I rolled my eyes, “Yeah, but I’m fine now,” I shrugged my shoulders, “Seriously, it was nothing.”

  “Savanah, are you sure? You just got released from a severe concussion.”

  I exhaled dramatically, “If you don’t want to come over that’s totally fine.”

  Tyler wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

  Oh, how I loved how tall he was. “You are so ridiculous.”

  We walked into my room and almost ran right into Crystel. “Hey guys, I’m heading out, so you should have the place to yourself,” she wiggled her eyebrows and slipped past us.

  I turned on my hot pot to start water for tea.

  “So, what’s up?” Tyler sat on my bed expectantly.

  I prepared my cup for the hot water that was finishing, “Sorry, did you want tea? That was rude. I think I have hot chocolate too.”

  “No, I do not want tea,” Tyler’s expression turned more impatient.

  I filled my cup and walked over to sit next to him. “Hi.”

  He threw his hand in the air. “Seriously?”

  My face fell, “What? You said you didn’t want any?”

  “For hell’s sake, Savanah! I don’t want any damn tea! You just had a full conversation with a ghost. Can we talk about that, please?”

  I tucked my head impishly. “Oh yeah, sorry. I guess you didn’t hear it all. Oops,” I took a sip of my too hot tea. “Well, her name is Elizabeth, as you know. She is four and she misses her mom.”

  Tyler looked at me.

  “What? Really that was it. She wants me to help find her mom.”

  Tyler shook his head. “Do you hear the words coming out of your mouth? Savanah this is HUGE! Not everyone has these types of experiences. I didn’t think you had really ever had this type of experience.”

  I took another sip, “I guess I really haven’t. I mean I did talk to a girl at the old, deserted campus at home over Thanksgiving, but I guess that was it.”

  Tyler took in my expression.


  His green eyes pierced my soul, “When did this happen? I thought you could only make connections when I was around. Did you lie when you said it was the power of my kissing that made you see things?” His smile was that cocky smile.

  “No, Thanksgiving was before my concussion,” I took another drink. “Anyway, I have to do some research and see if I can help her.”

  “So, does this mean your gift is back? I mean like do you think this means your gift will stick around?”

  I knew what he was asking. He wanted to know if I could help with his grandfather.

  “Likely, but Tyler you have to understand. Some spirits are stronger than others. Elizabeth is super intense. That is why I wanted to try and see her tonight. I was hoping with you there, and how strong her energy is, that I could make contact,” I took another drink, allowing him to catch up to my thought process.

  “So maybe.” He asked, trying to hide his disappointment.r />
  “It is likely I will be able to connect with your grandpa, it just may not be immediately,” I set the empty cup on my desk. “Did you want to try now?”

  Tyler’s brow furrowed. “No way, you passed out. We can try later. We tried a couple days ago, it’s fine.”

  “Are you sure? I am down if you are.”

  “Savanah, I don’t want you to relapse. You still need to pace yourself,” he rubbed his thumb on my hand, “Besides, there is a thing in Jewett tonight,” he smiled, “But thank you for offering. That is beyond nice.”

  “I’m just saying. I’m not sure I can get it done, but I’m dang sure going to try,” I shifted my eyes down. “Especially for my boyfriend.” The words sounded so goofy coming out of my mouth. Seriously, how lame.

  His lips found my forehead, “I like the sound of that.”

  My cheeks blushed deeper than my hair. Ugh, I hated feeling embarrassed.

  Tyler smiled, moving closer and taking my face in his hands. His lips never got old. My entire body began to zoom as his breathing warmed my neck. Fire trailed after his kisses and I just wanted him closer. Somehow even closer than he had ever been.

  My fingers worked their way under his shirt and made contact with his smooth muscled back. Oh, how his skin felt to my touch. I swore under my breath.

  His lips came back to mine and only paused long enough to pull his shirt off his head.

  When did he get the rest of it untucked? My brain swam in a space with fire and fear. Fire for not wanting this to end, to never stop feeling what I felt, and fear for knowing in a small place in my mind that I quickly was headed down a road I’d never gone before.

  Would I be able to handle it?

  Did I want to go at all?

  His lips trailed down my neck again, as his hands began to explore my back. I gasped a breath and he paused mid kiss. “Are you ok?” He asked for permission, gently and sincere.

  I nodded my head, grasping for his lips again.

  His fingers aptly pulled my shirt up, and I raised my hands, knowing there was no way I would have been able to remove it myself. His eyes raked over my body, and his gaze settled on my face, “Do you know how beautiful you are?”

  My expression blushed deeper again, but this time tears brimmed my lashes. Guys didn’t say things like that to me.

  “Savanah, are you ok? I’m sorry,” he reached for my shirt, covering me slightly, “I got carried away.”

  The lump in my throat wouldn’t drop. It wouldn’t break lose. I shook my head, trying to swallow at the same time. “Fine, your fine.”

  His hands wrapped carefully, loosely around me as tears fell out of my stupid eyes. “I-it’s fine really, I just.”

  Just what? I had never been told I was pretty? How lame could I be? Good gravy, buck up Savanah, what exactly was my problem anyway?

  My anger didn’t help the tears, it only intensified them.

  Tyler carefully pulled the blanket from my bed and wrapped it around my exposed skin. His hands were missing the fire that had filled every ounce of my system just moments before.

  I wanted that back, and I instantly mourned for the feel of his touch.

  Tears, more tears. Damn it all to hell. What a freak I am.

  His thumb wiped the tears from my cheeks, and he took my hand, weaving his fingers through mine. He used his other hand to pull his own shirt back over his head, moving his hand for just a second to get his arm through. I picked up my shirt, embarrassed that I sat with just a bra on, totally exposed.

  The magic had faded.

  My stupid emotions would never stay in place. Why did I have to cry all the time?

  ‘No one has told me that before,” my words fell out, too close together, messy, and disorientated.

  He turned to look at me, his brows pulled together, “Wait, what? No one has told you you’re beautiful?”

  I shook my head, straightening my own shirt now. “I mean my grandparents have, but not a guy.”

  He gaffed at me in disbelief and pulled me closer into his side, “Wow, that is really lucky for me.”

  I craned my head up to quizzically look at his face. He smiled that little arrogant smile I loved, “If you had guys tell you the truth, you wouldn’t be with a bean pole geek like me.”

  I laughed once, “Right, you are gorgeous. You know that.”

  His lips caressed the top of my hair gently, “No, I think I am a good athlete, but not good looking. I don’t have the big muscles that all the girls seem to love. I tower above most normal girls, and honestly, other than ‘Wow you are so tall,’ I don’t get many other comments. He clasped his arm tightly around my shoulders, making sure I was tucked tightly against him.

  I moved to grab the remote. “Well, I don’t like big bulky guys, they scare me.”

  He laughed, “So you like scrawny skinny ones?”

  “You are not scrawny.”

  He grabbed the remote from me. “Well, it is good you like the gangly nerdy kids.”

  “You are SOOO not a nerd. Nerds don’t have perfect dimples, and green eyes, and this great strong jaw,” my mood was changing slightly, he was good at this.

  His face showed a grin breaking through his eyes, “Sure I am-we all are. This school is the epitome of a nerd school.”

  “That is not true.”

  “Really? So, you were not one of the smartest kids in your school back home? Because I was. So were most of the guys on the team. We happened to be pretty good at baseball too, but bottom line, we were book nerds first,” he clicked the TV on. I perked on his perspective. Truth rang through, but I just couldn’t wrap my mind around him being a nerd. Me, sure, some of the other girls, absolutely, even a some of the guys, but not him. He stood with such confidence, he had such a great sense of humor and his eyes carried a kindness that I had never met in a guy.

  “Hey, you are pretty gorgeous too.”

  He laughed at me.

  “No, I mean it. You are so cute. The very first time I saw you, I thought how hot you were. Even your little curls hanging out of your baseball cap,” I ran my fingers through his hair and his head turned toward me.

  The heat started to rise, and I pulled him in for a kiss. The electricity that raced through us before, seemed to ignite on contact. His hands ran up my back, reaching my hair and then sliding back down to my hips.

  I was the one leaning back, pressing myself against his clothed chest.

  Clothes. Not really helping me.

  I pulled at his shirt again, frustrated that I couldn’t touch his skin.

  He pulled slightly away from me, “Savanah, we don’t have to do this. I am fine to wait.” His words irritated me.

  “But I don’t want to wait.” Did I say that out loud?

  His grin that I couldn’t resist crossed his face, “Oh trust me, I don’t either, but I like you. I really like you, and I can’t believe I am saying this, Christ, I know I will regret it later, but I think we should stop.”

  My brows furrowed again.

  “Why?” it was barely audible.

  He pulled me in and kissed me again, “Because I don’t want to rush us. I want this to be exactly what we both want.”

  I sighed deeply. He was right, of course he was.

  He pulled away, “I think I should go,” he handed me the remote.

  “Don’t go! Let’s watch a movie.”

  He laughed, “I promise, if I stay, we won’t end up watching anything,” he kissed me one more time, letting it linger for a minute before finally pulling away.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he stood up, giving me a fantastic view of him walking toward the door. My goodness he was stunning when he was walking away. I fell into my pillow as he shut the door. Holy cow, I had never felt emotions like this.


  And to think, he thought I was beautiful.


  My door opened and I sat up quickly, blushing so deeply as I realized it was just one of my roommates. Cassidy, the most elusive o
f all of us, quietly grab her things and asked how my night was. She walked back out the door, with an apparent change of clothes. Either she had a serious relationship or a better place to sleep, because she rarely stayed in the room anymore.

  I sighed, wishing Camryn would come home. I knew it was selfish, since honestly, she hadn’t seen any of her friends since she got back, so the likelihood of her coming home to hang out was pretty low.

  Instead, I settled for just a bit of journaling so that my mind would calm enough. Sleep was the obvious choice after my brain had emptied onto the page.

  But my conscience just wouldn’t let go of Elizabeth.

  Her little voice played over in my head.

  “Where’s Mommy?”

  Ugh, the pain that little girl must be living with-or unliving rather. The constant wonder and worry.

  At some point I drifted to sleep, still thinking about Elizabeth.

  My night was interrupted with Camryn shaking me awake. “Savanah wake up it is just a dream. Savanah, come on, wake up.”

  My eyes opened completely disoriented. “What?” groggily I whispered.

  “You were talking in your sleep.”

  “You were yelling in your sleep,” Crystel mumbled in a groggy voice.

  I looked around, noting everyone was snuggled in for the night, and Camryn’s lamp was flicked on.

  “What? I was talking in my sleep?”

  “Yelling. You were yelling in your sleep.” Crystel had rolled over, so her voice drifted over her shoulder more muffled than before.

  “Are you ok? You were really upset,” Camryn kept a hand on my shoulder.

  I looked around, trying to remember falling asleep. “Yeah, I mean I think I am. I don’t even know what I was dreaming about.”

  “Your mom,” Crystel mumbled loudly.

  My brows pulled together. How could that be? I never dreamt about my mom. “Are you sure?”

  Crystel rolled over and propped herself up on one elbow. “Yeah, you were yelling Momma, Momma, where are you?” She flopped back down.


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