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Page 32

by Iain Davis

  None of the financial infrastructure under rapid construction has anything to do with saving the planet. CBI stakeholder capitalists are receiving a healthy return on their investment because a global system of environmental taxation [6] is being constructed to subsidise green technology and sustainable development. Continuing the process of transferring wealth from the population to the parasite class.

  Once again, in response to another invisible threat, the tax paying cannon fodder are among the commodities being traded. It seems some things never change.

  The Rockefeller's (Club of Rome) determination that humanity is the enemy is only a self-defeating paradox if you consider yourself part of humanity. If you believe, as the parasite class do, that you are a breed apart, then human beings are little more than livestock to be farmed. If the eugenicists commitment to population control was really about building a better sustainable, inclusive and diverse global economy, then by far the best thing they could do is stop hoarding capital and misusing it to exert economic control over the rest of us.

  The evidence strongly suggests that there is a direct correlation between population growth and economic development. We only need to look at India to see this process in action. Among the many research papers pointing to this reality, a 2013 study looking at economic development in Kenya, published in the International Journal of Economics & Management Sciences [7], concluded:

  "The results indicated population growth and economic growths are both positively correlated and that an increase in population will impact positively to the economic growth in the country. The study concludes that in Kenya population growth promotes economic growth and subsequently economic development."

  It is also beyond doubt that economic development mitigates population growth [8] as people generally elect to have fewer children when resource availability is optimal. Other species tend to limit their populations [9] according to resource availability either through gene expression, that reduces fertility, or by dying off. Human beings are unusual in that they use their intellect to control their own reproduction.

  Our innate capacity to innovate practically defines us as a species. The sum of our collective knowledge and expertise drives greater productivity and innovation. The most valuable resource on Earth is humanity itself.

  Yet freeing up the global economy is not the kind of philanthropy the parasite class are invested in. In fact, in global terms, philanthropic giving has long been a deception to blind us all to theft. Nor are they actually interested in any genuine humanitarian benefit from their population control ruse.

  For us to continue to allow the hoarding of capital by a tiny clique of self-appointed rulers, especially if that capital is transformed into the shared resources that all life relies upon, is global, collective insanity. It has led the most avid, if clueless, climate change zealots to seriously advocate cannibalism [10]. This literally suicidal approach to resource management is inefficiency personified.

  Instead of allowing the natural evolution of the global population, and reaping the benefits, enforced population control by authoritarian diktat of the eugenicists has done nothing but create problems. In 1969 the United Nations Fund for Population Activities [11] came into being. Despite their subsequent denials, the UNFPA were significant contributors [12] to China’s disastrous "one child policy."

  Following the application of their brutal population control measures, wholeheartedly endorsed by the U.N.'s eugenicist affiliates, China are now facing a demographic nightmare. The male population in China far exceeds the female population, the working age population has collapsed while the retirement age group has ballooned by comparison.

  In 2014 the Chinese government were forced to acknowledge that their working age population is now in decline. The same problem is faced across Asia [13] the US, Central & South America and Europe.

  The Kissinger Report resulted in all manner of atrocities [14], not just in China. Among a litany of eugenic crimes, it led to the forced sterilisation of Peruvian women, proliferation of the Ugandan AIDS epidemic and what amounted to female euthanasia in India.

  Fertility rates have plummeted across the world [15]. In 1950 the average number of live births per women stood at 4.5, by 2017 it was 2.4. Population growth is slowing to a crawl. Despite Malthusian fears, the U.N predict it will only grow by about 39%, to reach an estimated 11 billion [16], by the end of the century.

  Given that we already have more than a 20% wasted global food surplus, even if we don't increase food production efficiency, which is extremely unlikely, there is no reason to fear future food shortages. However, this assumes we collectively act in our best interests and adapt sensibly to climate change. This shouldn't be any cause for alarm. We have been adapting to climate change for thousands of years.

  Alas, sensible adaptation is not what the GPPP wants. Instead they see global warming as an opportunity. They intend to capitalise nature itself, seize control of every natural resource on Earth, hoard them and mete them out to the population in exchange for their obedience. They propose nothing short of global, corporate slavery.

  They don't care that the overpopulation crisis is a myth, or that the real crisis is an aging population. Modern manufacturing technology has meant they no longer need our labour. Getting rid of the older generation as quickly as possible and collapsing the birth rate further, is fine by the parasite class. Our only value to them now is as consumers and once they have the power to allocate to themselves as much of the Earth as they want, they won't really need to sell us anything either.

  This explains their unshakeable, continuing commitment to population control. Which, in reality, has always meant population reduction. Again, we can use the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation (BMGF) to take a glimpse at this eugenic obsession.

  Speaking to Bill Moyers, in a PBS interview recorded in 1998 [17], Bill Gates Said:

  "When I was growing up, my parents were always involved in various volunteer things. My dad was head of Planned Parenthood. And it was very controversial to be involved with that. And so it's fascinating. At the dinner table my parents are very good at sharing the things that they were doing...... So I always knew there was something about really educating people and giving them choices in terms of family size."

  Bill Gates' father was active in the early days of Planned Parenthood, as it started to re-brand the American Eugenics Society, and was a long-time board member alongside Sanger. In an interview with Salon magazine [18] William H Gates snr. spoke tenderly about his son’s fascination with population control:

  "It's an interest he has had since he was a kid. And he has friends who are interested in supporting research into world population problems, people whom he admires -- it's just a matter of a fit between his proclivities and mine."

  In 1999, shortly before formerly launching the BMGF, in an interview with George magazine [19], Bill said:

  "I fund education projects, I fund population control."

  Certainly the BMGF have been very generous in their support for eugenicist organisations. Since 2017 they have donated $22 million to Planned Parenthood [20] and more than $18 million to the Population Council.

  In 2010 Bill gave a TED talk titled "Inovating To Zero." Bill's proclivities extend beyond eugenics. He is also very worried about climate change, food security and other humanitarian concerns. In the talk Bill said:

  "The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent."

  Bill was talking about the fact that improved healthcare leads to a lower birth rate. This is true, but as we have just discussed that improved healthcare comes from economic development, not vaccines. It isn't clear whether Bill knew the human fertility rate had been dropping like a stone for 60 years when he said he could assist it to drop further using "vaccines."

  His passion for solving the population problem is s
hared by his former wife and foundation partner Melinda. In a 2010 CBSNews 60 Minutes promotional piece for the BMGF, she said:

  "If you get into this work and you start to save these children will women just keep overpopulating the world? Thank goodness the converse is absolutely true.....if she knows that two will survive into adulthood she will naturally bring down her population.....We're seeing that play out in all the population numbers across the globe. In fact the population rate is coming down faster than predicted 10 years ago."

  As we have repeatedly discussed, Bill and Melinda Gates are not acting alone. Like the Ehrlich, Rockefeller, Schwab, Carnegie, Rothschild and Koch families they are part of a parasitic global network which has evolved politically, economically and culturally over millennia.

  They are what Council on Foreign Relations member and academic David Rothkopf described, in appreciative terms, as the Superclass. Although there is nothing super about slavery, usury, bribery, coercion, deceit and genocide. They are a group of perhaps a few thousand who are, as Rothkopf pointed out [21], "people who influence the lives of millions across borders on a regular basis."

  The eugenics strain within the GPPP also continues to evolve. From the beginning, the only offered solution to the pseudopandemic was vaccination. Despite possible alternative treatments, vaccines were always the crux of the campaign. The new normal, for the greater good, is the biosecurity State and vaccines are essential if it is going to work.

  The world biosecurity State will serve the capital (global commons) interests of the GPPP. Our conditional participation will only be permitted while we comply with the orders handed down to us by our rulers: the stakeholder capitalists.

  The new biosecurity normal is intent upon removing our bodily autonomy. The core conspirators do not merely wish to control the population, they mean to alter it. This is no secret, no hidden agenda. It is as blatant as any ideology proudly declared by members of any cult.

  In his 2016 book The Fourth Industrial Revolution, Klaus Schwab wrote:

  "The mind-boggling innovations triggered by the fourth industrial revolution, from biotechnology to AI, are redefining what it means to be human....Already, advances in neurotechnologies and biotechnologies are forcing us to question what it means to be human"

  In 2018 he elaborated further on these ideas. In Shaping the Future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution he wrote:

  "Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies..will become part of us.....Today’s external devices...will almost certainly become implantable in our bodies and brains....We will become better able to manipulate our own genes, and those of our children."

  This may seem like the day dreams of a sci-fi addict, which it probably is, but Klaus Schwab is a key figure in the class who have the means, the opportunity and the motive to direct technological and scientific research and development. Much of what he described is already science fact, not fiction. The US Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) openly admits the advances it has made in Brain Computer Interface [22] (BCI) technology.

  The policy framework to facilitate this cybernetic transformation of human beings has already been proposed. The Canadian State franchise policy think tank Policy Horizons Canada published their report, Exploring Biodigital Convergence [23] in February 2020. In it they considered the policies adjustments that will be needed to expedite our alteration. The key concepts explored included the "full physical integration of biological and digital entities." The report outlines some of the technology already at the disposal of the parasite class:

  "Robots with biological brains and biological bodies with digital brains already exist, as do human-computer and brain-machine interfaces.. digitally manipulated insects such as drone dragonflies and surveillance locusts, are examples of digital technology being combined with biological entities. By tapping into the nervous system and manipulating neurons, tech can be added to an organism to alter its function and purpose. New human bodies and new senses of identity could arise as the convergence continues.. we could see a shift away from vitalism – the idea that living and nonliving organisms are fundamentally different because.. the idea of biology as having predictable and digitally manageable characteristics may become increasingly common as a result of living in a biodigital age."

  The lead author of this report was Kristel Van der Elst. She is Director General at Policy Horizons Canada, and a special advisor to the European Commission. She is also the former head of Strategic Foresight at the World Economic Forum [24].

  The GPPP's military industrial complex is leading the way with genetic science. The ability to edit genes has led them to invest heavily in gene-drive technology [25]. This allows genetic engineers to select "suits" of genes to be propagated in a population.

  Gene drives are often referred to as gene extinction technology. It offers the potential to use mutagenic chain reactions [26] to drive genetic mutation through a species with the potential to switch off fertility, and thus ensure its extinction within a generation. A new kind of biological weapon some have named the gene bomb. Its appeal to eugenicists is obvious.

  History gives us no reason to think they wouldn't apply this technology to the human population. They have certainly applied their eugenic principles many times before under the guise of public health.

  Scientists have rightly raised significant concerns about the catastrophic harm gene editing technology could cause. Professor Kevin Esvelt from MIT asked [27]:

  "Do you really have the right to run an experiment where if you screw up, it affects the whole world?"

  You might expect extreme caution would be warranted. Especially seeing as the potential unforeseen consequences of removing entire species from an ecosystem are, well, “unforeseen.” Yet sterile, transgenic insect have been engineered. A team of Japanese scientists have already created a mosquito that can deliver a vaccine [28]:

  The stakeholder capitalist's ability to control centralised global authoritarian structures and intellectual property rights means they have possession of these technologies. Another suicidal oversight on our part. Fearing where all this was heading, in 2016 The UN Convention on Biodiversity (CBD) proposed a moratorium on gene drives.

  Perhaps we might have welcomed an opportunity to discuss the implication before agreeing to surge ahead with the genetic editing of sentient life. However the stakeholders within the GPPP were not keen to allow us to exercise that right and the proposed moratorium was not permitted [29]. The BMGF (stakeholders) employed the PR firm Emerging AG to ensure the moratorium didn't occur [30].

  Consequently the BMGF were free to go ahead [31] and fund Oxitec, a UK based US science R&D company, to use gene drives to exterminate insects which "spread disease." Oxitec stated [32]:

  "Our insects contain a self-limiting gene, and when this gene is passed on to their offspring, offspring do not survive to adulthood, resulting in a reduction in the pest insect population."

  It will come as no surprise that the BMGF also funded Imperial College to use CRISPR-Cas9 gene drives [33] to genetically engineer a strain of sterile mosquito's that won't spread Malaria due to their pre-programmed extinction. These are not just theoretical exercises. Oxitec released 750 million Genetically Modified Organism [34] (GMO) mosquitoes into the Florida Quays to see what would happen.

  To point out that one of the most influential foundation, funding both global COVID 19 vaccine programs and gene extinction technology, is run by a man and a woman who both have a life-long population control obsession, is a "conspiracy theory." It is also an unassailable fact.

  Eugenics originated in the UK and there is a rich vein of eugenic ideology permeating the British State franchise and wider GPPP establishment. Like Bill Gates, the UK prime minister Boris Johnson, who Bill met privately to discuss the pseudopandemic, has also adopted the family's eugenic tradition. Johnson acknowledged this in his 2007 Telegraph article [35] Global Over-Population Is The Real Issue.

  Bemoaning the unfortunate demise of eugenics' popu
larity, and recalling the heady days of the Ehrlich's fame, he wrote:

  "There was a time, in the 1960s and 1970s, when people such as my father, Stanley, were becoming interested in was perfectly respectable to talk about saving the planet by reducing the growth in the number of human beings."

  Stanley Johnson [36], Boris's father, was very interested in demography. His career as a banker at the World Bank and head of Prevention of Pollution Division for the EU Commission led him to receive the Greenpeace award for services to the environment and an ambassadorial role with the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP). Throughout his environmental good works his unfaltering commitment to getting rid of people has been outstanding.

  In a 2012 interview with the Guardian newspapers environmental editor John Vidal, Stanley Johnson said:

  "You have to get population under control.. if you have a declining population, which is what I would aim for, then even a stable economic growth situation will give you rising per-capita income.. In Britain I would put it at 10 or 15 million, I think that would be absolutely fine. That would do us really splendidly.. The government of this country has to start talking seriously about immigration.. there is a really serious differential between the fertility of the immigrant population to, what you might call, the indigenous population.. This is very political stuff."

  Putting aside the fact that population growth is the driver of economic, technological and scientific innovation, when Stanley said removing 50 million people from the UK would do us really splendidly we might ask who the "us" in that sentence referred to. Seeing as there is not a single historical precedent for a smaller UK population delivering either better economic growth or improved living conditions for the population at large, it seems likely he meant the stakeholder capitalists.

  Like his father before him, Boris Johnson also presented all kinds of evidence free, statistically and historically illiterate arguments to forward his homicidal, niche ideology. In his 2007 article he ignored the global food surplus and wrote about the food crisis instead. He claimed high food prices were a function of population, rather than mention the scourge of political policies, such as the EU's Common Agricultural Policy [37], which artificially raised prices by effectively removing the free market.


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