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Page 44

by Iain Davis

  This didn't stop Volz and the ICL from using the "not particularly good" model to make the comparison. He said that they had to work with "very noisy sampling," that data was "limited" and the "inappropriate" datasets were incomplete. He added it was too early to tell with any accuracy what the impact of N501Y might be. Despite the fact that ICL didn't have any clear data to justify any of their claims the UK State franchise again used BMGF funded ICL "science" to justify further lockdown chaos.

  At the most basic epidemiological level, the new variant narrative was, and is, ridiculous. Professor Michael Yeadon pointed out that the notion of greater risk from SARS-CoV-2 VoC took no account of existing human immunity [31]. Even if a variant could spread more readily, it could only do so among an ever dwindling number of potential hosts. This is why pandemics don't last forever and is one of the leading reasons we aren't extinct.

  The alleged SARS-CoV-2 genome is vast in comparison to the tiny genetic variations quibbled over by SAGE, ICL and NERVTAG and then labelled VoC. The human immune system adapts to defend itself against the whole virus genome by breaking it down into its constituent nucleotide components. Prepared to resist each and every one of these genetic signals, it won't be fooled by any minor genetic mutation in one nucleotide chain. As professor Yeadon stated:

  "What is happening in the name of saving lives simply doesn’t stand up to scientific scrutiny."

  Science is never "settled." It constantly evolves and adapts to account for new evidence. Inevitably this process leads to occasional errors. However, ICL's team of gamers are consistently wrong. Yet, in terms of influencing global policy, no other scientific body has ever had such a profound impact. They are either extraordinarily inept scientists who are incredibly lucky or, at some level, they are tasked to create science-to-order for their GPPP paymasters.

  Referencing the newly discovered B.1.1.7 British variant, physicians at Johns Hopkins Medical Centre [32], who understood disease epidemiology, explained why Ferguson's and ICL's apparent surprise at the emergence of a new variant spoke volumes:

  "Mutations in viruses...are neither new nor unexpected...This particular strain was detected in southeastern England in September 2020. In December, it became the most common version of the coronavirus, accounting for about 60 percent of new COVID-19 cases....We are not seeing any indication that the new strain is more virulent or dangerous in terms of causing more severe COVID-19 disease."

  As viruses are effectively parasites, there is no evolutionary advantage for them to kill their hosts. Virus variants tend to become predominant if they can infect more hosts while killing fewer of them. If successful enough they may change the phenotype (characteristics of the virus) in which case this could be considered a new "strain."

  More lethal variants lose out to less lethal ones. New strains tend to be less dangerous than their predecessors. This is why coronavirus accounts for approximately 30% of common colds [33].

  Variants of concern (VoC) are a limitless source of ongoing biosecurity measures for the GPPP. With US scientists estimating a minimum of 350,000 SARS-CoV-2 variants [34] by mid 2020, the scope for future iterations of the VoC story, vaccines and further lockdown measures are endless.

  Phase two of the biometric control grid in the UK was planned to see more venues allow entry only to those with the appropriate digital biometric ID. The State franchise claimed that this system wouldn't be used in pubs, shops and on our high streets. However, an unnamed spokesperson made it clear that it will [35]:

  "It may be that certification has a role to play in other venues to stop closures in the autumn or winter if there’s a big surge."

  As we headed into the summer of 2021, facing rising resistance from more mass, unreported pro-freedom demonstrations, the UK State franchise backtracked a little more [36]. Unnamed official sources said that they had decided not to implement the so called vaccine passports. However, the Trusted News cartel added:

  "A government update.. said there was nothing stopping companies asking for proof of Covid-19 status before granting entry.. Work on the NHS app, which is being converted to be able to show proof of a jab.. is likely to continue.. Government ministers may also choose to look again at Covid-19 passports for the autumn and winter, arguing that a sudden deterioration in the Covid situation could see the idea return."

  We don't need computer simulations or horizon scanning to know what the biosecurity response to the inevitable winter surge will entail. We have already experienced it and felt its choke hold on what used to be our free and open, democratic societies.

  If we don't comply with our orders, or decline the drugs we must take, the threat is clear. COVID 19 did not present an existential threat to us but the State franchise response to their pseudopandemic certainly does.

  In the UK, the biosecurity lockdown means absolute State franchise dictatorship. If you, your household, your street, your town, your city or the whole country is placed under UKHSA designated biosecurity restrictions it means:

  You are not allowed to have friends and family in your own home, or visit them in theirs, unless you are in a small group prescribed by the State and are visiting them for essential reasons, as determined by the State. The State will deny you access to indoor public spaces unless you strictly comply with their restrictions. The only exemptions to this rule will be determined by the State.

  You cannot leave your home unless it is for a purpose prescribed by the State. You cannot run a business unless the State considers it essential and all non essential products and services will be provided to you by the State franchise's partners. You will not work in a job deemed non essential by the State.

  Your freedom of movement is terminated by order of the State. The right to visit other countries, or to travel beyond your exclusion zone, is limited only to that which is prescribed by the State.

  You cannot gather for any reason by order of the State. If you are allowed to access public spaces, the State commands that you remain socially distanced and you cannot meet anyone unless they are in the group allotted to you by the State. Gathering indoors is permitted only for essential purposes, as defined by the State.

  You cannot socialise by order of the State. Social meeting places such as community centres, gymnasiums, theatres, pubs and cafes will be placed off limits to you, by order of the State.

  Your children must obey the same rules, by order of the State, because they too are biohazards.

  This system will be monitored and enforced using our tracked and traced biometric ID passports (vaccine passports). In order to regain some semblance of what used to be your life, the UK State franchise, which recognised that your human rights were meaningless, has set the initial set of rules you must obey before they will allow you to to live in their new biosecurity State. They call this a "roadmap" [37] and, paraphrasing, we can say the State franchise decrees the following:

  The State needs to be satisfied that enough people have been vaccinated. If it decides more people must be forced or coerced take the vaccine then it will keep the restrictions in place until they do. This will enable the State to blame those who refuse the vaccine for any unnecessary lockdowns the State wishes to maintain. If you are not vaccinated and have not been issued your biometric ID you will be excluded from society.

  The number of hospitalisations and the mortality figures must be reduced and this can only happen as a function of vaccination. The State and its partners have complete control over this system. They can adjust testing parameters and methods as they see fit to create or reduce "case" number as they wish. As the State's test program is also the primary basis for attribution [38] of COVID mortality, these figures can also be adjusted by the State.

  The State will make a prediction as to whether or not there is a risk of a surge in cases. Wherever it identifies the possibility of a future surge, that area will be designated as a hotspot and locked down. The State will decide if this surge could overwhelm the NHS. As every influenza like illness (ILI) can be cal
led COVID 19, a "surge" is guaranteed every winter, if the State so chooses. As the State has control over both testing and NHS capacity it can create a potential "overwhelming surge" and subsequent national lockdown at whim.

  Lifting the restrictions, or reimposing them, also depends upon the State franchise's assessment of the risk from new Variants of Concern (VoC.) Again, with complete control over testing and with thousands of variants emerging all the time, any one of these could be found to be a VoC by order of the GPPP's State franchise and its stakeholder partners.

  The Trusted News cartel fully endorsed this oppressive dictatorship. They were particularly keen to blame it upon anyone who didn't comply with their biosecurity orders. The assistant editor of the UK's comically named Independent newspaper wrote [39]:

  "What shall we do about the anti-vaxxers?.. The time has come when the hard choices are looming closer. If we don’t want this Covid crisis to last forever, we need some new simple, guidelines: No jab, no job; no jab, no access to NHS healthcare; no jab, no state education for your kids. No jab, no access to pubs, restaurants, theatres, cinemas, stadiums. No jab, no entry to the UK, and much else."

  This “journalist” was by no means the first to promote the idea of a fascist, apartheid regime. This theme has been recurrent throughout the pseudopandemic [40].

  In pursuit of the public good people like the UK State franchise justice secretary Robert Buckland said compulsory vaccination could be written into employment contracts. He is among the many who think it is OK to starve people in order to force them to take drugs they don't want. As previously stated, this model of public health based biosecurity is not unique to the UK State franchise but they are, in many respects, leading its global development.

  Shortly after its formation UKHSA announced its partnership [41] with the US CDC's National Centre for Epidemic Forecasting and Outbreak Analysis. UKHSA created the Centre for Pandemic Preparedness (CPPP) and the collaboration between the two State franchises promised to increase:

  "Disease surveillance, as well as genomic and variant sequencing capacity worldwide."

  In support of this endeavour UKHSA also established the New Variant Assessment Programme [42] (NVAP.) This will detect and assess new variants and then forward those nucleotide sequence discoveries to other State franchises so that they can do their own surging. Thus creating centralised control over a global system of biometric surveillance and selective lockdowns.


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  Chapter 21 - Pseudopandemic Vaccines

  In 2016 the Chilcot Report into the Iraq War found that the former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair had colluded with the US administration to launch an illegal war in Iraq without justification. He had "exaggerated" the threat, which barely existed. Effectively misleading both to the British public and Parliament. He deceived some into supporting his war. His actions led to the violent deaths of an estimated 1 million [1] Iraqi civilian men, women and children in less than 5 years.

  In June 2021 the U.N rejected the appeal of Bosnian Serb commander and war criminal Ratko Mladic. The life sentence he received for his role in the killing of approximately 8,000 Bosnian Muslim (Bosniak) men and boys in Srebrenica in 1995 was upheld. Unfortunately, there are many reprehensible war criminals far worse that Mladic still at large.

  Tony Blair is now the head of the global policy think tank the Institute for Global Change [2] (ICG.) His think tank partners with, among others, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation and USAID. The ICG is deeply embedded in the GPPP.

  They ICG claim to have identified the main problem with global politics:

  "Our current political landscape is marked by extremism, with ‘us’ and ‘them’ attitudes pervading debate on a global basis."

  Given airtime by the BBC, in June 2021, Tony Blair said:

  "It is time to distinguish, for the purposes of freedom, from restriction between the vaccinated and unvaccin
ated.. if we do have to adjust some of the freedoms, because of the rising pressure from new variants, it's important to make sure that those people who are vaccinated have the maximum freedom they can.. what I am not sympathetic to is people who are able to get the vaccine and just refuse to get it.. If you are vaccinated the evidence is absolutely clear. It reduces the risk of transmission, it reduces the risk of hospitalisation and death.. the reason we ensure people are vaccinated is because it then reduces the risk of transmission."

  This was extremism and the politics of "us" and "them." Vaccines are drugs injected into the human body. If you don't accede to having your bodily integrity violated by the State franchise, Tony Blair thinks your freedoms should be removed: imprisoned in other words. He claimed this was for the public good. This was not a defensible justification. He was promoting medical tyranny.

  If people are so afraid of the virus that they cannot countenance the unvaccinated walking in their midst, then society will have to adapt to that new reality. Perhaps it will mean some form of separatism, but to advocate, as Blair did, that those who do not yield to his demands should be punished was an example of the very worst kind of bigoted discrimination. It was an ideologically fascist statement. Perhaps that wasn't a surprise.

  Even if the vaccines are everything he claimed, it makes no difference to the principle. Either our body is our own or it is not. If society decrees that our body is not our own then we are slaves. There can be no equivocation.

  Like Gates, Blair is not a scientist or a doctor, he has no particular medical knowledge or scientific expertise. Possibly this explains why, in addition to encouraging a medical dictatorship, nearly everything he said about the COVID 19 vaccines was wrong.

  It is perfectly possible to question a vaccine, or a group of vaccines, without denying the potential public health benefits of others. Vaccines are not all the same and doubting some does not infer a rejection of all. Although that is what the pseudopandemic propagandists want you to believe.


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