Hate You, Henley: An Enemies To Lovers Sports Romance (Brooks University Book 3)

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Hate You, Henley: An Enemies To Lovers Sports Romance (Brooks University Book 3) Page 3

by Hannah Gray

  Slowly, she nods. “Sure is. Sorry. I just … I heard you were on the swim team at Gray High School and were good. Really good. So, I was surprised you weren’t on the team here at Brooks.”

  My eyes hold hers for a moment before I relax again. “I guess I just got over it.” I shrug. “Didn’t care to be on the team anymore.”

  Disappointment flashes on her face before she offers me a small smile. “Sorry. I should have just asked. I’m not always good socially.” She sighs. “If you change your mind, they might make an exception and let you join late as a walk-on.”

  “Good to know,” I say politely and stand to go to a different room. “Thanks, Layla.”

  Brooks is actually well known for their aquatics program. I knew that, coming in. But I made the choice to stop swimming competitively last year. And even though a part of me misses it, there’s a bigger part of me that knows I’m not mentally able to do it right now. Because in swim, if you want to be great, you have to live, eat, sleep swim.

  But just because I won’t be on Brooks’s swim team doesn’t mean I won’t be visiting the pool when it’s open swim. Because I will be, for sure.

  I often wonder how different my year would’ve been if I had stuck with swimming. But once it happened, I didn’t have the brain capacity to competitively swim anymore. I still swam as often as I could at the pool. And in the lake too. But I no longer wanted to kill myself for the sport anymore. Instead, I guess you could say, I chose other ways to slowly kill my body. Alcohol, no sleep, energy drinks after no sleep, occasionally some weed.

  Before shit hit the fan though, some colleges had come and talked to me about scholarships. I just had to play my cards right my senior year, and the world was mine. I loved the sport so much that I did everything I could to be the best. Then, I’d screwed it up for myself.

  The feeling that I threw everything away is slowly growing larger. But I also know it’s too late. I missed my senior year of swim. Brooks would never take me on now.

  I’m the one who gave it up and acted like I didn’t care. So, why does the realization that it’s over hurt so badly?



  “It’s so fucking hot,” Knox whines, swiping his arm over his forehead. “My nutsack just caught on fire and melted off.”

  “Don’t care about your sack,” Cole says, shaking his head. “Though you always want to fucking talk about it with anyone who’ll listen.”

  Knox smirks. “Fucking right I do, Storms. Be proud of your bag, man. The bag gets ya tagged.”

  “Did you just make that up?” I narrow my eyes before pouring some Gatorade into my mouth. “The fuck is wrong with you?”

  “Eh … I’m from Maine. We say weird shit.” He shrugs.

  “So, that’s a Maine saying?” I tilt my head down, confused as fuck about why anyone would make that an actual thing to say.

  Finally, he rolls his eyes and tosses his water back to the side of the field. “Nah, I just made it up. But has a nice ring to it, don’t ya think?”

  “No,” Cole and I say at the same time before jogging back onto the field.

  Cole Storms and Knox Carter aren’t only my teammates on the football team, but they are my roommates too. I didn’t think we’d hit it off as quickly as we did. But after one week, we were like brothers.

  We moved in this summer to start training for football, and I already feel like I’ve known them for years.

  Out of the three of us, Knox is the joker. Even if his jokes aren’t always that funny, he’s always spouting them off. Cole is more intense. Dude just wants to make it to the NFL, and that’s about it. And me … well, I’m doing two practices a day right now while also preparing for my babysitting job that’s starting soon.

  Henley arrived today. I know this because her old man messaged me, letting me know. I told him I’d keep an eye out. So, tonight, unfortunately, that’s what I have to do. Play Inspector fucking Gadget, following around a girl who isn’t just riding the crazy bus—she’s fucking conducting that son of a bitch.

  There’s a party at a frat house, and I know that’s where I’ll find her. Because if there’s a party, that’s where she’ll be. I know it. And I can’t wait to see the look on her bitchy face when she sees me there too. She has no idea I came to Brooks, but she’s about to.

  Hang on to your tits, Henley. I’m coming in hot.

  A few hours later, I walk out of my bedroom, in a hurry to get to the frat house to see what my hellion is doing. Hoping like hell she isn’t naked and dancing on a fucking table by now.

  Heading outside, I start toward my truck. Thanking the good Lord that either Knox and Cole aren’t home or they are in their rooms. I didn’t want to explain I was going to a party to babysit an eighteen-year-old woman. And I’m not ready for them to even know about Henley at all.

  I realize I’m not that lucky when Knox’s truck comes pulling in next to mine. Seconds later, he hops out, immediately spotting me.

  “Just the man I was lookin’ for,” he drawls, slapping my back. “You good-looking sumbitch.”

  “Looking for me? What for, dickface?”

  He follows me to my truck. “Need a favor, brother. Not an enormous one. Not a small one either.” He pauses, seeming nervous. “Just a … normal-sized one.” He runs his hand up the back of his neck, like he’s anticipating me saying no.

  “Spit it out, Carter,” I say lowly. Dreading whatever it is.

  “Can you go to the movies tonight?”

  I stop in my tracks, tipping my chin at him. “The fuck would two grown-ass men go to a movie together for?” I say, confused. “Well, two straight grown-ass men.”

  “Not you and me,” he grunts. “I asked this chick in my class to go to a movie. She wants to bring a friend. So, now, I need to bring a friend.”

  I hold his gaze before finally, I burst out laughing and start walking backward toward my truck. “That means she clearly thinks you’re a fucking murderer or some shit.” I shake my head. “Or that you drive a van with free candy written on the side of it.” I scratch my chin. “Do you … have a van with that on it?”

  “No.” His face gets red with irritation. “She was supposed to hang out with her friend. Doesn’t want to ditch her. And I’m no fucking creeper. Nobody thinks that.”

  “Ask Cole,” I say, reaching for my door handle. “He’d probably love to go on your awkward fucking date.”

  “He hates movies.” He sounds desperate, and I almost feel bad enough to go. Almost isn’t completely though. “Come on. It’ll be fun. This girl is fucking hotter than the hinges of hell. I’m sure her friend is too.”

  “Got shit to do. Ask Cole. Bribe him with some food. Dude loves food.” I jump in my truck and roll the window down. “Rain check, Knoxy?”

  “You suck donkey dick,” he whines, looking disappointed. “Where the hell you always disappearing to lately anyway?” He narrows his eyes. “Cheating on me, are ya?”

  “Just places, my friend. Places.” I can’t give him anything else than that. I’d sound pathetic if I did.

  “More like places to be, bitches to see.” He winks and steps back, holding up his hand. “Fine. But next time you ask me to a movie, I’m telling you to go fuck a couch.”

  “I promise, I’ll never ask you to a movie,” I call out my window and pull out of my parking spot. Wishing I could be a fly on the wall when he asks Cole.

  Cole will probably go because he’s a good friend. And … he doesn’t have shit else to do. Basically, all that dude cares about is football. I guess I could say the same for all of us. But Cole is hands down the most intense. Hence why he’s been chosen to be captain of the team as a freshman. He’ll do a hell of a job at it though. I know it.

  As I head toward the party, I realize what a long year it’s going to be if I have to keep tabs on where she is and what she’s doing. But I have to do it. It is what it is.

  I eye the room over. Looking for her dark blonde hair anywhere it might be. She�
�s got that natural beauty thing to her. She doesn’t need to cake on the makeup like some of these chicks here tonight. If only her personality wasn’t fucking shit these days.

  It takes me no time to spot her. She’s propped up on a stool at the counter, pouring herself a shot before tipping it back, followed by another. A few others sit next to her, envious of how fast she’s putting the liquor down, but I don’t even think she knows they’re there. She’s in her own world right now.

  There she sits, trucker hat turned backward and a black tank top. Tied around her waist is a green-and-black flannel shirt. She’s always had a unique sense of style. And she always looks hot. Fuck, with only a garbage bag on, she’d still be sexy as hell. And the craziest part, she doesn’t even realize it.

  I start toward her, fully expecting her to cause a scene and have one of her fits when she spots me. See, she doesn’t know I also came to Brooks. And for that alone, I can’t fucking wait to see the look on her face.

  When the guys near her notice me coming, they quickly take off. Still, she doesn’t notice her surroundings at all. And that right there terrifies me. Does she not realize how quickly shit can go wrong at these college parties? Is she ignorant to the creeps who attend this shit? Hell, even the ones who put them on?

  “Oh, look, you’re getting wasted again.” I lean down against the countertop. “Such a surprise and a rare sighting. Like a unicorn or some shit.”

  Slowly, she turns her head to look at me. Her face turns red, and her eyes grow dark as she glares at me. I know what’s coming next before it even comes out of her plump pink lips. “What the hell are you doing here?” She grits her teeth together. “You followed me to Brooks? Are you freaking kidding me?”

  “Trust me, babe, not by choice. I can assure you that fucking much,” I toss back, watching her tongue dart out and lick her lips, making me wish I were the tequila on them. “I mean, you’re quite a catch these days.” I wave my hand at her drunken self. “But … I had other shit to do.”

  “Pffft.” She smirks arrogantly. “Admit you’re obsessed with me. It’s sickening really.”

  “Right.” I smirk. “Who wouldn’t be obsessed with you, Henley Hayes? You’re a brat. You’re a drunk. Oh, and you’re a fucking bitch.” I narrow my eyes. “What’s not to be obsessed with, babe?”

  “Fuck you,” she hisses, and I can’t stop my eyes from drifting right to her tits as they strain against her shirt. Her cleavage peeks out on the low-cut neckline. Causing a groan to die in my throat and a jolt to go right to my dick.

  “I would.” I lean in closer to her and cock my head to the side. “But I think you’d like that too much, wouldn’t you, baby?”

  She tries to remain indifferent, but goose bumps cover her skin from my words. I know as badly as I’ve wanted to drive my dick inside of her, she wants it just as much.

  “I don’t know why you’re here. But it doesn’t really matter.” She widens her eyes. “Here’s your warning. Stay. The. Hell. Away. From. Me.”

  God, she’s sexy when she’s pissed.

  I’d love to push her onto her knees and shut that pretty mouth of hers up and put it to good use. Unfortunately, that probably wouldn’t make her parents very happy if, instead of watching her, I was fucking her mouth. At least I’d be keeping her out of trouble though.

  I close the small gap between us and reach out. Gripping her chin softly with my thumb and fingers, I bring my face close to hers and watch her suck in a breath. “It’s simple. Behave, and I won’t have to be around. Fuck up, and I’ll be stuck, taking care of you.” My mouth hovers over hers. “Deal?”

  Her breathing gets deeper, and her eyes dance between mine. Thoughts of all the dirty things I’d love to do to this girl have my dick hardening even more in my pants.

  Eventually, she shrugs me off and reaches for the bottle, attempting to pour herself another shot. But in one swift move, I knock the shot glass onto the floor.

  She only smirks. “Joke’s on you. I don’t need that tiny glass.” Lifting the bottle to her lips, she starts to pour some down her throat.

  I grab it away from her and take three strides to the sink before dumping it out.

  “You are such a prick,” she screeches, pushing herself out of her chair and running behind me.

  She looks like a rabid fox. And for a minute, I wonder if she’s going to pounce on me.

  She stands on her tippy-toes, and her eyes look like they want to burn holes in my skin. “I am so fucking sick of this!” She grips her neck, and tears welt in her eyes, but she blinks them away. “I came here to get away from everyone! You included!” She grits her teeth. “And yet here you are! Ruining my life!”

  “Too bad Dane isn’t here, right, Hen? That would have made you happy.” I swallow back the emotion in my voice. Hating the fact that I have to bring up that fuckface’s name.

  “I wish he were here instead of you,” she says, continuing to glare.

  I fight not to pick up a barstool and throw it across the room. Her words make me angry. Really fucking angry.

  “Well, he’s not.” I shrug. “Looks like that sucks for both of us. Because if I were in Florida instead of him, I wouldn’t have to look at your ass every day.”

  “Then, leave.” She seethes, drunk and obnoxious. “Nobody is stopping you.”

  I eye her over. She’s pretty buzzed. And she’s hot. I can’t just leave her here to fend for herself. But I’m over being here. And I’m over her attitude for the night. That leaves me no other option.

  Lifting her up, I throw her over my shoulder, catching her completely off guard. She kicks and screams.

  Gripping her ass cheek, I squeeze. “You’re making a scene. Be a good girl, and I’ll downplay this. Keep being naughty and see what happens.”

  After a bit more thrashing around, slowly, she stills.

  “Good girl.” I grin and pat her plump ass lightly.

  “Don’t mind her,” I toss coolly to everybody who’s watching. “Just going to get her back home before she pukes all over the carpet. Isn’t that right, babe?”

  People stare. A few girls scowl. Likely not because they are worried for her, but because they think I’m taking her home instead of them. That’s all it really comes down to. Nobody gives a fuck for her well-being. Or if she’s about to be sexually assaulted or taken advantage of. And the guys know I’m one of the big dogs on campus, so they say nothing. It’s sick. And it’s exactly why I didn’t let her come to this school alone. Because, sometimes, humans are disgraceful. And I can’t have her fate in their hands. Not when her head isn’t screwed on straight right now.

  I head to the door, basically plowing through anyone in my way until I reach it. Practice was hard today. And I don’t have time for this shit. Not at all.

  Once we get outside and away from everyone, she begins fighting me again. Just like I predicted she would. “Let me go, dickwad! You are insane!”

  She can’t weigh more than one hundred and ten pounds. And she can’t be more than five foot three. Yet she is fighting me so bad right now that even I’m impressed with her strength.

  “Hey! Douche bag! I’m talking to you!” she screeches.

  When I dig my fingertips into her ass, she calms down slightly.

  “Careful … I might just need to give that ass a spank.” I give it a small pat. “But you’d probably love it.”

  “You’re literally the most annoying person in the world. Put me down!” She kicks her legs again. “I don’t understand why you are acting like a complete caveman right now! We aren’t friends!”

  “I’m taking you back to your house. Where your sisters can braid your hair or do whatever the fuck you all do.” I shake my head and laugh. “Never pictured you in a sorority.”

  “And I never imagined you were a stalker. Guess we’re both surprised,” she huffs out.

  “Guess so.”

  “Can you just put me down? Please?” She sounds frustrated. “I won’t run. I had too many shots for run

  I hear something in her voice that makes me actually believe her. She sounds desperate.

  Stopping, I set her down. She slides down my body, running herself right over my cock. And as she does, I’ll be damned if another jolt doesn’t go right to my dick from having her this close.

  Her eyes look right into mine, and for a second, I feel like I see the old Henley. My Henley. And it looks like she feels exactly what I did.

  When her feet hit the ground, that all dies down just as fast as it came on.

  She stomps away toward her house. “That was some real stupid shit you just pulled, Wade.”

  “Some stupid shit is being the loner at a party, getting hammered with a room full of frat guys. That’s what’s stupid.” My voice rises. “Where the fuck were all these sorority sisters of yours? Why were you alone, acting like a dumbass?”

  “I barely know them yet! It’s the first freaking day!” Her fist aims down at the ground as she turns and continues to shout at me. “It isn’t a big deal, Weston! I’m in college.”

  “Exactly! This is college. This isn’t the small town of Gray, Henley,” I growl, stepping closer. I tower over her. “Stop being so fucking dumb. Don’t you know what could happen?” My voice gets louder with every word spilled from my lips.

  Goddamn, this woman makes me mad.

  She stops, hanging her head down for a moment. “Yeah, I know. I admit I don’t always make the brightest decisions these days.”

  Her honesty takes me aback. She’s being accountable for being so reckless. Something she hasn’t done in a long time is admit when she’s wrong.

  When she looks up at me, her voice drops to a softer tone. “I’m not your problem, Weston. Why are you acting like I am?”

  “I don’t know,” I breathe out. “Can you please just try to get your shit together? For your parents’ sake?” And mine. “They are worried sick.”

  She steps away from me, shaking her head and sending her dark blonde hair in every direction. “I understand I tend to take things too far at times. But every college kid wants to attend parties and have a good time. Am I suddenly supposed to be a nun now or something?”


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