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The Legendary Mechanic c1-1385

Page 14

by Chocolion, 齐佩甲

  “Zero, that’s enough,” he said.

  Han Xiao frowned.

  “I am the leader of the Germinal Organization,” he introduced.

  “Do you think you can truly escape from us? No matter where you go, the Germinal Organization will find you. However, I can give you a chance to live.”

  “How?” asked Han Xiao plainly.

  “Return to the organization obediently. I will allow you to retain your memories. You will be given a position you deserve,” answered the boss. He was truly fascinated by Han Xiao’s strength.

  No. 1’s face grew livid at his leader’s words. How could he treat Zero so well after all the men that he had killed?

  Han Xiao glanced at No. 1 and replied tauntingly, “You want to rope me in even after I’ve killed so many of your people?”

  “A bunch of failures. Their deaths are not worth mourning,” the boss replied instantly.

  No. 1 shuddered.

  “What makes you think I want to work under you?”

  “We are destined to accomplish greater things. Join us. What’s there to hesitate? Oh, I know. Is it because you are still unhappy with how we treated you before? Don’t be so petty, think of the bigger picture. Such things are trivial when compared to our ultimate goal.”

  Han Xiao replied coldly, “I have no interest whatsoever in your ideology. You killed my friends, so you are my enemy. That is all.”

  “If you refuse to join us, there will not be a place for you in this world!” threatened the boss.

  “I will destroy you all,” Han Xiao declared.

  It was the only solution.

  The boss burst out in laughter.

  “Destroy us? What do you think you are? You are just a small, pitiful ant that we can squash whenever we want. Did killing a few lowly grunts make you think that you are invincible now? Childish!”

  “Wait and see then. The world is bigger than you can imagine.”

  Han Xiao shook his head and raised his gun. He fired three shots aimed at No. 1’s heart.

  The test subject squad no longer existed!

  The boss’s mask could not conceal his fury.

  “You’ll regret this,” he coldly warned before ending the transmission.


  You have killed the No. 1, the Valkyrie Experiment Test Subject, gaining 900 experience.

  You have completed [Revenge], gaining 15,000 experience.



  Suddenly, the bayonet rifle came apart.

  The SWP sniper rifle that Han Xiao retrieved from the test subject squad had the prerequisite of the [Sniper] ability, so Han Xiao dismantled it to fix the bayonet rifle.

  Han Xiao had gained a total of 20,000 experience tonight.

  As the Germinal Organization would surely come for him, Han Xiao needed to find a hiding place. He was indeed still too weak to take them head-on. The wealth of information that he carried over from the game was his trump card.

  In order to make good use of it, Han Xiao needed to seek the aid of a power as mighty as the Organization.

  The Six Nations!

  Stardragon, Maple, Theseus, Raylen, Hesla, and Ordina.

  Since he was already in Stardragon, and they were the most peaceful of the six nations, there could be no better choice.

  Chapter 19 - $1,000,000 Bounty! Class A Mission!

  Translator: MJ_ Editor: Millman97

  The next morning, the boss, Hila, and a group of staff arrived at the wreckage of the battle.

  The boss snorted coldly at the sight of No. 1’s corpse.

  “Useless trash.”

  “All of them are dead,” reported a researcher after they gathered all the bodies.

  The leader gazed thoughtfully at the mountain range in the distance.

  “Issue a bounty under the name of the Organization. $1,000,000, dead or alive,” he suddenly ordered.

  Hila and the rest of the group were shocked by his decision.

  The Germinal Organization was the kingpin of the underworld, and they had not needed to issue a bounty for the past three years. Was it really necessary to do so for a lowly traitor?

  “My leader, you seem to overrate him. Zero barely managed to escape by the skin of teeth. What threat can he pose to us?”

  “Hmph. That bastard actually dared to declare war against us, so I will make him pay for his arrogance! I will crush him! If Zero is captured alive, use all available means to extract his secrets! If he is killed, then dissect his body to figure it out!”

  “What about those people?” asked the researcher as he pointed towards the corpses.

  The boss was about to order them to be disposed of when a thought crossed his mind.

  “How’s the preparation for the super soldier project?” he asked.

  “The basic theory has been perfected. We are about to proceed with cell and animal testing. We should be able to remove any side effects and carry out human experimentation in eight months—”

  “Skip the testing. Proceed with human experimentation immediately,” interrupted the boss.

  “Erm… the risks are too huge. Only Valkyrie test subjects can endure the procedure, and there aren’t many of them. Rushing things might be unproductive.”

  “Experimentation can only create cannon fodder. Only vengeance can create true monsters,” he replied enigmatically.

  “He is the perfect subject,” he added, pointing at No. 1. “Hatred will fuel him. No pain will stop him from his desire for revenge.”

  “I see.”

  The researcher nodded.

  “Summon his soul,” the boss ordered Hila.

  Hila exhaled deeply before raising her hands in the air. They began to glow in a grayish light as the surrounding temperature instantly dropped.

  Suddenly, ghostly wailing resonated in their surroundings, and No. 1’s body seemed to respond to the cries.

  A gray, misty cloud of fog began to materialize above No. 1 before flowing into his orifices.

  The boss unfurled his jacket to retrieve a vial of crimson red fluid. Hila’s expression changed when she saw the red fluid. Her eyes flickered with killing intent for a moment. She had to force herself to surpress her emotions.

  Aurora Reviving Drug.

  An extremely powerful healing drug made from her sister’s bone marrow extract!

  The boss poured the fluid over No. 1.

  The fluid seeped into his body, and what followed next could only be called miraculous. No. 1 began to regain his color, and his wounds started to regenerate. The damage to his jaw was reversed, and limbs began to form out of his stumps.

  No. 1 suddenly opened his eyes. His face was twisted in agony.

  ” Zero! ”


  You have unlocked reputation with the Germinal Organization faction!

  Your reputation with the Germinal Organization has dropped by 1000!

  Germinal Organization: Hated (Traitor)


  You have triggered the Class A quest, [A Seedling in the Dirt].

  Quest Synopsis: Freedom is priceless, and you have risked your life to earn it, but your troubles are not over yet. The Organization has put a bounty on your head. You will be hunted down for the rest of your day. You may have escaped, but your prison has simply grown larger. In order to to obtain true freedom, there is only one path. You know what to do!

  Quest Tip: This quest is an achievement quest. You will be rewarded based on the amount of damage and destruction you cause to the organization.

  Current achievement rate: 0%

  Note: Your achievement rate may not be fixed. Your achievement rate may drop. You may also choose to finish the quest at any time. If your achievement rate is less than 20%, you will fail the quest. If your achievement rate is higher than 20%, you will be rewarded based on your achievement tier.


  Generally speaking, Class B and higher quests were main quests related to key events. In Version 1.0, the key event on Planet Aquamarine was the clash between the Six Nations and the Germinal Organization, and players were allowed a choice of ally.

  From Han Xiao’s memory, there had been quite a number of players who had allied with the Germinal Organization. This meant that he would have to face up against them eventually.

  Although the Germinal Organization neither won nor lost, they did suffer huge losses. Han Xiao realized that he would have to watch out for competitors – there were many factions fighting against the Germinal Organization.

  Han Xiao felt that having to contribute 20% of the total damage done was asking too much. Nevertheless, he accepted the quest without hesitation—there was no harm in trying.

  This is the main quest line.

  In Version 1.0, the events of Aquamarine were heavily centered around the Germinal Organization. Since Han Xiao would have get stronger on the planet anyway, he would definitely become involved in the war.

  During the character creation process of Galaxy, the system would ask the player to input his preferences, such as the type of planet or class they would enjoy. From their answers, they would be sent to a planet that suited them. This was a key feature of the game and attracted many players. Some people simply liked exploring the universe and experiencing different kinds of civilizations. Aquamarine was a more ‘realistic’ science-fiction city-style planet modeled after Earth itself.

  The truth was that Han Xiao could just hide himself in the wilderness and wait until the Germinal Organization weakened. However, while this ensured his safety, he wouldn’t be able to get stronger.

  When the main plot of the planet unfolded, there would be an influx of quests and missions. With Han Xiao’s knowledge of the game gave him an unfair advantage.

  3 days later, Han Xiao finally emerged from the forest. The forest was situated within Stardragon territory, which made the fact that the Germinal Organization dared to setup a base here quite surprising. Perhaps, the safest place is where the enemy least expects them to be.

  Han Xiao walked for a while more before seeing railway tracks. He hopped onto a freight train that was on its way to deliver livestock to the Western Capital.

  As the wilderness was fraught with danger, and war seemed like it would break out at any moment, most of the public roads connecting Stardragon’s cities had been blockaded. Resources were transported mainly by freight.

  Stardragon’s cities were all enclosed in giant electric metal fences.

  Two days later, Han Xiao could spot the giant enclosure through the windon in his carriage.

  He swept aside the hens jumping around him to make space to stand up and take a better look.

  Stardragon, Western Capital. Division 13, here I come!


  Chapter 20 - Illegal Entry

  Translator: MJ_ Editor: Millman97

  Stardragon—one of the Six Nations. The majority of Stardragon’s population was comprised of yellow people, and its national symbol was a celestial dragon.

  The bad blood between Stardragon and the Germinal Organization can be traced back to the Battle of Andrea, where the Germinal Organization had colluded with other enemies of Stardragon to launch large-scale assaults on its cities during the crucial period of the war. Casualties numbered in the hundreds of thousands, and Stardragon had been forced to recall all its forces. Back then, it had severely weakened their status as one of the Six Nations.

  All of Stardragon’s cities were barricaded by great electric fences of barbed wire, and the only way to enter any city was through a main gate.

  The freight train arrived at the open-air train station connected to the entrance of the city. The area was like a military base – there were bunkers and watchtowers guarded by the army. Troops were stationed in every corner.

  Over a thousand wanderers alighted onto to the station square. They began to queue up for the inspection. Only those confirmed not to possess weaponry or carry infectious diseases were permitted to enter.

  The Six Nations all welcomed wanderers. The war had caused a lack of manpower and talent.

  Han Xiao needed to find a way to evade inspection. The Germinal Organization had offered a bounty for him, so things could go awry if he were to be recognized. While his aim was to get in touch with Division 13, he could not risk being exposed before then.

  Fortunately, there existed a way.

  Back in the game, players that were wanted by a country simply had to pay a smuggler NPC a fee to be sneaked in.

  There was a very inconspicuous man in a corner of the station. He was neither queuing up to enter, nor seemed to be waiting for anything in particular.

  This man was the ringleader of the smuggling business, and normally, he would only serve people who were trusted in their network.

  Suddenly, he noticed a frail-looking man coming up to him. It was none other than Han Xiao.

  “Is it safe?” he asked.

  The ringleader looked up at Han Xiao. It was a face he did not recognize.

  “Safe?” the ringleader played dumb.

  “I’ll pay with these – enough?”

  Han Xiao tossed his backpack to the ringleader. He opened the bag up to take a look inside.

  Holy shit! So many guns! Which syndicate is this young master the boss of?

  As guns were prohibited in the western capital, Han Xiao had to dispose of them one way or the other.

  “Enough, definitely enough.”

  “Where did you learn about my business?” he curiously asked.

  “That’s none of your business.”

  The ringleader took no offence to Han Xiao. He knew that he had been too inquisitive in his excitement. He got up and asked Han Xiao to follow.

  Han Xiao was led to a van parked outside the station. There were already a few passengers on board, and when he arrived, he became the center of attention. Han Xiao found a spot and sat down quietly.

  The windows of the van were plastered with black tape. The van would bring them to a secret military side-entrance. As long as the price was right, the officer in charge would turn a blind eye.

  A short young man was sitting beside Han Xiao. Bored, and seeing that Han Xiao seemed like an easygoing person, the young man spoke to him.

  “Little brother, your first time to the western capital?”

  Han Xiao glanced at him and replied, “Yeah, it is. How should I address you?”

  “Ma Jie, you?”

  “Han Xiao.”

  “Hannie, since it’s your first time to the Western Capital, I shall introduce you to the city. The Western Capital is divided into eight districts. District 1 is the seat of the government, and where the officials reside. No one is allowed to enter there. The other seven districts each have their own attractions, but they are all secretly controlled by big shots in the underworld. Remember, never offend any of them, or else you might lose your life.”

  Han Xiao sighed inwardly. The underworld referred to illegal operations like drugs, prostitution, trafficking, and mercenaries. These ‘big shots’ that Ma Jie mentioned were actually just small-time hoodlums. Ma Jie was clearly trying to brag.

  “What about the army?” asked Han Xiao.

  “Heh, what can they do? Do you expect them to raid the districts? My cousin is the right-hand man of one of the bosses in the underworld. I came here to seek—cough—help him,” boasted Ma Jie.

  “Wow, you’re so cool,” replied Han Xiao.

  Being praised sent Ma Jie over the moon.

  “Of course! My cousin is quite the figure in western capital. Have you ever heard of his great name, The Leopard? Oh, right, it’s your first time here. Are you here to seek refuge with relatives?”

  “No, I’ve come to find a job and settle down,” Han Xiao chose a random answer.

  “What do you say
—wanna come with me? Follow my brother and you will have a bright future!”

  Ma Jie suddenly became animated.

  Han Xiao rejected his offer, but Ma Jie was not easily dissuaded.

  “Let me tell you what ordinary life is like in the city. Two words – poverty and sadness! Do you want to eat spoilt food everyday? The Six Nations are just putting on a show to welcome wanderers like you. The truth is that they could hardly give a damn about you! If you follow me, I can guarantee that you’ll be fed well for the rest of your life!”

  “No thanks.”

  Han Xiao’s repeated refusals clearly upset Ma Jie.

  “Fool! You’ll regret this. Don’t come crying to me in the future.”

  Han Xiao ignored the idiot and turned away. Ma Jie glared at him.


  A while later, the van stopped in front of what seemed to be a closed tunnel.

  There was an officer waiting for them on the other side of the fence in the tunnel. He opened the passageway to let them in upon receiving payment from the ringleader.

  “Follow the officer, he will bring you to the outskirts of the city.”

  The officer silently led them through the compound. When they finally stepped out into the sun, they were greeted by a line of skyscrapers in the distance.

  As the group scattered, Ma Jie glared at Han Xiao one more time before going on his way.

  As Han Xiao walked on the streets, he noticed that his tattered clothes were gaining a lot of attention. Without any money to quench his thirst, he had to look for a public water dispensary. All he had to his name was a seven-day stench.

  Of course, none of it actually posed a problem to him.


  Half an hour later, Han Xiao emerged from a shopping mall dressed in a white shirt and black pants. There was a cigarette in his mouth.


  You have unlocked a new ability: Lv. 1 [Steal]!


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