Vampires and Werewolves: GRIMM Academy Book Two

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Vampires and Werewolves: GRIMM Academy Book Two Page 7

by R L Medina

  Michael shrugged as Lucian slammed the door after us.

  I glanced around at the backstage. Bright lights lit the sparsely furnished room. Unopened boxes and various stage props lined the back wall. It looked more like a storage place than an actual room.

  “Where is the witch? Chloe?”

  “Cleo. Her name is Cleo,” Michael corrected.

  “She’s running late,” Lucian answered.

  I blinked at him. “Running late? Didn’t you tell her it was an emergency?”

  He grunted. “I didn’t tell her anything.”

  “She’s Rafael’s informant,” Michael explained.

  Lucian shot him a glare. A warning for him to not say more? I frowned at them. I couldn’t tell if Lucian’s irritating closed off-ness was just one of his typical personality traits or if he was actually hiding something from me.

  “Well, did she say when she’s going to be here?”

  “No.” Lucian frowned.

  I folded my arms across my chest, matching his surly look. Standing there in a dress probably didn’t look intimidating.

  My cheeks burned. “And why did I have to wear this dress when I see people out there in sweats?”

  Lucian snorted. “Because none of our people would be caught dead wearing that in El Palacio.”

  “Raf only lets them in to make a show of what happens when they don’t follow the dress code.” Michael’s face hardened.

  I gaped at him. “Make a show? Like… he puts them on stage?”

  Lucian grunted. I frowned at him. The wolf had a grunt for every occasion.

  “Something like that. Wait here, and I’ll bring you some food and drinks.” Michael smiled.

  “Thanks. I’ll take a glass of your finest cabernet.”

  He gave me a flat look. “I’ll get you some soda.”

  “Really? It’s just one drink. I can handle my wine.”

  Lucian grunted again and shook his head at me before walking to the back.

  “Wait here. I’ll be back.” Michael motioned to the long, black sofa.

  My lip curled. Did I want to sit on that thing? Opting for the table and chairs in the back, I plopped down and inspected one of the covered trays. Was I supposed to eat it?

  Taking the top off, I discovered little cups of ceviche and bacon and asparagus roll and though I wasn’t hungry, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to try Rafael’s food.

  I gobbled them down and watched as Lucian paced the back door. His movement kept catching my eye, so I set the platter aside to join him.

  “What’s wrong?”

  He turned at the sound of my voice. “Nothing.”

  My lips pursed.

  “Wait here.”

  Without further explanation, he slipped out the back door. A lock clicked in place. I blinked in confusion. What was going on? Did he hear something out there? Like Michael had?

  When I realized he wasn’t coming back that way, I sat down at the table once more and drummed my finger on the smooth wood.

  Glancing around, I realized there was no clock. How long had Michael been gone? It felt like almost an hour, but that was probably just the boredom and restlessness getting to me. Noises from the club drifted behind the door, making me wish I was out there instead of stuck backstage. My first time in a club and I was sitting alone, stuffing my face. Lame.

  Should I go after Lucian? He’d been gone a long time too. Where were the others? Fear nibbled at me and doubt crept in. What if it really was a trap? I didn’t even have my sword.

  I stood, the sound of the chair scraping against the floor made me cringe. There was no way I was waiting around for Luna Negra to show up. I would find Michael and get some answers.

  Feigning more confidence than I felt, I lifted my chin and strode toward the door that would lead me back inside the club. I held my breath as I turned the nob, envisioning it locked.

  It turned easily. I sighed in relief and scanned the area. There was no Michael, Lucian, or Rafael in sight. I didn’t see anyone I recognized. The music pounded in my ears as I made my way past the platform.

  Dancers spun and leapt on the stage, the red sheer scarf-like fabric that covered them billowed out like waves as they moved. The crowd pushed closer to watch. I found myself walking toward the platform as well. The hairs on my neck bristled and the urge to look away came from nowhere.

  My instincts screamed at me. Danger. Danger.

  I fought off the wave of panic and gasped as the people on stage changed before me. Hands became claws, normal teeth turned to fangs. Their faces stretched and morphed at random. Fear shot through me.

  What was happening? I glanced at the crowd. No one else seemed to notice or care. Then, they too began transforming. Memories of Manny and the other shifters flashed in my mind. I turned to run, stumbling into somebody.

  “Oops. Sorr—” the words died on my lips.

  Familiar brown eyes widened. Brady. Shock ran through me.

  “Rose? What the? What are you doing here?”

  “Me? What are you doing here? This is a shifter club.”

  His eyebrow arched. “Yes. I know.”

  “Can you see them too?” I rubbed my arms and scanned the room.

  He frowned. “See who?”

  “All their faces. The glamour is gone.”

  A small smile spread on his face. “Sounds like someone just got their sight. I heard you were a late bloomer.”


  He let out an exaggerated sigh. “The sight. You have it.” His hand stretched across the room, “They’re still wearing their glamour. You just see through it now.”

  “But why are they all shifted into… their non-human side?”

  “Are you kidding?” He snorted. “Because they can’t control their animalistic urges when they’re drugged up and drunk.”

  “Oh. But I thought they had a higher tolerance than humans.”

  Brady scoffed. “Yeah when it comes to ordinaire substances. The extraordinaires have better stuff. Way more potent.”

  Lucian’s red-rimmed eyes came to mind. Midnight Rush, they’d called it. Was that the magical drug Mateo and Michael had grown so tight lipped about?

  I turned back to Brady. “And how do you know about that?”

  “Research.” He shrugged. Though I caught the glint of humor in his eyes.

  My lips twisted as I bit back a smile. I’d missed him, but it felt silly to feel that way when I barely knew him. There was something about surviving a supernatural encounter together that bonded people quickly.

  I glanced around at the crowd and turned back to him. “How did you even get in here? Is Grayson here?”

  He snorted. “Wow. No hi, Brady? Sorry I dropped out of school without so much as a text?”

  “Okay. I’m sorry. It wasn’t my choice. There’s… just a lot I’m dealing with right now.”

  “You know this mysterious new girl with a past thing is getting old. Don’t you think?” he drawled.

  “Believe me, I wish I could get past this.”

  He sniffed. “Gray’s not here. Do you really think he’d come here? I mean, maybe if it was to bust someone or make an arrest.”

  I smiled. “Yeah. That sounds like him.”

  Brady cocked his head. “Your cousin said you went back home to Spain, but obviously that’s not the case. You should return Gray’s calls. Don’t leave the guy hanging.”

  My cheeks reddened. “I can’t… I left my phone behind.”

  His eyebrows shot up. “You’re on the run? From the GRIMM? Why? What did you do?”

  Loud music drowned out the rest of his words. The dancers leapt from stage and into the crowd. Roars and snarls filled the room. Bodies bumped between us, and I lost Brady in the sea of faces.

  Fear struck me. Brady, of all people, would be a target at the club. The son of the headmaster of GRIMM Academy? What was the idiot thinking coming there without a disguise? My eyes scanned the dance floor.

  “Brady?” My voic
e was lost in the noise.

  Damn it. Where are you, Brady?

  There. A blondish-brown head moved toward me.


  Someone stepped in my path. I looked up, surprised to find Michael there.

  His eyes narrowed. “What are you doing here? I thought I told you to stay in the back room.”

  “There’s someone I know here.”

  He gripped my arm. “You’re supposed to be in hiding.”

  I huffed as he started to drag me away. “Wait.”

  “Get your hands off her,” a voice called behind us.

  My heart leapt into my throat. Grayson. What? How?


  I sucked in a breath and turned to face him. His eyes were on Michael, narrowed and murderous. In his hands, he held a handgun that must have been glamoured because no one seemed to notice it—no one except Michael.

  The wolf didn’t release me.

  “It’s okay. He’s… my friend.”

  They continued their stare off.

  “Michael, it’s fine. He’s not going to hurt me.”

  Grayson’s gaze flicked to mine. “What’s going on, Rose? Why…” He paused, nostrils flaring, “Why are you here… in this place?”

  Michael flinched. “Have something against werewolves?”

  I put my hand between them, not wanting things to escalate. “Stop. I can explain, Grayson.”

  “Not here. In the back,” Michael interrupted.

  I looked past Grayson, my eyes snagged on three familiar faces. Javi, Shiloh, and Brady.

  What the hell were they doing? Michael noticed my stare and stiffened.

  “It’s okay. They’re friends.”

  Grayson scoffed. “Friends don’t leave in the middle of the night without saying goodbye.”

  His words struck me to the core. “I’m sorry, Grayson. I… didn’t have a choice.”

  “Rose!” Javi leapt the distance.

  He pushed past Grayson and threw his arms around me. I returned the hug, stomach knotting. It hadn’t been that long since I’d seen him, but all the emotions and memories came barreling back.

  “Is your dad here?”

  “No. It’s okay. He doesn’t know.”

  “How did you find me?”

  He glanced at Brady. “He texted us. We came as fast as we could. Took a portal.”

  “We need to get in the back. Now,” Michael growled.

  Javi whipped toward him, shoving me behind him. “She’s not going anywhere with you, wolf.”

  The music died. A few heads swiveled toward us. Growls echoed in the room. I groaned.

  “It’s fine, Javi. Let’s go. It’s okay.”

  My friends stood, gawking at me. It warmed my heart to know they’d missed me. That they’d come after me, breaking school policy and literally throwing themselves to the wolves. But if we stood around much longer, things were going to get ugly. Already, the tension stirred.

  I motioned for Michael to lead the way and tried to give my friends a reassuring look like I knew what I was doing. Grayson refused to meet my eyes. His anger stung, but he was there. If he didn’t care, he wouldn’t have come. How much did he remember? Was it only the compulsion ring my tío had wiped from his memory?

  Shiloh gave me a hug so tight, I had to gasp for air. “Rose, we were so worried when you didn’t show up at school. Javi said you went back to Spain, but I couldn’t believe it. Not without saying goodbye. What’s going on? What are you doing here?”

  Guilt filled me. They didn’t know. They couldn’t know. Only Javi knew the truth. What did I tell them now?

  “I’ll tell you everything. I promise.”

  Her eyes searched mine, worry flashing on her face.

  Michael led us away from the curious stares and to the back. The door swung open and out stormed Rafael and the twins. Still no Lucian.

  Rafael strode toward us. “What is this?”

  “Raf, it’s okay. They’re friends of Rose.” Michael stood between us and the alpha.

  The wolf’s eyes were wild with fury. “What are they doing here?”

  I tensed.

  Grayson still carried his gun and both Brady and Javi had drawn their own weapon. Even Shiloh was in alert mode.

  Around us the club had grown deadly quiet. I was acutely aware of the eyes on us and the precariousness of our situation.

  “Raf,” Michael warned. “They’re just kids.”

  Javi scoffed. I shot him a dark look. Now wasn’t the time for him to argue. If the wolves didn’t see us as threats, they’d leave us alone.

  “Take them to the back. Now.”

  I started to move, but Javi grabbed my wrist.

  My friends weren’t budging.

  “It’s fine. I promise. You have to trust me, Javi. They’re helping me.”

  “Helping you with what?” Grayson interrupted.

  Rafael watched me carefully. Trying to catch me in a lie? Heat rushed across my skin.

  A loud clang sounded, breaking the tension. Lucian thrust the door open and eyed us.

  “She’s here.”

  The witch.

  “Rose?” Javi still gripped my arm.

  I sighed. “They found someone who can help me. I promise, it’s okay.”

  “Help you with what?” Grayson snapped.

  Javi nodded to me in understanding and released my arm.

  Rafael edged closer to Grayson, a steely look on his face. My heart squeezed. Grayson stood his ground, geared for battle in his black sporty uniform, and determination written on his brow. Damn. He was a sight.

  Javi shot him a look. “Let it go, Chapman. We’ll tell you what’s going on inside.”

  Grayson scowled. Brady and Shiloh watched the wolves, wariness written on their faces.

  Rafael motioned us in and waited for us all to obey. Grayson, still clutching his gun, met his stare with more bravado than I could ever hope to feign.

  His gray-blue eyes met mine and I could see it there written on his face. Uncertainty. Anger. And something else… relief? Javi urged me forward, snapping me out of my musings.

  Once Grayson entered the room, Rafael slammed the door shut behind us and stood in front of it, arms crossed.

  “Who let you in to the club? How did you get past security?”

  Brady cleared his throat. “Your wards expired. Probably should have someone look into that. The bouncers suck. And we’re GRIMMs. We can get in anywhere.”

  Grayson threw him a glare. “Shut up, Brady.”

  Rafael ignored him and turned back to me. His eyes narrowed. “You called them?”


  His face hardened.

  Realizing, he didn’t believe me, I scowled. “I swear.”

  The last thing we needed was a fight.

  A feminine huff echoed. I turned to see a woman standing in the middle of the room, hands on her hips. The witch? She glided toward us, her long jeaned legs reminding me of a runway model.

  Flaming red hair framed her pale face. Her bright blue eyes roamed over us, thin lips pinched together.

  “Cleo.” Rafael inclined his head toward her.

  She glanced at him and back to us. “I’m not reading everyone’s fortune.” Her eyes narrowed on Rafael. “I didn’t come to perform some cheap parlor tricks, Raf.”

  Woah. What was her problem?

  “I know. They’re not all here for you. Just her.” He pointed to me.

  Her glacial glare snapped to me. “Sit down.”

  I bristled at her rudeness but did as she asked.

  The others stood around us. My heart thrummed wildly in my chest. This was it. She could help me find the wizard. It had to work.

  “Give me your hand.”

  Without waiting for a reply, her cold fingers pressed into my palms. With her other hand, she retrieved a big glass ball and placed it on the table in front of us. Tightening her grip, she moved my hand toward it and splayed my fingers against the cool glass.

�Don’t move,” she ordered.

  “What is going on?” Grayson looked from me to Javi.

  “Just wait.” My cousin replied.

  Cleo started chanting in some strange language. My eyebrow arched and I glanced at the others to see their expression. Javi, Grayson, and Shiloh looked worried, but Brady just looked skeptical.

  The glass vibrated underneath my hand, making me gasp. She pressed my fingers harder against it before I could yank my hand away.

  “I said don’t move.” Her voice deepened.

  A chill crawled up my spine. Something was happening. My instincts warned me to get out of there, but I had to see it through. We needed answers—I needed answers.

  Cleo’s eyes were closed, her eyelids fluttering. Silence filled the room. Her lips pursed and her brow furrowed. A sliver of fear spread up my spine. What did she see?”

  Pain etched her forehead. “I… I can’t see.” Her voice rose higher, almost shrill.

  “I can’t see. I can’t see,” she moaned.

  My heart leapt to my throat. What the hell was happening? I tried to pull my hand away, but her grip was too strong.

  “Stop. Stop it, Cleo.” Michael’s voice was edged with worry.

  Javi leapt forward. “Get her off!”

  He tried to pull the witch’s hand away from mine. It didn’t budge. His eyes met mine, panic spreading on his face.

  I glanced at the others. Grayson aimed his gun at the witch, uncertainty written on his brow.

  “Shoot her,” Brady urged.

  Shiloh’s hand was lifted, her lips moving in a chant. The wolves stood gaping at us and unmoving.

  Cleo’s eyes flew open. Her ear-splitting scream filled the room. Black eyes replaced her icy blue. Pupilless black that reminded of the fairy from the prison.

  “A promise made in blood cannot be undone.” A strange voice came from her mouth.

  My stomach clenched with dread. Luna Negra. Someone let out a string of curses.

  “We are here.” The voice came again.

  A smile spread on Cleo’s face. Fear filled me. Here? In the club?

  Javi tried to pull me to my feet, the witch’s grip still around me. She didn’t let go. A bright red line appeared on her neck. My eyes bulged.

  “Michael, what’s happening?”

  He swore and tried to shake her off. More blood poured from her neck, but she still didn’t release me.


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