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Sweet Surrender: Mari & Ki (A Royal Vow Novel Book 1)

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by Lizabeth Scott

  Ki could tell by the startled look on Mari’s face that she was not expecting him. He didn’t like the dark circles under her eyes nor her pale skin. Her curves were no longer as full. She had lost weight. At last, he met her eyes and was shocked when he saw them roll back in her head.

  “Ki?” Mari gasped at the sound of his voice. Stunned and confused, Mari did the only thing her mind could cope with at the moment. The coffee pot slowly slipped from her hand. She heard a loud crash as her body crumbled to the floor. She heard a loud wail, and then finally there was darkness.

  In slow motion, Ki watched helplessly as the coffee pot left her hand. He ran to catch her, but the tables were in the way. He got to her too late. She was lying motionless on the floor among the spilt coffee and glass remnants of the pot.

  Ki knelt beside her still body and ran his hands over her to check for injuries. Adrenaline was the only thing that kept his heart from stopping when he found blood on his hand. Locating a deep cut on her hand, he yelled for his guards to get a towel to stop the bleeding. He then made the decision to take her to the hospital as quickly as possible. With the amount of blood lost, an artery could have been severed. He scooped her limp, lifeless body up and ran out the door with her pressed gently against his heart, ordering his men into action. He couldn’t lose her again.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Mari woke slowly with hammering inside her head. She couldn’t seem to get her mouth to form the words to tell whoever was making so much noise to be quiet. Gently she moved her hand and felt for her baby. A relieved sigh escaped her lips when she felt the bump. She opened her eyes but quickly squeezed them back shut when the bright light hurt.

  She heard beeping, people talking, and a breeze as someone walked by. A disinfectant smell entered her nostrils and made her feel nauseous. Feeling a presence looming near, she tried again to slowly open her eyes only to gasp as two stormy blue eyes stared back at her. He was not happy with her at all. It all came rushing back. Ki showing up at the diner, her passing out, and then, vaguely, she remembered hearing someone cry out. Had that been Ki?

  “When were you going to tell me, Mari?” He placed his hand over hers as if to help protect their unborn child. Ki wanted to be angry with her, but seeing the past three months so evident on her body, he just couldn’t push her for answers. She had not had an easy time since leaving him.

  Ki smiled because the baby changed everything. No longer did Mari have a choice. She must now return with him to the palace. They must marry, and his heir must be born on Tanistanian soil. While quite pleased with the way things turned out, Ki knew that he had a battle with one tiny warrior ahead. Being the wise man that he was, Ki turned his back so Mari didn’t see his smile of victory.

  Mari knew she had a lot to answer for, but she could only stare at the amazing site of a riled up Ki now pacing from one side of the tiny examination room to the other. She couldn’t help but smile at his “don’t mess with me” look. He thought he looked so fierce.

  “Your doctor told me you have been having an unusual time with pregnancy sickness. He also said he hoped I would insist you stop working as many hours as you do. And I do. Insist that is. I insist that my wife not work.”

  Mari shook her head as tears started to form in her eyes. “Yes Mari, you will be my wife within the week.”

  Before she could form a reply to his demand, the doctor entered the exam room. “Well, I see you are back with us Mari. You certainly scared your fiancée. He had the entire emergency room jumping to attention,” shaking his head, he chuckled as he walked up to the bed. “I have never seen the head nurse move that fast. I didn’t know she had it in her.” The doctor took his stethoscope out and listened to her heartbeat.

  “Your baby is fine, but you have a slight concussion from hitting your head in the fall. You will experience headaches for a few days, but nothing that over the counter pain relievers can’t help. You have a very nice gash on your hand though. I will need to stitch that up, and then you can be on your way.”

  Mari hadn’t noticed the towel wrapped around her other hand. But now that she could see it, she could also feel it. The inside palm of her left hand felt like it was on fire.

  “Stitches?” hearing the panic in her voice, Ki took her other hand to calm her.

  “Can’t you just put a Band-Aid on it?” Confused by her obvious distress, Ki placed a hand on her shoulder to stop her from getting up.

  “Or wrap it up? I’m sure it will be fine in a few days.” Trying to throw her feet over the side of the bed to leave, Mari didn’t want to admit that needles absolutely terrified her. They always had.

  Since she was a small child, needles had always frightened her. Her mom used to tell her stories about the doctor and nurses having to chase her around the room and hold her down to give her vaccinations.

  “Ki, I want to leave now.” Mari looked into his eyes to convey to him the seriousness with which she felt the need to leave. Her lower lip began to tremble, and her cold hands shook.

  “Mari, honey, are you afraid of getting stitches?” Ki tried not to smile, finally understanding.

  Shaking her head, “No… I’m not afraid of the stitches?” Her big blue eyes watched every move the doctor made while preparing the tray with the materials he would need.

  “What then? Are you afraid of the needle?” As the doctor readied the numbing shot, Ki no longer found her distress as endearing at it was at first.

  “Please Ki, I can’t do this. No needles please.” Tears rolled down her face. Her eyes filled with fright. Ki was concerned that her fear was not good for her or the baby.

  “Doctor, are you ready to begin?” With the doctor’s nod, Ki did the only thing he knew to do to relieve her stress. He slowly bent down and ever so gently pressed his lips to hers. The instant their lips touched, Ki felt her body relax.

  He swiped his tongue slowly back and forth across her bottom lip gaining entry, caressing her tongue with his, and then nibbling at the corners of her lips. Continuing his assault, he heard her whimper. Ki knew it was not pain from the needle, but her need for him, causing her ache.

  He felt it himself. While trying to ease her distress, he had caused a great need within himself. Peeking from the corner of his eye, he could see the doctor finishing up and decided it would be a good time to end their kiss before it developed into something else altogether.

  Breaking the kiss, he rested his forehead on hers as he breathed deeply for several minutes trying to get himself back together. Looking into her dazed eyes, he knew that he was successful at relieving her anxiety. She had no idea the doctor was putting the last piece of tape around her already stitched and bandaged hand.

  “Well, young man that was better than any numbing shot we have around here.” The doctor walked out the exam room door laughing as a dazed Mari and Ki watched him go.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Mari woke up from the best sleep she had had in months. She found herself wrapped in the most luxurious bedding she had ever felt. She sat up in the massive bed and looked around the room, Mari had only seen rooms like this in the movies.

  Rich chocolate brown drapes were pulled over what looked like an entire wall of windows. The bed was so high off the ground, Mari was sure she would need a step ladder to get in and out of it.

  Her entire apartment would fit in just the bedroom alone. A fireplace was opposite the bed for optimum fire viewing opportunities. There was also a couch and two chairs along with a writing desk and chair. The door to the right of the bed must lead to the bathroom. At least she hoped it was the bathroom. Because she needed to find out soon.

  But first, she had to deal with the man camped out on the bed beside her. She tried to give him her best glare, “I still think it is very sneaky the way you got me here.”

  “Now Mari, love, you know the doctor had to give you something for the pain. He said it was perfectly safe for you and the baby to fly back to our home. It is not my fault you slept the entire time.�

  “Ki, we really need to talk, but first, is that the bathroom?” She nodded at the door to the right.

  “No, that’s the closet.” He pointed to a hallway that Mari hadn’t noticed, “That leads to the bathroom.”

  “Okay, I’ll be right back. Then, we have to talk.” She started to climb down from the bed but Ki lifted her into his arms.

  “Put me down Ki. I can walk.” He liked the feel of her in his arms. “I like carrying you,” he set her feet gently on bathroom tile. Mari looked around trying to find what she needed, desperately, “Ummm Ki…where is…”

  With a chuckle Ki pointed, “Through there.” Mari couldn’t wait any longer. She took off in the direction he indicated, stopping in her tracks when he continued to follow her.

  “I’ve got it from here,” Mari turned around and put her hand on his chest to stop him.

  “How are you going to manage with one hand? Will you be able to unfasten your jeans? How about pull them down? Mari, you know I have seen, touched, and kissed every part of your body.” He watched her face turn pink. It was such a sweet site.

  She couldn’t think of any way around it. He was right, she did need help. “Okay, help me get my pants off. Quick. But don’t look!”

  “Not a chance.” He tried to be a gentleman and not look at her perfect round bottom as it disappeared behind the door. Well, he didn’t try too hard.

  “Ki, do you have a T-shirt I can wear to sleep in?” Mari called from behind the door.

  Ki chuckled to himself. He couldn’t wait to see her reaction. “You don’t need a T-shirt. Come see.”

  As Mari walked out with a towel wrapped around her waist, Ki experienced a moment of disappointment that she had covered her delectable parts.

  As she opened the closet door, Mari couldn’t believe her eyes. Women’s clothes of every color and style lined the floor to ceiling closet. Racks of clothes were organized by type and then by color, slacks, skirts, blouses, dresses, and coats of varying lengths. One entire cabinet was filled with purses and bags of all colors and sizes. Rows of drawers were labeled with every delicate item a woman could ever wish for. Her face turned red as her anger level rose. Her hormones were in full swing, “You want me to wear another one of your woman’s clothes, even her underwear?!”

  Ki tried to hide his smile. He was secretly pleased that she was jealous, but he knew that he would be wise to quickly correct her misassumption, “No, no Mari, you misunderstand. This is all for you. I had them delivered here for you. I guess you could say this is how I coped with your disappearing act. I refused to give up on finding you. I knew that someday you would come back to me, or I would find you. I wanted everything ready for when that happened.”

  She had no words for him. Never had she considered what he had gone through by her desertion. She had not been the only one hurting.

  “Let’s get you dressed, and then I think we need to talk.” He opened the drawer labeled nightgowns. He pulled out a turquoise one and helped her to put it on. He then carried her back to bed, and crawled in beside her, and pulled her close. Taking a fluffy pillow, he rested her injured hand on it.

  Looking at anything but his face, Mari was determined not to become lost in his eyes again. She had to be strong and make him see reason, “Ki, this doesn’t change anything. I’m not going to marry you.”

  “Tell me why you left, Mari,” he smiled at his feisty harem girl trying to make demands. Playing with the curls falling over her shoulder, he felt her begin to relax with his touch.

  “Let’s face it Ki, I’m just not princess material. I think that’s obvious. One look at me and your parents are going to agree with me. One conversation with your family, and they will agree with me. I want the best for you, and I’m not it. I know the baby will make things difficult, but no one has to know. I was raised by a single parent, and I can do it, too. Of course, I would never keep you from visiting my baby if you want to. I don’t expect anything from you. It’s your decision if you want to be in my child’s life.”

  Ki took a moment before answering her. Every time she referenced “my child” it was like a slap to his face. He needed to keep his calm and not upset her, “Ok Mari, love, you had your say, and now I am going to tell you what is going to happen. In five days you will become my wife. You carry OUR child which will be my heir. There can be no doubt in my people’s eyes that this child is a legitimate heir. How dare you decide what is best for me? You are what is best for me. I get to decide that. As far as my family’s approval, they will love you as much as I do. Give them a chance.”

  Her loved her? Did he just say that? Could she have been wrong taking the decision away from him? Her insecurities had blinded her to only see the negative things she could bring to a relationship with him. If they loved each other, did anything else really matter? The past three months had been miserable without Ki in her life. What had she put him through?

  Ki took the phone from the bedside table and placed a call. Mari was so deep in thought that she didn’t hear his conversation. A small burst of hope began to shine behind her eyes. Was it possible? Would she be accepted?

  Handing her the phone, she looked at him with confusion, “I thought you would like to talk to your sister. I have already invited her to the wedding.”

  Still in a daze, she took the phone from him. Her thoughts were all jumbled up in her head. She was amazed at his thoughtfulness in knowing she would need to talk with her sister, “Ella?”

  “Mari! Congratulations. I hope this means you’re not mad at me for calling Ki and telling him where you were.” Mari closed her eyes, enjoying the sound of Ella’s voice. Seeing Ki smile and shake his head confirmed what she just heard.

  “You did that, did you?” Well, that answered Mari’s question about how he found her.

  “Mari, you need to give him a chance. Has he ever done anything to make you doubt his sincerity? You are a strong, caring and beautiful woman that any man would be lucky to marry, especially a prince. Do you love him Mari?”

  Did she love him? Staring into his eyes, Mari had no option but to answer honestly, “Yes Ella, I love him very much.”

  Tears filled her eyes. She looked up at Ki and only saw the truth behind her words reflected in his eyes, “I love you Ella, and I’ll see you in a few days.”

  She ended the conversation and laid the phone down. Mari placed her hand over Ki’s heart and looked into his eyes with all the truth and honesty spilling out. The time for running was over, “I am so sorry. I love you so much Ki. Thank you for not giving up on me.” She moved her hand from his heart to caress his cheek, “I’m so scared.”

  “I know you are my love.” Ki could tell by the tiredness in her eyes that for tonight, that was enough talking. “I love you Mari. Please give me the chance to prove to you that we belong together.”

  Ki gently kissed her lips. He felt her arm wrap around his neck and press him closer. “You need to sleep now. Rest is what you and our baby need now.”

  “No Ki, what I need is you.” Taking his hand in hers, she placed it over her heart, “I need you here.”

  Ki pulled back, stunned by the passion in her eyes, “But your hand?”

  “So, you will have to do most of the work. Do you think you’re up for that?”

  How could he refuse her? “Yes ma’am,” he replied in a perfectly ridiculous southern drawl. “I do believe we can make some adjustments that will satisfy us both.” And that is exactly what he did, twice, before she fell asleep snuggled against him, exhausted but happy.

  Chapter Fifteen

  As soon as Mari opened her eyes the next morning, something felt different. Lying in bed alone, she couldn’t seem to place what had changed. She sat up, looked around for her gown, and finally spotted it at the foot of the bed. She slipped it on and crawled out of bed hoping she didn’t break her neck, and quickly made her way to the bathroom.

  While washing her hands, it came to her. She didn’t feel sick. She thought back… she ha
d not been sick even once since… since Ki came back into her life. Smiling at herself in the bathroom mirror, she rubbed her tummy, “You just wanted your daddy, didn’t you?”

  The next thing she was aware of was hunger. She had to have food, and it needed to be soon. She threw the closet doors open and stopped in her tracks. Where did she even start to find a pair of jeans and t-shirt? She looked through all the labeled drawers and didn’t find anything close. She decided to just close her eyes and pick something when she heard someone announce themselves, “Pardon ma’am. I am Tierah. Prince Kiliad has assigned me to be your assistant. May I help in your dressing?”

  Touched with Ki’s thoughtfulness, Mari turned with a smile to greet Tierah. He knew she would need help dressing.

  “Thank you Tierah, can you find any jeans in here?” She waved her good hand around inside the closet.

  Tierah nervously looked around, “Jeans ma’am?”

  “Yes, jeans and maybe a T-shirt,” Perhaps Tierah didn’t understand those words.

  Tierah looked nervously around at the rack of dresses closest to her, “Ma’am there are no jeans or T-shirt.”

  “Oh, okay. Well, you pick something out for me to wear. I am sure whatever you pick will be fine.” Then, a thought occurred to her, “Tierah, where did all these clothes come from?”

  Tierah walked around and selected navy slacks with a coral print shirt, “Packages have arrived daily from New York, London, and Paris for about two months now ma’am. It has been quite exciting to open them and see what is inside. His Highness requested that we unpack and press them as they arrived.” Tierah selected the proper undergarments and then helped Mari to dress.

  Mari couldn’t seem to make any sense of her words. If Ki ordered the wardrobe over two months ago, that would be shortly after she left him. Why would he do that? Tears came to her eyes. He had always believed in their love. He saw only their love and not their differences. He had believed, even when Mari hadn’t had the courage to do so. She walked over to the wall filled with bags and purses, touching the ones nearest to her. Mari was stunned at the number of designer bags. He remembered her anxiety over her own brown bag and her feeling that he deserved someone better. By the number here, Ki never wanted her to feel like she didn’t belong again.


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