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The Predestined (The Transcendent Series)

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by Brie Paisley

  Copyright © 2021 by Brie Paisley

  This book is a work of fiction. Any names, places, character names, establishments, locations, or incidents are the work of the author’s imagination and is used fictitiously. If any resemblance to actual persons, dead or alive, places, locations, establishments, or events are coincidental.

  All rights reserved. This book is not to be copied, shared, or produced in any way without the written consent of the author.

  Cover art by Daqri Bernardo from Covers by Combs

  Edited by Nikki Reeves from Southern Sweetheart Author and Book Services

  Formatted by Brenda Wright of Formatting Done Wright

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One-Melena

  Chapter Two-Malik

  Chapter Three-Melena

  Chapter Four-Reagan

  Chapter Five-Melena

  Chapter Six-Malik

  Chapter Seven-Melena

  Chapter Eight-Reagan

  Chapter Nine-Melena

  Chapter Ten-Melena

  Chapter Eleven-Malik

  Chapter Twelve-Melena

  Chapter Thirteen-Reagan

  Chapter Fourteen-Melena

  Chapter Fifteen-Malik

  Chapter Sixteen-Melena

  Chapter Seventeen-Malik

  Chapter Eighteen-Melena

  Chapter Nineteen-Reagan

  Chapter Twenty-Malik

  Chapter Twenty-One-Melena

  Chapter Twenty-Two-Malik

  Chapter Twenty-Three-Melena


  Sometimes, I feel myself slipping away.

  There’s a moment, when the doctor experiments on me, that I feel the darkness creeping in, and I don’t know, if I can keep stopping it from completely overtaking me.

  It scares me, knowing that all of the hope I once had, is almost gone. Hope is a dangerous emotion, but it’s also one that can literally determine the outcome of my existence.

  Sitting on the bed, I bring my knees to my chest, wondering if I’ll ever leave this place. I don’t even know how long I’ve been here, or how I ended up in this hell. That’s the other thing that worries me. There are pieces of my memory that have been erased, and I know another witch had to have done it. The mind is very delicate, when it comes to spells, so whoever wiped my memories, must’ve known how important they were.

  I know who and what I am, and that I come from a coven. However, the details about my coven are just … gone. I don’t know who my family or friends were, or where they are now. I don’t remember anything about my past that could connect my memories with them.

  Which is why, I think it’ll be easier most days to just give into the darkness that tries so very hard to suck me in. I find myself wondering how it would feel to be caressed by it, or even if I wouldn’t feel any more pain.

  I’m tired, and that terrifies me.

  When I first arrived at The Facility, a government funded medical clinic, I had so much fight in me. Every single day, I never gave up, and even though they tortured me, I never stopped fighting. But now, it’s hard to just wake up. It’s hard to do anything other than lay in this bed and think about the darkness.

  I don’t know how I know that there’s something dark inside of me, but I do, and it has nothing to do with my memories. I can actually feel it inside of me, as if it’s lurking and waiting for me to accept it.

  Shaking my head, I force myself to stop thinking about it. I fear the moment that I give into it, it’ll change me and who I am. Even as hard as my life is right now, there’s still a glimmer of hope left.

  I remember as clear as day, when I saw the white-haired witch, during one of my exams. Lying on that table, with my entire body open for the scientist to study, I had this sense that someone was there, watching the entire scene play out. For some reason, I felt peace and reassurance that someone out there was looking for me. Maybe, I’ve finally lost my mind, because I know that I saw a woman.

  She was small, but the power I felt coming off of her, proved that she’s more than capable of taking care of herself. Not only that, but hearing her promise that she’s coming for me, sent a surge of hopefulness throughout my entire body.

  I don’t know the witch, but I believe her. There was something comforting about her, even though, I can’t explain what I saw or heard. Honestly, it’s the only thing that keeps me going, and from accepting this dark part of myself.

  Looking around my small room, I realize how much I hate this place and everything that they do here. I’m also not the only one here either. They keep us locked up in these rooms, and no matter how many times I’ve tried to escape, there’s no leaving this place.

  At least, not alive anyway.

  The sickest part about all of this, these scientists actually think that they’re doing good here. They actually think torturing us is the right thing to do. It doesn’t matter that we’re actually living and breathing, as long as they get all of the information they seek. There have been rumors that the reason why we’re all here is because the humans are preparing for a war. However, that makes me question who exactly are they preparing to fight against? Why do they need us to experiment on, or more importantly, how did they even know of our existence?

  Supernatural beings and humans have co-existed for centuries, so why are they doing this now? We’ve lived in peace for so long, because our kind stays hidden from them. What has happened to make them do these unspeakable tests on us? Turning my head to the left, I glare at the two-way mirror, knowing those sick bastards are on the other side, watching me.

  Before I realize what I’m doing, a surge of electricity flows through me.

  The action causes me to let out an ear-piercing scream, because it’s blocking all of my magic and causing me pain at the same time. Once I gain control over myself, I clench my jaw, hating this fucking device on my wrist. Looking down at it, I examine it for the millionth time, hoping that I’ll figure out how to take it off.

  This bracelet is the only thing keeping me from using my magic and getting the hell out of here.

  Every time that I use magic, this bracelet blocks it from happening. In return, it sends pulses of electricity throughout my body to stop my attack. It doesn’t discriminate at all about what kind of magic I want to use, either. I have figured out that I can use a meager amount of magic, and it won’t trigger the blocker. However, that small amount is nowhere near enough to help me escape this place.

  Placing my hands in my hair, I wish there was a way to gain my freedom. I guess, the only good thing about being here is the fact that they let us congregate once a day in a type of cafeteria. It’s not like your typical cafeteria, since none of us need to eat, since we’re immortal, but we do anyway, so that we can stay strong. There are some ways to kill an immortal being, but it’s difficult to do so.

  For a witch, the quickest way is to decapitate them, or take away all of their magic. Vampires are harder to destroy, because of their speed, but taking their head is a sure way to go. Another way to put down a vampire is to bleed them dry. Their main sustenance is blood, so if they’re starved, then they’ll eventually do one of two things.

  The younger vamps will die a slow and agonizing death, but the older ones will just turn to stone. I’m not exactly sure why the process is different for their ages, and I also know vampires are very secretive about how to get rid of themselves.

  The wolves are the easiest ones to kill, although, their strength could be a problem. They’re fiercely loyal to their packs, and they’ll do anything to protect their mates and pups. I’ve only read about wolves from my younger years, and I’m not sure why that information wasn’t wiped from my mind.
  I don’t like the fact that only a part of my memories are still intact, or the fact that I remember how to kill other supernatural creatures. It makes me question why I need to know these things, and if I’m supposed to remember for a reason.

  Being here in The Facility, has taught me much, since I arrived. There are so many things that I never cared to acknowledge, and now, I realize how jaded I’ve been. Not only are witches in trouble, but so is the entire supernatural world. Which is how I met Ruby, a vampire, and Ivy, who’s a succubus.

  Ruby and Ivy showed up not long after I did, and it just proves what I’ve thought all along. These scientists aren’t just excluding witches. They’re going after every supernatural being that they can get their hands on.

  Among us are multiple vampires and wolves, although, the wolves tend to stick with their own. It’s not surprising they stay away from me, since I’m a witch and wolves hate everything that we are. I honestly don’t know why they hate us, because of my memory wipe, but every time I’m close by a wolf, I sense nothing but hatred.

  Ruby and Ivy have become my unlikely allies, and they’re the ones that have other connections in here. I’m not sure how they’ve figured out a way to use the guards to their advantage, but as long as the guards keep them safe, I might consider sparing their lives, once we’re free.

  I worry a lot about Ivy though, and especially, because her gift is so rare. Succubae were supposed to be extinct, but somehow, Ivy is alive. She’s one of the strongest people that I know, even though, I’ll never tell her that. The most impressive trait about Ivy is how she can smooth talk her way out of almost anything. One of the times that I witnessed it, I was shocked and impressed. On the other hand, Ruby is shy and quiet, but I sense there’s something that she’s hiding. One of the best things about her though, is how loyal she’s become to not only Ivy, but to me as well.

  Hearing the door to my room open, I snap out of my thoughts, and then stare right into the dull eyes of Dr. Edwin Stein. I watch him closely, as he slowly enters my room, and I wish I could say that I was surprised to see him.

  I hate the fact that he comes to talk with me every single day.

  He stands by the door for a while, but I never break eye contact with him. He’s the reason why this place is even here, because he runs it. I have no idea how he got government approval, but I do know that I have to tread carefully around him.

  Since the moment I got here, he’s had this weird obsession with me and my powers. I despise him, and I suck in a harsh breath, when I feel tingles from the shocks, coming from the bracelet. Sucking in a calming breath, I will my magic to settle. Bringing myself pain isn’t the way to defeat these sick humans.

  “How are you, Melena?” Trying to stay still, I push away the thought of his voice, settling over me. I refuse to engage with him, and I wish that were enough to deter him. “I hear you’re doing well with the new tests,” he states in a proud tone of voice.

  As he walks closer, I take in his small form, noticing how his hair is turning white. Even the round glasses that he wears, make him seem feeble and almost sweet. However, I know the truth behind his disguise. This man is pure evil, and he’s only out to find his answers, and it doesn’t matter who’s in his way to get them.

  When he sits on the edge of the bed, I move closer to the headboard, making sure to not let him touch me. “Melena, I want to be honest with you.” I stay silent, as he pushes his glasses up on his nose, and especially, as he claims, “I think you’re lying about your memories. So, unless you tell me everything that I want to know right now, then I’ll have no other choice, but to move you to a different facility. They’ll be better equipped to handle a situation such as this one.”

  Before I can stop myself, I ask, “Are you threatening me?”

  “I would never do such a thing,” he rushes out, and I narrow my eyes, not believing a word he’s saying. “I just want to understand you and your kind. That’s all.”

  Losing my temper, I jump up, and then turn my hatred on him. “Understand us? That’s such bullshit, and we both know it. What you’re doing … it’s horrendous. You’re torturing us, and then using us as fucking lab rats for your experiments. You might want to do yourself a favor and stop lying to me, Doc.”

  “Sir, do you need assistance?” A voice over the intercom interrupts, and I clench my jaw, knowing they’ve been watching us this entire time. I can never forget that someone is always watching.

  Thankfully, Dr. Stein turns towards the two-way mirror, and then says, “No, stand down and wait for my order.” Crossing my arms, I shouldn’t even be a little bit grateful that he’s called off his guards.

  But then again, I know what they’ll do to me, if he had given them the okay. I’ve been in that situation more than I care to count, and I don’t know, if I have the strength to endure it once more.

  After a few moments of silence, Dr. Stein stands, and then gazes at me. I don’t like the way his dull, blue eyes take me in, as if he’s either in love with me or fascinated by me. Maybe, it’s both.

  The very thought sends chills down my spine.

  “Melena, there will come a time that you’ll have to make a crucial choice, and I can only hope that you make the right one.”

  He starts to walk back towards the door, but right before he reaches it, I ask, “What do you mean by that?”

  His solemn gaze makes my stomach dip, and it’s like he already knows what’s coming. Just as he starts to answer me, the door opens, and my eyes snap to the guard, standing right outside. Dr. Stein quickly leaves the room, but the guard stays where he is for a few moments, before he slams the door shut.

  Jumping at the sound, I push out a deep breath, as I try to figure out that guard’s deal. Ruby, Ivy, and I have tried to put the pieces together about him, but we’ve yet to figure it out. The guard, Wyatt, is the most interesting human here. At times, I sense that he wants to help us, but then, he also shows just how violent he can be.

  He’s a mystery, and I fear that, when his true intentions rise, we all might be in more danger than we realize.


  Scanning the area, I make sure I’m not being followed, before making my way to the designated meeting area. I’ve been undercover, at a facility that Luna saw in one of her visions, for the past two weeks. In these couple of weeks, I’ve learned more than any of us ever expected to find.

  When Ryker found his mate, Luna, no one ever thought it would literally change everything about the covens and the wolves. For so long, the packs stayed far away from witches, because we can sense their magic, and how dangerous it can be, when used improperly. The wolves suffered greatly, during The Dark Ages, and we’ve never fully recovered from that.

  The details about that time have been lost throughout the ages, but the fear that’s been instilled in wolves is ever present. The moment that I met Luna, my wolf sensed the power within her, but it’s different from other witches. She’s a special kind of witch that we call The Foreseer. She can see into the future, and now that she’s mated to Ryker, my pack mate, he can sense them, too.

  I don’t know exactly how it works between them, but I do know their mating bond plays a big role in their lives now. Ryker once told me that their bond saved Luna’s life, when she got trapped in one of her visions.

  As I reach the gate, I clench my jaw, remembering why I’m even here. One of Luna’s latest visions was not only about the end of the world, but that this facility was one of the roots to the problems we’re going to have to face soon. Not only have these fuckers kidnapped my twin sister, but they’re holding my mate captive. Naturally, it made sense that I would be the one to infiltrate them, and then laugh, as I watch them all burn.

  Pushing out a breath, I remind myself to calm down. The wolf is quiet for once, but I think it’s more because of the potion my cousin, Sameria, has been supplying me. To fully delude the humans, I had to come up with a way to suppress my wolf to blend in better. He’s still there, and I can sens
e him at all times, but he’s not as in the forefront, as he normally is.

  It’s no secret that my wolf and I haven’t been the easiest to deal with, and the fact that he’s always pushing for control is a big fucking problem. There have been times that he makes his appearance without my permission, and I can’t have that happening, not while I’m undercover. He’ll blow the entire operation, before I can save my sister and most importantly, my mate.

  So, I found a way to make it work.

  Sameria is a hybrid, which means she’s a mixture of part wolf and witch, but that doesn’t stop her from excelling at potions and casting spells. There are many different types of hybrids, so it’s not exclusive to just being part witch and the other part wolf.

  With Sameria being a hybrid, she has access to magic from both sides of her heritage. She’s a natural at it, and once I save my mate and find my sister, I’ll make damn sure she has a place with the pack again. I never quite understood why The Elders exiled hybrids, but it’s just one other thing I’ll have to deal with, once I’m done with my current mission.

  Being an Alpha, isn’t the easiest of jobs, but someone has to do what’s right.

  Looking down at my watch, I frown, realizing that my Beta, Reid, is late. It’s unlike him not to be on time, and for just a moment, fear rushes through me. He’s my only link to the pack, since I left, so if something has happened, I wouldn’t even know.

  When I informed The Enforcers and Reid of my plans, they instantly protested. Their sole job is to protect the pack, particularly me. They’re the ones that enforce the laws of the pack, and the ones that I call on, when I need shit to be done.

  The fact is I’m the only one that can do this without them dying.

  I’m the only one that can sense my mate, and because Luna claims she’s pretty much the only person able to stop the world from ending, I knew what I needed to do. I’m also the only one that can find Bryn, my twin, since we share a bond. Sometimes, if I’m lucky, I sense her and her thoughts.

  However, I haven’t been able to get a beat on her for a long while.


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