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by Iain Davis

  "The flu has a mortality rate of 0.1 percent. This [Covid-19] has a mortality rate of 10 times that. That’s the reason I want to emphasize we have to stay ahead of the game in preventing this."

  Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) records the percentage of people who die following infection with a virus (SARS-CoV-2). The Case Fatality Rate (CFR) records the mortality rate among those who develop the resultant disease (COVID 19). Fauci compared the CFR of COVID 19 to the IFR of influenza. As later accidentally revealed [55] by the WHO, the IFR's for both Influenza and COVID 19 were similar.

  Claims that COVID 19 was much more deadly than influenza were dependent upon acceptance of the incredibly vague, manipulated mortality statistics. However, even if we disregard the additional deaths caused by lockdown measures and accept the State's illegitimate COVID 19 mortality claims, the historical records demonstrate that COVID 19 in 2020 was still no worse than influenza. The ASMR record for England in 2020 was considerably lower, not higher, than during 1951 flu epidemic.

  Neither Sky, the BBC, The Guardian nor any of the other MSM outlets, who spun the mortality statistics to report something which did not exist in the data, have retracted their claims. Leaving the wider public believing something which is not true.

  There was a notable increase in the ASMR in 2020 but it was comparable to 1947, 1963 and 1970. There was also more mortality during 8 of the 20 years in the 21st century. None of these years of higher mortality apparently necessitated any restrictions or changes to public behaviour.

  That was it! That was the entire mortality impact of the global pandemic in England and Wales in 2020. A perceptible percentage increase on the 5 year average.

  The State franchise and its MSM partners ignored the fact that mortality in 2020 ranked 9th in the last two decades; they forget that we saw frequent, similar rises in mortality during the post war period; they omitted any mention that 2020 didn't evidence any unprecedented mortality, avoiding any mention of higher death rates in every year between 2000 and 2008; they put aside that 2020 was the 11th least dangerous year in the last 50 and instead focus upon a calculated percentage increase above one of the lowest 5 year mortality averages in British history.

  However, in every lie there is an element of truth. The only part of Sky's appalling propaganda that had any relevance was their observation on lockdowns:

  "In at least one sense, this pandemic has been like no other in history: while other diseases have sparked sporadic restrictions and changes in behaviour, we have never experienced the kinds of lockdowns implemented over the past year. Never. This is completely without precedent."

  This wilfully avoidant tripe from the MSM, frantic to hide the truth, illustrated the essence of the pseudopandemic: it was essentially disinformation. It was a lie on a global scale and it was a "hoax."

  2020 was the year of the global pandemic: a supposedly unprecedented health crisis. Businesses were destroyed, trade came to a grinding halt, people were placed under house arrest and told they weren't allowed to see their family and friends.

  Vulnerable people were left to die alone in isolated, understaffed and neglected care homes; people were arrested for going for a walk, disabled people were thrown out of shops for not wearing masks; peaceful protest was outlawed and censorship rife, mass unemployment was created, household incomes fell across the country, GDP evaporated, health services were crippled and unimaginable national debt was loaded upon the taxpayer at a rate never seen before.

  The pseudopandemic would not have been possible without the MSM. With only a couple of exceptions, from established journalists with their own loyal readership, the MSM never questioned any of the State franchise policies.

  They were unwavering in their support for lockdowns and other equally dangerous and entirely unnecessary "measures." They consistently attacked anyone who asked questions or those who expressed doubt about the State's response.

  The MSM drip fed a continual supply of hallucinatory misinformation, disinformation, propaganda and evidence free assertions into the public imagination. They steadfastly ignored the weight of scientific evidence, expert opinion and inconvenient statistical fact.

  As the rise of the Internet has seen their stranglehold on information dwindle, they have worked with the tech giants and the State regulators to increase censorship of free speech and freedom of expression and they strongly support further legislation to remove our freedoms and dismiss our inalienable rights.

  We are in a global, hybrid information war and we, the people, are the enemy of the State. We are under psychological attack.


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  Chapter 10 - The Official Story

  Informed political influencers were only able to run the pseudopandemic, while claiming all their decisions were "led by science," with the complicity of the mainstream media (MSM) and the social media companies. Their role was to run a cohesive propaganda and disinformation campaign to restrict scrutiny of the official scientific claims and to convince the public to believe in the pseudopandemic.

  They limited their science reporting solely to promoting the pseudopandemic narrative and poured scorn upon anything that brought it into question. The weight of contradictory scientific evidence and medical opinion was largely omitted or ridiculed in order to protect the fraud.

  Few people in the West appreciate how the MSM functions. It operates under the centralised control of the Global Public Private Partnership (GPPP,) of which it is a constituent stakeholder partner. A 2016 investigation by Swiss Propaganda Research identified what they called The Propaganda Multiplier [1]. Dissecting MSM reports of the conflict in Syria, they uncovered evidence which showed that three news agencies, Associated Press (AP), Agence France-Presse (AFP) and Reuters (Thomson Reuters,) effectively controlled the western MSM narrative during the conflict.

  These agencies provided reports which were then gathered by various national news agencies. For example, PA Media in the UK or DPA in Germany. These news aggregators then forwarded the GPPP agency stories to newsrooms and editors around their respective countries. The former managing director of the Austrian national news agency (APA) Wolfgang Vyslozil said:

  "News agencies are rarely in the public eye. Yet they are one of the most influential and at the same time one of the least known media types....They are the invisible nerve center that connects all parts of this system."

  Text, images, video reports, analysis and even claimed "opinion pieces" often come from this small collective of GPPP news agencies. The effect is that major news stories are reported from a single perspective the world over. On the major issues, beyond their party political loyalties, diversity of western MSM opinion is strikingly rare.

  Some dissenting voices remain in the MSM, though their number have dwindled markedly over the last two decades. They find themselves relegated to the minor pages with limited reach, generally to their own established audience, and they are almost completely invisible to the broadcast MSM.

  This centralised propaganda forms the "official truth" and it is particularly notable in times of national crisis or following major global events. We only have to look at the western media coverage in the lead up to the 2003 Iraq war to understand this.

  The MSM unanimously asserted that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction that could strike us in 45 minutes. He didn't and despite very public MSM contrition for the lies they told [2], which they framed as "mistakes," nothing changed. In fact, the situation has deteriorated.

  The power of the news agencies isn't necessarily what they report but often what they omit. As they form the views of many, if they decide not to report a story, for those reliant upon the MSM for their opinions, it as if it never happened.

  When hundreds of thousands of protesters joined the Unite for Freedom marches through London, in two of the biggest UK public demonstrations since the Iraq war protests [3], the UK MSM broadcast media ignored them completely. The print media barely covered them and when they did, they lied.

  For the first march they falsely alleged the police were attacked by the protesters. In reality a small unit of police officers were sacrificed [4] for the cameras when they were ordered to physically assault a relatively small group of protesters who gathered in Hyde Park after the event. The main demonstration having dispersed without incident hours earlier.

  The Hyde Park crowd defended themselves and some of the poorly equipped and isolated officers sustained minor injuries in their forced retreat. The MSM then used the images and reported this [5] insinuating the incident occurred during the main protest that took place earlier. Saying a few thousand attended the demonstration, instead of hundreds of thousands, they then suggested this would be a super-spreader event.

  As far as the majority knew these huge peaceful demonstrations, drawing hundreds of thousands of people from every corner of the country, never happened. Leaving those with doubts about State franchise policy unaware that they were not alone. Clearly there was a sizeable minority who questioned the pseudopandemic. The GPPP State franchise and their MSM partners were eager to keep this as quiet as possible.

  In April 2020 Reuters put out a story about mass graves at Potters Field [6] on Hart Island in New York. This story was picked up by the entire MSM network and reported globally. It gave the pseudopandemic impression of overwhelmed mortuaries and a city struggling to cope with unprecedented numbers of deaths. Reuters reported:

  "New Yo
rk City officials have hired contract laborers to bury the dead in its potter’s field on Hart Island as the city’s daily death rate from the coronavirus epidemic has reached grim new records."

  What Reuters neglected to report was that Potters Field has been used for burying unclaimed bodies for more than 150 years [7], mass graves were regularly dug at the site throughout its history. Reuters also forgot to relay that the New York authorities had reduced their maximum required period for storing unclaimed bodies from 30 to 14 days [8], thus forcing far more frequent internment in Potters field.

  Without knowledge of this information the public were convinced by MSM stories, based upon Reuters news wire, that mass graves in New York were proof of the global pandemic. The purpose of the narrative was to cause alarm and raise the level of fear. Thereby perpetuating the pseudopandemic.

  A quick look at Reuters board of directors [9] reveals an extensive web of connections to the GPPP. Global credit agencies, hedge funds, investment banks, think tanks, policy advisory groups and global technology firms are well represented. Thomson Reuters themselves are corporate members of influential policy think tanks such as the Council on Foreign Relations [10].

  There is little chance of the MSM ever reporting anything too damaging to the interests of the GPPP or its State franchises. In the UK, the State franchise has the power to issue Defence and Security Media Advisory Notices (more commonly referred to as D-notices).

  D-notices are supposedly unenforceable but they are used to good effect nonetheless. For example, the UK State quashed a 2003 Observer story [11] about a joint UK - US influence operation on members of the U.N Security Council in the lead up to the vote to go to war with Iraq.

  In 2019 the highly influential global policy think tank the Royal Institute of International Affairs, also known as Chatham House, hosted a seminar with the catchy title "Joining Forces In Influenza Pandemic Preparedness" [12]. This was held in partnership with the European Scientific Working Group on Influenza (ESWGI). The same pharmaceutical corporation lobby group whose partnership with the WHO led to the declaration of the non-existent 2009 influenza pandemic.


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