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Page 17

by R C Knight

  He lifted the dagger and brought it to his lips, licking the blood off the blade. “Mm,” he sighed with a small smile. “Angel blood is so sweet.” He looked at Aria and chuckled. “Fun fact about angel blood; when consumed, it increases a demon’s strength by tenfold. And since I am part demon now.” He smiled as he cracked his knuckles, the sound echoing around the room. “Your blood is very precious to me.”

  Aria struggled against his hold. “You’re sick.” She glared up at him, flames of fury dancing in her eyes. Gideon chuckled as he set the dagger on her breast. The cold metal made her body shiver.

  “Lucky for you, I was raised to share.” Gideon twisted the Ring of Solomon. A black mist filled the room as three Elites appeared. Their faces lit up with joy as they saw Aria on the bed. Gideon looked down at her, his eyes sparkling with delight. “Well, I guess it would be unlucky for you.”

  He looked at the three Elites and smiled. “What are you waiting for?” he asked, his voice deep with anticipation. “Strip and hold her down.” The Elites smiled as they tore off their armor and walked towards the bed. Gideon lifted off Aria so they could grab her arms.

  “Let go of me!” Aria shouted; her eyes wide as she watched the Elites. There was one on each side of her, holding down her arms. The other one had switched spots with Gideon and tore off her pants. The Elite smiled down at her as he began to stroke his cock. Aria turned away and looked at Gideon, who was standing next to the bed watching. A tear silently rolled down her face as he smiled at her.

  “I told you there are worse things than death, little one.” He made eye contact with the Elite that was in between her legs. “Do what you will with her. Just make sure she’s alive in the end.” The Elite smiled as he shifted her legs. Aria began to scream, her back arched off the bed as the Elite forcefully thrust inside of her.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  Zane froze as Aria’s screams echoed down the hallway. He clenched his jaw as he looked down at his daggers, which were still glowing bright. He had refrained from using their holy light so he could have an advantage over Gideon. I wish I had my sword! Zane looked towards the door at the end of the hallway. Arioch was standing in front of the door, his black wings were spread out, covering the entrance. Only a few of the spirits remained, he stabbed another as it tried to attack.

  “Fuck!” Aria screamed again, the agony of it tearing at his heart. He looked back at his daggers and sighed with resignation. “Here goes nothing,” he muttered as he ran towards Arioch. He swiftly beheaded the last of the spirts as he ran.

  Arioch smiled as he watched the human rush towards him. He raised his bony arms and extended razorlike claws from his fingers. His wings began to beat with excitement, their flames growing brighter. This will be fun.

  Zane staggered as the flames on Arioch’s wings began to grow, creating a suffocating heat that filled the hallway. He shouted with frustration as he closed in on the demon. His face contorted with rage as he tightened his grip on his daggers. He jumped and threw himself towards Arioch, his daggers poised for the attack. Arioch chuckled darkly as he reached towards Zane, slicing his arm. Zane fell to the ground, shouting angrily.

  “Looks like you want to make this hard,” Zane muttered as he picked himself up. He focused on the daggers, pulling in some of their energy. In the blink of an eye he leapt on top of Arioch, wrapping his legs around the demon’s bony throat. Arioch screamed in pain as Zane pierced his shoulder.

  The demon wrapped his wings around them, the flames licked at Zane’s boots. “Damnit!” Zane shouted as one of the flames burnt his arm. He pulled his dagger out and looked down Arioch’s back. He could see the base of the wings. Zane smiled as he turned and stabbed one of his daggers into the demon’s back.

  Arioch howled in pain as he reached towards his back. Zane held onto his dagger and swung off Arioch’s shoulders, hanging over the demon’s back. He positioned his other dagger and pierced the base of Arioch’s left wing. The demon began to flail, trying to throw Zane off his back. Zane pierced the wing again, slicing through it. Black blood spurted from the severed stump, covering Zane’s arm.

  Zane shouted in surprise as the blood began to burn his skin. He grabbed his daggers and jumped off the demon, rolling into the corner of the hallway. He stood up and wiped the blood off his arm and onto his clothing. His arm was red and welted, bright red blood was oozing down onto his hand.

  Arioch turned in circles, searching for him. His eyes were burning brightly as the flames on his right wing grew so large the wing was no longer visible, replaced by the raging flames. Zane squared his stance as Arioch turned again, finally seeing his prey.

  “I underestimated you, human,” Arioch growled. “But no more. Vengeance is always mine.” He grimaced as he raised his flaming wing, bony talons grew out from the ends. Arioch let out a massive roar as he swung towards Zane, tendrils of flames wrapped around the wing as it sped through the air.

  Zane tried to jump out of the way but was blocked into the corner. He screamed in agony as one of the bony talons pierced through his right shoulder and into the wall, pinning him down. Arioch laughed as the flames on his wing danced around Zane’s face. “Just one thought, little human.” Arioch’s voice was deep and menacing as his bright red eyes glared down at Zane. “One thought and I could end you.”

  Zane threw his head back into the wall as the flames licked his face. The heat made it difficult to breath and the light of the flames made it hard to see. Zane tightened his grip on his daggers as he gasped for air. “Don’t get too cocky.” He coughed loudly as his eyes began to water. Arioch laughed as Zane struggled for breath.

  Zane closed his eyes and calmed his mind, focusing all his energy into his next move. A high-pitched scream echoed down the hallway, making Arioch laugh with delight. “Sounds like your friend is having a good time.” Arioch looked down at Zane. “Guess I should finish this so I can go join the fun.” He raised his hand and elongated his claws.

  As Arioch brought his hand towards Zane’s chest, Zane lifted his dagger and sliced through the talon. He dropped to the floor and put all his energy into his speed. Deftly, he grabbed onto Arioch’s arm and swung himself up towards his chest. He launched forward, his daggers piercing into Arioch’s chest.

  Arioch shrieked as he fell to the ground, the flames on his wing disappearing into smoke. Zane pulled out his daggers and plunged them deep into the demon’s chest, piercing his heart. Arioch gasped for breath as Zane stood over him, black blood dripping from his daggers. He glared down at Arioch. “Fuck you.”

  Another scream echoed down the hallway followed by deep moaning, drawing Zane’s attention back to the door. He stepped over Arioch and ran to the door, throwing his weight against it. The door shattered into pieces as he tumbled into the bedroom. He looked around the room and froze as his eyes landed on the bed.

  Aria was pinned down by an Elite while one was thrusting into her. The other Elite was dragging a blade across her breast and licking the blood as it streamed out of the cut. Gideon was standing in the corner, his eyes dark as he watched. Aria turned her head towards him, she was biting her lower lip. Blood was welling around her lips as her eyes pleaded with him for help. Tears were silently rolling down her cheeks as her body began to shake. Zane clenched his hands around his daggers as his body began to tremble.

  He let out a menacing roar as he ran to the bed, draining the last of the holy light from the daggers. Zane disappeared from sight and reappeared twisting in the air between the two Elites that were closest to him. He thrust his daggers into their necks, partially decapitating them with ease, their bodies disappearing into black mist. He landed on the ground right next to the bed, his teeth bared as he let out a deep growl. The Elite that was raping Aria stopped and smiled as he slowly pulled his cock out. “This little angel is such a slut. She’s fighting back but her body is begging for more. Did you come to join the fun?” The Elite chuckled darkly. Zane hollered as he grabbed the demon by th
e throat and held him in the air.

  “Just die,” he growled as the Elite struggled to get out of his grasp. Zane looked over at Aria, she grabbed the covers and quickly curled into a ball. The demon smiled as he watched Aria hide.

  “Looks like I finished my job.” The demon looked at Zane and chuckled darkly. “She’s completely broken now. There will never be peace for her.” The demon coughed, barely able to talk. Zane snarled as he crushed the Elite’s neck and dropped the body to the floor. He turned towards Gideon, his face flush, and the veins in his neck throbbing.

  “You’re next.” Zane’s voice was hoarse yet powerful. Gideon smiled as he looked down at Aria then walked towards Zane, picking his sword up from the ground.

  “There’s no way you can beat me now.” Gideon chuckled as he examined Zane. “Look at you! I’m surprised you’re still standing.” Gideon squared his stance, his eyes focused and unmoving. “I’m going to enjoy killing you.”

  Zane charged Gideon, his movement slow and uncoordinated. Gideon laughed as he blocked the attack and threw him across the room into the bookshelves. Zane growled with frustration as he lifted himself from the ground. His right shoulder was beginning to droop; his shirt soaked in blood. He took in a shaky breath, his chest expanding painfully as he looked at Gideon.

  Gideon smiled as Zane charged at him again. He stood there patiently, his body coiled and ready to fight. As Zane approached, he raised his sword and brought it down. Zane noticed the attack at the last second and leapt to the side, Gideon’s sword cutting across his chest.

  Zane screamed in agony as an overwhelming pain coursed through his body. His body began to tremble as his muscles contracted and relaxed. He fell to the ground, his body seizing from the pain. Gideon watched with fascination as he writhed on the floor.

  “What a shame,” Gideon stated dryly. “I thought you would put up more of a fight.” He looked over to the bed. “Aria, be a good little angel and watch this.” Aria’s body shuddered under the covers; her sobs filled the eerily quiet room. “Get out of the covers and watch!” Gideon demanded. “Don’t make me come over there and force you.” Aria slowly emerged from the covers, her eyes falling to Zane’s thrashing body on the floor. She gasped as her eyes went wide with shock.

  “No,” she gasped.

  “Yes,” Gideon responded with pride. “Once he’s gone no one will come to save you.” Gideon smiled as he brought his sword up for the final blow. Zane’s body stopped twitching and he slowly rolled over, his eyes meeting Gideon’s. “What the fuck,” Gideon shouted in surprise.

  Zane’s eyes had turned pitch black and his muscles were straining against his skin. An evil smile crossed his face as he looked up at Gideon. Gideon shook his head in disbelief, then brought his sword down. Aria screamed as Zane caught the sword with his bare hands. He pushed the sword back towards Gideon as he rose from the ground. An inhuman growl left his lips as he pulled the sword from Gideon’s hands and threw it on the floor. Gideon threw his hands in front of his face as he cowered back.

  Zane advanced like a tiger stalking its prey. Gideon’s fear was emanating around the room, making the air heavy. Zane smiled as Gideon turned to run away. He grabbed Gideon by his hand and below the elbow, crushing the bones in his hand. Then he ripped off his forearm at the joint, a smile of satisfaction on his face. Gideon screamed in agony as he fell to the ground and lost consciousness. Zane picked up Gideon’s sword and raised it high, preparing to finish the job.

  “Stop!” Aria shouted; her voice hoarse from crying. She jumped up from the bed and ran over to him, placing her hand on his arm. “We need him alive.” Zane looked down at her, confusion and anger filled his black eyes.

  “But he hurt you,” Zane growled, his voice deep and guttural.

  “I know, and I would love it if we could kill that bastard.” Aria responded, her voice shaky, tears flowing down her face. “But the Counsel needs him alive.” She sniffled quietly as she looked up at Zane, trying to regain control of her body. “Look at me. Everything’s okay now.” Zane’s black eyes met her bright green ones. His face softened as his eyes slowly turned back to their blue-hazel. Aria sighed with relief as Zane dropped the sword and fell to his knees.

  “I’m so sorry,” he muttered as he hid his face in his hands. Aria knelt next to him and ran her hand up and down his back.

  “There’s nothing to be sorry for,” she whispered into his ear. “You saved me. Everything will be fine now.” Aria looked around the room, noticing the closet. “I’m going to get us some new clothes.” She stood up and slowly walked to the closet, her legs shaking and unsteady. Next to the closet door was a small table with pitchers of water. She grabbed one of the pitchers and took it into the closet with her.

  Aria looked around the closet and pulled down one of the t-shirts. She poured some water onto the shirt and scrubbed her body, wincing as she passed over the many cuts on her body. Once she was done, she pulled on a shirt and loose pants. She grabbed two more shirts and left the closet, grabbing the other pitcher of water on her way.

  Zane was still sitting where she had left him, his shoulders drooped and his body trembling. Aria quietly sat next to him. “Can you take your shirt off so I can clean you up?” Zane grimaced as he pulled his shirt over his head.

  Aria gasped as she saw the silver tattoo on his chest. She looked over the rest of his torso, noticing the angelic symbols for speed and strength tattooed in black above his hips. “Impossible,” she whispered as she ran her hand over his silver tattoo. Zane looked at her, his eyes full of regret. “But how?” she asked, her voice hoarse.

  “It’s a long story,” Zane muttered. “I’ll explain later.” He grabbed the pitcher of water and dumped it over his body, using the shirt as a washcloth. Once he was done, he quickly pulled on the clean t-shirt and stood up. He looked around the room and found Aria’s satchel on the floor. He retrieved it and handed it to her, avoiding eye contact. “Send your message. The sooner we leave here the better.”

  Aria nodded as she pulled out her book and sent a message to Michael. “It will take them a few minutes.” She looked up at Zane, he nodded as he stared at the balcony. She looked down at her trembling hands, then looked over at Gideon. She crawled over to him and removed his belt, using it as a tourniquet on his torn arm. Once she was done, she glared down at him, a silent tear rolled down her cheek. She looked up at Zane, blinking away the tears that were trying to form. “I’m sorry,” she stuttered. “I never should have come with. I’m not strong enough for this anymore.”

  Zane knelt beside her and gently grabbed her hands. He looked deep into her eyes. “You have nothing to apologize for.”

  “But I –”

  “But nothing,” Zane interrupted. “None of this is your fault, Aria.” Zane pulled her into his chest. “Do you hear me? This isn’t your fault.” Aria nodded as she quietly sobbed into his chest. Zane held her close, gently running his hand up and down her back.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  Light began to illuminate the room, causing Aria to pull away from Zane. She quickly wiped the tears from her eyes and ran her hands through her tousled hair. “They’re almost here.” Aria stood up, beckoning Zane to follow. “It’s important that they don’t know anything about that tattoo on your chest.”

  “Believe me, I won’t say a word. I know what they’d do to me if they found out,” Zane responded matter-of-factly. Aria nodded as she pulled her shoulders back and stared at the center of the room. The light became brighter as Michael, Gabriel, and Laila appeared in the center of the room. Laila’s face fell in shock as she looked around the room, the floor was covered in black blood from Gideon and the Elites. Gideon was still unconscious on the floor, blood trickling from his torn arm.

  Aria nodded towards Gideon’s unconscious form. “We captured him alive, as promised.” She looked over at Michael, meeting his green eyes. “Although I’m not sure how much longer he’ll be that way.” Michael nodded at Lai
la, she ran forward and began to work on Gideon’s severed arm.

  Michael and Gabriel stared at Aria; their eyes filled with sadness. Neither of them had taken the time to acknowledge Zane. Aria began to fidget as Michael examined her.

  “You don’t need to look at me like that,” she snapped as she crossed her arms over her chest.

  “I’m so sorry, Aria.” Michael reached his hand out to her, gently placing it on her shoulder. “But we will fix this. You won’t be Fallen for long.”

  Aria laughed as she looked over at Gabriel. “I bet you’re absolutely thrilled right now. The great Aria has finally learned her place.” Gabriel shook his head sadly.

  “You’re cocky and arrogant, which always reminded me of Lucifer. But I would never wish this upon anyone. Not even you.” He looked around the room, too uncomfortable to make eye contact.

  Zane stood next to her, his hands fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. He stared up at Michael and Gabriel, their mere presence put the fear of God in him. Aria cleared her throat and gestured towards him. “This is Zane. He’s the leader of the group of humans we’ve been traveling with.”

  Their stares fell upon him, scrutinizing everything about his appearance. “It looks like he is injured. Laila should treat him as soon as she is done with Gideon,” Michael commanded.

  Zane looked over at Aria then at Michael. “With all due respect,” he stammered. “I will be fine until we get to my ship. I have my own doctor who can treat me, and I don’t want to stay here any longer than we have to.”

  “Very well.” Michael made eye contact with Zane, his green eyes drilling into Zane’s soul. A look of confusion flickered across his face, which he hid quickly. “Well.” He glanced at Aria. “If Aria trusts you, then we shall too. It’s nice to meet you, Zane.”

  “He’s stable enough for transport,” Laila interrupted as she looked up from Gideon’s body. “Although I can’t wait to hear how this happened.” She gestured at the severed arm as she stared at Aria and Zane. Aria quickly looked away.


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