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The Connected Discourses of the Buddha

Page 27

by Bhikkhu Bodhi

Has been covered with swarms of vermin:

  Hence this ascetic is happy.

  652 “Surely this ascetic does not have

  Seven daughters left for widows,

  Some with one son, some with two:

  Hence this ascetic is happy.456

  653 “Surely this ascetic does not have

  A tawny wife with pockmarked face

  Who wakes him up with a kick:

  Hence this ascetic is happy.

  654 “Surely this ascetic does not have

  Creditors who call at dawn,

  Chiding him, ‘Pay up! Pay up!’: <367>

  Hence this ascetic is happy.”

  [The Blessed One:]655 “Surely, brahmin, I do not have

  Fourteen oxen [that have gotten lost],

  Not seen now for the past six days:

  Hence, O brahmin, I am happy. [171]

  656 “Surely, brahmin, I do not have

  A field of blighted sesamum plants,

  Some with one leaf, some with two:

  Hence, O brahmin, I am happy.

  657 “Surely, brahmin, I do not have

  Rats inside an empty barn

  Dancing around merrily:

  Hence, O brahmin, I am happy.

  658 “Surely, brahmin, I do not have

  A blanket that for seven months

  Has been covered with swarms of vermin:

  Hence, O brahmin, I am happy.

  659 “Surely, brahmin, I do not have

  Seven daughters left for widows,

  Some with one son, some with two:

  Hence, O brahmin, I am happy. <368>

  660 “Surely, brahmin, I do not have

  A tawny wife with pockmarked face

  Who wakes me up with a kick:

  Hence, O brahmin, I am happy.

  661 “Surely, brahmin, I do not have

  Creditors who call at dawn,

  Chiding me, ‘Pay up! Pay up!’:

  Hence, O brahmin, I am happy.”

  When this was said, the brahmin of the Bhāradvāja clan said to the Blessed One: “Magnificent, Master Gotama!”… And the Venerable Bhāradvāja became one of the arahants.457 <369>



  11 (1) Kasi Bhāradvāja

  Thus have I heard.458 On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling among the Magadhans at Dakkhiṇāgiri near the brahmin village of Ekanāḷa. Now on that occasion the brahmin Kasi Bhāradvāja, Bhāradvāja the Ploughman, had five hundred ploughs fastened to their yokes at the time of sowing.459 Then, in the morning, the Blessed One dressed and, taking bowl and robe, went to the place where the brahmin Kasi Bhāradvāja was at work.

  Now on that occasion the brahmin Kasi Bhāradvāja’s food distribution was taking place.460 Then the Blessed One approached the place of the food distribution <370> and stood to one side. The brahmin Kasi Bhāradvāja saw the Blessed One standing for alms and said to him:

  “Recluse, I plough and sow, and when I have ploughed and sown I eat. You too, ascetic, ought to plough and sow; then, when you have ploughed and sown, you will eat.”

  “I too, brahmin, plough and sow, and when I have ploughed and sown I eat.”

  “But we do not see Master Gotama’s yoke or plough or ploughshare or goad or oxen; yet Master Gotama says, ‘I too, brahmin, plough and sow, and when I have ploughed and sown I eat.’”

  Then the brahmin Kasi Bhāradvāja addressed the Blessed One in verse: <371>662 “You claim to be a man who works the plough,

  But I do not see your ploughing.

  If you’re a ploughman, answer me:

  How should we understand your ploughing?”

  [The Blessed One:]663 “Faith is the seed, austerity the rain,

  Wisdom my yoke and plough;

  Shame is the pole, mind the yoke-tie,

  Mindfulness my ploughshare and goad.461

  664 “Guarded in body, guarded in speech,

  Controlled in my appetite for food,

  I use truth as my weeding-hook,

  And gentleness as my unyoking.462 [173]

  665 “Energy is my beast of burden,

  Carrying me to security from bondage.

  It goes ahead without stopping

  To where, having gone, one does not sorrow .463

  666 “In such a way this ploughing is done

  Which has the Deathless as its fruit.

  Having finished this work of ploughing, <372>

  One is released from all suffering.”

  “Let Master Gotama eat! The worthy is a ploughman, since Master Gotama does ploughing that has even the Deathless as its fruit.”

  667-68 “Food over which verses have been sung

  … (verses = 636-37) …

  For he is the field for one seeking merit.”

  When this was said, the brahmin Kasi Bhāradvāja said to the Blessed One: “Magnificent, Master Gotama! Magnificent, Master Gotama! The Dhamma has been made clear in many ways by Master Gotama, as though he were turning upright what had been turned upside down, revealing what was hidden, showing the way to one who was lost, or holding up a lamp in the dark for those with eyesight to see forms. <373> I go for refuge to Master Gotama, and to the Dhamma, and to the Bhikkhu Saṅgha. Let Master Gotama remember me as a lay follower who from today has gone for refuge for life.”

  12 (2) Udaya

  At Sāvatthī. Then, in the morning, the Blessed One dressed and, taking bowl and robe, approached the residence of the brahmin Udaya. Then the brahmin Udaya filled the Blessed One’s bowl with rice. A second time in the morning the Blessed One dressed and, taking bowl and robe, approached the residence of the brahmin Udaya…. A third time in the morning the Blessed One dressed and, taking bowl and robe, approached the residence of the brahmin Udaya.464 Then a third time the brahmin Udaya filled the Blessed One’s bowl with rice, [174] after which he said to the Blessed One: “This pesky ascetic Gotama keeps coming again and again.”465

  [The Blessed One:]669 “Again and again, they sow the seed;

  Again and again, the sky-god sends down rain; <374>

  Again and again, ploughmen plough the field;

  Again and again, grain comes to the realm.

  670 “Again and again, the mendicants beg;

  Again and again, the donors give;

  When donors have given again and again,

  Again and again they go to heaven.

  671 “Again and again, the dairy folk draw milk;

  Again and again, the calf goes to its mother;

  Again and again, one wearies and trembles;

  Again and again, the dolt enters the womb;

  Again and again, one is born and dies;

  Again and again, they take one to the cemetery.

  672 “But when one has obtained the path

  That leads to no more renewed existence,

  Having become broad in wisdom,

  One is not born again and again!”

  When this was said, the brahmin Udaya said to the Blessed One : “Magnificent, Master Gotama! Magnificent, Master Gotama!… Let Master Gotama remember me as a lay follower Gotama!... Let Master Gotama remember me as a lay follower who from today has gone for refuge for life.” <375>

  13 (3) Devahita

  At Sāvatthī. Now on that occasion the Blessed One was afflicted by winds and the Venerable Upavāṇa was his attendant.466 Then the Blessed One addressed the Venerable Upavāṇa thus: “Come now, Upavāṇa, find some hot water for me.”

  “Yes, venerable sir,” the Venerable Upavāṇa replied. Then he dressed and, taking bowl and robe, went to the residence of the brahmin Devahita, where he stood silently to one side. The brahmin Devahita saw the Venerable Upavāṇa standing silently to one side and addressed him in verse: [175]673 “Silent, the worthy one stands,

  Shaven-headed, clad in a stitched robe.

  What do you want, what do you seek,

  What have you come here to beg?”

  [The Venerable Upavāṇa:]674 “The Ara
hant, the Fortunate One in the world,

  The Sage, is afflicted with winds. <376>

  If there is any hot water, brahmin,

  Please give it for the Sage.

  675 “He is worshipped by those worthy of worship,

  Honoured by those worthy of honour,

  Respected by those worthy of respect:

  It is to him that I wish to take it.”

  Then the brahmin Devahita ordered a man to bring a carrying pole with hot water and presented a bag of molasses to the Venerable Upavāṇa. Then the Venerable Upavāṇa approached the Blessed One. He had the Blessed One bathed with the hot water, and he mixed the molasses with hot water and offered it to him. Then the Blessed One’s ailment subsided.

  Then the brahmin Devahita approached the Blessed One and exchanged greetings with him, after which he sat down to one side and addressed the Blessed One in verse:676 “Where should one give a proper gift? <377>

  Where does a gift bear great fruit?

  How, for one bestowing alms,

  Does an offering bring success—just how?”467

  [The Blessed One:]677 “One who has known his past abodes,

  Who sees heaven and the plane of woe,

  Who has reached the destruction of birth,

  A sage consummate in direct knowledge:

  678 Here one should give a proper gift,

  Here a gift bears great fruit.

  That’s how, for one bestowing alms,

  An offering brings success—just so!”

  When this was said, the brahmin Devahita said to the Blessed One: “Magnificent , Master Gotama! Magnificent, Master Gotama!… Let Master Gotama remember me as a lay follower who from today has gone for refuge for life.”

  14 (4) The Affluent One

  At Sāvatthī.468 Then a certain affluent brahmin, shabby, clad in a shabby cloak, [176] approached the Blessed One <378> and exchanged greetings with him. When they had concluded their greetings and cordial talk, he sat down to one side, and the Blessed One then said to him: “Why now, brahmin, are you so shabby, clad in a shabby cloak?”

  “Here, Master Gotama, my four sons, instigated by their wives, have expelled me from the house.”

  “Well then, brahmin, learn these verses and recite them when the multitude has assembled in the meeting hall with your sons sitting together there:679 “Those at whose birth I took delight

  And whose success I much desired,

  Being instigated by their wives,

  Chase me out as dogs chase swine.

  680 “These evil fellows are indeed mean,

  Although they call me, ‘Dad, dear Dad.’

  They’re demons in the guise of sons <379>

  To abandon me when I’ve grown old.

  681 “As an old horse of no more use

  Is led away from its fodder,

  So the old father of those boys

  Begs for alms at others’ homes.

  682 “Better for me is the staff I use

  Than those disobedient sons;

  For the staff drives off the wild bull

  And drives away the wild dog.

  683 “In the dark it goes before me,

  In the deep it gives me support.

  By the gracious power of the staff,

  If I stumble I still stand firm.”

  Then that affluent brahmin, having learned these verses in the presence of the Blessed One, recited them when the multitude had assembled in the meeting hall with his sons sitting together there:684-88 “Those at whose birth I took delight … <380>

  If I stumble I still stand firm.” [177]

  Then the sons led that affluent brahmin to their house, bathed him, and each gave him a pair of clothes. Then that affluent brahmin, having taken one pair of clothes, approached the Blessed One and exchanged greetings with him. <381> Then he sat down to one side and said to the Blessed One: “Master Gotama, we brahmins seek a teacher’s fee for our teacher. Let Master Gotama accept a teacher’s fee from me.” The Blessed One accepted out of compassion.

  Then that affluent brahmin said to the Blessed One: “Magnificent, Master Gotama! Magnificent, Master Gotama!… Let Master Gotama remember me as a lay follower who from today has gone for refuge for life.”

  15 (5) Mānatthaddha

  At Sāvatthī. Now on that occasion a brahmin named Mānatthaddha, Stiff with Conceit, was residing at Sāvatthī.469 He did not pay homage to his mother or father, nor to his teacher or eldest brother. Now on that occasion the Blessed One was teaching the Dhamma surrounded by a large assembly. <382> Then it occurred to the brahmin Mānatthaddha: “This ascetic Gotama is teaching the Dhamma surrounded by a large assembly. Let me approach him. If the ascetic Gotama addresses me, then I will address him in turn. But if he does not address me, neither will I address him.”

  Then the brahmin Mānatthaddha approached the Blessed One and stood silently to one side, but the Blessed One did not address him. Then the brahmin Mānatthaddha, thinking, “This ascetic Gotama doesn’t know anything,”470 wanted to turn back, [178] but the Blessed One, having known with his own mind the reflection in the brahmin’s mind, addressed the brahmin Mānatthaddha in verse:689 “The fostering of conceit is never good

  For one keen on his welfare, brahmin.

  You should instead foster that purpose

  Because of which you’ve come here.”471 <383>

  Then the brahmin Mānatthaddha, thinking, “The ascetic Gotama knows my mind,” prostrated himself right there with his head at the Blessed One’s feet. He kissed the Blessed One’s feet, stroked them with his hands, and announced his name thus: “I am Mānatthaddha, Master Gotama! I am Mānatthaddha, Master Gotama!”

  Then that assembly was struck with amazement and the people said: “It is wonderful indeed, sir! It is amazing indeed, sir! This brahmin Mānatthaddha does not pay homage to his mother and father, nor to his teacher or eldest brother, yet he shows such supreme honour towards the ascetic Gotama.”472

  Then the Blessed One said to the brahmin Mānatthaddha: “Enough, brahmin! Get up and sit in your own seat, as your mind has confidence in me.”

  Then the brahmin Mānatthaddha sat down in his own seat and addressed the Blessed One in verse:690 “Towards whom should one avoid conceit?

  Towards whom should one show reverence?

  To whom should one be ever respectful? <384>

  Whom is it proper to venerate deeply?”

  [The Blessed One:]691 “First one’s own mother and father,

  Then one’s eldest family brother,

  Then one’s teacher as the fourth:

  Towards these one should avoid conceit;

  Towards these one should be reverential;

  These should be well respected;

  These it is good to venerate deeply.

  692 “Having struck down conceit, humble,

  One should pay homage to the arahants,

  Those cool of heart, their tasks done,

  The taintless ones, unsurpassed.”

  When this was said, the brahmin Mānatthaddha said to the Blessed One: “Magnificent, Master Gotama! Magnificent, Master Gotama!… <385> Let Master Gotama remember me as a lay follower who from today has gone for refuge for life.” [179]

  16 (6) Paccanīka

  At Sāvatthī. Now on that occasion a brahmin named Paccanīkasāta, Relisher of Contradiction, was residing at Sāvatthī. Then it occurred to the brahmin Paccanīkasāta: “Let me approach the ascetic Gotama and contradict whatever he says.”

  Now on that occasion the Blessed One was walking back and forth in the open. Then the brahmin Paccanīkasāta approached the Blessed One and said to him while he was walking back and forth: “Speak Dhamma, ascetic!”

  [The Blessed One:]693 “Well-spoken counsel is hard to understand

  By one who relishes contradiction,

  By one with a corrupt mind <386>

  Who is engrossed in aggression.

  694 “But if one has removed aggression

  And the
distrust of one’s heart,

  If one has cast away aversion,

  One can understand well-spoken counsel.”

  When this was said, the brahmin Paccanīkasāta said to the Blessed One: “Magnificent, Master Gotama! Magnificent, Master Gotama!… Let Master Gotama remember me as a lay follower who from today has gone for refuge for life.”

  17 (7) Navakammika

  On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling among the Kosalans in a certain woodland thicket. Now on that occasion the brahmin Navakammika Bhāradvāja was getting some work done in that woodland thicket.473 The brahmin Navakammika Bhāradvāja saw the Blessed One sitting at the foot of a certain sal tree with his legs folded crosswise, holding his body erect, having set up mindfulness in front of him. Having seen him, he thought: <387>

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