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Playing Games (Endgame Series Book 3)

Page 14

by Cara E Holt

  “Like owes money kind of trouble?” I whisper.

  “Possibly. I don’t know Ev. He won’t talk to me or Jake but we’re worried for him,” she pauses, “do you think you could call him and see if he’ll talk to you?”

  I scoff. “Why would he talk to me?”

  Courtney tuts at me. “Because he likes you, stupid.”

  “I don’t know Court,” I reply, taking a seat on the sofa and curling my legs underneath me. “I don’t want to give him the wrong idea here.”

  “Please,” she pleads. “Can you at least try?”

  Damn Courtney, she knew I would give in. I am too nice sometimes for my own good.

  “Fine. I’ll ring him now.”

  “Thank you, thank you. You’re the best!”

  “Yeah, yeah,” I reply, rolling my eyes. “I’ll call you back later.”

  I dial Tyler’s number, and he answers on the third ring. “Well, hello stranger.”

  “Hi. So a little bird just called me and told me what happened,” I tell him.

  He chuckles, “Let me guess the little bird was Courtney?”

  “Maybe,” I reply, smiling. “On a serious note though, Ty, are you okay? What kind of trouble are you in here?”

  “I’m fine, just a couple of broken ribs. I am fine.”

  I sigh. He was minimising what was going on, just like I knew he would.

  “Ty, do you owe the Doyle’s money?”

  There’s silence on the other end of the line for a few seconds. “I’m handling it Taylor, you don’t need to worry about me.”

  “I think I should worry when you end up in hospital battered and broken. They’re bad news, Ty. Why are you getting mixed up with them?”

  “I didn’t have a choice, Ev. My mum wasn’t managing, money’s been really tight.’

  I sigh. If there was one thing you can say about Ty, it’s that he loves his family and he will do anything to protect them. It isn’t right that so much responsibility falls on his shoulders at nineteen years old.

  “You’re no good to your mum dead Ty. Just promise me you’ll be careful.”

  “I will,” he assures me, the teasing tone in his gone.

  I turn when I hear footsteps, and Grayson is on his way down. “Listen, I got to go. Please think about what I said. I’ll call again soon.”

  “I’ll hold you to that, Taylor. Speak soon.”

  Grayson drops down beside me and picks up the television remote. “Who was that?”

  “Just Courtney from home. What are we watching?” I ask. I’m not sure why I lie; it just feels easier than dealing with Grays’ questions. I have an uneasy feeling that Ty is in deeper shit than he is letting on.

  Chapter 7

  GRAYSON MOVES BACK home on Friday. I hated dropping him off with Dom and leaving him there. His dad had been waiting at the door when we pulled up. He too was still sporting bruises to his face, courtesy of his son. Mr St. Clair had glowered at me when I’d got out of the car and kissed Grayson goodbye. Grayson’s eighteenth couldn’t come quick enough. The sooner he could walk away from his toxic father, the better.

  I’m lying in bed later that night when he rings me and I grab my phone, anxious to hear from him.

  “Hey you.”

  “Hey Manchester.”

  I lie back on my pillow and stare up at my ceiling. “How are things?”

  Grayson sniggers. “Tense as fuck. I’m already under orders to attend a dinner party this weekend at the Hilton house.”

  My stomach sinks. “Tell him no.”

  He releases a deep sigh. “I can’t Ev. He’s dangling the threat of sending Ems to a boarding school abroad. I have to go.”

  “I hate this,” I confess. I hate how his dad is controlling him like this and using threats to get him to as he wants. It isn’t right, and it isn’t fair.

  “So go, but take me along.” I suggest.

  “I would if I could, but that will just piss him off even more. I’ll be back Sunday day and we can spend the day together, I promise.”

  “Okay,” I agree with him reluctantly. I know he is being backed in to a corner but it doesn’t mean I have to be okay about it.

  THERE’S A KNOCK ON my bedroom door Saturday night and a second later Izzy pops her head in. “Hey, we’re all heading out to Louie’s if you fancy it for an hour or two?”

  I shake my head, about to say no, but then I realise what a lame arse I’m turning into. Just because my boyfriend wasn’t here, it didn’t mean I had to stay in and mope. “Sure,” I tell her. “What time do we leave?”

  “Can you be ready in fifteen?” she asks me.

  I snigger. “Izz, this is me you’re talking to. I can be ready in ten.”

  Izzy sighs. “It’s so unfair how you can look so good with zero effort. We’ll see you downstairs.”

  I jump up out of bed and rummage through my drawers until I find my favourite black jeans, I then search out a top and settle on my red wrap top. I pair it with my favourite strappy silver heels and then quickly run my fingers through my hair before putting on some mascara and a touch of red lipstick. I grab my phone and take a quick selfie, blowing a kiss to the camera.

  ‘This is what you’re missing tonight, Posh.’

  I send it to him, before throwing my phone and my coin purse in my bag and head downstairs.

  “Ready to go?” Dom asks me as he grabs his keys out of the bowl that holds everyone’s keys on the console table.

  “Will I do?” I ask Izzy, giving her a twirl.

  Izzy shakes her head in astonishment. “I seriously don’t know how you get ready so fast and still manage to look freaking amazing.”

  “Magic,” I tell her with a wink as I move past her to the door.

  It’s a typical busy Saturday night in Louies when we arrive. We weave our way through the crowds until we find our friends, who have somehow bagged a booth right off the dance floor.

  Ben comes up behind me and picks me up by the waist and twirls me round.

  “Everly, looking good,” he says with a flirty wink.

  Dom eyeballs him. “Bet you wouldn’t have the guts to do that when Grayson’s around?”

  Ben scoffs, nodding. “Too right, because I don’t have a death wish,” he admits. He nudges me playfully, “But the big mans not here tonight so I can flirt my arse off.”

  I playfully pat Ben’s cheek with my hand. “Benny boy, who knew you had a rebellious streak.”

  Owen comes up on my other side and drops his arm over my shoulder. “What’s up my favourite northern girl?”

  I side eye him. “Owen. I’m the only northern girl you know.”

  He grins, winking. “You’re still my favourite.”

  Dom shakes his head, fighting a smile. “Just wait until I tell my best friend that the minute his back is turned you’re all circling Ev like vultures.”

  Owen chuckles. “You know how we love to wind our friend up. In fact,” Owen pulls out his phone and holds it up in front of us. Keeping his arm around my shoulder, he leans in and kisses my cheek and he snaps a photo just as Ben leans in and kisses me on my other cheek.

  With an evil grin, Owen sends the pic in a message to Grayson, with the caption ‘Showing your girl some love’

  I shake my head at him but I can’t help but laugh. “Don’t blame me when he gets you in a headlock on Monday and refuses to let you out.”

  Owen laughs. “So worth it to wind him up.’

  “How’s Ems?” I ask him, and he drops his smile and sighs.

  “She’s okay. It was hard for her to see her dad like that. I think that night really scared her. But more than that, I think it shattered the idealistic view she has of her father and she doesn’t know how to process that.”

  I nod. Ems had returned to boarding school this morning. She had been reluctant to go back. I could tell she didn’t want to be away from Owen that long.

  “You really care about her, don’t you?” I say, unable to hide the surprise in my voice.

>   “Jeez, thanks Ev. I might be a terrible flirt, but it doesn’t mean I’m incapable of developing feelings for someone.”

  I put out my bottom lip and wrap my arms around his neck. “Owen, I of all people know that when you love, you’ll love fiercely. It’s just new seeing you all loved up.”

  He fights a half-smile. “Damn, you’re good at digging yourself out of a hole.”

  Owen’s phone pings and I step away from him as he pulls it out of his phone. Whatever he reads makes him laugh out loud. He holds out the phone to me and I see it’s a message from Grayson.

  ‘If you value your balls, I suggest you step away from my girl.’

  Owen must be in a playful mood because he hits the video call button, and he yanks me into his side and as Grayson answers, he licks up the side of my face with his tongue.

  “I’m going to annihilate you on that rugby pitch on Tuesday.” Grayson warns as he comes on the screen. My breath catches in my throat at how handsome he looks in his tux.

  “Hey baby,” he says to me with a sexy smirk. “You look good enough to eat.”

  I’m about to reply with some flirty response that ensures he only has thoughts for me, when a manicured hand lands on his upper arm.

  “Grayson, my dad wants to introduce you to someone.”

  I freeze as I see a flash of blonde hair in the edge of the frame. Grayson sighs in frustration. “One sec.”

  He turns his face back to the camera. “I got to go. You keep your hands off my girl, and Manchester,” he pauses, winking at me, “I can’t wait to spend the day with you tomorrow.”

  My heart immediately melts. Why am I worrying about this girl? It was clear for all to see how much Grayson St. Clair loves me. I need to stop being paranoid and trust in what we have.

  I smile wide and blow him a kiss. “Until tomorrow, Posh.”

  Owen makes gagging noises as he ends the call. “Okay, we’re doing shots!” he announces, and all the boys at our table roar in encouragement. Guess who is going to have a hangover tomorrow?

  I WAKE THE NEXT MORNING and groan when I open my eyes. Is it morning already? It feels like I’ve only slept for two to three hours. Owen is a bad influence on me. I’d let him convince me to have far too many shots last night, and now my poor head is paying the price. I need a coffee and Paracetamol.

  I sleepily make my way downstairs and find Dom and Izzy hunched together over the kitchen island, their heads bent together, clearly having a disagreement. I pause in my steps, unsure whether I should interrupt.

  “Should I come back later?” I ask hesitantly, and they both whip their heads around in surprise.

  Izzy looks at me with sympathy on her face. She turns back to Dom. “Show her,” she demands.

  Dom glares at Izzy and rubs at the back of his neck. He paces away from the island and then back again. “Look,” he says to me, “before I show you this, I just want you to remember that not everything is what it appears.”

  “Okay,” I reply, with a sick feeling pooling in my stomach.

  Dom taps his phone and holds out the screen for me to see. It’s a photo of Imogen Hilton and beside her fast asleep in bed is Grayson. He’s clearly naked because the cover is placed just over his hips, concealing his manhood. Imogen is sitting beside him, posing into her camera. I reach out and take the phone out of Dom’s hand so I can examine it closer. The caption that goes with the insta post makes my world drop out from beneath me.

  ‘I’ll let him sleep, he deserves it after he rocked my world last night.’

  This is followed by a wink and a love heart emoji.

  I feel as if everything around me comes to a grinding halt. I can’t even hear myself breathing. I stare at the picture, willing myself to un-see it, hoping to look again and realise that it isn’t Grayson in her bed.

  “I’m sure there’s an explanation,” Dom protests, sticking up for his best friend.

  Izzy scoffs and they both glare at each other. “It would have to be a damn good one to get past that photo.”

  Dom pries the phone from my hands. “Look, just call him and talk to him. I’ve known Grayson most of my life and I know how he feels about you. He wouldn’t do this.”

  I lift my head and meet Dom’s eyes as a lone tear streaks down my face and drops onto the pristine white floor. My worst fears have come true. Beautiful Imogen with her perfect body and perfect life had been too tempting. Once a player always a player, right?

  “I need to shower,” I declare, walking past them to head back upstairs.

  Izzy reaches out and grabs my hand. “Everly, are you okay?”

  I smile sadly, meeting her concerned gaze. “What’s one more nail in the coffin to my broken heart?”

  I pull my hand from hers and climb the stairs two at a time to my room, desperate to reach my safe haven. As soon as I shut the door, I walk into my walk-in closet and pull out my backpack and start shoving clothes in there. I take a quick shower and then whilst I dry off; I book myself a train ticket home. I need to go home, back to the place that was once my place of refuge, back to the people who knew me before I lost everything I loved. I won’t ask Dom to run me to the station as he’ll no doubt refuse and try to stall me until he can get a hold of Grayson, so I book an Uber. I shove my kindle charger and phone charger into my bag and then I write a quick text to my dad, letting him know that I am heading home for a few days to support a friend.

  My phone pings alerting me that my driver is turning onto our street and I throw my backpack onto my back and with a quick glance back at my room I head downstairs. Dom and Izzy are still sitting at the kitchen island, talking in hushed voices. Izzy notices me first and she searches my face before her eyes fall on the backpack on my back.

  “Where are you going?” she asks me, her voice on high alert.

  “I need some space, so I’m going home.”

  “Ev,” Dom protests. “I really think you should—“

  “Don’t,” I tell him, holding my hand out to stop him. “Don’t tell me to wait and let him explain. There is no explanation to that photo. If you care about me at all, you’ll let me go.”

  Izzy places a hand on Dom’s arm and shakes her head at him. “Let her go.”

  A car horn beeps outside. “That’s my Uber. I’ve texted Dad. I’ll be in touch.”

  Izzy nods, offering me a sympathetic smile. “Take care and ring me if you want to talk.”

  I nod and turn my back on them, and I head outside. I am running there is no denying it. I am running away from any more heartache. I should have known that he couldn’t change, and I’ve been a fool to believe otherwise. I lose everyone I love and why should he be any different to that rule?

  I arrive at the train station and look for Courtney. She weaves through the crowded station, waving her arm in the air to get my attention, and when I see her I stop in my steps and burst into tears.

  “Oh E,” she says softly, pulling me into her embrace and hugging me. “I’m going to castrate that rich boy.”

  I chuckle through my tears. “Get in line,”

  Courtney wraps her arm around my shoulder. “Come on, lets get you home. I’ve borrowed mum’s car.”

  She bundles me in the car and starts the engine. Courtney turns up the radio with some cheerful music and she sings along. She is leaving me to my silence, knowing that I’m not ready to talk. My phone vibrates in my bag and I pull it out to see Lottie is calling me. With a deep sigh, I press the power button and turn my phone off. I can’t deal with anyone right now, or any offers of sympathy and support.

  We arrive at Courtney’s house five minutes later. Courtney lives in a town house on the new estate. The house is spread over three floors. We enter inside and her crazy dog Fergie bounds towards us and starts jumping at my feet for attention.

  “Hey Ferg.” I bend down and stroke him. He licks at my face.

  I’d called Courtney when I was on the train and asked if I could stay with her. She had known straight away that something was w
rong, just by the tone of my voice. I’d asked if I could stay at her house as I knew that if I went home, he would know where to find me and I didn’t want that. Courtney had been more than happy to let me come stay at her house and said she would be there to pick me up.

  We say a quick hello to her mum who pulls me in for a hug and says how good it is to see me again before we head up to her room. The pull up bed has already been put out with pillows and a duvet ready for me.

  When I phoned Courtney earlier, she had asked me what was wrong, and I had told her to look up Imogen Hilton on insta. She had texted me a few minutes later with a line of expletives and all the ways she was going to kill Grayson St. Clair.

  “Okay,” she announces as she plonks herself down on the pull-up bed, “We are going to get in our jammies and have a duvet day. I’ll order pizza, I’ll even let you have Hawaiian, and we’ll binge watch comedy films or action movies. No romance of any sort I promise.” She crosses her heart with her fingers and I half-smile.

  “Thanks for this,” I say, leaning my head on her shoulder.

  She swipes away my thanks with her hand and rests her head on mine. “Don’t be daft. That’s what friends are for. I’ll always have your back E. You might be all posh now, going to private college and hanging with rich kids, but you’ll always be my friend and you’ll always have this place as your home.”

  She pats my leg. “Get changed and I’ll grab goodies.” She waggles her eyebrows at me. “I may have even bought your favourites.”

  I grin. “Fizzy fish or peanut M and M’s?”

  She grins wider. “Maybe both.”

  “I love you,” I tell her with a grin before she disappears downstairs to the kitchen.

  I pull out my nightwear and change out of my clothes. I tie my hair up into a messy bun on the top of my head and place my chargers on her dressing table. I will need to turn on my phone eventually and check in with my dad, but for now I will ignore it and the people I have left behind.

  Courtney is great at keeping my mind off things and we eat a heap load of junk food and she tells me about all the gossip from home. We settle in and decide on a HP movie marathon, and then we get out her HP trump cards and play a silly game of top trumps. I knew I could rely on Courtney to make me laugh and make me forget about my troubles. She is always so upbeat and your mood can’t help but lift when she is around you.


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