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Playing Games (Endgame Series Book 3)

Page 22

by Cara E Holt

  “I have a grand in my current account.”

  Izzy gawps at him, open-mouthed.

  “What? I’ve been saving up for something.” He turns his attention back to me. “You can have all of that.”

  I squeeze his shoulder. “Thanks, man. I’ll transfer it back to you as soon as I can.”

  “I have roughly eight hundred,” Ems tells me. “You know dad always liked to make sure I had plenty in case I needed anything.”

  Courtney blows out a breath. “So we have enough?”

  I nod. “We have enough. We’ll have to call a taxi. We’ve all been drinking.” I tell. Of all the nights for us all to have a drink. This will just delay me getting my girl back even longer.

  Courtney is on the phone no sooner have I spoken. The taxi company says they’ll be with us in about fifteen minutes. Everyone is quiet as we wait. I pace the room and throw daggers at Tyler, who sits there with his head in his hands. Jake is sitting on the arm of the sofa beside him with his hand on his shoulder, offering him support. I want to punch the ever-loving crap out of this guy. First, he kisses my girl and tries to steal her away from me, and then he brings this kind of shit to her door. Hasn’t she been through enough these last two years?

  The beep of a taxi outside pulls me from my thoughts and we all rush outside. I order the taxi driver to take us to the nearest speed bank. Once we have all the money withdrawn, we all pile back inside the car and head back to the house.

  “You got it?” Courtney asks us as we all pile back inside the small living room.

  “Ring him,” I order Tyler. “Tell him you’ve got the money.”

  Tyler nods and pulls out his phone and waits a few seconds before the call is picked up at the other end. “I’ve got the money.” He frowns and stands to his feet. “Why not now?” he pauses, listening. “Okay, where?” he nods. “Yeah, I know where that is.”

  Everyone waits on tenterhooks.


  Tyler looks at me apprehensively. “He said it’s late now. He’ll meet us in the morning at an old industrial park in the next town.”

  “You had better be fucking kidding me?!” I shout. Now I am beyond pissed off. I need to get her back now, not fucking tomorrow.

  Tyler shakes his head. ‘He won’t do the swap now. He said, morning at seven.”

  Dom comes up beside me and grips my shoulder. “We’ll just have to wait it out, G. It’s only five hours. I’m sure she’ll be fine.”

  She better be fine, because if she isn’t, I will raise hell on anyone who hurt her, local gangster or not.


  The car pulls up outside a block of flats and the car door opens. Danny looks up from his phone for the first time in the last twenty minutes and gestures to the door.

  “Ladies first.”

  Realising I may as well just do as he says, I climb out of the car and my arm is clasped tightly by a stocky guy in his early thirties with a thick beard and dark eyes.

  “I’m pretty sure ladies aren’t supposed to be kidnapped and manhandled.” I snap, glaring at the big guy who grips me so tightly.

  Danny doesn’t dignify me with an answer, he just brushes past me and I’m dragged along behind. As we enter the foyer of the flats, I frantically look around to see if there’s anyone who can come to my aid.

  “Don’t waste your time looking for someone to help you,” Danny tells me as he continues to stride towards the lifts. “I own these apartments, every one of them.”

  With my hope for rescue dashed, I’m dragged forward to the lift and bundled inside. The lift feels too small with these two giants inside it.

  “Just how long to you intend keeping me here?” I ask, folding my arms and glaring at him from across the lift.

  “As long as is needed to convince Tyler to get me the money he owes me,” he replies briefly, looking up at me.

  I have to admit he is good looking for a scumbag drug dealer. He clearly worked out. The tightness of his shirt showed off the firm body underneath. The lift comes to a stop and I make a note of what floor we stop at. Penthouse! I should have known.

  When we walk out, I can’t help but stare. Wow! This is something else. The window is floor to ceiling and spans out across the whole of the space. The big guy lets go of my arm and disappears off down a corridor.

  Danny takes off his coat and undoes the top two buttons of his shirt. He heads over to the open-plan kitchen that looks like it likely cost more than my new car and starts making himself a drink.

  “Coffee or tea? Or do you want something stronger?”

  I blink in surprise. Is he really offering me a drink like we are two friends, socialising?? I am thirsty though.

  “Something cold and non-alcoholic, please.”

  He nods and moves over to the fridge and this gives me a chance to take in the penthouse suite.

  “Nice place you have here,” I say as I walk towards the glass walls and look out into the night. You can see for miles from up here. I jump when he comes up beside me and offers me a glass of what I presume to be coke.

  He points over to the west with his hand. “You can see old Trafford from here.”

  I smirk. “Better that than city.”

  “So you’re a fellow red?” he asks, smiling.

  I nod. Am I really standing and having a conversation about views and football teams with the notorious Danny Doyle??

  “I’m a red through and through,” I answer.

  Danny turns and moves to sit down on one of the large leather sofas. He leans his arm back against the seat and studies me. “Take a seat. You could be here a while.”

  I purposefully sit as far from him as possible, and from the slight upturn of his mouth I think he notices. We sit there in silence for a few minutes and I study him.

  “You know it isn’t his fault what happened? He was mugged.”

  Danny nods, keeping his eyes on me. “I know. Still doesn’t detract from the fact that he owes me money and trust me, I’ll be dealing with the ones that mugged him as well.”

  I lean back against the back of the sofa and cross my legs. “He’s a good guy. He just wants to keep his family’s head above water.”

  Danny smirks at me. “Are you sure you’re not his girl? You’re certainly are singing his praises.”

  I shrug my shoulders and place my drink down on the glass side table beside me. “Ty’s a friend. I already have a boyfriend.”

  I feel Danny’s eyes move along my legs, and I fidget in my seat. “I bet you do.”

  I lean forward, placing my elbows on my legs. “Look Danny, he doesn’t have the money. I however, can get it to you once I’ve sold my property, but that could be a few months. Surely someone like you could wait a bit longer? I mean, you don’t exactly look strapped for cash.”

  Danny scoffs, smiling. He places his drink down and he too leans forward in his seat. “I tell you what, princess. Spend the night with me and I’ll half the debt.”

  I flinch, and for a minute I’m speechless. “You really have me pegged as that type of girl?”

  He smiles at me. “No, but it was worth a try.”

  “Give me three months to get you the money,” I ask, but his answer doesn’t come as his phone rings.

  “Yes,” he answers in a clipped tone. “It’s too late now. Tomorrow, at the old industrial park opposite the Crown pub. You know it?” He ends the call and throws his phone beside him.

  He studies me. “Tyler has come through. See, it’s amazing what some gentle persuasion can achieve.”

  I arch a brow. “Kidnapping someone from a club is hardly gentle persuasion.”

  Danny smiles tightly. “Have I hurt you in any way though?”

  “No, but would you have done if he’d said he didn’t have it?”

  He smirks at me, his dark eyes studying me. “I guess we’ll never know, now.”

  Danny has been a gentleman with me tonight, but I have a feeling that he has a whole other side to him that isn’t so nice. Yo
u don’t get to where he has in such a short time without being ruthless.

  “So,” I say, patting my thighs, ready to go. “When do we leave?’

  “Oh, I’ve said it can wait until morning now.”

  My eyes widen. “You said what? You can’t expect me to stay here tonight?”

  He half smiles at me. “Oh, but I can. Beside, it’s only a few hours. I need sleep.”

  Stretching, he picks up his empty glass and walks towards me and I lean back in my seat wondering what the hell he has planned. He leans down into my space and then with a knowing smile he picks up my empty glass from the table beside me and walks towards the kitchen.

  Holy shit! I thought for a minute he was either going to come over and try something on me or hurt me. I feel such an idiot for the way I shrank away in fear. He walks back over after he’s loaded our glasses into the dishwasher and gestures for me to follow him.

  “You can have the spare room.”

  I frown at him, not budging. “You seriously think I’m going to be able to sleep. Not a chance.”

  He shrugs and chews on the inside of his mouth. “Suit yourself. Remotes there.” He gestures to the large marble coffee table. “If you change your mind, it’s the second door down the hallway.” He turns his back on me and heads off to bed. “Oh and Everly, the doors locked, so don’t get any ideas of trying to sneak out.”

  I glare at his back. “Arsehole.” I mutter to myself when I’m sure he can’t hear me. I listen out for his bedroom door closing and I finally feel I’m able to take a breath. Realising I may as well make myself comfortable, I grab the remote and turn the television on. Sunrise couldn’t come fast enough.

  Exhaustion must have won me over in the end because I awake to the sounds of clattering and movement. I panic for a second when I open my eyes and don’t recognise where I am, but then I remember I’ve been kidnapped by this arsehole that Ty owes money to. I sit up, alert and on edge.

  “Good morning,” Danny greets from where he stands at the kitchen island.

  “Is it?”

  He grins dryly. “You’d have been comfier in my guest bed.”

  “What time is it? I demand, having no clue without my phone.

  “It’s six-thirty. We’ll be leaving shortly and then you can be reunited with your friend.” He says friend like he doesn’t believe that is what Ty and I are. “Can I make you a coffee before we go?”

  “I’m fine,” I reply. It felt weird accepting his hospitality when I am in effect his hostage.

  “Suit yourself,” He gestures with his head towards the hallway. “Bathroom is third on the right if you want to freshen up. You’ll find a spare toothbrush.”

  I snigger. I can’t help it, and his dark eyes snap to mine. “Sorry, it’s just weird that you’re holding me hostage, but you’ve left me out a toothbrush to brush my teeth with. I mean, shouldn’t I be tied to a chair in a dark room or something?”

  He studies me intently for a beat. “It can be arranged.” He dismisses me looking down at his watch. “Grab your bathroom break now, because we’re leaving in five.”

  Realising my bladder won’t hold out until I’m back home, I rush to my feet and scurry past him and find the bathroom. I look in the mirror and wince. Jeez! My mascara was all smudged under my eyes. I turn on the tap and splash my face. I run my fingers through my hair and look half human again. I was ready to go home and be reunited with my guy, who is likely raging mad that I have been taken like this.

  Once we’re in the car, Danny is glued to the screen of his phone. Leaving me to sit there and watch him or look out at the view.

  “Can I ask you a favour?”

  He looks up at me in mild amusement. “You want a favour from me, princess? I don’t do favours.”

  I try not to roll my eyes, I really do, but I fail. “Don’t let Tyler work for you again. He needs to keep on the straight and narrow for his family’s sake.”

  Danny scoffs. “You think I’d give him another shot after this? I only give people one chance. They blow it. There’s no second chance.”

  “Good,” I say firmly. “Because Ty has potential, and he doesn’t need to throw it away selling drugs.”

  We pull up into an industrial park. Now this looks more like somewhere you’d take someone you’ve kidnapped. We drive further into the park and then pull up at the site of an abandoned unit, with holes gaping in the roof. Danny climbs out of the car and I follow him before his henchman drags me out. We head inside the unit and I presume this is where he’s arranged for the exchange.

  “Sorry, princess, but we need to make this look more authentic.” Danny tells me, looking somewhat apologetic.

  I don’t get a chance to reply as his tattooed minion grabs my arms and wrenches them behind my back and ties them together with some rope.

  “Seriously?” I ask Danny.

  Danny’s brows lift, and he smirks. “Well, is this not how it’s done?”

  The next thing a piece of cloth is placed over my eyes and I’m thrown into darkness. I’m pushed down into a chair. Well, I guess now I really do look like a real hostage.

  I hear the sound of a car engine and I sit up, alert. I hear the car doors open and close and the sound of footsteps.

  “I’m expecting Tyler,” Danny greets, his voice calm and calculating.

  “Danny,” I hear Grayson reply. “I have your money, so you can let her go.”

  There’s a pause. “And who are you?” Danny asks him.

  “I’m Grayson St. Clair and that’s my girlfriend you have tied to that chair.”

  “Ah, so you’re the boyfriend. Looks like you were telling me the truth, princess,” he says right in my ear, making me jump at his proximity.

  “It’s all here,” I hear Grayson tell him.

  I hear the sound of an envelope opening and I presume he’s counting the cash to make sure it’s all there.

  “See,” Danny says. “That wasn’t too hard, was it?”

  Someone unties my hands and I rub at my wrists. That was a little tight. I blink when the blindfold is lifted off my eyes. Danny holds out a hand to me and I reluctantly take it.

  Keeping hold of my hand, he walks me towards where Grayson is standing. He raises my hand to his mouth and kisses it.

  “It’s been a pleasure princess.” He lets go of my hand and he turns to walk back the way he came, but as he passes me he slips something into my hand, as he hands me my phone with his other hand. “If ever you want to stop playing with boys, give me a call.”

  I stare up at him gob smacked and then look down at his business card in my hand. Seriously? He is giving me his number? Yeah, not in this lifetime buddy!

  I’m suddenly pulled forward and I’m in Grayson’s embrace. I breathe him in. It feels so good to be in his arms.

  “You okay, baby?” he asks me softly in my ear.

  I pull back slightly so I can look at his face. I offer him a reassuring smile. “I’m fine. I promise. Take me home, please.”

  Grayson wraps his arm around me and guides me to his land rover. He opens the passenger seat for me and ensures I’m safely inside before he walks around and climbs in behind the wheel.

  “Where did Ty get the money?” I ask, turning in my seat to ask him.

  Grayson frowns at the mention of Tyler’s name. “Tyler didn’t come up with the money. I had the money but I couldn’t get it all out at once from the speed bank so we all took what we could from our accounts until we had the cash together.”

  “You did?” I ask Grayson, looking surprised.

  He takes my hand in his and raises it to his lips and kisses it. “Of course.”

  “Thank you,” I tell him. “Thank you for helping Ty.”

  Grayson guffaws. “We didn’t do it for Ty. We did it for you Manchester.”

  I nod. “Where is Tyler? Why didn’t he come with you?”

  Grayson’s frown deepens. “Because if I’d been alone with him in this car, I’d of likely beat the shit out of him for
putting you in this situation. Tyler’s gone. As soon as he’d messaged Danny to arrange where to meet, I told him to pack his stuff and leave.”

  I blink in shock. “You threw him out?”

  Grayson nods firmly. “I did. He put you in danger and brought his problems to your door. That’s not okay. He’s gone.”


  “No buts, Manchester. If I ever see or hear his name again, it won’t end well for him. Okay?”

  Part of me wants to argue with him, but I know he’s right. Tyler needs to fight his own battles, and it’s because of him I ended up being kidnapped by a drug dealer. This situation could have been much worse. I am just lucky that Danny Doyle is not as cold and ruthless as his reputation painted him.

  “Did he hurt you?” Grayson asks. I can hear the anger in his voice.

  “No,” I reply, and he gives me a look that tells me he’s not convinced. “Honestly. He was actually a real gentleman. Although he offered to half the debt if I slept with him?”

  Grayson’s eyes almost bulge out of their sockets. “He did what?”

  I meet his eyes and nod. “Seriously! But other than that, it was fine. I spent the night watching television in his penthouse suite with views of Old Trafford.’

  Grayson shakes his head, looking bewildered. I sigh and lean my head back against the headrest. “Grayson, can we go home today as soon as the estate agents have been?”

  He looks over at me surprised and he smiles. “You called it home.”

  I smile back. “Yeah, I guess I did. Let’s go home and start planning our future.”

  He arches a brow. “A future in Ibiza?”

  I nod my head. “I’ll go anywhere so long as we’re together.”

  We’ve stopped at some lights and Grayson leans over and places his hand behind my neck and pulls me in so he can kiss me. “Have I told you how much I love you Manchester?”

  “Many times, but tell me again and again,” I reply with a smile as I lean in and press my lips to his.

  We pack up for home as soon as the estate agents leave. The house is going on the market on Monday. The agent seems to think it will sell quickly, as the market is good right now. I have a minute to myself inside the house whilst everyone else finishes loading the cars. This is goodbye. It is time to start the next chapter in my life. I quickly wipe away the tear that rolls down my cheek and take a deep breath. It was time to go. When I climb into the car, Grayson leans over and hugs me tight. He doesn’t speak. I think he knows I just need some quiet time to process my emotions.


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