Vampires and Werewolves: GRIMM Academy Book Two

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Vampires and Werewolves: GRIMM Academy Book Two Page 6

by R L Medina

  “I’m sure you do, but I won’t risk my pack for you to sort out your past.”

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  “Do you think the witches just set him loose after you?” His eyes flickered to Lucian. “That they don’t have a link to him and the rest of their pets?”

  Fear crawled up my spine. Did they?

  “I will deal with our prisoner. Without your help.” His voice hardened.

  “What are you going to do to him?”

  Rafael sniffed. “What do you care? You’re a GRIMM.”

  My fist clenched. “He has answers about my dad’s killer and the witches.”

  “And what? You think you can plot some sort of revenge?” He scoffed.

  “Isn’t that what you want for your father?”

  His face turned thunderous.

  “We won’t question him any further,” Lucian interrupted, stepping forward.

  I glared at him. Rafael nodded and turned on his heel. I watched him go, heat rushing across my face at the unfairness. They weren’t going to let me near the shifter now.

  His words echoed in my mind. Did the witches have a mental link with the shifters? Is that how they knew where I was?

  Lucian started to move away.

  I frowned at him. “Where are you going?”

  He didn’t answer. The jerk.

  “What am I supposed to do stuck here all day?” I called after him.

  “Don’t care. Just stay away from the shifter and me.”


  “Well, when is Michael coming back? or the others?”

  Lucian glanced back at me. “Later.”

  I snorted. “That’s so helpful. Thanks, Lucian.”

  He shrugged and turned away, muttering something about ‘babysitting’ under his breath.

  My lip curled. I didn’t need a babysitter. With nothing else left to do, I grabbed a bag of chips and soda from the kitchen and plopped myself down on the couch in front of the TV. My mind raced with questions making it hard to concentrate on the show. As hard as I tried, I couldn’t get the shifter out of my head. I needed those answers, but I’d be an idiot to cross Rafael.


  It was nearly dinner time when the others returned, bringing enough Chinese food to feed a small army. Lucian and Rafael didn’t join, but more pack members showed, Nadia being one of them. She scowled at me but kept her distance.

  I ate my noodles in silence, happy to be just a spectator as the wolves joked and bragged about their activities. Unlike the others, Michael sat quietly, a lost look on his face. Curiosity burned within me, but I didn’t want to ask him about his errands in front of the others. Scenarios played out in my mind. What kind of ‘errands’ did Rafael send his guys out on? Something told me it wasn’t to get groceries.

  Time went by fast and soon it was time to get ready for the club. Not owning anything remotely like ‘clubwear’ I borrowed a dress from one of the wolves. A tight, mid-length, black one that made me look much older. At least it had pockets. Not being one to walk well in heels, I opted for my black boots. The combination was odd, but given my current lifestyle, running for my life seemed a likely scenario.

  We took two cars into LA since not all of us could squeeze bulky muscles into one. I rode with Lucian, Michael, and Mateo while Leo and Rafael drove a few of the other wolves. The rest of the pack promised to meet us there later.

  The moon was high and the street quiet as I piled in after the others. Excitement stirred within me at the thought of finally seeing the city. Or at least the LA nightlife scene. Would I be the only human there at the club? Would it be safe?

  I felt safe with my entourage of muscly werewolves, but I brought my sword along too, just in case. Though the thing had been useless since I’d arrived. Had the enchantments worn off?

  My riding companions were quiet and serious, and I almost wished I’d gone with the party car instead. Their silence made me wary. I didn’t want to freak out about the witch and Luna Negra. I just wanted to pretend things were normal, but their graveness wasn’t helping.

  “So, what exactly do you guys do at the club?” I broke the tension.

  Michael and Mateo exchanged glances and Lucian grunted. I waited.

  “Security mostly,” Michael answered.

  Mateo nodded in agreement. Lucian grunted again.

  “So, like bouncers? Do you get paid for that?”

  They glanced at each other again as if debating how much they should be telling me. Judging by their cars and clothes, they weren’t hurting for cash, but did they actually pay their own way or did all of it belong collectively to the pack?

  “It’s part of our duty as Raf’s pack leaders. He pays us though.” Michael finally answered.

  Lucian’s eyes met mine in the rearview mirror. They were narrowed in suspicion. Didn’t like me asking questions? I scoffed. It wasn’t like I could go to the GRIMMs and turn them in, and they had to be aware of what was going on, anyway. From what I understood, it didn’t matter what the extraordinaire did in their own circles as long as it didn’t break the GRIMM law by hurting ordinaires or exposing them to their existence. Although if the normal humans couldn’t see through the veil, I didn’t see how they could find out about all the creatures sharing a planet with them.

  The car fell quiet once more, everyone lost in their own thoughts. Questions plagued me. What if this mysterious witch couldn’t help me? What if she was tied with Luna Negra? It could be a trap. Should I contact Javi or the others?

  I dismissed the questions, a dull ache spreading in my head. One thing to worry about at a time.

  If the witch couldn’t help me, I’d just find another who could. Somebody had to know where to find this wizard. If not the wolves, then maybe someone else my mom was close to. The only problem was, I had no idea who that would be.

  “Do you know who we’re meeting? The witch?”

  Mateo nodded. “Probably Cleo. She’s a rogue witch and Raf’s informant for witch activity around LA.”

  Rogue witch? I liked the sound of that. Did that mean she was loyal only to herself and didn’t have a coven to control her? That didn’t sound so bad. Not bad at all.

  We rode the rest of the way in silence except for the occasional question or comment I made. Whatever was on their mind, it was obvious, they weren’t going to share it with me. An hour later and we were sitting in the infamous LA traffic.

  I pressed my face against the window to take in all the sights. Bright city lights flashed, the road filled with cars. Street noises surrounded us, stirring excitement in me. I watched as we passed tall buildings and crowded streets.

  The city was nothing like Malibu. It was lively and eclectic. Old mixed with new. There was a buzz and an energy I could feel from the car.

  We made a turn away from the hustle and bustle, the streetlights dimmer and the buildings more spaced out. My nose scrunched as I stared at the old shops and rundown apartments. Is this what people meant when they called a place seedy?

  “Here we are. El Palacio,” Mateo announced.


  They looked at me, but I was still staring out at the shuttered building. Graffiti streaked across the paint-stripped stucco. The words were written in a language I couldn’t decipher, but given the locale, it was probably safe to assume they weren’t greeting us with well wishes.

  “Doesn’t look like a palace. Looks more like a dump,” I muttered.

  “Just wait until you get inside.” Michael smiled.

  I gave him a skeptical look and glanced back at the dilapidated building. Glamoured? It was the perfect disguise for a werewolf night club. How many of them would be in there?

  Fighting off the waves of worry, I followed the others out of the car and steeled myself.

  I can do this.

  “You’ll take her in through the back, Michael,” Lucian commanded.

  Michael nodded in obedience. Matteo, not waiting for an order, strode toward the front with Lucian cl
ose behind.

  “The sword, Michael,” Lucian called back.

  The wolf stiffened beside me. “I know, Lucian.”

  My eyes narrowed at their little exchange. What did they want with my sword?

  Michael turned to me. “I need your sword, Rose. Just until we get you to the back room.”

  “Um. Why?”

  He sighed. “A human with a giant glowing sword? That screams GRIMM and that’s the last thing we want in the club. It’s too dangerous.”

  My fingers curled around the hilt. Silly as it was, I didn’t want to give up my sword. I’d grown comfortable with it. It made me feel safer, like I was in control despite the fact that my life was a hot bowl of chaos.

  “I promise, you’ll get it back as soon as we’re inside.”

  Before I could change my mind, I thrust the weapon toward him. He nodded and winced as the metal touched his hand.

  “What was that?”

  “It’s enchanted. Stings when I touch it.”

  My eyebrow arched. “Just you or any… extraordinaire?”

  He slid the blade into a holder and shrugged. “Probably anyone that’s not human.”

  I blinked at him. It was hard to think of Michael as a werewolf. When he wasn’t covered in fur and sporting claws like wolverine, he was more human than some people I’d known. My tía’s words came back to me. My mom didn’t agree with the GRIMM’s harsh treatment of the extraordinaires. Is that what caused her betrayal? But why the coven and if what Rafael said about her killing his father was true, then she’d become just as evil as the GRIMM.

  “Ready?” Michael’s eyes roamed over me.

  His protectiveness reminded me of Javi. I looked away, stomach clenching, and nodded. Thinking about my cousin now wouldn’t be helpful. I needed to figure this out on my own. Keep him and the others out of danger and trouble.

  I snorted. They were probably still enduring their punishment from the prison break in fiasco. I took a deep breath and followed after Michael. I’d choose the school’s discipline over werewolves and witches.

  We crossed the parking lot. Police sirens wailed in the distance. I paused and glanced at Michael.

  He stopped and eyed me. “What’s wrong?”

  “What were you doing today? Your errands.”

  Guilt flashed across his face, replaced with a stony mask. “Nothing.”


  “Nothing you need to know, Rose.”

  I bit my lip and glanced away. He didn’t owe me any explanation. I barely knew the guy, but it still stung to be left in the dark. I wanted to know what the wolves did. Deep down, I knew it wasn’t just my morbid curiosity. No. I wanted an explanation—a justification for what my mom did to Rafael’s father. Maybe their old alpha deserved what she’d done.

  “If you don’t like it, why don’t you leave? Find another pack?”

  Michael gave me a sad smile. “Los Reyes took me in. They’re family now. I owe Raf my life. Everything.”

  I snorted. “That seems a little extreme.”

  He shook his head. “You wouldn’t understand. Humans…” His words died.

  “What? Humans what?”

  His eyes drilled into me. “Humans don’t understand loyalty. Not like a werewolf.”

  Stung, I looked away and started walking again. His words rang through me. It wasn’t true. We could be loyal. Javi and the others were proof of that, weren’t they?

  Javi betrayed you before, and the others… don’t even know who you really are.

  Dismissing that pessimistic voice, I focused on meeting Michael’s long strides. He held his arm up for me to stop and scanned the area.

  “What is it?” My voice was a whisper.

  I held my breath, ears straining to hear what he had. The witches? My heart raced.

  “I thought I sensed something.”

  My eyes followed his gaze. More vampires?

  Michael shrugged and started walking, ushering me forward. I glanced around at the empty streets, terrified I’d find glowing eyes. The memory of the shifter attack was fresh in my mind, my stomach tingling at the thought of my injury.

  We made it to the back of the building, the alley quiet and dark. Creepy.

  Michael banged on the door and glanced around. Though he tried not to show it, I could see his fear. His body was tense, eyes darting everywhere. It was freaking me out.

  “What is it? Is it the vampires?”

  He pounded on the metal door once more and shook his head. “No, I don’t smell anything. Just a feeling.”

  Yeah, that wasn’t reassuring.

  I wrapped my arms around myself and glanced back at the darkness. Anything could be hiding in there. I shuddered. Suddenly, I didn’t want to be standing outside in the open.

  Fighting off the fear, I joined him in banging the door. Why weren’t they opening up? What was going on in there? I gave the door a swift kick, cursing as pain shot through my toes.

  “Come on. We’ll have to go through the front.” Michael pulled me away.

  I didn’t argue. He walked us briskly around the corner to the front of the building. It didn’t look any less abandoned up close. The front doors were boarded up and the windows broken. The hairs on my neck bristled. Was this really the club or did Rafael trick me? Was it a trap set for the coven with me as bait?

  Yanking out of Michael’s grasp, I backed up.

  His brow furrowed. “What are you doing, Rose?”

  I met his gaze. “Tell me it’s not a trap.”


  I felt a muscle twitch in my face. “Tell me the witches aren’t in there waiting for me.”

  He reeled. “You think… you think I’m handing you over to the coven?”

  The hurt in his voice made me wince, but what did he expect? Rafael hadn’t exactly been thrilled at helping me.

  “I think you would do it if Rafael made you.”

  Anger flashed in his eyes. “I promise, it’s not a trap. Raf would never work with those witches.”

  The sincerity in his words filled me with guilt for doubting him. I took a deep breath and stepped forward, nodding at him.

  “Okay. Let’s go.”


  El Palacio was the first club I ever stepped into. True to its name, it screamed royalty. From the glittering, gold décor and lush, red upholstery. Even the bar looked like something out of a freaking fantasy. Sparkling glass, and gold decanters and bottles.

  The dance floor was crowded, a strange blend of techno and Spanish rap booming from hidden speakers. A strobe light flashed, making my head pound. I squinted, trying to adjust to the sensation. Everyone’s scent clashed with alcohol, the result nearly nauseating. This is what people came to clubs for?

  Heads swiveled toward us. People, who at least appeared human, milled around, dressed in all different fashions. Some wore cocktail dresses and fancy shirts and jeans like Michael while others… looked like they’d stumbled in from the gym and there were others still that came baring more skin than clothes.

  “This way.” Michael pressed a hand on my back to steer me forward.

  Several eyes turned to me. I fought the urge to shrink away from their predatory gazes. Could they tell I wasn’t one of them? That I was human? I lifted my chin and tried to pretend I wasn’t intimidated. Without my sword I felt helpless. Heat rushed over me. I hated the feeling that I was missing something, that I needed it.

  Michael led me past the others, not taking the time to return the greetings they called after him. I ignored their curious stares and followed the wolf as he weaved us in and out of the crowd.

  A familiar figure heading toward us caught my eye. Rafael. His face turned murderous, and he was in front of us in an instant, his musky cologne overpowering.

  “You were supposed to bring her through the back.” He glared at Michael.

  Michael stiffened. “No one let us in. I didn’t want to wait out there forever.”

  “Get her to the back. Now,” the
alpha snapped.

  Michael nodded and motioned for me to keep walking. I was acutely aware of the heavy stares following us as we skirted the dance floor. My eyes landed on the giant two-tiered platform at the back of the club. A giant pole stood at the end. Michael nudged me forward.

  I knew from my time at the academy that El Palacio was an exclusive and elite club and the direct rival of Slasher’s, which was one of Brady’s favorite places to go when he skipped class. He wasn’t the only student who snuck out to go clubbing with shifters. What I couldn’t understand was why the teachers or headmaster didn’t put a stop to it. They had to know what was going on. Did they see it as some kind of test for us? If we could get in and out of a shifter club without any danger, did it prove we were GRIMM material? Or was it a test for the extraordinaire? To see if they dared hurt one of us.

  A snort escaped me, catching Michael’s attention. He frowned. I shook my head and gave him my best ‘don’t worry about me’ look. I’d already been a target for the supernatural three times now, so I didn’t think the extraordinaire were too worried about the GRIMMs. At least not anymore. The words of the shifter replayed in my mind.

  New order.

  I’d barely learned the ins and outs of the current one. Worry gnawed at me. Were Javi and the others ready for whatever was coming? A shudder ran through me as I remembered Grayson’s adamant refusal that the vampires and werewolves would align themselves. But if the witches talked both the vampires and shifters to their side, did that mean the wolves were next?

  We stopped at a closed door beyond the platform. Michael pounded on it with a fist and glanced at me.

  “You’ll have to stay in here until we leave.”

  I huffed. “And when is that?”

  The door swung open before he could answer. Lucian stood before us with a scowl.

  “Where did you go? You were supposed to come through the back.”

  “You didn’t open it for us.” Michael gave an irritated sigh.

  Lucian’s eyes narrowed as he waved us in.

  “Leo was supposed to let you in. Where is he?”


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