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Keep in Mind

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by C. M. Steele

  Keep in Mind

  C.M. Steele

  Connie: I’m losing it. I’ve done the one of the most insane thing in the world. I fell in love with an unconscious man. Who does this? I mean he’s good looking despite being near death, but he hasn’t said a word to me.

  David: She’s my angel. I hear her voice in my dreams. I may not know who I am, but I know she’s mine.

  Copyrighted © 2017

  All Rights Reserved

  No part of this book may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system without written expressed permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is purely coincidental.

  Cover design: C.M. Steele

  Cover Image: Deposit Photos

  The use of actors, artists, movies, TV shows, and song titles/lyrics throughout this book are done so for storytelling purposes and should in no way be seen as advertisement. Trademark names are used in an editorial fashion with no intention of infringement of the respective owner’s trademark.

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  This book is intended for mature adults only. Contains sexual content and language that may offend some. Suggested reading audience is 18 years or older. I consider this book as Adult Erotic Romance.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15




  “There’s a driver waiting for me?” I mutter aloud. Maybe Molly ordered it. The airport had been busy at five, so fighting for a cab wouldn’t be worth the trouble.

  “I’m David Parker,” I tell the suited man. I don’t like the look of him though, something about the way he carries himself sends a chill up my spine. He’s got that goon-like presence. The kind that has “Killa” on his knuckles. I get into the car, thinking it may not be wise. I call my PI while I’m on the way, but he doesn’t answer.

  “Hey Jack, it’s David. I need you to call me about some issues with my practice.” I hang up after leaving my cell number. The feeling builds as we pass through the city. He doesn’t speak to me the entire time. I see my hotel approaching, but he passes it. “Hey, that’s my hotel.”

  “You’ve been moved according to the itinerary your assistant sent over.”

  It’s a hazy, wet day out in May. The clouds loom overhead, darkening the sky. “Okay.” We turn down an alley, setting me more on edge. He stops, and there’s another car blocking the exit. “Shit, what’s going on?” I shout. “Reverse out of here.” I see another car come from behind us, blocking me in. I reach for the door handle, but the childproof locks are on, leaving me trapped inside. He shuts off the car before I can lower the windows. I’m starting to panic. I know damn well this was a setup. Fuck, if I don’t fight this, I’m a dead man.

  I grab the headrest just as the guy jumps out. I pull it until it’s free from the seat. It’s my only weapon. He opens the door, pointing a gun at me. “Get out, Parker.”

  I step out, holding the headrest. He can see it, but fuck if I care. I won’t go down without a fight. “What the hell is going on?”

  “You’re going to die. That’s it.”

  “Why?” I asked.

  “Because money talks.” I dart around him. The gun falls as I spin, kicking him against the building, but before I can reach it, two other guys charge me. I stab one with the headrest while doing a back kick on his buddy. I know this is a losing fight and I have to run, but there’s nowhere to go. They beat me, one pulls a knife and that’s the last thing I remember before rushing to the edge of the alley. I collapse, and the world becomes dark.

  Chapter 1


  It’s crazy that I’m anxious to come to work today. It’s not that I don’t love my job as a nurse, but lately, I’ve had a reason—patient in room 303. He’s the most handsome man I’ve ever seen, and I talk to him daily, but there’s just one big problem. He’s in a coma.

  He came here three weeks ago, beaten, bruised, stabbed, and shot. He was found just inside an alley a few blocks from the hospital. By all rights, he should be dead. The detectives were confounded on this case. His fingerprints came back without a hit. The police thought it was in their best interests not to give it much attention. It went on the Chicago Police blotter, but there’s been no other mention. A preliminary report hit newspapers online, but it was basic and that was with the intention to keep the danger off him. There was no sort of identification on him and over the course of his stay, no one came to look for him.

  Every day I hoped a woman wouldn’t come to claim him as hers. And at the same time, I was livid that no one did.

  As I get ready for work, I check my appearance hoping that I don’t come off messy or needy to see my patient. Who does that? Who falls for a man they’ve never spoken to? Because that’s what I’ve done, and at this point, it’s more than obvious to all around.

  I jump into my car, making my way to the hospital. It seems like the longest drive even though I only live about thirty minutes away. The moment I arrive I’m directed to his floor to work with several other patients there. I did my best to avoid sneaking a peek on him. I take my time, wanting to treat everyone with the patience they deserve. I just finished the report for the last one when Marla comes dashing to the nurse's station.

  She stares at me with wide eyes and a smile that’s so unlike her. “Connie! Hurry, girl! He’s finally awake, and I think he’s looking for you.”

  “What?” She can only be talking about one person. There’s no one else in a coma.

  She drags me up from my seat with her hand under my armpit. It’s aggressive, so not who Marla is. I laugh nervously. Marla rolls her eyes at me, then continues. “He asked about the woman’s voice he’s been hearing. He knows it’s none of us, so it has to be you,” she squeals, smiling like a fool. She’s a straight-laced person who never shows an ounce of levity, so this is such a surprise.

  My heart’s pounding out of control and I’m trying to calm it down, but it’s not working. Some of the nurses and doctors have teased me over the past few weeks. They say I’ve fallen in love with him because he doesn’t tell me to be quiet while he watches the game.

  I rush to the room, straightening my favorite cotton candy pink scrubs and hair frantically before I step into the room. Our eyes meet as he stares at the door, waiting for my arrival. The butterflies in my stomach are going wild. He’s been here for twenty-two days to be exact. His dark hair had been shaved down because
of the injuries and swelling, and we only trimmed his beard once a week. He smiles at me and I know he’s waiting for me to talk, but I don’t know what to say. It’s as if I’ve lost my tongue, brain, everything. This man has been through hell and back, and yet I'm panting like a bitch in heat. He looks good for what he’s gone through. He continues to stare, forcing me to say something.

  “I’m so happy to see you’ve woken up, sir,” I stutter, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. It was more of a nervous motion because I’d just fixed it before I darted over to his room. He’s handsome and my heart flutters like I’m in high school again. I can’t stop blushing.

  “It’s you. You’re the voice in my head. What’s your name? For that matter, what’s mine?” He smiles as if he’s playing, but I can tell he surely doesn’t have a clue. His smile falters as he reveals the confusion he’s facing.

  “You don’t know who you are?” I’m by his side in an instant, taking his hand and stroking it. I can’t believe he doesn’t remember who he is. Well, I can, considering the physical damage to his head.

  “I’m sorry, but we don’t know. You can’t remember anything?” I question, feeling hurt for him and his situation, my heart breaking at his reality. He has to be so confused.

  “Just your voice.” He takes his other hand and covers mine, trapping it between his. There go those feelings again. My body’s freaking out as I keep a straight face and remember my position as a nurse.

  “Don’t worry, we’ll figure it out,” I promise. No has come looking for him so maybe he’s supposed to be missing.

  “Thank you, my angel, Now, tell me your name.” He squeezes my hand, looking determined.

  “It’s Connie,” I say, smiling at him. I shouldn’t be flirting. This is so wrong, but I’m unable to stop myself.

  “Wow, you’re more beautiful than I dreamed,” he murmurs, staring up at me with a new light in his eyes. I smile again, shaking my head.

  “You’ve had serious injuries,” I argue.

  “My mind is addled, but my eyesight seems perfectly fine.” I’m so screwed. I go into nurse mode again and force myself to ignore his blatant flirtation. It’s then that our social worker is called to speak with him. I go back to working with my other patients as doctors and numerous professionals are in and out of his room. I tell myself I’ll stop in before I go home.

  Chapter 2


  I apparently have some serious enemies that I’m entirely clueless about. Do I have a family? How long have I been here?

  “How are you feeling? she asks, checking my vitals. The touch of her small hand speeds up my pulse. I look at her, examining her beauty. She’s wearing a very light pink nurse’s uniform. I wonder if she’s a gift for surviving, or my reason for pulling out of oblivion.

  “Like shit, but grateful since I’m still alive, angel. How long have I been here?” The other nurses had been running around wildly, so I didn’t get a chance to get a straight answer out of them. Maybe they did say, but I was focused on finding the voice that lived in my head.

  “Three weeks. Do you think you have any family that could be looking for you?” She had the brightest blue eyes, and they were a stark contrast to her dark brown hair.

  “Maybe a sister,” I ponder.

  “A sister?”

  “There’s this woman I can picture in my head. A young brunette,” I say, drifting off as I try to picture her.

  “Really,” she murmurs. My eyes dart back to hers; I can see that she’s getting uncomfortable. I’m physically broken, but I wonder if what I’m feeling is shared by my angel.

  “I don’t see intimacy between us, but I see her crying in front of me. She needs my help, but then it goes away.” It bothers me that I can’t figure it out, but my head is pounding too hard to function.

  “No one has come looking for you,” she admits nervously, careful of my feelings.

  “Wow, either I’m a real SOB or I have no family.” I cringe at the fact that no one seems to care.

  “Well, I don’t think you’re an SOB,” she says, squeezing my hand.

  “Who knows. They say those who get knocked in the head can change their personality. And I sure as hell have been, and then some,” I finish with a grunt.

  “Are you hurting?”

  “My head does.”

  “I’m going to give you another slight dose. Please rest. Try not to think too much.” I scrunch my brows at her like it was the only thing I could do at the moment. “I know, it’s hard, but I can have them bring in a television or get you something to read until you sleep.”

  “What about some food?”

  “They’re going to start you on something to eat in a few hours. It’ll be light and probably bland, but you haven’t had normal sustenance for three weeks. We don’t want you throwing up all over the place.”

  Chapter 3


  My shift was almost over, and yet, I don’t want to go home. It wouldn’t be right for me to stay, even as a friend. He looked so lonely the last time I walked out of his room. The next shift started ten minutes ago, and they’re checking on him now. I should say goodnight, but it’s after visiting hours.

  As soon as I punch out, I walk to the elevators. I can’t see him because I won’t leave if I do. There’s this energy that passes between us, and I want it for my own. The man is completely broken and all I can think about is how handsome he is.

  Ignoring the urge to turn around, I head home. My place is small, but it feels like a chasm at this very moment. I have family and friends, yet I’ve never felt so alone. I pull my top over my head, tossing it onto the floor, not caring that I’m making a mess. There’s no one to come home to anyway. My phone buzzes in my pocket. It’s probably my mom for our standard did you get home safe from work call. I take it out and see it’s the hospital calling.

  “Did I forget to do something?” I wasn’t absentminded, but I couldn’t think straight at all today.

  “Yes, your patient is bent out of shape because you didn’t say goodbye.” I close my eyes and lean against the back of my sofa. “Here, he is.” They’re letting him call me?

  “Hello, angel.”

  “Hello. Goodbye,” I mutter, hoping to end the call before things get awkward.

  “Isn’t that a song?” he asks.

  I lean one arm on the back of the sofa and with my brows knitted, I respond, “Yes, it is. You can remember that?”

  He gives a slight chuckle before answering, “It’s funny, but yes, random almost irrelevant things have been stopping by in my screwed-up brain.”

  “Is there anything else you can remember?” I’m so freaking thrilled about it that I start pacing around the room, ready to do a happy dance.

  “Your voice. It sticks with me.” Why does he have to say these things? We can’t be together, even though I eat up his words and cherish them.

  “We shouldn’t be having this conversation.”

  “No, we probably shouldn’t, but after learning no one has come searching for me, I frankly don’t care if anyone ever does.”

  “I know, but the therapist will be there to try and jog your memory in two days. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Goodnight, my angel,” he whispers. I hear the phone being handed over, and wait for Karrie to get back on the line. She took over for me when I left, and I was secretly jealous of the fact she was with him now.

  “Hey, Connie. I’m giving him his meds for the night. Rest and I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Thanks, Karrie.” I end the call and toss the phone onto the sofa. I get up and decide to take a warm bath. It may just help me sleep tonight. This is going to be a very long road. Maybe my infatuation with him is nothing more than just that.

  I lay in the water, nearly falling asleep with the heat and bubbles. The only thing that stops me is his eyes. They’re with me every time I close mine. I hop out, so I really don’t fall asleep, and head to bed.

  Chapter 4

; David

  A week has passed since I’ve woken up. It feels like forever and I want to leave, but hell if I have anywhere to go. As soon as I heal, they’ll probably toss me on my rear. It’s another week before I’m physically able to leave, but mentally I’m at a loss. Without knowing who I am, I don’t know how to go about life. Hell, I don’t even know my name.

  Connie would be kind enough take me in, but it wouldn’t feel right taking her charity when I long for her in ways that aren’t right if I have someone else. There’s one woman that keeps popping in my head, but I don’t want her intimately.

  I’ve been meeting with all sorts of therapists. The psychotherapists were attempting to refresh my mind. One of them believes from the sound of my voice that I’m not from Chicago, but instead from the Midwest. It could explain why someone wasn’t able to find me here. Especially if they had no idea I was coming to Chicago. Fuck, this is awful.

  Connie left me to my own devices to make her rounds, so I decided it was time to take a walk around the floor. I’ve been doing the same thing every day, gradually but surely becoming stronger.

  “David?” A voice calls out. I spin around and it’s the woman in my thoughts. I know her, but I feel like she could be my sister. Connie is standing with her, assisting her in walking around.

  “Wait, you know him?” I hear Connie ask. It’s laced with mixed emotions. I look at Connie, trying to judge her tension. If it’s the jealousy I think it is, I hope this woman tells me I’m single.

  “Of course, I do,” she replies. I run up and hug her tightly. She’s the lifeline to my past, and hopefully a positive future. “Brooke,” I say, her name coming to me immediately. A few of those receptors are triggering in my brain. She looks at me strangely because I’m a mess. Although from what I can see, she’s not doing much better.

  “You know her?” the doctor next to the station asks.

  “Yes, although, I’m not quite sure how,” I answer, giving the doc a confused grimace.


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