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Page 27

by Iain Davis

  However, the NHS Confederation warned the problem was much larger. The pseudopandemic saw a 5.9 million drop in GP referrals for hospital testing and treatment. These included referrals for conditions which, if left untreated, can and sadly will deteriorate. The NHS Confederation urged the State franchise to be honest with the public. The Chief executive Danny Mortimer said:

  "The disruption has been enormous, leading to a considerable number of people waiting far longer for treatment.....The Government now needs to level with the public on the scale of the challenge facing the NHS....without a comprehensive new plan, the government faces the politically unacceptable legacy of hundreds of thousands of patients left with deteriorating conditions for the remainder of the parliament."

  Beyond the horrific health disaster directly caused by the State franchise's health policies, the economic fallout of the pseudopandemic response will cause almost unimaginable health harm. The virtual shut down of the global economy has created poverty in both developed and developing nations unlike anything we have seen since the 1930's.

  The UK's economy contracted by nearly 10% in 2020. That is the worst economic slump since the 1709 crop failure [63]. The only reason the human cost wasn't much worse is that the economy is currently being propped up by State franchise (tax payer) borrowing and gargantuan levels of quantitative easing (money printing.)

  The social determinants of health [64] are indisputable. The prevalence of nearly every health condition, from heart disease and cancer, to dietary related illness and mental health, correlates precisely with income distribution. Data from the ONS [65] shows that the gap in life expectancy between poorer and more affluent communities is 7.5 years for women and 9.5 years for men.

  Despite all our medical advances, it only took the austerity caused by the 2008 bank bailouts to see infant mortality increase sharply in the UK. A study published in the British Medical Journal [66] found:

  "The unprecedented rise in infant mortality disproportionately affected the poorest areas of the country, leaving the more affluent areas unaffected....about a third of the increase in infant mortality from 2014 to 2017 may be attributed to rising child poverty."

  By the end of 2020 the Joseph Rowntree Foundation estimated that the pseudopandemic had doubled rates of absolute household poverty with up to 2 million UK families [67] facing extreme poverty. For the first time in UNICEF history the UK was in receipt of food aid [68].

  It is astounding that the MSM propagandists could not only blame the practical withdrawal of public healthcare on a virus with low pathogenicity, they actually attempted to suggest that the health disaster they grossly downplayed was a good thing. In a putrid display of disinformation and spin the BBC asked Has COVID 19 Changed the NHS for the Better? [69]

  Claiming that the "pandemic has been a catalyst for innovation in the NHS" and noting that the "changes made to reduce spread of infection are here to stay," they suggested not seeing a doctor at all was "more convenient" for patients. However, in their zeal to promote the end of the State franchise commitment to universal healthcare they conceded the crucial healthcare deception at the heart of the pseudopandemic:

  "The Covid pandemic has transformed our hospitals. Car parks are empty, once-bustling corridors are quiet....Before the pandemic nearly all appointments took place face-to-face. Last year probably 90% occurred via telephone or video call...This innovation has been particularly helpful for those who are disabled...Some changes may have happened anyway, but Covid has accelerated them."

  It has not been helpful to anyone with life limiting or terminal health conditions. It has been an unmitigated disaster and for the official State franchise propagandists at the BBC to even attempt to spin it in a positive light was obscene.

  If we consider the cost of the State franchise's pseudopandemic response, both to the NHS and public health in general, the belief still held by many that the State wishes to "keep us safe" is quite clearly nothing but wishful thinking. The NHS faces a backlog which it will not be able to manage. In the short to medium term the health consequences will be dire however, when we look to the long term, the outlook is grave.

  The words of George Batchelor [70], a co-founder of Edge Health, who provide data analysis to the NHS, are disquieting. Predicting that health services will be overwhelmed by the backlog, and the other impacts of the Lockdown regime, he stated:

  “If projected forwards, these numbers get so large it is hard to relate to them on a personal level.”

  Edge health estimates that NHS capacity would need to be increased to 125% of 2019 levels with the addition of 700 new operating theatres just to start to address the backlog. The GPPP's State franchise has shown no interest at all in doing anything about it.

  With a core inflation rate of 1.5% [71] the nurses pseudopandemic 1% pay rise [72] was effectively a pay cut. The Health Secretary Matt Hancock stated that the pay cut was necessary because that was all that was “affordable as a nation,” adding that this was due to the economic toll of COVID 19. This is how the State franchise treats the Angels of the pseudopandemic.

  At the same time the Chancellor Rishi Sunak managed to find £15 billion in the budget [73] to honour the State franchises funding of the 2 year "Test & Trace" program that will cost tax payers £37 billion in total. This is how the State franchise treats its pseudopandemic test & trace partners [74] such as Amazon, AstraZeneca, Serco, Deloitte and G4S.

  A life lost prematurely to a lack of healthcare or neglect is no less valuable than a life lost to COVID 19. Yet throughout pseudopandemic the critics who were desperately trying to highlight the dangers of lockdown policies were labelled by the MSM and popular media pundits [75] as "COVID deniers." The intention was to ensure as few people as possible were alert to the malevolent State franchise policies.

  We briefly considered the resources the core conspirators had at their disposal. We also explored how they and their informed influencers exploited the opportunity presented by a low mortality respiratory disease. The question is why. Why did they do any of this?

  What possible motive could these immensely wealthy people have for inflicting humanity with such a damaging psychological warfare program? Why were they so willing, not only to risk the deaths of hundreds of thousands of vulnerable people, but to take active measures to increase those risks? Was it just to sell their scam?

  What drives people who have more money than nation states to want more? What is it they seek?


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  Chapter 13 - Core Beliefs

  In order for a jury to convict the core conspirators and their informed influencers the evidence must leave them with no reasonable doubts. They must be satisfied that the accused voluntarily committed acts or wilfully omitted due care (actus reus) and were dishonourable or dishonest with an intent to cause harm (mens rea - guilty mind).

  Similarly the evidence must demonstrate that the categorical trinity has been met. The accused must have had the means, the opportunity and the motive to commit the crime. Depending upon where the pseudopandemic crimes are tried we might hope that the core conspirators and informed influencers will be prosecuted either for conspiracy to commit fraud (in Common Law jurisdictions) or a Joint Criminal Enterprise [1] (in International Law.)

  We will soon explore, in detail, how the core conspirators acquired the financial means, which they converted into the political, regulatory and propaganda means, to
commit the pseudopandemic fraud. They seized upon the opportunity presented by COVID 19 to perpetrate the crime. If a clear motive is identifiable then there is a good chance that the categorical trinity can be presented to a court.

  Their motive had nothing to do with a pandemic and little to do with making money. The core conspirator’s motivation was to see their dream of a centralised system of global governance realised.

  The pseudopandemic was a step along the path towards the new normal. A new world order where all resources are controlled and meted out by a technocratic über-class who some refer to as "the elite."

  They are neither unusually gifted nor knowledgeable, and cannot justifiably be described as an "elite." They are just a class whose immense wealth enables them to control markets, manipulate geopolitics and shape government policy. Always for their own benefit

  Some of that wealth is inherited but none of the core conspirators have amassed the kind of wealth needed to control governments without exploiting the global financial and monetary systems. The means of economic manipulation do not serve us. They only serve capital.

  If you have sufficient capital the global economy is designed to be gamed in order to accrue more. We live in a world shaped by markets which have been deliberately constructed to enable those with immense riches to enrich themselves further. At the same time, the economy transfers wealth from ordinary working people, through the mechanisms of taxation and debt, to bolster the capital of those who already possess it.

  Nothing illustrates this more clearly than the economic shutdown during the pseudopandemic. As small to medium size businesses were forced to close, economic activity nose dived and unemployment (including those furloughed) soared, this tiny class accrued more wealth in less time than ever before.

  Vast amounts of money was "printed" (virtually not physically) and pumped into the global economy (Quantitative Easing) to give those who have lost their jobs and businesses the impression that the State franchise was willing to support them through hard times. This was a monumental deception. All of this money is debt.


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