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The Flower of Lanaar

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by Jay Aury

  Station SS9

  Book 2: The Flower of Lanaar

  Jay Aury

  This book and its contents are copyright 2017 by Jay Aury. All rights are reserved and no portion may be reproduced aside from brief quotations for review purposes.

  Special thanks to Amanda Clover for all her help in creating this work.

  Image credit to Stas Ponomarencko

  All characters appearing in this story are over the age of 18. This is a work of parody and any resemblence to real people or situations is coincidental.

  The Club

  Leaving my Stiletto fighter in the hanger I take the elevator down to deck eight. Lights flash over my face as I descend into the meteor rock and drab durasteel of the station. The air is dry and smells like old sweat. The intercom crackles with warnings of a cell leak on corridor 7B. The elevator slows to a stop at deck and beeps before sliding open, admitting me into the semi-darkness of a plaza. Dark corridors sprawl out, dimly lit by the flickering neon lights of shops sprawling out of the walls. Men and women move about the scene. Music thumps from bars, making the floor thrum with energy.

  A glance about shows me the common motley sorts who frequent the lower levels of the station. Pirates strut with garish clothing, doing business with smugglers and dark eyed fences. Whores linger near the dark alleys, holographic clothes shimmering over the curves of breast and swell of cock. Some of them seem to have both, but though gene modification is strictly outlawed by the Ring Worlds, out here on Station SS9, most anything goes. Station Security can be picked out by their dark visors and drab blue uniforms. Not many this deep in the station.

  I spot the bar I’m looking for easily enough. The Meteor juts out of the wall in a swell of painted durasteel, drawing attention with a pair of holographic columns of naked women gyrating in a sensuous dance. It strobes its lamps, the darkness within cordoned off by a red field of light in lieu of a door. Exactly where Thale told me to meet him. I was beyond relieved to receive his message. The weeks since my last job have burned the tidy sum I earned blasting that merchant's engines and letting his ship be gutted. But I’m nearly broke again, and the thought of having to take a loan from a credit shark fills me with dread. It's well known certain gene splicers have drifted to the outer rings lately, and if you can't pay up when the debt is due, becoming a slave to some oily merchant would be a blessing compared to ending up on their slabs.

  I check the time, check the safety on my concealed pistol, and head inside the Meteor.

  The plaza seemed positively bright after passing through the shimmering barrier of the bar. The interior is black, the faintest glow from outlining bands of neon light revealing the general outline of the room. After a moment my eyes adjust to the strange glow, and I make out the steps lit in blue climbing to a private booth. Within, a floodlight washes the space in a sultry red glow, showing Thale's signature tricorn hat, a thoroughly garish and pointless piece of costume. Less so is the heavy blaster slung along his hip and the durasteel sword whose dark edge I know hides a beam cutter. A seemingly strange armament, but I know how useful such a tool can be in the narrow halls of a ship, and not even chromium steel can't stand up to a weapon like that.

  He's not alone. A pair of women hang off of him, gazing adoringly at his rakish smile. They look like twins with their vapid expressions, their slim stomachs bare, and all that covers their swelling breasts and firm asses are twin bands of pink holographic light, renewed with periodic washes from some projector. One of Thale's hands is currently buried into one of the projections, and the girl's lips are parted with desire, face visibly flushed even in the red glow of the lamps.

  I climb the blue steps to the private booth, keeping my eyes open for any sign of treachery. Thale never was one for decorum, but then again, who is in this part of the void? "I'm not late this time, captain," I say, giving him a lopsided smile. "Looks like you're having fun. Should I give you some time or did you have business with me?"

  Thale glances my way. His smile and eye are hard and dangerous at the interruption, but when he sees it's me his expression grows wicked with amusement. He laughs, easing back into the seat. "Zera! You'll have to forgive me. All evidence said I'd have at least another hour before you could find your way here."

  Both women look at me simultaneously, their eyes mirror images of dull blue. Chelth suckers I realize. The strange blue pill has been making the rounds lately. The newest in a long line of pleasure toys. The two women blink owlishly, faintly quivering as if sitting still is taking a supreme act of will.

  "I don't mind if you want the girls to stay," I chuckle, sliding into the booth, but leaving enough space for the captain and his entertainment. I let my hand glide up one of the slut’s back, sending her whimpering with lust.

  Thale laughs and slaps the other girl on the ass, the field buzzing as his hand passes through it. The girl moans, rubbing herself against his palm. "Good. Don't worry about talking. Poor girls are a bit buzzed at the moment."

  Indeed, both girls ease against him, playing with the buttons of his jacket. They squirm, plucking open his shirt and laying their heads fondly on his bare chest, ignoring his wiry hair and battlescars.

  "Like a drink?" he asks, already beckoning a robotic server. The drone, a metal ball, hovers to the booth.

  I watch Thale's hand caress the girl, feeling a flush growing in my cheeks before I've even had my first drinks. Ah, to be young, and carefree, and wear nothing but holographics. I order a double of something strong and sweet and a bit pricy since it's on Thale's account. I lean back in the booth, sipping it and watching him stroke his playthings, waiting for him to start. I certainly have hopes about a decent gig...

  The server distributes the other drinks and then departs. The moment it's gone Thale presses one of his rings. There's a subtle beep as a shimmering field falls across the doorway, blacking it out from the bar.

  The field has a strange claustrophobic effect on the booth. The dull red light seems to buzz in the air and I can smell acutely the alcohol, Thale's sweat and the unmistakeable tang of women's arousal. The soft mewling of the two woman as they twitch and luxuriate beneath Thale's idle touches seems louder. Thale pays the girls little attention despite their desperate efforts, fixing his keen eyes on me. Not even when one of the girl starts fondling the golden disk at the end of his necklace does he bother with them.

  "To the point, Zera. I have a job coming up and I could use a hand."

  I reach out and run my hand over the ass of the slut closest to me before giving it a little swat. The girl arches beneath my blow, gasping before biting her lip and purring as I stroke the warm flesh of her taut bum. She nuzzles Thale's chest, pushing her ass against my hand wantonly. "You know I'm looking for work," I say, caressing that luscious backside. "My money and I are parted in all the most foolish ways. Fun but foolish. So I'm looking for work, provided it pays well enough."

  Thale smirks. "Good. I need the best pilot this side of the Stellar. Someone I know can slip their little figher under a barrage of turret fire and take out the engines of a mark. It's a big prize, make no mistake Zera. And the rewards are the same."

  He pulls one of the girls onto his lap. Immediately the dazed girl giggles and grinds her ass against his groin, her lips parted, breath fairly steaming the air as her long lashes flutter with ardour.

  Sensing the game, I squeeze and run my hand down the other girl’s ass and round her thighs. I slowly cup her sex and press my hand against her clit. She moans, abandoning the pirate captain to drape herself against me. She pants wantonly, nuzzling my breasts with every inch of loving devotion.

  "A job like that is going to be risky,” I say, leisurely stroking the Chelth crazed slut quivering
against me. “Big money risky. Do you have big money for me, captain?"

  His eyes narrow, sharpening. He grabs the girl on his lap, who gasps at his tight grip. "You don't think I would call you out here otherwise, do you?"

  I smile, momentarily distracted by the beautiful doper nuzzling at my tits. I lift her head up and press a kiss against her lips, my tongue tasting hers as I tweak her nipples beneath the holographic projection. I turn away from her and look at Thale. "You transfer half upfront and you have a deal. I need to refit the Stilleto with a stealth package and that's not going to be cheap. When do you need the job done?"

  Thale holds my hard look. Then he grins.

  "Fine. Six solars. Then we have to head out. Plenty of time for a ripper to hook up your ship." His hands vanish into the holo displays of his own woman’s breasts, the knuckles cresting the shimmering screen like the backs of cliffs in the tide as he manipulates the pliant flesh. His girl gasps, falling against his chest. She moves sinuously, keeping her back against him as he mauls her tits, her hips feverishly working her shapely ass against his crotch.

  Grinning, I twist the teats of my own doped slut. She pushes her chest forward against my hands, opening her pleasure plumped lips in a needy moan. I slip my hand between her thighs, rubbing at her hot furrow as I kiss from her lips to her shoulder and from her shoulder to the luscious mounds of her breasts. I push my face into the hologram and begin kissing, licking, and finally sucking at her twitching nipples. My fingers drive into her hot cunt. "Deal," I murmur, muffled by her breasts. Damn these pleasure girls. They have a way of making me think with my clit.

  Thale smirks. "I thought you might. Let's toast to our new partnership." I sneak a peek as he takes his own girl and pulls her face to his, crushing the poor slut's lips in a fierce kiss. The blue eyed girl surrenders to him, rubbing herself more desperately. He suddenly pushes her off, bending her over the table.

  My view is obstructed as my own needy slut wraps her arms about my head, groaning as she pulls me against the plush shapes of her breasts. The holographic field faintly tingles, the soft buzzing muted by her heaving tits as she grinds against my fingers.

  I slip my fingers from between her thighs and grab her ass with both hands, lifting her up and dropping her across the table next to Thale's girl and perilously close to the remains of my drink. I stand beside Thale, reaching down with one hand to rub her clit with my thumb. "Here's to a lucrative deal for the both of us," I say, boldly reaching out to stroke Thale's hard cock with my other hand.

  Thalen grunts, thrusting into my fingers. "Mmm. A slut on a sense binge is a fine thing,” he chortles. He reaches out with a free hand and grabs one of my breasts, making me moan. "But I do miss a proper fuck now and then. With someone who can actually say something other than gasping like a bitch in heat." To illustrate his point he rudely slaps the ass of the girl on the table, causing her to buck and gasp, then croon in pleased delight.

  "Oh, I didn't know a fuck was part of the deal," I laugh, stroking him. "I thought you just needed a hand." I guide the head of his cock to the slut bent over the table and stroke him against the folds of her pussy. "Go ahead captain," I say, jerking him against her cunt as my other hand continues to massage the eager pussy of ‘my’ girl. "Maybe if you show me how you fuck I'll be impressed enough to let you have a go."

  He snorts. "Your captain will take that under advisement." But he grins, wolfish and sharp. A man who knows a challenge when he sees it and doesn't fear it. He answers mine, pushing into the willing quim of his girl. The slut tenses, quivering as he thrusts deep inside of her. She lets out a quavering cry and then begins to desperately move against him.

  I watch Thale taking his pleasure, bouncing his hips off the plump bottom of the girl he is with. Not bad, I reckon, but I think my girl needs a little more attention. I crouch down beside the table and spread her delicate cunt open. I run my tongue over her dewy folds, tasting her nectar, probing her hot channel, before directing my licking to the hard bud of her clit.

  The slut's inner walls convulse as my tongue flicks her buzzing pearl. She cries out, pressing back against my face, quivering beneath my expert tongue. Her cum tastes oddly sweet and heady, her cunt soaked with her juices as she desperately seeks to push me against her pleasured folds.

  From the corner of my eye I see Thale bend over his own moaning slut, holding her beneath his impressive frame. Lithe and slender, the girl can only writhe and twist beneath him, hammering her hips and ass against him with a fleshy smack as he ruts her. He growls, the gold medallion dangling from his throat and flashing in the crimson light of the booth.

  The smell of sex thickens the air and fills my head with its heavy scent. Musky and somehow sweet. I drink more and more of my girl's juices, slurping languidly at her folds and sucking at her clit. I spread her ass and run my tongue up her crack, licking and rimming her tight pucker. Rubbing her cunt with one hand as I lap at her hole, my other hand unzips my flightsuit, freeing my breasts from my bra with a press of the auto-strap. I moan with desire, tongue darting against her asshole as I peel the flightsuit down to my waist.

  Thale grabs his girl's breasts and roughly crushes them in his hands. This abuse puts her over the edge. She cries out, pressing against him as she cums, writhing in the throes of the drug and her orgasm. Thale merely laughs, amused as he continues to rudely fuck her, relentlessly pounding her sopping cunt even as she cums around his shaft.

  By contrast, mine can only lie down on the table, cushioned by her breasts as her breath hitches against my relentless teasing of her clit. As my tongue probes her ass she flexes her taut bottom, lifting it to give me a better angle, clearly well versed in being on at least one end of having her ass eaten.

  I enjoy her hot pucker with my dextrous tongue and make sure her hungry little cunt enjoys three fingers fucking in and out of her juicy peach. I keep fucking her with those fingers, keep eating her luscious ass, but I slowly get my knees back up on the seat of the booth. My flightsuit is hanging around my knees by now, revealing my pink gash. I turn my firm bottom towards Thale and hope he gets the message as I continue to lavish my girl's hot clench with my tongue.

  Apparently he does, for a moment later I feel his thumb pressing against my ass, wetted with a dollop of his lover’s cum, lubing me up for what will come. Even as he does this, he slows his easy rutting of his girl, pulling her back from her peak of ecstasy and reducing her to a whimpering puddle of drooling lust.

  "Ooooh, captain," I moan as he massages my asshole. "I feel like I have a missile on my six o'clock. No amount of countermeasures are shaking it off." I tilt my hips, offering up my firm bottom and my tight, pink asshole to him. "I think I'm going to have to brace for impact." I smack my slut's bottom with both hands, using her soft ass as a cushion beneath my breasts.

  Thale growls with annoyed desire. "God fucking dammit Zera!" He pulls free of his own girl, who collapses, twitching on the table. He turns, grips my hip with one hand, and thrusts deep inside my loosened ass in a single thrust.

  "Ahhhhhhhh!" I arch as his hard, pussy-slicked cock plunges deep inside me. "Ohhhh, captain, I'm su-sustaining damage. I can't hold on much longer."

  "Fuck!" Thale barks, sawing into my twitching tunnel. "Ahh! Stars but I missed this ass!" he roars and hammers at my firm keister. The girl beneath me rocks as he thrusts, her channel tightening as she cries out, cumming as if in sympathetic pleasure to the rough reaming Thale is subjecting me to.

  "Ahhhhh, mmmphhhmmm!" I bury my face in her soft ass, tongue driving into her hole and fingers burrowing in and out of her sopping quim as my ass flexes around Thale's thrust cock. I can feel my orgasm rising with each stroke. The soft slap of his balls against my pussy is enough to drive me over the edge. I wail with pleasure, smothering it in the girl’s soft cheeks as I cum and my hole rhythmically squeezes Thale's cock.

  Thale roars as my clenching ass does what his drugged slut's cunt could not. He buries himself inside of me and cums, his hot seed bastin
g my insides. Even as this happens, the girl I've been eating out cums yet again, shuddering as her orgasm is practically torn out of her pleasure hazed body.

  "Mmmmmmm!" I buck against Thale, taking his cock deep as he spurts into my ass. I let him empty himself into my bowels before slowly lifting my face from my girl's soft cheeks. Flushed and out of breath, I gasp, "Permission to disengage, captain?"

  Thale laughs breathlessly and shakes his head ruefully. "Permission granted." But as a parting blow he delivers a swat to my ass as he pulls out.

  "Ooh!" I cry slowly easing forward as his cock slips from my slightly tender hole. I move between the girls, collapsing face-down and bent over the table. I can feel Thale's cum trickling out of my ass as I try to catch my breath after that solid assfucking.

  I sense Thale move behind me. He fondly ruffles my hair before easing back into his seat. Glancing back, I catch him admiring the three well fucked asses presented before him. He grins to himself and idly strokes his fading erection. With his other hand he fishes out a data slate, casually tapping the screen. "There," he says. "Half now. Half when we're finished. And who knows," he muses, again admiring my ass, his seed sliding down the crease and along my inner thigh. "Maybe I can convince you to join my crew permanently this time."

  I weakly stand up and turn around, feeling a bit messy and squishy. "If you fuck me like that every night, you might just manage to win that argument." I zip up my flight suit and give the girls a last smack on their asses, delighting in how they jiggle and their owners whimper with need. "See you in a few days, Captain. Feel free to stop by the pod hotel by bay 12 if you need some more... target practice." With a parting wink I leave, heading to the docks to see if I can find a refurbished J19 stealth package for my fighter.

  Thale laughs as I descend the steps. As the barrier falls away from the door, the last I see before moving onto the plaza once more is both the sluts draping themselves on Thale, and he guiding one's head onto his lap.


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