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Desire's Prisoner

Page 7

by Delilah Devlin

  “I’ve never been up close and personal, so to speak, with anyone’s cock.”

  Adam wondered what kind of morons she’d been with before her incarceration. Her expression of wonder as she stared at him was unnerving—innocent and intent.

  She traced a vein with her finger, causing his cock to jerk with anticipation. “Does he have a name?”

  “Well, he’s never been christened.” Adam pulled a pillow beneath his head to gain a better view. It jerked again.

  “He appears to have a mind of his own. He needs a name.”

  Amused, he asked, “What would you suggest?”

  “An impressive little man like this should have an equally impressive name, don’t you think?” She looked up at him, devilment in her eyes. “How about Herbert?”

  “Herbert?” Amused, he tried to sound offended.

  “No? Is Edgar any better?”

  He grimaced.

  “This is harder than I thought,” she murmured, her hand gliding along his length. “He’s a very important little man, and he should have a name that means something.”

  Grinning now, Adam watched as Evena’s eyes narrowed. Moments ticked by as she thought.

  “I have it. I’ll call him Rufus.”

  “Why Rufus?” he asked, curious.

  “Well, in ancient times in merry old England lived a ruthless king who was very large, named Rufus the Red.”

  Adam liked the idea that she thought his dick was ruthless and very large. “Rufus, hmm?” His dick jerked again.

  “He likes it.”

  “Then Rufus it is,” Adam agreed.

  “Now that we’ve settled on a name, we should christen him, don’t you think?”

  Adam agreed wholeheartedly.

  Her hand closed over the head, squeezing gently. “He’s so soft.”

  Adam snorted.

  “His skin, silly. It’s like velvet. Almost as soft as my nipples.” Her hand slipped from his cock to a nipple, testing the texture, then returning to caress him again.

  The sight was unbelievably erotic. Adam had to check to make sure his tongue was still behind his teeth.

  Her thumb circled the tiny eye at the tip.

  Adam groaned.

  Her head jerked up, and she circled again. “Rufus likes that?”

  “Uh huh.”

  Her face lowered and her tongue stuck out, narrowed to a point, and dipped into the eye.

  “Look at that.” Evena pointed his dick toward his face.

  A drop of pre-cum, white and round as a pearl, glistened on the eye.

  Evena swirled her tongue over it, then licked her lips in a circle before pressing a gooey kiss to Rufus’s crown. “What a good little man you are.”

  Sweat broke on Adam’s forehead. Evena appeared satisfied taking her time, but the minutes ticking by were becoming pure torture—his cock was as hard as a rock. “Evena?”

  “Yes, Adam?”

  “He’s Rufus the Ready,” he growled.

  “Did I mention, rumors circulated that Rufus was gay?”

  “He’s not gay,” Adam replied flatly.

  “He’s never—”

  “Not once.”

  “Hmmm.” She looked disappointed.


  “Yes, Adam?”

  “Quit stalling.”

  “Spoilsport.” Then, she added, “He has a funny shape.”

  Adam gritted his teeth. “What’s funny about it?”

  “Well, it’s straight, until just here—” She touched the underside of Rufus, just below the ridge of his crown. “Then he crooks inward a tad.”

  “He’s straight as an arrow,” he disagreed.

  “’Fraid not. Rufus isn’t perfect.”


  Evena’s hands circled Rufus, warm and tight.

  Adam closed his eyes and pushed upwards between her laced fingers, relief moments away.

  “Would you look at that?”

  He cracked one eyelid open.

  “My hands aren’t small, but my fingers can’t reach around—”

  She was killing him by inches. “Evena!”

  “All right,” she replied grumpily. “How long would you say he is—”

  “God’s ballocks!”

  “No need to curse. I can sure tell Rufus runs the show.” She slid her hands down and up, and then closed her lips over Rufus’s smooth head.

  With a hard-on so painful his teeth hurt, Adam willed his body to relax.

  “You’re squirming,” she complained.

  “I don’t squirm.” He pushed between her clasped hands again, telling her with his body he was ready for her to get on with it.

  “Anyone ever tell you you’re grumpy in the morning?”

  “Woman, right now there’s only one way to get me in a better mood.”

  Wearing a frown of concentration, Evena slowly masturbated him with her hands—tugging, sliding, and twisting—her face so close her breath washed over the super-sensitized flesh.

  She’d learned fast how to drive him insane. Now that she’d settled into the task, he closed his eyes, his attention focused on the feel of her two strong hands rubbing the skin of his dick up and down his rigid pole. Her hands moved faster. His heart thudded louder in his chest, his breath quickened, and blood thrummed through his veins, constricting his balls. He groaned and fisted her hair, drawing her face down to his cock.

  Enough! “Baby, suck me off,” he pleaded hoarsely.

  Evena fought to contain her triumphant grin. He’d begged. Or nearly. Sure, his words had been a command, but his tone had pleaded.

  Evena swirled her tongue on his crown before sinking down on him. Up and down, her mouth followed the motion of her hands, gauging his arousal by his gasps and how tightly he gripped her hair. No way was he letting her up to make another observation.

  And Evena could have gone on and on about the taste of his warm, salty flesh and the musky scent of his arousal. And how about the feel of his huge cock ramming past her tongue to the back of her throat?

  She sucked harder, and moisture lubricated her hands. She began to twist them slightly as she pumped on him.

  “Like that… Christ, just like that, baby.”

  Evena increased the speed of her motions and squeezed hard on his dick, adding the gentle scrape of her teeth.

  At last, Adam surged upward into her mouth, and spurts of salty-sweet liquid coated her throat. The rhythm of his gasps matched the pumping of his hips and pulsing release of his come.

  For several long moments after he’d ejaculated, he pumped into her mouth.

  Evena didn’t mind that he’d already come. She continued to bathe him with her tongue, soothing the poor little man she’d tortured so thoroughly.

  Adam smoothed a hand over the back of her head then urged her up his body. With his taste still on her tongue, Evena kissed him, sweeping inside his mouth to share the fruit of her labor.

  His strong arms pulled her on top of him, and Evena snuggled her face on his chest, listening to the powerful, thudding heart within. A quiet thrill washed over her. This was what it felt like to have a man cherish her. If only with his body. As his hand slowly stroked her back, Evena savored the moment. One she’d treasure in the lonely years to come. A moment that could wipe away the lonely years already lost.

  “What brought you here, Evena?”

  Startled his thoughts had followed a similar path, Evena tensed.

  “I’m not judging you. I’d be the last to do that. I’m just curious.”

  She tried to evade. “There’s not much to it.”

  The moments stretched while he waited for her to continue, and she finally sighed. “I worked for a universal financial institution. In the AI department. Cellular technologies were my forte.”

  “Brainy as well as beautiful,” he teased.

  She snorted. “Not so smart. I was having an affair with my supervisor. The bastard was embezzling money. Used my retinal ID. I still don’t know how.
Anyway, when it was discovered, my imprint was all over the transactions.”

  “What happened, then?”

  “He dumped me.” Feeling embarrassed for her stupidity, she continued, unable to hide the bitterness. “At my trial, he cried on the stand. Said he’d loved me, and didn’t realize I’d been using him all the time to steal from our customers.”

  “What about your family? Did they stand up for you?”

  Closing her eyes, she replied, “My family is well-connected. They were mortified when the family name was smeared all over the tabloids. They didn’t really care whether I was guilty of the crime or not. They were angry I’d sullied their reputations.”

  “Then why return, Evena?”

  The same question she’d begun to ask herself. Raising her head, she let him see her tears. “For five years, this has burned a hole in my gut. I almost gave up. I was ready to take my twenty years and disappear. My family’s already distanced themselves from me and the scandal I caused.

  “But then, I got mad. I was robbed of my profession. Robbed of my virginity by a predator who used my naiveté to frame me for his crime. I want to see him pay.”

  He smoothed her hair from her forehead, his touch soothing and gentle. “You mentioned a pardon. Why is your family helping you with this if they’d rather you disappeared?”

  Her mouth stretched into a smile, a cynical twist of her lips. “I know where the family skeletons are buried.”

  Humor glinted in his eyes. “Ah. The kitten grew claws.”

  “Something like that.”

  Adam curved his hand around hers and brought her fingers to his lips. “Just remember, my offer stands.”

  Her lips trembled. “I will.”

  He kissed her, his lips gently pressing hers. “Well, kitten, the hour grows late. What do you say we find out what the rest of my crew’s been up to?”

  Chapter Seven


  Evena followed Adam to the atrium, tugging at the snug fit of her reclamation suit. Funny, she’d never noticed before how closely the fabric hugged her crotch. She hoped like hell it wasn’t obvious to anyone who looked that her labia were swollen to twice their normal size.

  Adam’s predicament was far more amusing. Even a bed cover wrapped around his middle didn’t lessen the masculine impact of his hard-edged features. He still looked like one dangerous dude—regardless of the pink sheet.

  They entered the atrium, the place of solace and nurturing. Evena sniffed at the air inside and wrinkled her nose. Where the scent of greenery and blooming flowers should have lingered, the ripe aroma of sex permeated the air.

  A hundred nude bodies littered the ground—some snoring lightly, others beginning to stir and interweave their limbs, moaning in lazy, unfrenzied coupling.

  Adam looked over his shoulder.

  His expression was guarded. She wondered if he thought she’d be repulsed. With a wry shrug, she made her way over to him.

  “Help me find my clothing,” he whispered.

  They made their way to the spot he’d laid the previous night. Reaching beneath the buttocks of a sleeping woman, he pulled out his breeches. Evena found his black shirt, wadded beneath the head of another, who grinned sleepily and amiably lifted her head to relinquish her pillow.

  Adam dressed, and Evena looked for members of her security force. Calandra she found with Adam’s young science officer, her head pillowed on his belly, his flaccid sex beside her mouth. Evena nudged her with her toe.

  Calandra blinked owlishly for a moment before rolling onto her back and stretching.

  The sight of the woman’s swollen breasts made Evena’s fluids stir. The delicious memory of those tits stabbing at her tongue made her mouth water. Odd, but the naughty things they’d done together in the dark didn’t embarrass Evena a bit.

  Calandra grinned and parted her legs.

  An invitation Evena regretfully ignored. Shaking her head, she said, “We need to get the guards up to make their rounds. This place will be hopping in a little while.”

  “Darn.” Calandra sat up, rubbing her crotch. With an indrawn whistle, she replied sheepishly. “Don’t think I’m up to it, anyway.”

  Knowing how she felt, Evena gave her a hand up. Calandra surprised her by leaning in, and Evena’s hand lifted automatically to caress her bare breast, massaging the heavy tissue. Then Calandra pressed her lips to hers, and Evena couldn’t resist the welcome swirl of her tongue. They shared a long kiss before drawing away to catch their breath.

  Calandra gave a slow, wicked smile, a promise of more to come.

  Then Evena went in search of more of her officers.

  One by one, she found her enterprising guards and woke them or drew their attention from their fucking to let them know they needed to get to work.

  The last person she found was Mary. Evena stood over her for a long moment, staring. Mary rested on her back, Darak draped over her body, his cock still embedded in the short curls of Mary’s sex, his lips sucking a breast like a baby as he slept.

  Mary’s muscled arms enfolded him as gently as any mother.

  She’d never seen her CB sergeant nude. Evena’s tongue stuck to the top of her mouth, instantly dry. The black woman’s body was anything but masculine. With her new-found appreciation for the female form, Evena’s heated gaze raked the dark, purple-brown nipples crowning her large breasts. The tips extended like the long, slender stamens of a rare orchid she’d seen once in the garden of a family friend. They invited a mouth to suckle.

  Her gaze swept lower. Mary’s belly was taut, the musculature evident beneath the satiny skin. Her dark labia were furled like a flower around Darak’s pale cock. Evena’s newly awakened sexuality made her wonder whether the curls that framed that amazing cunt would have the same texture as the close-cropped curls on the woman’s head.

  Mary stirred and her eyes opened. Seeing Evena, her mouth stretched into an impish grin, exposing her white teeth with the gap in the center. “Hey there.”

  Embarrassed to be caught ogling her friend, Evena shifted on her feet.

  “Don’t be ashamed,” Mary said softly. “I’ve been watching you for a long while, too.” Glancing at Evena’s crotch, she smirked. “Looks like you had a little too much action yourself last night, girl.”

  Darak moaned against Mary’s breast.

  She gave a throaty laugh. “Come to Mama.”

  “Not again, Mary. My dick’s numb.” Without opening his eyes, he smacked his lips, found the nipple, and tugged. “Mmmm.” Darak centered himself between Mary’s thighs and pumped halfheartedly at her cunt.

  A large hand encircled Evena’s waist, and Adam’s warm breath stirred the hair beside her ear. “I almost feel sorry for him,” he whispered.

  “He’s a lucky guy,” she protested.

  “She’s more than he deserves.”

  “And don’t I know it,” Mary interjected, wrapping her substantial thighs around Darak’s lean waist.

  “Bring him to the galley as soon as he’s up,” Adam said.

  “Poor word choice,” Evena murmured, earning a rebuke in the form of squeeze to her buttocks.

  “Sure thing, Captain,” Mary replied.

  Adam led Evena away, his hand at the small of her back. “The interviews will begin after the crew breaks their fast. Do you suppose you could place an announcement over your ship’s intercom to let the ladies know we’ll be expecting them?”

  “Not a problem. I have to remind the women to get back into their suits, as well. Yesterday was nice, but we still have to recycle.”

  Adam smoothed a hand over her hip. “Do your women not know how revealing those suits are?”

  “Are you saying you like the way we look in them?”

  They reached the place where the corridor branched.

  Adam turned her to face him and drew her into his arms. “Truthfully,” he said, his voice dipping low, “I’d like better to see you in nothing at all, but the material of the suits fit close to your curves. I
t leaves little to the imagination.”

  “So, when you first saw me—”

  He traced a finger along her breast. “I could discern the shape of your breasts and the outline of your areolas and nipples. I knew the sight of me aroused you. Even now, I can tell how swollen you are from our love play.”

  Evena blushed. His blunt talk aroused her, even as the knowledge that her body’s visible response embarrassed her. Hell, her body was an open book for anyone to read.

  Adam bent to kiss her lips before heading to the galley.

  Evena mused that she was becoming accustomed to his attentions, even craved them.

  And she’d only known him for a day.


  With Calandra following on her heels, Evena set out on an inspection of the HS block cells. Frequent searches were required to ensure the prisoners weren’t up to any mischief. So far this morning, no homemade weapons or evidence of security lock tampering had been uncovered.

  As they neared Celestine’s cell, Evena’s back stiffened. She really, really didn’t like the woman.

  “Celestine’s been kinda quiet,” Calandra said.

  So had Calandra.

  Evena appreciated the fact the other woman pretended nothing out of the ordinary had occurred between them. As the hours passed, she grew unsure how she felt about their lovemaking. “Is she aware pirates are aboard?”

  “Probably. You know how the prison grapevine works.”

  “Brace yourself. She’s likely to be especially obnoxious.”

  “My club is ready. I really wish she’d slit her own throat with that whip yesterday.”

  Evena silently agreed.

  At Celestine’s cell door, she raised her hand in front of the scanner until her palm print was verified, and the laser bars flickered off.

  Celestine lay on the bed on her side, her head resting on one hand. Her reclamation suit gaped open, slit to her waist with the sides pushed apart to frame her breasts.

  “We’re back to full suits today, Celestine. You need to zip it up,” Evena said.

  Celestine swept a hand over one breast, plumping it, and then rolled the nipple between her fingers. “I bet you saw hundreds of breasts yesterday.” Her tongue snaked out and she licked her fingertips before she resumed twisting her nipple.


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