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King's Queen

Page 7

by Marie Johnston

  “Uncle Jason taught me.” Her proud smile displayed two top teeth growing in. “Come inside. It’s time to eat.”

  I wished I could take her hand and follow her in. But I’d only make a large family gathering awkward. Kate’s family was here to support her, not me. “I can’t stay, kiddo. Run on in.”

  She grinned and skipped inside.

  When my gaze returned to Kate, my chest grew tight. Sadness filled her eyes. I was the cause.

  I couldn’t quit trying to make things right between us. “Can you give me some time? I don’t want to rush this.” I took a step closer. “It’s too important to me.”

  You’re too important to me. I had feared losing her, of being the villain in her fairy tale. My silence had done exactly that. I didn’t know how to rectify that. Yet I had come here, knowing I had to try.

  She inspected me like a bloodhound on the scent for a lie. Would she see the sincerity in my gaze? I didn’t know what else to say. I fought for words, but they weren’t there. All those years of not talking, of stuffing my emotions down, had left the well dry. Practice made perfect and I’d benched those skills long ago.

  “Yeah, fine.”

  Relief almost made me sag. I’d take what I could get. “Okay.” I had a chance, and that was all I was going to get today. “Bye, then.”

  She gave me a small smile. I turned toward the gate on the side of the house to get to my pickup parked on the street. But before I reached it, the screen door opened again. My mother-in-law came out with a plastic container. She held it out over the porch railing. “I made more than enough.”

  My stomach chose that moment to remind me I’d had little more than sandwiches and beer in the last two weeks. Other than when I went to Dawson’s, I rarely had home-cooked food. Dad and I stocked the office, and I was hardly home in time for a meal. I accepted the food. Giving back the container would give me another excuse to stop by. “Thank you, Sharon.”

  “Mm-hmm.” She turned away.

  I caught Kate’s perplexed expression before she smoothed it over. She did that a lot. Hid what she was really thinking. From me. Did she do that with everyone else? Were her parents and brothers the only people she was comfortable being Kate McDonough around? Around me, my family, and the rest of town, she was Kate King.

  I should’ve seen it. I came across it often enough in the boardroom, being told what someone thought I wanted to hear. I hadn’t expected to find it in my own house, with my wife. But now that I knew, I wouldn’t forget. All those hours in the office were going to be good for something.


  * * *

  I walked out of work, keys in my hand. The sun was sinking low. I’d only worked until five tonight, but the sun set early this time of year. I walked past my coworkers’ cars to mine. Movement by the back end caught my attention and my heart leapt, then fell. After Aiden had appeared at my parents’, I’d been looking for him everywhere over the last week.

  Kendall gave me a tentative smile, looking young and sophisticated in a way I could never attain. Her hands were shoved into her long beige knit coat, which matched her wedge boots. Her hair was in a long, sleek ponytail. “I should’ve messaged you, but I wasn’t sure how much you hated us.”

  “I don’t hate you.” I couldn’t deny the reverberating disappointment that’d been a constant companion with my loneliness and heartbreak. “But I’m hurt.”

  “Want to grab a drink with me and talk?”

  I didn’t really. I missed chatting with Kendall. She’d become a friend I didn’t get to see often enough, but the betrayal left behind after learning about the trust couldn’t be ignored. Avoiding it wasn’t going to do me any good though. “Sure. It’s been a long day. Can we go somewhere quiet?”

  The Kings weren’t the only ones who could keep a secret. No one outside of my family knew about the divorce yet. But if I showed up at the Irish pub any more times this week, people were going to talk.

  “We can grab a beer and burger down the road. It won’t be quiet, but less eavesdropping.” Kendall didn’t want anyone overhearing her business either.

  “Meet you there.”

  I found parking easily enough on the street. Thursday nights could get busy but it was early yet.

  The noise in the bar and grill was a low thrum as we were led to a table in the corner. I skipped the beer and ordered a burger and water. Kendall did the same.

  “How did you know when I’d be done with work?” I asked when the server left.

  Kendall flashed a small smile. “Aiden.”

  I bit the inside of my lip to keep from asking how he was doing. He’d asked for time. I hadn’t bothered him. I dreaded hearing that after another week to think he was ready to sign the papers. I dreaded it as much as I anticipated his name flashing on my screen.

  “He’s eased back into work after that first week,” she said.

  “What do you mean?”

  Her brows lifted. “He took a week off. Just walked out after…” She pursed her lips. “Walked out isn’t accurate. Gentry ‘suggested’ he go home after he threw his computer screen across the office. Didn’t you know about that?”

  Why would I? “I haven’t really talked to him in the last couple of weeks.”

  Sympathy filled her gaze. “I can’t imagine how you must feel.” She flattened her hands on the table. “We all feel terrible. I don’t know if it’ll help you to know that it wasn’t like a big conspiracy to keep you in the dark. It was just…as individual couples, we all suspected that you didn’t know since you never mentioned it. None of us wanted to be the one to spill the beans.”

  “I know it wasn’t, ultimately. Aiden should’ve told me.” I lifted a shoulder. “You’re right. It felt like a conspiracy.”

  “I don’t know what happened when Aiden learned about the trust. I know that he met you after, and I don’t know what he was like before then, but he doesn’t seem like the type to use people.”

  “He fosters relationships that might be good for business later.” Always an agenda. Just like Dad. No, that wasn’t fair. If Aiden hadn’t cheated, then no, it wasn’t like my dad. But I’d kept Dad in my life even after I had heard all the stories about him. He was my father. I didn’t want another man who talked to me when it was convenient for him and didn’t think about me otherwise.

  Kendall leaned forward, her gaze earnest. “But the money, Kate. You and I didn’t grow up like them. We know the struggle of a family that needs to support a lot of kids. Money doesn’t affect them like it does us. It was the fact that the Cartwrights would get it when Danny was alive.”

  “It’s still a lot of money. And he thought he’d lose half, but I don’t want it.”

  Kendall’s gaze turned confused and she chewed the inside of her cheek. “If that was the case, why hasn’t he done anything with it? Why sit on it? He only needed to be married a year. It’s been four, but he hasn’t touched it. Even if he fears losing half, what is he going to do with it? Why hasn’t he done it yet?”

  Those were just some of the constant stream of questions I had that needed answers, but I wasn’t sure I could trust his answers. “I don’t know.”

  “He might’ve been afraid of losing you. Because then he’d have to tell you about all of it.”

  “I don’t get why he thought I wouldn’t find out.”

  Kendall was quiet for a moment before she said, “I’m sorry. We all are. It just turned out really shitty.”

  “Agreed.” I didn’t elaborate. My marriage had been shitty for a while. It had taken the talk with Taya to know why.

  Our food arrived, and right as Kendall took a large bite, I blurted, “Did he really not work for a week?” To save Kendall from an awkward silence while she chewed, I continued, “I saw him last Friday and he looked…” Hot. Sexy. Like divorce suited him. “Good.”

  “Beck saw him the weekend after…” She winced. “Aiden was hungover. Liquid diet for days, if you know what I mean.”

  “Aiden doesn�
��t really drink.” He had a few beers when he got together with his brothers, and maybe one drink if he was schmoozing other execs.

  “He did that weekend. A lot.”

  I scanned the restaurant. Happy couples dining together. A family with an older baby. The mom was trying to feed the little boy a french fry, but he wanted to wave it around like a baton. I shifted my gaze away before I started thinking about what I’d put on hold at Aiden’s request.

  How was I supposed to interpret the information about Aiden? Aiden didn’t lose control. The only time Aiden lost control was when he was coming.

  Heat washed through my body and I squirmed. For my own sanity, I couldn’t think about anything sexual with him.

  “Anyway,” Kendall continued, “Gentry moved some projects around to take the pressure off all of us and is running interference with Grams.”

  “Does she know?”

  “We haven’t told her. Neither of you need that right now.”

  “Thanks.” A whole week off from work? And Aiden had just walked out? “Did he really throw a computer screen?”

  “Right after you walked out. Gentry got it all cleaned up, but Aiden kept not coming in for work. Gentry couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen him in sweats. He’s taking it hard and, sorry if I’m out of line, but I don’t think it’s because of the money. When he’s around you, he’s…lighter.” She fiddled with a fry. “I shouldn’t say this, I’ve stepped in enough that’s not my business, but Gentry says that when Aiden’s around you and his brothers, he sees more of the kid he was before Sarah died. He said Aiden was a true mama’s boy.”

  My lungs deflated. This trust mess had all started with Sarah’s death. Why hadn’t I connected the dots backward a little more? He’d lost his mother, and he rarely talked about her. But sometimes when we were in King’s Creek, he’d get this faraway look that tugged at my heart. He’d shake himself out of it and look around like he hoped no one had seen him. I’d pretend like I’d just caught his gaze and smile, and I’d leave it at that.

  “And the way Gentry dealt with it afterward”—Kendall waved her hand around as if she could conjure a glimpse of the past—“wasn’t good. He was there for the boys physically, but not emotionally. He’s talked before about how he was afraid it affected the guys. I mean, if Sarah hadn’t made those trusts for each of the boys, they all might still be alone.”

  I nodded and dug into my food. For the rest of the conversation, I steered clear of my divorce, and if she noticed, she didn’t make any attempts to return to it. After an hour and a half, we parted ways and I went to Mom and Randall’s place.

  I’d been staying with them for three weeks. They said it was fine, but I doubted they wanted their grown daughter crashing their time together. Both of them worked full-time and then there was me, invading their evenings and taking up bathroom time in the morning.

  Finding my own place would be easy enough. I could go back to apartment life. Live in a place that would fit into the garage of our house. His house. My gut clenched. No doubt the apartment I found would have a bigger bedroom than the one I slept in now.

  I pulled up in front of the trailer. The streetlight in front of my parents’ place was out. The rest of the street was quiet. I enjoyed the quiet of the neighborhood and the bite of cold in the air that promised snow in the near future, taking my time going to the door. The talk with Kendall was on my mind, but I wanted to wait until I was in pajamas in bed before I thought about everything she’d told me. When it was dark, I could think clearly.

  That was what I told myself.

  Inside, I was taking off my coat in the entryway when Mom appeared around the corner, her hands clasped together.

  I set my tote bag on the washing machine. “Sorry, Mom. I didn’t think to let you know I wasn’t going to be home in time for supper. I already ate.”

  “No problem. We ended up having company, so there won’t be too many leftovers.”

  The street was lined with vehicles, but I hadn’t paid attention. “Who?” I asked as I followed her to the dining room.

  Aiden rose from the table. He was in his business clothes, but he’d shed his suit coat and tie. The top button of his shirt was undone. I forced my gaze to stay on his face instead of tracing down his wide shoulders and admiring how his defined chest tapered to his waist. If he turned around, all bets were off. His ass was unfair.

  “I returned your mom’s container, and she invited me to stay since you weren’t home.”

  Mom grunted and picked the serving dishes off the table. Randall rose to help her. Stuffed pork chops. Damn. My burger had been good, but not miss-Mom’s-stuffed-pork-chops good.

  “I admit to being selfish,” Mom said. “He eats my food like he can’t afford the best in town.”

  The corner of his mouth twitched. “Yours is the best in town.”

  Mom rolled her eyes but turned her back before we could see her smile. Randall lifted his chin toward the hallway. “Go on and talk in your room or something. I’m afraid there’s not much privacy anywhere else.”

  “And outside is too cold,” Mom added. Their backs were to us. Were they pushing me and Aiden together?

  I shifted my gaze to Aiden. He hadn’t taken his eyes off me. I could kick him out, but after my earlier talk, maybe Aiden and I needed a few more words. “You mind?” I asked.

  His shoulders relaxed. “No.”

  I should’ve picked the office, but there was only one chair. The way Aiden sat in an office chair was sinful. He did that lean thing, with one elbow on the armrest. He’d been sitting like that when I’d dropped the papers off and I might lose my nerve if I saw it again. But having him tower over me while I asked him personal questions wasn’t the answer either.

  That left my bedroom. My tiny bedroom with the twin bed.

  Chapter 6


  * * *

  Kate closed the door behind us. We were shut into a tiny space with nothing but a bed to sit on.

  She crossed her arms and sat on the edge of the mattress. “So you got Mom’s stuffed pork chops, huh?”

  I took the middle, leaving some space between us. “Just don’t ask me to pick between her and Dawson for who’s better.”

  She plucked at the edge of the black skirt she wore over black leggings. “I wasn’t home because Kendall caught me after work.”

  I studied her face, trying to find a hint of how the talk went. “She asked if you had a regular schedule, but she didn’t tell me she planned to jump you today.”

  Her smile was brief. “She didn’t jump me. But she basically apologized on behalf of all your siblings and their spouses.”

  “Did it make you feel better?”

  She thought for a moment. “Yes. It helped.”

  “Good. I mean it, Kate. I never wanted to hurt you.”

  She opened her mouth to say something, then shut it.

  “Go ahead.” I leaned closer and she tensed, but she didn’t inch away and fall off the bed to get away from me. “You’ve been censoring yourself around me.”

  Her expression flickered. “Neither of us was as open as we should’ve been. How come you never talked to me about your mom?”

  I went numb inside. I didn’t talk about Mama to anyone. My brothers and I shared stories, mostly of the good times, and sometimes we shared our fury over how she’d been stolen from us. I never talked about how it had affected me. My throat thickened and I dropped my gaze to the floor. “It wouldn’t help anything.”

  Kate scooted closer and laid her hand on my thigh. “You should. To someone. Your dad. Your brothers. A professional. It’s had an effect on you.”

  “My dad.” My laugh was cold and Kate lifted her hand from my thigh. Emotions I hadn’t allowed out of a mental box for years piled up behind my sternum. I saw him every day, but I’d given up on talking to him years ago. “Dad kept our routine up, kept us moving forward, but he checked out mentally. It wasn’t like I could go sleep around like he did when I wasn
’t even in high school yet. By the time I reached the age where I could, I had responsibilities. Obligations. It was all I could do to justify sports. And the way Dad acted was…” My breath gusted out. I hadn’t told anyone how I’d felt about those years. I’d checked out too, just like he had.

  I sagged toward Kate and rested my forehead on her shoulder. I needed the contact. And it was easier to get the words out without her gaze on me. “I did talk to Dad once, you know. Made some comment about how he’d acted.” The day in his office before my wedding haunted me. I’d finally called him on his behavior and he’d listened, only I’d done it so he’d lay off me about Kate. A brash emotional outburst that hadn’t cost me, but had hurt him.

  Her arm draped around my back and I was in the familiar comfort of her hyacinth scent. “What happened?”

  “He changed. Instantly. And it almost prevented the relationship with Kendall that gave me my dad back.”

  “That was his decision, not yours,” she said quietly. “And maybe that pause you gave him made him see what he could have with Kendall. He might’ve missed some meaningful, healthy relationships because he refused to commit and risk his heart again. But you gave him the time to think.” Her chin brushed the top of my head.

  I hadn’t thought about it like that. All I knew was that I’d finally said something and it had bitten me in the ass. “I’ve never told you about Grandpa DB.”

  “None of you talk about him.”

  “He was like Grams on steroids. Old-fashioned. Hardheaded. Ruthless. Dad’s parents left King’s Creek and never looked back. They became birthday-card grandparents.”

  Kate’s head tilted before she nodded. “Right. You only hear from them when you get birthday cards. Kind of like my dad.”

  “With Dad tied up with the company, Grams did what she could. She softened a little for Dawson. I guess she couldn’t tell him to man up like Grandpa told me.”

  “He said that to you? After your mom had just died?”

  “I had lost my shit with my brothers and stalked off. Morning chores hadn’t been done yet. I was tired of ramrodding three depressed siblings every morning and afternoon, so I said fuck it and hid. Grandpa found me in the barn, sitting on a bucket in the corner, crying.”


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