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Page 15

by R C Knight

  Gabriel looked at her calmly. “Who told you that Raphael was trying to get the demons into Heaven?”

  “He told me!” She looked around frantically. “He said I would be protected and rewarded for stopping her.” Gabriel shook his head sadly.

  “Who is he?” he asked quietly. Eliza shook her head back and forth. She pulled at her hair and jumped as another scream echoed down the hallway. Tears rolled down her face as she looked up at Gabriel.

  “If I tell you he’ll kill me,” she whined as she began to rock back and forth. “Don’t make me tell. Don’t make me.” Gabriel watched as Eliza cried and rocked herself. What had happened to make her go crazy like this? he wondered as he knocked on the door to get Alistair’s attention. Alistair opened the door and let him out of the cell.

  “She needs to be seen by a healer.” He looked at Alistair sternly. “Something has been done to her to make her go crazy. She’ll never tell us who put her up to this.” Gabriel looked at the cell, sadness across his face. She had such a bright future. He thought as Alistair escorted him out of the prison.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Two weeks later…

  Aria was finally feeling better. Ryder, Kai, and Myra had taken turns healing her with their holy light. The swelling was completely gone now, the only evidence of her injury was the scar on her side. She laughed as she sparred with Ryder, although she no longer had her angelic powers, she was still faster and stronger than him. She gracefully dodged his attack and quickly countered, hitting him in the side.

  “Another point for me!” She giggled as she spun her daggers in her hands. “What are we at now?”

  “Twenty to one,” Kai responded. “Aria’s winning.” Ryder sheathed his sword and held up his hand as he caught his breath.

  “Okay, okay,” he mumbled. “I concede. You are more than ready to go with Zane tomorrow.” Ryder looked over at Zane’s group, worry lines etched across his forehead. “Are you sure I cannot come with?”

  Aria sighed. “We’ve already talked about this. He wants as small of a group as possible. And as I just proved, I am more than capable of defending myself.” She smiled as she sheathed her daggers. “Besides, we shouldn’t be fighting anyway. We’re going straight through the city to his ship.”

  “I know,” he replied solemnly. “I’m just worried about you.”


  The next morning arrived quickly. Zane and Bishop were sorting through their supplies, putting what they didn’t need into the wagon. Aria stood with Ryder, Kai and Myra, a sad smile on her face. “I’ll be back before you know it.” She playfully shoved Ryder’s shoulder. “Besides, you guys love Liam. I’m sure you’ll enjoy continuing his education about angels.” She smiled as Ryder sighed.

  “Just promise you’ll be safe,” Myra interjected. “I couldn’t live with myself if something else happened to you.” Aria smiled as she pulled Myra in for a hug.

  “I will be,” she said with confidence. “Besides, I’m already Fallen. What’s worse than that?” she asked playfully. Ryder shook his head as Myra and Kai awkwardly laughed. Liam walked over to their group.

  “Alright, we should get going.” He nodded respectfully at Aria. “Have fun in Gideon’s city, you’ll definitely be amazed by the buildings there.” He smiled as they walked over to the wagon. “Kai, you’ll be in charge of the wagon. I want Ryder and Myra to hang out in the back and make sure no one tries to sneak up on us. Myra, you’ll be leading Eliza’s horse as well. I’ll take the lead, keeping the wagon in the middle.” Liam looked around at his small group. Zane nodded with approval as they mounted their horses and got into position.

  Zane walked up to Liam and they clasped hands. “Take care.”

  “I always do.” Liam smiled as Zane backed away from the horse. They watched as the small group took off down the road.

  “Well, we should get going as well.” Zane looked around the camp, making sure nothing was left behind. “If everything goes in our favor, we’ll be on the ocean in a few days!” He mounted his horse and watched as the rest of the group got ready. He started down the road at a leisurely pace, Keira and Jackson fell in next to him. Aria and Riley fell in behind them while Mikayla and Bishop took the rear. I hope we don’t fuck this up, he thought to himself as they increased their pace.


  Two days had passed as Zane’s group slowly trotted down a well beaten road. “At this pace, we should make the city by midday tomorrow,” he said proudly. “By night fall we should be able to see the city lights and skyline.” Aria stared with excitement at the horizon, willing the city to come into view.

  “Why not go all the way tonight?” she asked in protest.

  “We could, but the city shuts down its perimeter gates at night. And the demons would watch us intently if we arrived that late. Even though you look human now and your powers –” He paused as he looked at her, sadness in his eyes. “Anyway, I wouldn’t want to risk you being identified. Plus, the harbor closes at dusk and I don’t want to spend the night in the city.”

  The road they were on was heavily traveled by humans and demons. It was the main road that led directly to the city. Merchant convoys were a daily occurrence as well as demon patrols. “I’ll tell you more about the city once we set up camp for the night.” He looked over at Aria, she was still staring down the road towards the city. They continued at their slow pace, not wanting to draw attention to themselves.

  They stopped early that evening and traveled deep into the woods until they found a good spot for the night. There was a decent sized stream that ran by their camp. Zane’s face lit with excitement when he saw it, they had gone several days without a bath. Judging by the looks on everyone else’s faces, they were excited as well. Keira looked at him with a devilish smile, causing his heart to race.

  Jackson got the fire started as the rest of the group laid out their blankets. Once dinner was ready, everyone gathered around the fire with a plate of food. Zane began to tell Aria about the security in the city. He described the large wall that surrounded it, and how the further they went into the city the taller the buildings became. The poor people lived in the outer most ring while the rich were heavily protected in the inner ring. At the center of it all was Gideon’s palace, which he said was the most beautiful building you’d ever see. Aria’s face lit with excitement as she listened to him talk.

  Bishop interjected and explained that Gideon used mercenaries to patrol the waters near the harbor and the main entrances into the city. Mercenaries and demons patrolled the city, but Gideon only trusted the demons to guard his palace. Aria nodded in understanding, picturing the layout of the city in her mind. She couldn’t wait to see it in person.

  Once everyone finished eating, they ran off to different parts of the stream to bathe. Zane and Keira waited for everyone to leave before they made their way to the stream. They followed a bend in the stream to get away from the others. They quickly stripped off their clothes and laid them on a dry rock. Zane grabbed his soap out of a small pouch in his clothes and waded into the water. He watched as Keira joined him, the droplets of water on her skin glistening in the moonlight. Her nipples tightened from the cold water as she made her way towards him. He smiled as he opened his arms, allowing her to cuddle into his body for warmth. He couldn’t help but stare as her skin tightened, perking up her large breasts.

  “Stop it.” She blushed. “You’re making me self-conscious.”

  He laughed. “You, self-conscious with me?” He smiled as he pulled her in tighter to his chest. He pulled out the soap and lathered it up, rubbing the bar around her chest. They continued to take turns washing each other, breaking every now and then to make out. Once they rinsed off, he laid her down on a large flat rock that was barely in the water.

  He began to kiss her passionately as he ran his hands up and down her body. She let out a soft moan, causing his cock to harden with excitement. He gently used the head of his cock to tease her clit, rub
bing it in slow circles. Her body tensed as he teased her, he smiled against her lips then began to kiss down her body. He gently bit her neck as he moved to her breasts. He squeezed her breasts as he teased her nipples with his tongue. He continued kissing down her stomach then to her inner thigh. She arched her back, encouraging him to go where they both wanted him to be.

  Zane ran his tongue along her clit, savoring the moan that escaped her lips. He smiled as he penetrated her with his tongue, making her pussy drip and her body tighten. She grabbed the back of his head, her nails digging into his scalp. He ran his tongue along her clit as he slid a couple of fingers into her pussy. “Don’t stop!” she moaned as her back arched in pleasure.

  The sound of a stick breaking and someone swearing caused them to still. Zane looked up to see Aria standing there naked, a look of shock on her face as she pulled her bundle of clothes against her chest. He swallowed hard as the moonlight illuminated her figure. His cock began to throb, the skin tight like he was about to explode. Keira looked over at Aria then at him, she could see how much he wanted her. He’s never looked at me like that, she thought as her gaze returned to Aria, who seemed frozen in shock. She pulled Zane’s head up by hers and whispered in his ear. “Just this once.” She smiled at him as she turned and waved Aria over. “Come join us!” she said seductively, “I promise you’ll enjoy it.”


  Aria felt her heart racing as she stared at Zane and Keira, their naked bodies wrapped so closely together. What the hell am I doing? she wondered as her body took control and guided her to the couple. “I’ll only bite if you want me to.” Keira whispered in her ear as she pulled her down into a kiss. Aria was surprised as her instincts took over. She pushed Keira down on the rock and straddled her, kissing her passionately. Her body grew hot as Keira began to moan against her lips.

  Zane slid his cock slowly into Keira, his heart pounding as he watched the women making out. His eyes fell on Aria, relishing the sight of her on top of Keira. He wrapped his hands around her and pulled her towards him. Aria threw her arms out to stabilize herself as Zane lifted her hips. His tongue penetrated her as he began to thrust deeply inside of Keira. Aria moaned in ecstasy, her mind going numb from the pleasure. Keira leaned forward and whispered seductively into her ear. “I’m not done with you yet.” She smiled as she bit Aria’s lower lip then sucked it into her mouth.

  Zane’s muscles began to shake from exhaustion. Keira gently prodded Aria off her and slid herself from him. She pulled him down to the rock and laid him on his back. He took the opportunity to catch his breath, watching as Keira placed Aria over his cock. Keira hovered her pussy over his face, slowly bringing it to his mouth. He felt the tightness of Aria’s pussy as she slowly worked his cock inside of her. A hiss of pleasure escaped her lips as she slid down the length of his shaft. Keira began to kiss Aria as she moved her hips against his mouth. He angled his hips so he could get deeper, her tight pussy making him want to explode. He moaned as Keira began to suck on Aria’s nipples.

  Aria wasn’t sure she could handle how amazing her body felt. Tingles ran underneath her skin as her body tensed. She began to move faster, the tension inside of her building. She moaned loudly as Keira began to suck on her breasts. He slid his fingers inside of Keira, causing her to moan against Aria. The two of them seemed to moan in unison, a beautiful symphony of sin. Their bodies tensed as they screamed in pleasure, Aria’s pussy tightened even more, causing him to explode deep inside of her.

  Aria and Keira rolled off him and laid on the rock, breathing heavily. He shivered from the loss of their heat and pulled them into him. “Maybe we should bring this to dry land?” he suggested as another shiver ran down his body. They looked up at him and nodded in agreement.

  As they made it to land Zane grabbed their towels, tossing them to the girls so they could dry off. He slid on his shirt and laid out their cloaks. He laid down on the cloaks and smiled as Keira and Aria pulled on their shirts and joined him, each cuddling into him for warmth. Aria laid her head on his chest and sighed with exhaustion. “I’m sorry I interrupted you two, I didn’t mean to,” she said apologetically.

  Keira giggled. “Oh please, hunny. There’s no need to apologize. I’ve had my eye on you for a while now. I mean, come on, you’re gorgeous,” she emphasized. “You’re my lesbian crush. So, when I saw you, I needed you to join. Plus, I can tell Zane wanted you as well. He loved it!” Keira smiled up at Zane as she ran her hand up his chest.

  Aria smiled as she cuddled into Zane. This almost feels perfect, she thought as her heart continued to flutter. This feels safe. She kept her head against Zane’s chest, listening to his heartbeat. The soft rhythm helped calm her, allowing her to drift off to sleep.


  “Wake up already!” Bishop poked Zane with a stick. “I can’t believe you would sleep in this late.” He slowly opened his eyes and realized the sun was already up. “Looks like you had a good time.” Bishop smirked as he looked at the girls. “We were wondering why you guys didn’t come back last night. Anyway, you need to wake them up. We have breakfast waiting.” Bishop laughed as he walked away.

  Zane looked at the girls as they slept. Their peaceful expressions calmed him, he felt like a weight had been lifted from his chest and the conflict inside of him had finally subsided. This is what it feels like to be at peace, he thought as he laid there, enjoying the moment. He knew it wasn’t going to last forever.

  After a moment, he grudgingly woke up Keira and Aria. He watched as they got dressed, unable to keep his eyes from Aria. She was still extremely beautiful, even as a Fallen. He glanced at Keira, who looked seductive as ever, even after just waking up. He smiled as she looked over at Aria, a smile of satisfaction on her face. Zane stood up and quickly got dressed.

  When they arrived at camp everyone was sitting around the fire eating. A slight blush of embarrassment appeared on Aria’s cheeks. “It’s okay,” Keira whispered to her. “No one here is going to judge you.” Aria looked around and noticed that no one was staring at them. She sighed with relief as she grabbed a plate of food.

  After breakfast, Aria dug through her bag and pulled out her book to check for a new message, like she did every morning. “Damnit!” She cursed loudly as she stared at the open book.

  Zane looked at her with confusion. “What’s wrong?”

  “The Counsel,” she sighed as she closed the book. “They want us to capture Gideon.”

  “And how do they expect us to do that?” Bishop remarked, a look of disbelief on his face.

  “I don’t know. But if the Counsel demands it, I must find a way to do it.” She stared at the book, frustration on her face.

  “But we don’t have our weapons or enough people. And you don’t have your powers.” Riley said, looking dumbfounded.

  “Let’s just get to the city,” Zane interrupted. “We’ll figure something out once we get there. No reason to freak out about it now.”

  “That sounds good,” she responded as she stared at Zane. Her heart began to flutter as his eyes met hers. What is he doing to me? She thought as she placed her book back into her bag.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Earth – New York

  The morning light shone through the open balcony, its rays streaming across Gideon’s face. He moaned groggily as he rubbed his eyes, his brown hair was tousled from sleep. He looked over and saw Lilith, sound asleep. Her naked body was barely covered by his sheets, her porcelain skin shining in the morning light. He squinted his eyes and quickly turned away from her, covering his mouth to stifle his gagging.

  He was tired of this life, spending his days servicing Lilith and her minions. When he had made that deal with her centuries ago, he had been promised a wonderful life where he was in charge and control. Yes, he was the Lord of the East, but in reality, he was just a pawn and a sex slave. A loud knock on the door reverberated around the room. Lilith sighed and rolled towards him.

  “Good morning my love.” She smiled up at h
im as she ran her blood red nail across his back. “I enjoyed your company last night.” Gideon forced a smile as he got off the bed.

  “And I enjoyed yours,” he responded unenthusiastically. Lilith giggled as she stared at his naked ass.

  “Are you going to answer the door like that?” She smiled playfully as her eyes traveled his body. Gideon shrugged as another knock made Lilith jump. He walked to the door and threw it open.

  “What?” he shouted. A small demon stood in front of him, holding a large scroll. The demon ran his eyes over Gideon’s bare chest and smiled.

  “The latest scout report has arrived.” The demon smiled as he looked over at Lilith. “But if you’re too busy, I can come back later. Or join, if that’s what you’d like.” Gideon rolled his eyes as he grabbed the scroll from the demon. Lilith giggled as she looked over the small demon. A mischievous smile crossed her face.

  “Now, now.” She looked over at Gideon. “I fear he is too busy to meet my needs. But you.” She pointed at the demon and beckoned him towards her. “Are exactly the distraction I need.” The demon smiled as he entered the room and made his way to Lilith, quickly stripping his clothes as he walked. She smiled as the demon joined her on the bed, eagerly grabbing his cock.

  Gideon turned away from the bed and walked into the closet. He threw on a t-shirt and jeans then sat down on a small bench. He grimaced as Lilith’s moans of ecstasy reached his ears. With a sigh, he opened the scroll and quickly busied himself with work. A smile spread across his face as he rolled up the scroll. He stood up from the bench and quickly left the closet, walking straight to his desk.

  He placed the scroll on the desk and opened the top drawer, pulling out a map of the city and its surrounding areas. He set the map on top of his desk and began examining it. The sounds of the demon finishing echoed around the room. “Can we get to business now that you two have had your fun?” he asked haughtily.


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