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by R C Knight

  Asher began to laugh as he looked at his former leader. “You have gone mad with power! I will never serve Lucifer and I will never serve you!” He shouted as his laughs became hysterical.

  “Very well,” Gideon responded sadly. Asher looked up at him with defiance in his eyes as Gideon brought up his revolver and shot him in the head. Asher’s body slumped to the ground where Christ’s had been merely seconds before.

  “You did well my child. Now the real work begins.” Lilith’s voice was a comfort to Gideon. He smiled as he looked over the valley at the horde of demons below. His new future was just beginning.

  Chapter One


  Seven hundred years later…

  The pristine white marble of the cathedral seemed to glow as the sun began to rise. The golden French doors shimmered in the light, welcoming all who visited. Marble statues of warrior angels brandishing their swords lined the pathway to the cathedral. Their faces permanently carved with the power and ferocity they showed in battle. These warrior angels guarded the path to the cathedral, which was where the Counsel of Heralds gathered. The Counsel consisted of all the Archangels; Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Selaphiel, Raguel, Jegudiel and Barachiel. Raphael used to be a part of the Counsel until he was killed on a secret mission to Earth. The Archangels oversaw all of the day-to-day happenings in Heaven. They were also the ones who commanded all the warrior angels and approved their missions.

  Aria stormed along the pathway of statues, her golden blonde hair streamed behind her and her red robes billowed in the soft breeze. Her bright green eyes shone with fury as she reached the French doors. She paused with her hands on the doors, closed her eyes and drew in a deep breath as she threw the doors open. Windows lined the walls of the circular room, allowing the morning light in. At the head of the room was a long semi-circular table, where the Counsel of Heralds were currently sitting, deep in conversation. Their golden robes shimmered in the light, creating an ethereal glow. Although everyone on the Counsel was as old as time itself, they still looked as if they were in their late twenties like every angel did.

  Michael stood up as the doors banged loudly to a close. “Can I help you Aria?” he asked in a calm voice. This was one of the many reasons Michael oversaw the Counsel. He was always calm and listened to all sides of a story before making any decisions. His reasonable judgement was the main reason no one had tried to take his place.

  “Why was Laila pulled from my detail?” she asked sternly. “This is my mission and I decide who is going.” She pounded her fist on her chest as she glared up at Michael.

  “You need to learn your place, Aria.” Michael looked at her calmly. “It is not up to you to decide who goes on this mission. You know that everything must be approved by the Counsel.”

  Aria looked at Michael then over at Gabriel. As she made eye contact with Gabriel he smirked and shook his head. She returned her focus to Michael. “We all know this isn’t the Counsel’s doing. It’s clear that Gabriel has never liked me, and he has done this. I am the best warrior you have!” She began to pace, keeping eye contact with Michael. “Laila is a vital asset to my team. I need her. Just because he,” she pointed at Gabriel, “doesn’t like me, doesn’t give you the right to do this!”

  “Stop acting like a child!” Michael shouted over her rant. His wings shot out from his back, their light glowing brightly with his frustration. “All of us know that you are the best choice for this mission.” He took on a soft, almost patronizing voice, “but you cannot act out like a child because something didn’t go your way. Laila is needed here. She is a valuable healer and we cannot afford to let her go to Earth at this time. Especially with how dangerous it is there. Unlike the other healers, Laila hasn’t trained in fighting yet.”

  “But I can train her,” she replied. “We still have time before we leave. I can teach her everything she’ll need to know to protect herself. And it’s just a reconnaissance mission. The chances of an actual fight are very slim.”

  Michael’s green eyes looked down at Aria with disappointment. “It’s not that simple. You are the youngest angel to ever be put in this type of leadership position. I understand you are trying to figure out what kind of leeway you will get here. But training Laila a few things isn’t the correct answer. You need to start thinking like the leader we know you can be.”

  “But I am the best warrior here,” she replied stubbornly. “She will be properly trained and –”

  “That’s enough!” Michael interrupted. “You will not be taking Laila. Your insistence on this matter just shows how young and arrogant you are. You do not have enough time to train her. If she went with, her life would be at risk as well as everyone else on your team. She is a liability, Aria. There will be no more discussion about this!”

  Aria closed her eyes and took a deep breath. As she opened them, she looked around at the other Counsel members. They avoided eye contact, shaking their heads with disapproval. It was clear she would not be getting any help from them on this matter. She let out a sigh of resignation. “Very well,” she mumbled with frustration. “Who do you propose I take in her place?”

  Michael sighed in relief, his wings disappearing as quickly as they had appeared. “You can take Eliza. She is an excellent healer and is well versed in fighting. We feel she will be a better asset to your team since she will be able to defend herself if the need arises.”

  Aria looked at all the Counsel members, debating if Eliza was a good replacement. She made eye contact with Gabriel once again and could see the excitement in his eyes. At that moment, she knew he was the reason Eliza was going. He was clearly up to something and it made her uncomfortable. Aria regained eye contact with Michael and slowly nodded her head.

  “Very well, I will take Eliza instead.” Relief spread across his face while Gabriel smiled with satisfaction. “However.” She paused. “I have one condition.”

  “And what exactly would that be?” Michael asked.

  “I want to see Cordelia before I leave.” Michael froze on the spot as a collective gasp filled the air. Each of the Counsel members began to shout, wanting their voice to be heard. Aria tried to hold back her smile as Michael attempted to regain control of the situation. Finally, he smacked his hand against the table, filling the room with a deafening bang. The Counsel members stopped talking and looked at him.

  “Enough!” he shouted. “We will discuss this in a civilized manner.” He looked down at Aria, frustration marring his angelic face. “Tell me, Aria. What exactly do you want from Cordelia?”

  “It’s simple,” she replied in an eerily calm voice. “She is our seer and I would like to know how this change to my team will affect the mission.” Aria made eye contact with each member, asserting a sense of authority. “And,” she emphasized. “She has a vast wealth of knowledge that could help me when I get to Earth. One conversation with her will give me more knowledge about Earth than all the books in the library ever could.” She made eye contact with Michael, hoping that he wouldn’t be able to tell she had an ulterior motive for visiting Cordelia.

  Michael looked at the other Counsel members and gave a short nod. “We will consider your request. In the meantime, you are dismissed.” Aria gave a sharp nod, turned on her heel, and walked out of the cathedral with confidence.

  Gabriel turned his cold, blue eyes towards Michael as the doors closed behind Aria. “You aren’t actually considering this?” he hissed. “We all know there is no reason for her to see Cordelia. She’s trying to play you.”

  Michael held his head high as he looked down on Gabriel. “You forget that I was the one who took over her training after Raphael was killed on Earth. We all know how stubborn she can be, but I am far more knowledgeable on how she thinks. I am not an idiot, Gabriel. I know she has another reason to see Cordelia.”

  “Then why even entertain the idea of letting her go?” Gabriel asked in frustration. “She is just a child throwing a tantrum because she didn’t get her way.”

sp; “Because Cordelia could have beneficial information for her mission. And we might be able to find out what she’s really looking for.” Michael looked at the other Counsel members, he pointed at Barachiel. “Barachiel,” he called, “what are your thoughts on this matter?” Barachiel looked up from the table. His light green eyes were filled with acceptance and understanding.

  “We should let her see Cordelia,” he replied. “I believe it would be good for her. I fear that if we don’t let her go, she will end up doing something childish and ill-advised out of spite.”

  Gabriel threw his hands up in frustration. “We all know she’s not going to see Cordelia about the mission. She’s using us. For all we know she’s trying to find a way to overthrow us!” He looked around at the Counsel members. “Someone else must agree with me!” Silence filled the room as everyone let Gabriel’s words sink in. Uriel was the first to speak up.

  “It is true she has another motive,” he began, his voice quiet yet fierce. “However, I can tell that she means no harm. I believe her visit with Cordelia will be good for her.” Gabriel opened his mouth to make a rebuttal, but Uriel held up his hand and quieted him. “Now, now Gabriel. We all know that you don’t like Aria. But I have a good feeling about her visit with Cordelia.”

  This statement by Uriel made Gabriel keep his mouth shut. Uriel was a well-respected member of the Counsel. He had a special gift to tell what a person’s motives were. Although he couldn’t see into the future, he could glean weather or not a situation would end badly.

  Michael turned to Gabriel. “You cannot let your personal prejudice affect your decision Gabriel. This visit to Cordelia could help Aria realize her true potential. It is a risk, but this is one I am willing to take.” Gabriel looked around at the other members and sighed in resignation.

  “Very well,” he muttered. “You have my approval. But I will not be held responsible if anything bad happens because of this visit.”

  “Alright,” Michael agreed. He looked around at the other Counsel members. Each of them nodded their heads in agreement and voiced their approval. “Looks like the Counsel has decided. Send a messenger with our decision.”

  Chapter Two


  Aria sat at a small, wooden table in the middle of the library. Shelves full of books lined the walls and created symmetrical rows throughout the room. All of the books had a silver glow, creating a relaxing ambience. Aria looked around the room, a peaceful calm claiming her mind. She reflected on her meeting with the Counsel, unable to understand why they hadn’t made a decision yet. As far as she was concerned this was a simple matter. They needed her to lead this mission, therefore they should let her see Cordelia. Aria’s frustration began to resurface. She stood up and began to walk along the rows of books.

  She ran her hand along the books as she walked, they contained all the history of mankind and the angels. She often found herself here, reading through all the events that led up to the Battle of Armageddon. She was fascinated with what Earth must have looked like and what it would’ve been like to interact with the humans. To help them when they needed it and fulfill the duty of an angel. Since she had only been alive for a hundred and seventeen years, she had never been given the opportunity to go to Earth or interact with the humans. The only angel that had gone to Earth since the battle was Raphael, and he never came back.

  Aria made her way to the section of the library that contained all of the angels’ biographies. She found Raphael’s out of habit and brought it back to her table. She traced her finger along the golden words embossed on the cover. A tear silently rolled down her cheek as she thought of her short time with Raphael. He had been like a father to her and had hand-picked her for his training program when she was only twenty years old.

  Aria stood at the edge of a sparring circle. She was dressed in a dark red leather bustier and black pants. The leather was embossed with various symbols for protection, strength, and speed. Her hair was French braided back into a ponytail, the curls bouncing on her shoulder. She held a training dagger in each hand as she prepared herself for the attack.

  Raphael stood before her, his blue eyes shining with pride as she squared her stance. He wore his golden leather top and his black pants. His blonde hair fell down in waves, framing his face. Raphael raised his training daggers. “Shall we begin?”

  Aria made the first move. As she ran towards Raphael, he shifted his weight to the right, preparing his attack. She rolled to her right and jumped up to the left of Raphael. She hit him in the ribs as her momentum carried her past him. He spun and hit her across her back. She turned and quickly countered his attack. The fight continued for several minutes before Raphael lifted his hand to stop.

  “Very good, Aria!” He smiled at her. “You have come a long way since I started training you.” Raphael put his training daggers on the weapons rack. “It is clear I made the right choice when we brought you into the warrior class.”

  She walked over and placed her training daggers next to Raphael’s. “I’m only this good because of my teacher,” she replied. “I am grateful you chose me. You’ve always looked out for me.”

  “Yes, well it was an easy choice. I’ve always sensed your potential. Some day you will have the opportunity to do great things.”

  Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. “Ah, still don’t know how to handle compliments?” Raphael chuckled. He walked over to a small table, grabbed the silver pitcher, and filled two chalices with water. “Here.” He handed one to Aria and kept the other for himself. “I have something important I need to talk to you about.”

  Raphael walked over to a crystal-clear waterfall and sat on one of the stone benches. Aria followed him and took a seat. “What is it?” she asked as she took a sip of her water.

  “I have been given an assignment,” he replied. “I will be leaving for Earth in a few days.”

  “Seriously,” she replied enthusiastically. “What will you be doing? Do you get to take anyone with you?”

  Raphael chuckled as he held up a hand to silence her. “I’m sorry. I know you want to go to Earth but this is something I will be doing by myself for now. If everything goes well then you will be able to come down along with a group of warriors that you pick.” Aria tried to hide the disappointment on her face.

  “Oh,” she responded quietly. “What will you be doing?”

  “I cannot tell you my mission, only the Counsel is allowed to know the details.” They sat in silence while she gathered her thoughts. She looked up at Raphael with a sly smile and punched him in the shoulder.

  “Hey! What was that for?” he shouted in shock.

  “It’s for good luck! You better take care of yourself.” Aria looked at him, sincerity shining in her eyes. “And work quickly. The sooner you are done the sooner I can go to Earth and join you!”

  Raphael began to laugh, and Aria quickly joined him. As her laughter subsided, she looked at him, trying to hide the fear from her expression. “But seriously. Take care of yourself. You’ve been like a father to me and I don’t know what I would do without you. Besides, with you gone who’s going to keep Gabriel from having me locked away as a spinster?”

  Raphael let out a small chuckle as he pulled her in for a hug. “Don’t worry. I’ll be back before you know it. And I’ve already asked Michael to keep an eye on Gabriel while I’m gone. Besides, you’d never make it as a spinster. You don’t have enough patience for that!” She let out a little laugh as Raphael held her tightly to his chest. “Nothing bad will happen to you while I’m gone. I promise.”

  The sound of someone clearing their throat pulled Aria out of her memory. Ryder stood next to her, his dishwater blonde hair and green eyes seemed to glow from the silver light of the books. Aria looked up at him and wiped the already dry tears from her face. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “It’s nothing,” she responded quietly. “I was just thinking of Raphael.” Aria looked down at the book, the light dancing off Raphael’s name seemed to ma
ke a mockery of her misery. She grabbed the book and stood up quickly. “I should put this back.” Aria headed back to the biography section and Ryder followed.

  “So.” He nudged her shoulder. “How did your meeting with the Counsel go?”

  “Humph. How do you think it went?” she replied with frustration. “The Counsel is as stubborn as ever.”

  “Please, no one is more stubborn than you!” Ryder chuckled as he grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her back towards the table. “Come on, it couldn’t have been that bad.”

  They walked to the table and sat down across from each other. Ryder put his elbows on the table and rested his chin on his hands. “Come on! Don’t make me pry it out of you!”

  “Fine,” she sighed with resignation. “They took Laila off the mission.”

  “What! Why would they do that?” He threw his hands in the air to exaggerate his reaction. “Could it possibly be because she doesn’t know anything about fighting?” She slowly nodded her head. “Uh huh. Didn’t I tell you this would happen? I don’t understand why you’re so surprised by it.”

  Aria began to nervously tap her fingers on the table. “I just thought they would allow it because they trusted me. The likelihood of a fight is very slim. You said so yourself! And you are our best strategist.”

  Ryder’s face lit up with a smile at the compliment. “Why yes I am!” He laughed as he reached over to stop Aria from tapping her fingers. “So, who did they replace Laila with?”

  “Stupid Eliza,” she mumbled. “Everyone knows that we don’t get along. And she’s definitely working with Gabriel to get me thrown out of leadership.”

  “Seriously? You think any of us on your team would allow that to happen? You’ve got nothing to worry about Aria.” Ryder looked at her face and saw her frustration. “Hey, you’re like my little sister. We’ve known each other since we were kids. I know when somethings troubling you. So, what’s the real problem? We already talked about the possibility of Laila being taken off this mission.” He paused, waiting for her to say something. “I know how persuasive you are. What did you ask the Counsel for as compensation?”


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