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Vampires and Werewolves: GRIMM Academy Book Two

Page 19

by R L Medina

  He winced. “It was the only way to make you go.”

  I blinked back the tears, not wanting to remember the scene. He was alive. That’s all that mattered.

  “Well, it’s true. I do have a conduit. It’s chipped inside of me.”

  Nausea rolled in my gut. “What do you mean chipped inside of you?”

  “The GRIMMs have tried for years to invent something that we could use to do magic without carrying a conduit. Something that would make it harder for the extraordinaire to overpower us. None of the other test subjects… something always went wrong. The chips would burst with overuse and…”

  “And what, Grayson?”

  I held my breath.

  “It would kill the GRIMMs. So, they kept trying and when the headmaster found me… I was an ideal candidate.”

  Anger pulsed through me. Ideal candidate? Is that why the man had brought Grayson to the academy? My stomach churned. Is this the kind of work Grayson was doing for him? Being their freaking guinea pig?

  “So far, it’s worked. I’ve been able to adapt with the chip, but I still have to take things slowly.”

  My eyes met his. Slowly? Since I’d met him, he’d been fighting off monster after monster. A numbness spread through me.

  “The shadow magic? Is that what it is?”

  He nodded. “Yes. One of the few types of magic that works best with the chip.”

  “But what do the witches want with you?”

  Grayson traced his finger along my face, but I couldn’t feel it. Pain grew in my chest. Would I ever get to feel him again?

  “I don’t know. I don’t even know if I’m there with them. All I know is there’s some powerful magic around my body, but I can’t tell where it is.”

  Chills crawled over me. “What can I do?”

  His gaze fell. “There’s nothing you can do, Rose. But now that I’ve found you, I’ll be able to come back. When you’re dreaming.”

  I pinched my arm again and winced. “I’m not dreaming. I’m awake.”

  He shook his head. “No. You’re not.”


  “Grayson, you have to get back to your body. Can’t you use your magic to escape?”

  “I’m trying.”

  “You have to promise you’ll escape. Promise me you’ll make it out.”

  A sad smile flickered on his face, the truth in his eyes crushed me.

  “You know I can’t promise that, Rose, but I do promise, I’ll do everything I can to survive.”

  His thumb rubbed my chin, and I wanted so badly to feel his touch, his warmth, but it never came. Tears filled my eyes. Why could I feel my own pinches and not his touch?

  “Rose, I’m sorry. I’m sorry you have to be involved in all this.” He took a sharp breath.

  “You’re sorry?” A bitter laugh escaped me. “I’m the one who’s sorry. I’m sorry you were dragged into it. I never meant for anyone to get hurt.”

  “We’re GRIMM. This is the kind of stuff we signed up to do.”

  My lip curled. “To be chipped and expected to follow orders even if it means risking your life?”

  His face fell and immediately I wished I could retract my words. Why had I gone there? Before I could apologize, he was back to business.

  “There is a way for you to break the blood promise. I think I’ve found the way.”

  I sucked in a breath. My heart skipped, hope lighting within me, but I couldn’t let it grow. I didn’t think I could take another let down, another dead end.

  “You have to destroy the coven. Completely. All the witches.”

  My hope plummeted. “Destroy all the witches? I don’t even know how many there are.”

  Grayson’s forehead furrowed in thought. “It would take time. To track them all down, but not impossible.”

  A harsh laugh escaped me. “I don’t have time to go hunting all the witches. I have to find you.”

  “I’ll be fine. You have to protect yourself, Rose. The coven will be coming back for you. The GRIMMs could help you. We could find all their safe houses and destroy every single one.”

  “Grayson, that’s crazy. What about the vampires and shifters on their side? Would we have to destroy them too?”

  Ash’s face and the others came into my mind. Would I have to destroy the other firstborns too? They were Luna Negra. But unlike the others, they were innocent. I shuddered. I couldn’t go back and kill them after they helped me escape.

  “What happens if I don’t comply with the blood promise? The coven can’t make me now that I’m free.”

  Sorrow flashed in Grayson’s blue-gray eyes. “You’ll never be free if any of them live.”

  Hot rage rolled through me. There really was no escaping them. Not unless I wanted to start a freaking war. My heart thumped loudly in my ears. They were the ones who’d started the war, allying with shifters and vampires. That left me with only two choices. Let the witches win or side with the GRIMM and destroy every last member of the coven.

  My stomach knotted. Could I do that?

  “She got some of my blood already. Maybe it was all she needed.”

  “Not enough for the ritual. You healed too quickly.” He frowned. “How did you heal so quickly?”

  I met his eyes, heart racing. “I don’t know, but it could be… because I’m one of them. Los Reyes. My mom was pregnant with me before she met… the man who raised me.”

  Grayson’s eyes widened. “You… you’re a werewolf?”

  His reaction made me pause, and I was struck with the realization that if I were, he wouldn’t be allowed anything to do with me. Not unless he was willing to break the GRIMM law and how could he if they had him chipped?

  “No. I didn’t catch the gene.”

  He sighed heavily and took my hand. “Who else knows about this? Your uncle?”

  I shook my head. “No. The witches know, but not my family.”

  A muscle twitched in his jaw. “Good. Don’t tell them.”

  I bristled. “They’re my family.”

  “It’s not safe. If the GRIMMs find out about you—”

  “But I just told you, I don’t have the gene. I’m completely human.”

  His finger traced the side of my face, making me flush at the intimate touch.

  “Not to them you wouldn’t be. They’d run test after test to make sure there was nothing… different about you. You can’t let anyone know.”

  Anger rose inside me. “Javi would never turn me in. I can trust him.”

  Grayson brought my face closer, eyes drilling into me. “You can’t risk that. Promise me you won’t tell anyone about it? Not the wolves, not the GRIMMs?”

  My heart twisted. How could I not tell Javi? Not wanting to make Grayson worry, I nodded.

  He looked at me, expectantly.

  “I promise.”

  We stared at each other in silence, the heavy weight of our situation filled the air. I reached out for him, tears burning my eyes as my touch went right through him.

  His form wavered. “Rose. You’re starting to wake up. When you do, I’ll be gone.”

  “No. Grayson. Don’t go.” I cringed, hating the desperation in my voice.

  “Be careful, Rose.”

  With that he disappeared, ripping a hole in my heart. What if he got caught, and that was the last time, I would see him? What if I was too late to save him?

  My chest tightened, my skin crawling as I remembered our conversation. Letting the tears spill, I tucked my knees up and rested my eyes. Just for a moment. One moment of weakness then I would have to pull myself up and figure out my next step.

  I refused to abandon Grayson to the coven. He’d proven his loyalty to me over and over, and it was time for me to do the same.

  Thoughts jumbled together and my emotions barreled through me as I digested his words.

  Kill the coven. Kill the witches. Could I do it?

  When Shiloh and Javi returned, I told them everything. Everything except the chip and me being related to werewol
ves. We tried to call Brady but had to leave a message instead. After seeing Grayson, my spirits were lifted, and my brain went into planning mode. I didn’t sleep the rest of the night.

  The next day, I zoned out as I went from class to class. Questions raced in my mind and excitement filled me. Grayson was alive and I could see him once I fell asleep. When Cassiano made a big show of returning my mom’s sword to me, claiming it had been checked for hexes or curses, I barely noticed. I didn’t even notice the taunts and sneers of the other students or the cruel words they hurled at me. As if being pledged to the coven had been my choice.

  By the time classes were over for the day, I was ready for bed. Ready to see Grayson again. Tía summoned Javi and me home for family dinner and I was too caught up in the questions I wanted to ask Grayson that I barely ate.

  Did he know where his body was? Where we should look? Could the GRIMMs help find him? Besides my friends and Javi, I didn’t tell anyone else because I was afraid what it would mean for Grayson.

  They chipped him, but they didn’t own him. I wouldn’t let them use him as some kind of weapon.

  Though fear filled me at the thought of the headmaster getting his clutches on him once more. They said they were searching. What if they found Grayson before I did?

  “Are you not hungry?” Tía’s voice broke my thoughts.

  I glanced at her and the others. Tío was tied up at school. Apparently, they still hadn’t determined if he should step down from council. Though he’d broken the law, he had many supporters and friends on the council.

  “Rose?” Tía called again.

  Javi and the twins blinked at me. I saw the questioning look in their eyes. What was wrong with me?

  I nodded. “Yes. I mean, no. I’m not very hungry. Can I be excused? I want to get some air.”

  And be alone with my thoughts.

  Dismissing myself at her nod, I left the table and headed outside to the garden. My body was buzzing with emotions and questions and if I wanted to talk to Grayson, I needed to quiet myself. I walked the garden path, hoping it would settle me. If I wanted to fall into deep sleep, I needed to relax. I sank down onto one of the benches.


  I gasped.

  Michael stood at the gate surrounding the property, motioning me over. I ran to him. Since he pulled me out of the fire, I hadn’t seen him or the others. He’d disappeared when the GRIMMs came.

  “Michael! You can’t be here. If my tío finds you… are the others okay?”

  His face was creased with pain.

  “No. Who?”

  “Not all of the pack made it out of the club, but most of us did.”

  A numbness spread through me. “Rafael? Lucian? The twins?”

  He blew out a breath. “All okay. No one you knew… well… except Cleo.”

  The vision of the dead witch filled my mind. I shuddered, pushing it as far away as I could. Guilt swept over me. Strangers. Dead because of me.

  “We were worried about you but didn’t want to check in, not with the GRIMMs all over you.”

  I nodded. “Thanks. Yeah, it’s probably better if you don’t get involved.”

  His eyes held my gaze. “Rose, there’s something else.”

  Fear filled me. What was it now? Luna Negra back?

  Michael hesitated, eyes darting away. His reaction was only freaking me out even more.

  “What is it, Michael? Just tell me.”

  “Lucian caught another shifter.”

  I frowned. It wasn’t what I expected to hear from him. What did another shifter have to do with me?

  “A jaguar shifter. His name is Manny.”

  The air whooshed out of me. I stumbled back, ears ringing. Manny. Papi’s killer. Only he wasn’t my birth father like I always believed, but he would always be Papi to me.


  I waved away his concern. “I’m fine. Where is he?”

  Michael studied me. Worried I would seek my own justice?

  “Where is he, Michael?” my words were ice.

  “Back at Raf’s house.”

  “Take me there. Now.”

  His jaw clenched. “Are you sure you’re ready to face him?”

  Heat spread through me. “Yes.”

  He looked unsure but nodded in agreement.

  I ran to the gate and punched in the lock code. My mind was a mess. I didn’t have my phone to tell Javi what I was doing, but I didn’t have time to grab it now. What if Rafael killed Manny before I got there? I wanted to face him. I’d waited long enough.

  Michael led me down the street to where his car was parked out of sight. The car ride was short and filled with heavy silence. Feeling guilty, I used Michael’s phone to text Javi to let him know I was safe so he wouldn’t worry. I didn’t get a reply.

  We pulled into the driveway and I was surprised to find Rafael’s house empty when we stepped inside. Where was the rest of the pack? Michael led me through the entrance and to the back of the house. Lucian stood in front of the basement door, arms folded. His eyebrow arched at the sight of me.

  “What is she doing here, Angel?”

  “You know. You know why I’m here,” I returned.

  He grunted. “Did Raf okay this?”

  Red dotted my vision. “Let me in, Lucian. You let me in, or I swear—”

  His eyes narrowed. “I don’t take orders from you, GRIMM.”

  My hand clenched. Why didn’t I think to bring my sword?

  “It’s alright, Lucian. Rose is our… friend.”

  Rafael’s voice startled me. Was he standing there the whole time?I glanced at him, trying to read the expression on his face. Did he send Lucian after Manny? Why? Did he know about me?

  Seeing him again, after knowing we shared the same father, unnerved me. I stared at him, for the first time recognizing the similarities. His eyebrow arched at my stare, making me turn away. The truth was too raw and cruel. I didn’t want to be related to the dangerous wolf though I was curious about what his father—our father—had been like.

  “Why are you standing there gawking at us?” Rafael’s deep voice broke my thoughts.

  His eyes were narrowed in suspicion.

  I flushed and shrugged my shoulders. Part of me wanted to tell him just to set the record straight about his father’s death. Didn’t I owe him that? But Grayson’s warning echoed in my mind. Don’t tell anyone.

  I followed Michael in, my palms growing sweaty. Flashbacks of the cemetery flickered in my mind. The rain. The coffin. Manny’s monstrous face. I swallowed the lump in my throat. After all this time, I was finally going to get answers.

  But they wouldn’t bring Papi back.

  Deep down, I knew it was my fault he’d died, but I had to do this. I had to face the shifter that started it all. Didn’t I owe my father that much?


  The basement was cold and dimly lit. Just like last time. Only on the table now, lay Manny. It felt like an eternity as I made my way over to him. The memories of that horrible day replayed in my head and all the emotions came tumbling back.

  His skin looked deathly pale, and he’d lost so much weight, I hardly recognized him. He turned at my approach, those same dark eyes I’d seen in my nightmares. That would haunt me forever.

  “Rosita?” His voice was hoarse.

  I paused. He still looked human. His jaguar features still tucked away. Though even if I didn’t know who he was, my senses warned me of danger. The hairs on my neck bristled.

  Danger. Danger.

  Pushing away the fear, I forced myself to meet his gaze. “Tell me.”

  He wheezed. “Tell you what?”

  “Tell me why you killed him.”

  He flinched and shut his eyes. “It was an accident. The blood… the vampire blood. I couldn’t control the urges. He tried to help me. He didn’t know what was happening… he didn’t know to run. I tried to tell him.”

  Tears blurred my vision. Pain blossomed inside me as I pictured the scene. He d
idn’t even know he was walking into danger. He thought we were safe.

  “Why were you there? Why were you at the vineyard?” My voice cracked.

  I took a deep breath, trying to hold back the waves of emotion tearing through me.

  Manny sighed. “I was there for you. To take you to the coven. But after what I did… I couldn’t bring myself to follow their orders.”

  My face was wet with tears. There for me. It’s what I’d known all along but hearing him confess it drove a nail through my heart.

  It was my fault. My fault that Papi was dead. My mother’s fault too. Bitterness and anger wrapped around me. Did she ever love him? I knew he loved her, loved me, but the thought that she’d used him made my stomach church.

  “I’m sorry.” His voice was shaky.

  Rage unfurled inside me. Sorry?

  “Rose.” Michael intercepted me.

  I pushed away from him and tried to get past, but he held me back.

  “Let go of me!”

  “Not until you calm down.”

  “Let her go, Michael. Give her a weapon. She deserves the chance to avenge her father.” Lucian spoke up.

  Angry tears rolled down my face. My chest tightened with each breath I took in.

  “Not like this, Rose. If you do this, it will stay with you forever.”

  I yanked my arm from Michael’s grip and shook off his words. “I don’t care.”

  “No, but I do. I won’t let you do this to yourself. It won’t heal your pain. Trust me, I know.”

  My gaze shot to his. “You don’t. You don’t know my pain, Michael.”

  He stood between me and the shifter, a fierce look in his eye. “This will not honor your father’s memory, Rose. He would not want you to do something you’d regret forever.”

  I shuddered.

  “Just think about what you’re doing. Take some time and come back. If this is what you choose to do, I won’t stop you.”

  I sucked in a breath and closed my eyes. Memories of the past came flooding back. The familiar ache spread deep within me. I had to get out of there.

  Turning on my heel, I fled toward the door. My heart hammered in my ears as the memories kept pouring in. I ran for the beach, struggling to unlock the back door with my shaky hands. Tears welled in my eyes.


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