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The Magic Path of Intuition

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by Florence Scovel Shinn

  “What you see with your

  inner eye you meet sooner or

  later on the external.”

  Awaken, you that sleep. All that you desire or require is already on your pathway, but you must be wide-awake to your good to bring it into manifestation. Affirm: The Power within sweeps out of my mind, body, and affairs everything not divinely planned, and puts my house in order, now and forevermore!



  The word sweeps gives you a picture of action. This spiritual broom sweeps out all belief in lack, loss, failure, resentment, inharmony, sadness, etc. You are asleep to your good while these negative thoughts clutter your mental house. You resent someone, thereby giving that person power to harm you. You feel you are a failure, therefore missing your opportunity for brilliant success. You are overwhelmed with a feeling of loss, and that friends and prosperity have gone from your life. You are still asleep in the “dream of opposites.” Wake up and you will find a new world of health, wealth, and happiness, with every desire of your heart fulfilled.

  It is brought about by your word, for your word is your wand. When in the deepest despair is the time to wave your word over the situation. Baptize every failure by saying “Success!” Never let the third dimension interfere



  with the fourth dimension. The third dimension is the world of adverse appearances; it is the fog most people live in. Your affirmation dissipates the fog, and the sun is out. Affirm: The sun now comes out in my mind and body, and I see clearly the fulfillment of my heart’s desire.

  Your dreary desires are answered drearily. Your impatient desires are long delayed or violently fulfilled. You long for flowers and say, “Poor me! No one ever sends me any.” One day you walk along the street and a pot of geraniums hits you on the head. These are your flowers, but not under grace in a perfect way. You should have said, “I give thanks that my flowers come from the Universe, under grace in a perfect way.” Then they would have been received through the right channels.

  This is the law of nature: Use or lose. Hoarding and saving always lead to loss. Use


  The Magic Path of Intuition

  what you have, and more will be added unto you. If you save for a rainy day, or in case of sickness, they are sure to come. Use money you have freely, but with wisdom, knowing your invisible supply is always at hand. Soon the law of accumulation will be set in action; abundance will pour in and pile up.

  Never say, “I am broke,” as it impresses the subconscious with a picture of emptiness. The Game of Life is a game of Solitaire. As you change, so do your affairs. Affirm: I am now immune to all hurts and frustrations. The Power within is perfect peace and perfect poise.

  A student once told me her mother always “made scenes” on holidays. At her sister’s home, the mother said, “I never want to dine in this house again.” Next year, she was in the hospital. The student visited, and the mother said, “God has sent me this trial, so I will bear



  it patiently.” The student replied, “Mother, God didn’t send you this illness; you attracted it yourself by your angry words. You said you didn’t want to dine at Hannah’s again, and here you are.” The mother replied, “Oh, let me alone. I prefer my old God who sends trials and tribulations.” The student asked her to think constructively while in the hospital—to see herself walking into Hannah’s house, well and happy. The mother did so and was well again within a few weeks, to the surprise of the doctors.

  What you see with your inner eye (the imaging faculty) you meet sooner or later on the external. So see clearly your goodness, your health, your success, your happiness; and they will come to pass. Faith brings fruit.



  I am often asked why it is easier to see failure than success, unhappiness than happiness. It is of our early training, which was usually negative. When good things happened, people exclaimed, “This is too good to be true.” Millions of people have neutralized their good by this attitude, for you are accountable for your “idle words.” They impress the subconscious and are carefully carried out. Affirm: I see vividly my immediate and endless supply. It comes from a Higher Power, and all doors fly open! All channels are free. I see vividly my radiant health, perfect and permanent. I see vividly my heart’s desires come to pass in the twinkling of an eye.

  Do not visualize or force a picture. It will flash into your consciousness from the superconscious. A powerful statement is: The light of lights streams through my mind, body, and affairs, revealing all in Divine order. I see clearly there are


  The Magic Path of Intuition

  no obstacles on my pathway. I see clearly the open road of fulfillment.

  It is important also to have happy surroundings. No dreary pictures. Keep your desk in order. Have fresh blotting paper handy. There is nothing like fresh blotting paper for attracting big checks. An orderly consciousness is a rich consciousness.

  A London newspaper told a story of African chiefs who toured the city. Nothing impressed them until they saw the subway and an escalator. They were immediately entranced and exclaimed, “Ah! The ground walks.” Affirm: I am now on the ground that walks, which takes me right to my promised land, in a magical way.

  Don’t sing sad songs. Your subconscious is impressed by anything you feel deeply. Your word is your wand. Nothing is too good to be



  true. Nothing is too wonderful to happen or too good to last.

  “Order is heaven’s first law.”








  “No one keeps you out

  of your good but yourself.”

  A negative idea, continually dwelled upon, will create a thought-form in the subconscious. These thought-forms will meet you on your pathway of life until you neutralize them. If you are filled with suspicion, you soon find what you are looking for. What you fear, you attract, and nothing can save you but



  neutralizing your fears. Act fearless and walk up to the lions in your way. Your fears will externalize in concrete experiences.

  Affirm: I give thanks for my whirlwind success. I sweep all before me, for I work with the Spirit and follow the Divine Plan of my life. The decks are cleared for Divine action. This affirmation is very strong, for it brings a feeling of tremendous power. Old thought-forms dissolve, and the Divine idea of success takes its place.

  Don’t call someone a “poor Nellie.” You help demagnetize her. The human mind is helpless to cope with these negative thoughts. The victory is won by the God within the superconscious mind. Affirm: I am magnetized by the Universe. I have and hold, from this day forth, and forevermore, all that is mine by Divine right.


  How to Break Up Old Thought-Forms

  In the story of Cinderella, her stepmother and stepsisters were the thought-forms she had built up in her consciousness. Nearly everyone has a cruel stepmother in their subconscious—keeping them out of their good—usually called an inferiority complex. The Fairy Godmother appears to tell her that she can go to the ball and have the things she desires. The Fairy Godmother is the superconscious mind, the God within, with whom all things are possible. Cinderella loses her glass slipper and gets her desire, her Prince.

  Your fears make a galley slave of you, so call on the Power within to set you free. Affirm: All things are possible here and now. I now attain the seemingly unattainable.

  Taking a trip often breaks up old thoughtforms, for it brings a change of scene and environment—new thoughts. People travel


  How to Break Up Old Thought-Forms

bsp; many miles to take a “cure” of some kind and return as a “different person.” People who come to Vichy and Carlsbad are greatly benefited because they left their worries behind. Natives keep fears and receive no benefits.

  Don’t build up an envy thought-form; it keeps you out of the promised land (yours). You build yourself a prison. No one keeps you out of your good but yourself. A thought-form of self-pity is one of the most dangerous you can have. The more you pity yourself, the worse things get.

  Be above the worry belt, in consciousness, and then you will have instantaneous manifestations. Your success, happiness, or abundance comes to pass in the “twinkling of an eye.”



  “Let not your heart be

  troubled, neither be afraid.”

  — JOHN 14:27






  “A harmonious person

  is never vibrating at the

  same rate as a germ.”

  Health and happiness go hand in hand. Ill health is caused by inharmony. A teacher says he never asks a student, “What is the matter with you?” I ask, “Who is the matter with you?” As long as anyone can cause you to be angry, resentful, irritable, sad, etc., a harmful reaction takes place in the cells of your body, producing some sort of disease.



  For example, a woman was wrongly deprived of $200. I told her to bless the person responsible, be undisturbed, and draw the $200 from the Universal Supply, for if one door shuts, another door opens. She said she couldn’t, and from these negative thoughts came a trial of ills. She wondered why had she attracted the situation. I replied, “But you have always held an iron grip on money. You counted every penny, and saved and economized when you had the intuitive lead to spend or give. Saving is a good idea, but it can’t be done, for you are violating the law of use. Then comes karmic reactions, and you have a landslide of loss, wiping out the money you should have kept in circulation. Often a landslide of loss comes through violating intuition.”

  Lack and loss affect the health, such as with financial headaches. Continual criticism


  Health and Happiness

  and faultfinding produce acid deposits in the blood, which causes rheumatism. Hate and resentment generate a poison in the system that produces disease. A chemical change is produced in a person’s body by suddenly changing from despair to joy. Fear and despair produce congestion and disease, while joy releases the proper circulation and health is regained.

  Now is the appointed time. Today is the day of amazing prosperity. This affirmation would bring an immediate change in world affairs. Life and death are in the power of the tongue, as is success or failure and lack or abundance, for words and thoughts are a form of radioactivity. Man must learn to draw from the Universal Supply for everything. This will do away with all poverty and limitation, which are states of mind.



  We live in a great sea of magnetic force called mind-stuff, which continually takes the form of man’s desires. The body can be remolded by treatment, which is clear vision and an affirmation. I once told a patient to see herself bathed in the dazzling white light of the Spirit, which dissolves everything not divinely planned. See yourself bathed in the dazzling Light of Lights daily, and age will not register in the cells of your body. “Don’t be dejected and sad, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Joy brings new strength, vigor, and vitality. Worry and fear tear down the cells of the body.

  Many healthy people have become nervous wrecks from losing money—their hair turning prematurely gray within a short time. People who have knowledge of spiritual Truth come through big financial losses, looking and



  feeling as if always on the crest of the wave. Being undisturbed by the appearance of loss, the money was restored.

  For example, a woman came to me who had lost $30,000 when an investor used the money for himself. The lawyer told her she would never recover it. I told her to bless the man and forgive him, but claim the $30,000 from the Abundance of Spheres. If one door shuts, another would open. I added, “Never feel sorry for yourself, and do everything you can to keep feeling rich.” She did. Friends who met her on the street said, “We don’t have to ask you how you are. You look like a million dollars.”

  In a few months the miracle happened: the money was refunded. She had kept herself vibrating to success and prosperity; it could not help coming to her.


  Health and Happiness

  A person who is low-spirited or inharmonious will contract a cold; a happy, fearless person will be immune to germs. For example, a woman goes out in cold weather in evening clothes—lightly clad—but is quite comfortable, for she feels she is looking well and is filled with anticipation for a happy evening. If the same woman is dressed in an unbecoming gown or in a bad humor, she will come back complaining of a cold and discomfort and have a cough the next day. A harmonious person is never vibrating at the same rate as a germ.

  Fear and resentment affect eyesight, and stubbornness and strong personal will affect hearing. If you are feeling bored, discouraged, or listless, do something to wind yourself up, which means changing your vibration, and repeat an affirmation continually: A wonderful joy is on its way, and this wonderful joy comes to stay.


  Health and Happiness

  A person with a torpid liver is always blue and depressed. He thinks it is the liver that gives him this negative attitude of mind, but it is quite the reverse, for he is the matter with his liver. What affects the liver is condemnation—too much discrimination, faultfinding, caution, sorrow, vain regrets, and jealousy. You ask, “Why shouldn’t a person be discriminating and cautious?” If ruled by discrimination and caution, you are not listening to your intuitive lead, which often sends you in a direction your reasoning mind rebels against. The liver is a very sensitive organ and is quickly affected by wrong thinking. The ancients, for that reason, name it the liver, meaning “the place you live.”

  Anger, fear, cruel thoughts, etc., affect the heart. A good statement to use is the following: The Light of Lights streams through my mind, body, and affairs, revealing all in Divine order. My heart is a happy heart, a fearless heart,



  a forgiving heart, a kind heart, in its right place, doing its right work.

  Skin diseases are caused by mental irritation. Someone has gotten “under your skin.” Often instantaneous healings take place in this way, by a sudden realization of the Truth. Your body, in reality, is a spiritual body, incorruptible and indestructible, “timeless and tireless, birthless and deathless.” When all negative thinking is wiped out, you will be enveloped by your Light Body, and sorrow and sighing will have passed away and death itself overcome.

  “Don’t be dejected and sad, for the

  joy of the Lord is your strength.”

  — NEHEMIAH 8:10







  “You must live fully in the now

  to make your dreams come true.”


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