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Hate You, Henley: An Enemies To Lovers Sports Romance (Brooks University Book 3)

Page 13

by Hannah Gray

  Disappointment blankets her face even though she tries to hide it.

  Leaning across the bed, I can’t help but at least kiss her forehead. “When you’re ready to fall, I’ll be here, waiting to catch you.” I stand up, walking backward to the door. “Just let yourself fall, Henley. What’s the worst that could happen?”

  And after that, I pull myself away from her, and I leave.



  “I didn’t wait up, but you were out awfully late last night.” Layla pulls her swim cap over her red hair. “That was nice … Weston driving you and all.”

  “About that,” I say, tossing her a pretend glare. “Thanks for letting him in, traitor.”

  “Um … look here, lady. He didn’t give me a choice. I told him you weren’t home, but he barged in anyway.” She smiles. “I found it sort of romantic.”

  “Yeah … yeah,” I mutter and head to the pool.

  Last night, Weston told me he wouldn’t kiss me until I gave him more than just sex. He wants more of me than just my vajayjay. And as much as I love that … I can’t give it to him. The second he learns the truth that I hooked up with Dane as well as shared some unerasable personal experiences with him, he’s going to hate me. And I won’t blame him for it.

  I listen to Coach’s instruction and then dive into the pool at the buzzer. I’m not like most normal swimmers. They probably zone in on what they are doing. They think of every breath they take, every stroke. They are perfect and calculated. I might look like all of those things. But under the surface, when I’m swimming, that’s when a lot of thoughts I’ve pushed aside come back into my brain.

  And as crazy as it sounds, it’s those times—when I’m reliving the past—that my swim times are the best. Because in a way, I think my subconscious tells me that if I swim fast enough, I’ll outrun my troubles. If I can just kick my feet or paddle my arms at lightning speed, those demons will be left in the dust.

  Unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way.

  Blood. So much of it. I’d had heavy periods but nothing like this before.

  I clenched my stomach. It hurt so bad that I wanted to cry out, but I bit my pillowcase instead, quieting my mouth.

  I couldn’t call Weston. I didn’t want to speak to him. After all, I had found out that summer that he really did only think of me as a friend. I needed to put space between us. Space to get over him. And … space because I’d had sex with his twin brother.

  More pain came on, and this time, I did cry out. Thank God my parents weren’t home.

  Dane and I had been awkward since we’d hooked up. He knew I wasn’t into it. I knew he loved me. It was a shit sandwich of a situation. But in that moment, I knew I needed help. And with my parents being hours away on a trip, Dane was my only choice.

  Pressing his number, I held my phone beside my ear.

  “Henley?” He sounded concerned, probably because I hadn’t called him in weeks.

  “Can you come over?” I had to grit my teeth from the pain. “I think … I need to go to a doctor. Something isn’t right.”

  My period … I hadn’t had it since the week before school ended. That was two and a half months before.

  Pregnant. I knew I must be pregnant. A one-night stand for revenge had turned into a complete nightmare.

  Minutes later, Dane rushed in. His eyes moved from my face to my bed.

  “Christ, you’re bleeding out, Henley.” He put a hand to my forehead. “And you’re ice cold.”

  “I feel like”—I shivered—“I’m dying or something.”

  “I’m calling an ambulance.” He pulled out his phone, but I shook my head.

  “All the neighbors will see. Someone will call my parents. I don’t want to worry them.” I grab my stomach again. “The hospital is only ten minutes away. Drive me there.”

  He looked unsure, and his own face paled as he looked at the bedding again. But eventually, he scooped me up and carried me to his truck.

  Hours later, I lay in a hospital bed. Him next to me, holding my hand like we were a couple or something. And when that doctor came out and told us what we’d already known, it still hit us harder than we could have ever expected.

  A baby we hadn’t known we had created.

  A baby we never knew we wanted.

  A baby that had grown inside of my body, listening to my heartbeat for nine weeks. Nine weeks of being a mom and not knowing it. Nine weeks of Dane being a father and not knowing it. He or she would have been born on March 10—that was their due date anyway. Though I wished the doctor had never told us that. Because from that moment on, I would hate that day more than anything in the world. That day would hold a pain I never knew existed.

  I didn’t need a baby. And now, I wasn’t going to have one. But even though I knew I wasn’t ready for motherhood yet, I mourned my baby. I mourned someone I had only just learn existed. I would have given anything for that baby to be okay. Because they were mine. And I … was theirs.

  And now … they were gone.

  Was it too much swimming? Was it the alcohol I had drunk that summer? Or the workouts I’d endured? Any of those things weren’t good for a pregnant person, I assumed. So, what one thing had I done wrong to make it so that this sweet, innocent baby never got the chance to exist? Surely, it was one of them.

  I was basically a murderer.

  I had killed my own baby. No, our baby.

  My hand goes to the wall, and when I come up for air, Coach and his assistant both stare at me.

  “What?” I pull my goggles onto the top of my head. “Why are you looking at me like that? Did I do something wrong?”

  It wouldn’t surprise me if I did. After all, I completely zoned out and traveled back to the worst day of my life. I’m sure I did all sorts of wacky shit while I was swimming.

  “Hayes … have you been training?” Coach says, kneeling down next to the pool. “As in before I gave you a spot on the team?”

  “Not really.” I fold my arms on the edge of the concrete pool. “I came a few times since school started. And this summer, I swam a lot in the lake.” I smile. “My house is right on one.”

  “But no hard training?” the assistant coach says, coming to stand next to Coach.

  I shake my head. “No. Why? Am I that bad?”

  The way they are looking at me is making me nervous. Can they kick me off the team for being less good than they thought I was? Who am I kidding? Of course they can.

  Coach stands up. “Keep it up. Whatever it is in here”—he taps his head—“that’s pushing you to swim like that, hold on to it.” His face grows serious. “Fixate on it. It could take you to the next level.”

  He and the assistant coach walk away. Caught off guard and not really sure what to think.

  Holding on to what was pushing me to swim faster means holding on to pain. Then again, pain can be a driving force to success. Pain and fear. Both play a crucial part in life.

  I fear that when Weston learns the truth, he’ll hate me. And now that I’ve let him in, I can’t imagine losing him again. But I also know I can’t give him all of me. That’s not really an option. For now, I guess that means I need to keep him close enough to enjoy but far enough away so that my truth won’t hurt him.


  “What was with you at practice, man?” Cole nods at me from his locker. “You seemed a bit off.”

  “I’m good,” I lie. “Just tired, I guess.”

  “Course you were tired, my man.” Knox winks. “You were out half the night. Shit, I’d be tired too.”

  “Yeah, I know,” I grumble. “Not my smartest choice.”

  “I’d say,” Cole mutters.

  Last night was the first of many things. The first time having Henley’s lips wrapped around me. The first time watching her come undone on my fingers and the first time burying myself deep inside of her. But then she wanted to make it all romantic and shit. Kissing and all the stuff that couples do. Well, I’d be fine with th
at, if she wanted to act like that was what we were.

  As much as I want to be annoyed with the fact that she doesn’t want to give more than what she is now, I can’t be. Because I’m already craving her. Needing her again even though I just had her last night. I need to watch her lips part slightly as I inch my way inside of her, fucking her into oblivion. And as much as I wish I could introduce her to my friends, I’m not going to until she actually wants me. And not just my dick. So, even though I hate keeping secrets from them, I feel like it’s the best decision right now.

  She’s on the swim team now. And that makes me so damn happy that I could cry. Not only will it help her remember who she is, but it’ll also keep her out of trouble. Something she desperately needs to do.

  Cole heads toward the door but stops, turning toward me. “Don’t be tired this weekend. This is a big game for us,” he says in a serious tone. “Need you to be ready.”

  “No shit, Sherlock.” I stand up and slap him on his shoulder. “I’m always ready.”

  He eyes me over. “I know you and your brother don’t have the best relationship. You sure you’ll be all right?”

  This weekend is a big deal to me more than it is anybody else on the team. Why, might you ask? Well … we play Florida. Which happens to be Dane’s team. So, in other words, I get to go against my twin brother, who I haven’t spoken to in a long fucking time.

  I think about it for a moment before finally nodding and giving him a grin. “I’m good, brother. Really.”

  He doesn’t look convinced but gives me a small nod. “Good.”

  Henley had better be there. But she’d better be there to watch me and not my fuckstick brother. I don’t know what he did, but whatever it was put a wedge between her and me. I won’t be having that again.

  It’s no secret he’s been in love with Henley since we were kids. Still, even when they got close while I was gone, I know she never thought of Dane as more than a friend. She loves me. I know she does. Now, Dane can see it too.

  I love that girl so fucking much that I turned on my own blood for getting between us. And I’d do it again.



  After I’m back in my dorm from practice, I start getting caught up on homework when my cell phone buzzes.

  I look at a text from Henley, and when I read what it says, I almost fall over from shock. Maybe she’s starting to think about what I told her after all.

  Henley: I have a surprise for you. Meet me outside of my place in twenty minutes.

  Me: Are you going to be naked?

  Henley: In the afternoon, in the daylight? In front of a sorority house, where girls put their nose up at booze? Let me think about this. NO.

  Me: Fine. But at least consider it. We could be like Old School and go streaking!

  Henley: That’s a negative, ghost rider. See you soon. Haul your ass.

  I smile and shake my head at her banter. It’s good to see the old Henley shining through even if it is just small glimpses. It shows she’s still in there.

  I have no idea what surprise she might give me. If it’s a treat, then I hope it’s her on a platter. I’d be more than satisfied with that surprise.

  I walk outside just as Cole is jumping out of his truck. A dark-haired beauty opens the passenger side and climbs down.

  I recently found out this girl is Ally. Not only had she been his high school flame, but they’d also lived in a foster home together when they were younger. I’ve only met her briefly a few other times. But even then, it was like actually seeing Cole for the first time. He’s a different man with her in his life. A better one at that.

  “Where you headed, man?” Cole’s hand reaches for Ally’s, claiming her proudly. “I swear I never see you anymore.”

  “Christ, Storm. You’re starting to sound like Knox.”

  Knox is always concerned about what I’m doing or who I’m with. I swear he’s worse than a jealous girlfriend.

  “He being nice to you? I can straighten him out if not,” I say, winking at Ally.

  She tosses her head back and laughs and pats him on the abdomen. “Boy, you’d best believe if he wasn’t, I could handle him myself.” She steps against him closer, tucking herself under his arm. “But thanks for the offer. And I’ll, uh … keep that in mind.”

  Opening the door to my truck, I climb behind the wheel. “Have fun, kids. Be safe. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  “We don’t know what you do,” Cole grumbles and heads toward the dorm, pulling Ally along with him.

  I might not know Ally very well, but it’s clear to see she takes no shit. She puts Cole in his place, but I know if anybody fucked with him, she’d be there, ready to fight.

  I wonder if Henley is like that at all when it comes to me. Or if she just doesn’t care. I know if any single person ever fucked with her, I’d put an end to that shit. Real fast too.

  No matter what, she’s family. And family is forever.

  Well, unless you’re Dane. Then, you’re fucking dead to me.

  I pull into her place just as she walks down the steps. Her long hair is straightened today, and I groan, seeing her long, tan legs in her cutoff shorts, paired with her black tank top.

  I pull over to the curb, and right away, she jogs over and climbs inside my truck. Her lips are painted a pretty pink color, and her dark eyelashes feather her bright blue eyes. The smell of strawberries hits my nose, fucking with my brain.

  “What’s this surprise?” I start to ask her, but a glint of silver on her chest catches my eye.

  Reaching across, I touch the small necklace. She doesn’t push me away, never pulls back.

  “You still wear this?” I say, not taking my eyes off the jewelry.

  “I’ve never taken it off,” she states matter-of-factly. As if putting me in my place.

  I didn’t notice it before. I tried to look, but I guess her shirt was too high cut. Or my brain was too intoxicated by her body that I forgot to check for the necklace. The one thing that could still link us.


  “Because … every memory means something. Even if it’s painful.” Reaching out, she touches my arm as my fingers still hold the necklace tightly. “You were a big part of my life.”

  My eyes shift to hers. “You are a big part of my life.”

  She swallows hard. Her eyes flutter shut for a moment before opening again. “Do you want to know where we’re going?”

  I wish she’d give me more. I wish she’d talk more about whatever this does or doesn’t mean. I’d like to tell her the matching necklace is in my glove box. I put it there right before I had to take her to her dads’ birthday. I didn’t want her seeing it and thinking I was a fucking weirdo. Now, I wish I’d never taken it down. Maybe it would have made her open up more or trust me deeper. I doubt it though. Henley needs to do stuff on her own time. She can’t be rushed or coerced.

  “Yeah …” I drop the necklace and put one hand on the steering wheel. “Where are we headed? What’s the big surprise?”

  Reaching into her back pocket, she pulls out two folded pieces of paper. “Tonight, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers play the Atlanta Falcons at the Mercedes-Benz Stadium.” She smacks the paper against my stomach. “We’re going, lover boy.”

  “You got me tickets to watch the Buccaneers play?” I stare at her in disbelief. Waiting for some cameras or some shit to pop out, telling me I’ve been pranked.

  “No. I got us tickets.” She blushes, but her lips turn up in a smile. “I know how much you love the Buccaneers. I figured, it’s only an hour and a half away. Why not?” She puts the tickets back into her pocket. “We’re gorging ourselves on junk food though. No team diets tonight. I don’t care how crummy I feel after.”

  I want to kiss her so badly that it’s actually painful. Leaning over, I pull her against me in a hug. “Thank you. I mean it. I’m really happy.”

  When I release her, she puts on her seat belt before I even have to ask.

p; “Even the she-devil does nice things sometimes.” She shrugs.

  As I put the truck in drive and head toward Atlanta, I realize something. I’ve never actually thought she was the devil. I might tell her and myself that, but deep down, I’ve always seen the good in her. Even when she made it hard. If that isn’t love … I don’t know what is.

  As addictive as it is to fight with her and push her to almost break, it’s even better to not. It’s much more satisfying to see her smile and know that I put it there.


  Our seats are nothing special. As a matter of fact, they’re basically in the nosebleed. But with hot dogs in our hands, sodas in our cupholders, we’re here. And loving every second of it.

  We might be from South Carolina, but Weston has always been obsessed with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. I think if he got the chance to be drafted there, that’s where he’d go. When I heard they were playing here tonight, without thinking, I ordered tickets.

  As much as he’s into the game, he always makes sure to pay attention to me too. Which is nice, but it isn’t like he has to. I’m not his girlfriend. I’m not even sure we’re friends. But this truce we called for the time being, I’m enjoying it. A lot.

  He puts his arm around me, tucking me into his side. It’s different now. Things between us have shifted, and I know he feels it too.

  It isn’t even like it was when we were kids. It’s so much more than that. It’s like we’ve just started dating, but we know each other as well as an old married couple. That’s what being born just hours apart and basically all but sharing a crib will do, I suppose.

  I could say the same for Dane, but things were just always a different dynamic. Weston was protective over me since we could walk. Where I went, he went. And where he wanted to go, he’d drag me along too. We were connected in some way.

  “My glove box,” Weston says, keeping his eyes on the field.


  Halftime is announced, and confused, I wait for his answer.


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