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The Ascension Myth Box Set

Page 125

by Ell Leigh Clark

  Jack smiled, pulling out her weapon. “It would be my pleasure,” she replied, flicking the weapon into live rounds mode and removing the safety.

  The tango’s eyes widened at the realization of what was going on.

  Sean picked up his perp, and slung him over his shoulder, then started walking purposefully in the direction of the back door. Joel followed, patting Jack on the shoulder as he passed her.

  Jack grinned, looking down on her prey. It had been a long time since she had gotten to put some pain onto some bad people. She was going to relish this moment.

  * * *

  Outside, Chaakwa and Bob stood back as if holding a half-assed, invisible perimeter around the building. Bob shifted his weight. “Are you sure we haven’t missed the signal?” he asked gently.

  Chaakwa shook her head, taking her hand from her poised weapon just long enough to swipe a strand of hair back around her ear. “I’m - ”

  There was a gunshot from within the building, and then a blood-curdling shout of pain.

  Chaakwa signaled to the other two to head around the back, and she and Bob charged the doors.

  Inside the warehouse

  No sooner had she fired the shot, Jack was on the move, running through the warehouse to meet the other two teammates out back.

  Sean was already in one pod with the unconscious tango number six. Joel was waiting for her in the other pod. She bounded up to him and jumped in, holstering her weapon as she turned around and hung on. The pods lifted up in tandem out of the sight line of the two retired cops just rounding the corner of the warehouse.

  Jack sat down and strapped in as the pod door finished closing. A moment later, they shot up into the stratosphere, on their way to execute phase three.

  Joel tapped his holo to connect with Molly. She answered, her voice calm and subdued.

  “It’s done,” he told her.

  “Great job,” she replied. “And thank you. This will mean a lot to Chaakwa.”

  Joel nodded. “Of course. We’re off to dispose of some garbage, but we’ll see you back at Gaitune shortly?”

  “Yes,” she agreed, her voice sounding distant.

  Joel sensed something wasn’t right. “You okay?” he asked. Jack glanced over at him, realizing that something else might be going on.

  Molly stood on the rooftop, watching the various trucks and teams show up. “Fine,” she told him. “Just thinking. I may be a while here.”

  Joel wasn’t convinced that everything was ‘fine,’ but there was little he could do until they completed the mission. “Okay. Well, look, just stay out of sight, and get yourself off-world ASAP. You hear?”

  Molly smiled to herself. “Who are you, my mom?”

  Joel chuckled. “No, but you’re not too - ” He stopped himself. “Just get back to base, yeah? And we’ll talk.”

  Molly muttered something in acknowledgment, and the line closed off.

  Joel sat back in the pod.

  Jack glanced over. “Everything okay?” she asked.

  Joel winced a little. “I think so… but I’ll be happier when we get this wrapped up.”

  The pods shot down onto their second location just as the last sliver of light disappeared on the horizon.

  * * *

  There was a bang as the door flew open, and two armed policemen ran in, sweeping the area.

  They entered to find the five people they had been tracking for years - all in a circle, bound at their wrists and feet.

  “Where’s the other one?” Bob asked, following Chaakwa into the central area.

  Chaakwa was careful to keep her face turned from him. “What other one?” she asked casually.

  Bob frowned, holstering his gun. “I’m sure I counted six perps when we looked in the windows.”

  Chaakwa shook her head decisively. “Nope,” she said definitively. “No. We’ve got everything we came for.”

  She put her gun away and signaled to the others. “Let’s get these guys taken into custody and back to the precinct. They’ve got a lot of talking to do.”

  The other police officers pulled the criminals to their feet and took them outside to their trucks.

  Chaakwa opened a holo call as she watched them leave. “Greetings. I need transport for five prisoners. And send a cleanup team. We’ve just performed a bust as a result of an anonymous tipoff.”

  She paused, listening in her audio implant. “No. No witnesses… Yes, one has a gunshot wound, so if you must send an ambulance, we can work with that.”

  She finished her call and turned back to survey the scene in stunned disbelief that, finally, after all these years, it was over.

  Rooftop across from the warehouse, Downtown Spire

  Molly watched as the press arrived: individuals, and a couple of news trucks. She watched the police cordon off the area, and set a perimeter to keep prying eyes, and evidence-destroying feet, out of the way.

  It was getting cold now that the sark had gone down. She contemplated sitting in the pod; but then she’d miss everything that was going on. She’d miss the sandy air. The buzz of the traffic. The office lights coming on in buildings across from the one she stood atop.

  No. She wanted to experience it all. Just because. And because on Gaitune, there was nothing.

  Well, not nothing. But nothing like this.

  She sighed, thinking again of Giles.

  How much longer do you think it’s going to take him to get free?

  I haven’t enough data to make that estimation. Arlene thinks it could be several more weeks.

  Several more weeks of captivity? We have to do something. Let’s set up a meeting with the team for tomorrow. Maybe we can find a solution.

  Okay. But Arlene has been insistent that we leave them to it.

  Well, maybe Arlene needs to understand that she doesn’t get her way every time.


  Molly observed the chaos below turn into order as two figures arrived in front of where the press had been gathered.

  Can we get ears on what’s happening down there?

  Yeah, I can tap one of the recorders.

  Thanks, Oz.

  “Ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for being here. Tonight marks the occasion of something I never thought that we’d see in this city: the arrest of five of the city’s best-known criminals, who have escaped arrest for too long. Today, we took them into custody, and we intend to charge them to the fullest extent of the law.”

  Molly listened closely while watching the scene below.

  She makes a good statement.

  Yes. I’ve heard she’s on track for a promotion. She’ll have her own precinct in no time.

  Was that us?

  She may have had a little help.

  Is that ethical?

  Yes. I merely compensated for some of the patterns that I’ve seen happening against her as a result of the corruption. The previous captain kept her back; that cost her three years. Then there was the partner who was sabotaging her investigations. That cost her five -

  You’re kidding?


  Molly tried to imagine what it must have been like for her.

  Then there’s the fact that she is female in a paramilitary organization, where -

  Molly shook her head. I can only imagine.

  Let’s just say she is due to get caught up on her promotions.

  I’m not going to argue with that, then.

  Chaakwa’s voice continued to stream through Molly’s implant. “I’d like to extend a special thank you to my colleagues at the precinct for supporting this long-term investigation, as well as our veterans, who came back from retirement to help investigate the tip.”

  Chaakwa indicated to the three older guys who were standing at the top of the steps with her, still wearing their vests so they were identifiable as cops.

  They nodded across to her, swelling with the same kind of pride they had about their glory day
s. Today was a gift to them. Not just because they brought their friend’s, their captain’s, killers to justice, but because they felt what it was like to get out into the city and serve again.

  Chaakwa noticed Bob wipe at his face, and then look down. She guessed that the old guy was tearing up.

  She looked back out into the crowd of press that had assembled over the past hour, and continued with her statement. When she was done, she stepped away from the microphone that had been erected by the news crews, and started to move back towards Bob and the others.

  Just then, she had a feeling she was being watched. She raised her eyes upward, to the roofs of the buildings nearby. She could have sworn she saw the figure of a woman caught in the light reflected from the structures around her.

  She blinked and looked harder, but, dazzled by the lights of the press and the activity around her, she couldn’t find the silhouette again.

  “Thank you, Molly,” she whispered under her breath. She paused for a moment more, wanting to see her again - but if she had been there, she was gone now.

  Chapter 14

  Kitchen, Gaitune-67

  “Well, I, for one, am pleased we got a win,” Sean announced into the silence of the kitchen. Everyone else had their mouths full of cheesy comfort and nourishment.

  Maya pulled her slice of pizza away from her face, trying to break the bond of mozzarella and clear her palette so she could concur. She managed a half-discernible “me too,” before resigning herself to more chewing.

  Paige hadn’t sat down to eat yet. Instead, she was fluttering around the kitchen, making sure everyone had everything they needed.

  Maya noticed, and this time managed to empty her mouth to speak. “Hey, why have you still got your jacket on?” she asked.

  Paige spun round, a little flushed. “Erm. I’m… on my way out.”

  Maya frowned instantly. Pieter, who was sitting at the table with his back to Paige, spun around with tomato on his bottom lip. “You’re going out?” he asked her, hardly believing the blasphemous words spoken on pizza night.

  Paige straightened up and put a look of determination on her face. A second later, the determination crumbled. “I have a date,” she confessed, her bottom lip shaking a smidge.

  Maya’s face lit up. “You dark horse!” she exclaimed. As soon as she could dump her pizza on her plate and wipe her hands, she was on her feet and around the table, hugging Paige.

  Sean looked up, amused. He and Joel exchanged impressed looks.

  Pieter looked put out. “How come you have a date? We don’t meet anyone here.”

  Paige blushed again, her chest crumpling in on her. “I, er… I met someone on the net,” she admitted. “He’s probably a lunatic. And I’m sure he doesn’t look like his picture, but…” She shrugged.

  Maya rubbed the side of her arm brightly. “It’ll be great. I’m sure he’ll be interesting. Ignore them. They’re just jealous they’ve been on this rock the same amount of time, and haven’t managed to get dates.”

  Brock exchanged a telling look with Crash, who kept his attention on cutting up some pizza before shoving it in his mouth, so he couldn’t be drawn into conversation. Brock smiled knowingly, and swung his head from side to side with a look of mock innocence in his eyes.

  Paige fussed a little more with some napkins and empty pizza boxes.

  “Leave it,” Maya told her excitedly. “Go have your date. And then come back and tell me everything!” she commanded, marching Paige out of the door. They disappeared together through the foyer.

  Pieter looked over at Molly who was watching quietly. “Did you know about this?” he asked her, almost accusingly.

  Molly shook her head, her expression deadpan. She went back to her pizza.

  Did you know about it, Oz?

  Yes, I did.


  I don’t see that she’s in any danger. I took the liberty of doing a background check on her suitor. Nothing interesting or untoward, that I can see.

  Okay. Sounds fine, then.

  You don’t mind that I didn’t tell you?

  Of course not. She’s allowed a life. And a private one. As long as she’s safe, she can see whomever she likes. She doesn’t need our permission.


  Pizza-eating and chatting continued; although, most of the rest of the conversation revolved around how Paige had managed to get a date, where her date might be taking place on this rock, and, of course, the more delicate issue of the prospect of any of them finding true love with the life they now lead.

  There were a few awkward glances in Molly’s direction, from more than one team member, but Molly was careful to avoid any kind of incriminating eye contact for the rest of the dinner.

  After they were done and had cleaned up, each of them excused themselves to play video games, hit the gym, or do some other thing.

  Molly made her way down to the ops room. Alone.

  Gaitune-67, Hraðlestin Restaurant

  Paige took a deep breath and pushed the button to the airlock on the restaurant door. The door slid open, and she stepped inside. A moment later, the next door opened and permitted her to pass into the foyer.

  The scent of curry floated over to her, instantly making her calmer. And hungrier.

  “Good evening, miss,” the maître d’ greeted her. “Table for…?”

  Paige flushed nervously. “Erm… I’m here to meet a friend,” she said, glancing around the small restaurant behind him.

  She spotted a male Estarian with his back to her. He looked slim and athletic, and she realized she wouldn’t be disappointed if that was him.

  “He may be here already,” she said, glancing more deliberately in the direction of the young man.

  Just then, a woman appeared, presumably having used the facilities, and she sat down at the table with the guy Paige had been looking at.

  The maître d’ turned to see where she was looking, and then glanced around the restaurant. As he did so, another customer waved his arm in the air, catching their eye.

  Paige exhaled quietly in relief. It was the guy she’d been video calling with. She chided herself for being so anxious, but reasoned that people weren’t always the way they were on video.

  The greeter gestured for her to follow him, and led her through into the dimly lit restaurant, carrying menus.

  Her date stood up as she approached: Estarian, medium build, with a relaxed, almost causal feel to him. He reached out to hug her as she arrived at the table.

  The maître d’ placed the menus on the table, and left the couple to it.

  “You weren’t kidding when you said you were human-small,” he said, beaming down at her.

  She grinned. “Yeah, I thought it was best to forewarn you… in case you like your women tall.” She shook her head, recognizing how silly and superficial this dating thing was on first meeting.

  “Well,” he grinned welcomingly, “It wouldn’t matter to me,” he told her. He invited her to sit down, and she slid into the chair opposite him.

  “Let me get you a drink,” he offered, waving to the waiter who was standing over by the kitchen doors. Paige picked up a menu and started to peruse it.

  “What will you have?” he asked.

  Paige couldn’t see where the drinks were. “Oh, I’ll have… a beer, I guess,” she said, seeing that he was drinking some kind of draught.

  He grinned. “You like beer?”

  She nodded.

  He turned to the waiter. “Let’s get her one of these to try.” The waiter nodded and disappeared. “If you like beer, you’ll like this,” he explained.

  Paige smiled, scrambling in her mind for a conversation that might be interesting to him. “So, tell me more about the work you do here, Carl?” she suggested.

  Carl looked a little self-conscious and ruffled his hair anxiously before putting his arms on the table, and leaning in. “Well, I run a shipping company. Which sounds kinda d
ull, but when you consider it is a secretive and secure shipping company, it becomes a lot more exciting.”

  Paige narrowed her eyes playfully. “If it’s a secret, why are you telling me?” she asked.

  Carl chuckled. “Because I want you to like me, and I figure that if a smart woman like you is going to like me, I should start off by telling you the truth.”

  Paige felt a bit odd. She wasn’t used to this much attention from a guy who had his wits about him. Nor was she used to this level of honesty. “Well… er… great!” she said, not quite knowing how to respond. “So, I take it that keeps you occupied?”

  Carl nodded, rearranging his utensils on the tablecloth. “Yeah, mostly. I mean, there’s a lot of research and coordination… But the team handles most of the ops. I just get my hands dirty with the cyber security,” he confessed.

  Paige grinned. “Oh, that’s awesome. My friends on the team I work with are cyber-geeks too.” She clamped her hand over her mouth, realizing that not everyone appreciated being called a ‘geek’.

  Carl waved his hand. “It’s cool, I’m down with being a geek.” He winked at her.

  The waiter returned with her beer. She thanked him, and picked it up. Carl lifted his glass too, and they toasted. “Here’s to new geeky friends,” he said brightly.

  “To new friends,” Paige repeated, clinking glasses with him.

  They sipped their beer. “Oo. This is good!” she cooed excitedly.

  Carl smiled at her enthusiastically. “Right? I couldn’t believe it when I found it here. Last time I had this was on Ogg.”

  “Oh, you’ve lived on Ogg?” she asked.

  They got embroiled in a conversation about his time on Ogg, and her manufacturing business, and so many other things, they almost forgot to order food.

  * * *

  Several hours later, having eaten and chatted the entire evening, they were still enjoying themselves. Carl waved for the check and paid.

  “You know, Paige,” he told her. “I’m so glad you agreed to come out with me. I mean, I don’t know if you know this, but the chance of meeting such an accomplished woman in a city is pretty slim; but out here on this rock…” His voice trailed off, but his smile remained bright.


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