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Page 28

by R C Knight

  “Holy shit.” Ryder’s eyes were wide as he stared at her. “When did you get your powers back?”

  “I don’t know.” She sighed as she looked at her hands. “I just felt it growing with my anger.” She flexed her hands, gripping her daggers tightly. “But it seems its only my lightning that’s back.” She frowned as she looked over at Riley, who was gawking up at her. “Thanks for the distraction.”

  “Uh, not a problem.” Riley smiled awkwardly as he stood up and wiped the dust from his pants.


  Zane couldn’t help but smile as he heard Aria’s shout followed by the bolt of lightning. He spun around, cleaving a Hell Hound in half with his sword. His eyes scanned the courtyard, falling on the demons making their way into the courtyard from the city.

  “We don’t have time to stop!” Zane shouted over to Ryder and Aria. “We need to kill all the demons at our backs, or we’ll be slaughtered before we reach the White Horseman.”

  “Give me ten minutes.” Ryder shouted as he beckoned Myra and Kai over. “Think you can cover us that long?” Zane nodded in affirmation as he ran his sword through another demon. Ryder, Myra, and Kai sat in a circle next to the rubble of the destroyed statue.

  “Protect the angels!” Zane shouted at the top of his lungs. He met up with Aria and Riley who were already standing in front of Ryder. Jackson and Liam fought their way over as the angels began to chant. Bishop made his way to Keira and Mikayla, helping them keep the horde of demons from the city out of the courtyard.

  The Enochian chant filled the air, growing in intensity, the foreign words drowning out the sounds of battle. Sigils formed inside the circle the angels had created, their bright golden light illuminating the dark night. An orb of holy light started to form in the middle of the sigils, rising slowly out of the ground. The pace of the chant quickened as the orb grew and rose into the air.

  Zane could feel the holy light start to singe his uncovered skin. He ignored the pain as he fought off two Berserkers. He let out a shout of surprise as the orb erupted, a blinding light covered the city, burning away the demons. As the light faded away, only ashes were left where the demons once stood. The air filled with thousands of black wisps as Ryder smiled triumphantly. “I told you I had a plan.”

  Zane grimaced as he thrust his sword into the ground. He leaned against it; his skin felt like it was on fire. “Are you okay?” Aria asked with concern.

  “I’ll be fine,” he grunted; his voice strained from the pain. “Everyone regroup!” he shouted towards Bishop. Zane took a deep breath as he watched Bishop, Mikayla, and Keira run across the empty courtyard. Ryder slowly stood up, catching his breath as he grabbed Aria’s shoulder for support.

  “The strong ones must be guarding the Horseman for the final stand.” Ryder announced as he looked around the group. Myra and Kai slowly stood; their bodies weak from exertion.

  “Will you be able to fight?” Zane asked with concern.

  “Of course, we will.” Ryder retorted. “Just give us a minute to recuperate.”

  “Everyone ready?” Riley asked as Bishop, Mikayla, and Keira joined them.

  “Yea,” Zane responded as he pulled his sword out of the ground, his body swaying from exhaustion.

  “Good.” Riley led them to the temple entrance, eyeing the angels with concern. Zane stopped to catch his breath as he leaned against the temple.

  “This is fucking bullshit,” he commented hoarsely, his voice strained from yelling.

  “It’s almost over.” Aria reassured him as she braced herself against the wall. “He’s in there somewhere.” She stared into the dark temple; her green eyes void of emotion. Zane slowly pushed himself off the wall.

  “Let’s get this over with.” He nodded at Riley, who led them in a charge into the temple. They entered a small chamber, its golden walls illuminated by torches. The chamber was empty, but they could hear grunts and howls of excitement echoing off the walls. Riley moved quickly through the temple, taking them into a tunnel. The noise grew louder as they descended deeper into the temple.

  Suddenly, the tunnel ended, opening into a large room. Fire burned around the perimeter of the room where several Berserkers, Prowlers, Elites, and Hell Hounds waited for them. These were different from the ones they had fought earlier. They were substantially larger, and their black skin had cracked, revealing the muscle underneath. The room reeked of decay and burnt flesh. A gold throne sat at the back of the room. A creature draped in a white cloak sat on the throne, it was wearing an iron crown over its hood and had a large, silver bow laying at its feet.

  Zane looked around the room, his eyes stopping on a large curved, single edged sword that hung on the wall. It was displayed like a trophy, its polished silver reflecting the light of the fire. Enochian runes were carved down the length of the blade. It was elegant yet powerful, its point widened to a sharp edge then tampered down to a flat spine. The guard of the sword looked like two arrow heads had been molded into the blade itself. The grip was thick and almost as long as the blade, the pommel curved downward like a large hammer. With the way the blade arched down from the grip, it was clear this sword’s purpose was to cleave through its enemies. Zane would recognize that sword anywhere.

  “He has Raphael’s sword,” Zane shouted as he angrily pointed towards the sword. Aria felt her breath catch as her eyes fell on the blade. He felt himself losing control as his fury began to boil throughout his body. The whites of his eyes began to turn black.

  A white horse leapt from the circle of fire, its eyes and hooves burning with fire. Smoke poured from its nostrils as it stared at Zane. The circle of fire began to funnel towards the horse, causing the animal to double in size. The room darkened, the torches meek flames barely illuminating the chamber. The horse trotted to the throne, stopping next to the cloaked creature. The White Horseman reached out a hand and ran it along the horse’s fiery mane. He lifted his head, his sunken eyes landing directly on Zane. A black mist surrounded the Horseman’s skeletal face. “Attack,” he commanded with a bone chilling hiss.

  Chapter Forty-Six


  The demons began to advance toward the group as they readied themselves for the assault. Arrows flew over Zane and Aria’s heads, exploding as they made contact with various demons. Through the smoke, the demons continued their advance. Keira growled with frustration as Myra joined her. The arrows pierced through the demons but did nothing to slow them. The rest of the group rushed in to combat, taking on the demons one at a time. Mikayla stayed back with Keira and Myra, positioning herself next to the doorway. She slammed her staff into the ground, concentrating her energy into the staff like she had been taught. Her staff transformed into a gigantic cobra and slithered into the battle. The cobra wrapped itself around a Berserker, continuously striking at it. The Berserker struggled but was unable to escape the cobra’s onslaught. Zane ran by and sliced off the Berserker’s head as it fell to the ground. The cobra let out a hiss as it slithered off, searching for its next victim.

  Two Prowlers engaged Riley and Jackson, forcing them to fight back to back. They moved gracefully with one another, stabbing and blocking with ease. They had spent months honing their skills with their weapons, but they had been fighting together for years and it showed in their teamwork. Jackson pinned down one of the Prowlers with his shield, the angelic power surged through the shield, electrocuting the demon. Riley pierced his demon through the neck, he smiled with satisfaction as he ripped the daggers out, decapitating the Prowler with ease.

  Aria and Ryder teamed up as they took down another Berserker. Aria’s laughter echoed around the chamber as her electricity filled the air. Small arcs of lightning jumped around the chamber, electrocuting demons left and right. They focused their attacks on a group of Hell Hounds that had surrounded Bishop, Kai, and Liam. Kai swung his two-handed sword around his body, fending off three Hell Hounds by himself. He extended the cutting range of his blade with his wind, slicing off the Hell Hound’s legs.
He smiled with appreciation as he looked over his work.

  Kai shouted in pain as a Hell Hound jumped him from behind and latched onto his shoulder. Bishop reacted quickly, piercing the Hell Hound’s side with his sword. The hound’s skin blackened and cracked as holy light burned through it. Liam laughed as he twirled his spear, he pierced one of the hounds, freezing it on the spot. He deftly twisted the spear around and smashed the hound with the pommel end of the spear. The hound shattered into pieces and scattered across the floor.

  “Defeating me won’t allow the angels to come back.” The White Horseman shouted as he looked around the chamber. He raised his skeletal hands as he began to chant. The earth shook as cracks began to form across the ground. Flames shot up from the cracks as lesser demons pulled themselves through the ground.

  “It will if we blow up your spire,” Zane replied smugly. The White Horseman’s face fell as he narrowed his sunken eyes.

  “Impossible,” he responded with a hiss. “No one has ever come close to my spire.” An explosion from above made the ceiling shake. He smiled as he made eye contact with the Horseman.

  “You sure about that?” he mocked. The Horseman shouted with frustration as another explosion sounded above them. “Cuz it sounds like they just blew it up.” Zane chuckled darkly as he ran his sword through a Hell Hound.

  Keira eyed the White Horseman as his attention was on Zane, she nocked an arrow and drew back on her bow. Maybe I can end this with one shot, she thought hopefully, her lips tight with determination as she released the arrow. The Horseman quickly dove from his throne, picking up his bow as he rolled. The arrow exploded against the back wall, sending rubble flying to the ground. The White Horseman straightened, standing over ten feet tall. He snarled at Keira, quickly bringing his bow up and pulling back the string. A black, demonic arrow formed as he released the string. Myra dove out of the way as Keira tackled Mikayla to the ground. Rubble flew from the wall, burying Myra. Mikayla ran to the pile of rubble, frantically clearing it away. The White Horseman laughed as he mounted his stead.

  Ryder and Aria refocused their attention on the Horseman, they watched as the stead burned the ground it ran on. Ryder slammed his sword into the ground, sending a spike towards the horse. The beast reared up, dodging the spike with ease. The Horseman drew back his bow and shot an arrow at Ryder. Ryder barely managed to get his shield up before the arrow struck. The force of the blow sent him flying backwards. A loud thud reverberated around the room as Ryder hit the wall and crumpled to the floor, unconscious.

  Aria watched as Ryder flew across the room and landed on the floor. A small pool of blood began to form beneath him. “Ryder!” she shouted as she sent a bolt of lightning towards the White Horseman. She turned and ran towards Ryder. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she ran. The White Horseman laughed as he released another arrow towards her. She turned her head and watched the arrow racing towards her. At least this is a good way to die. She sighed with relief as she closed her eyes and braced herself for the impact. A moment passed and Aria opened her eyes in surprise. Zane was standing in front of her, his armor dripping with black blood. He was holding the hilt of his sword; the blade had shattered from deflecting the arrow.

  He looked back at Aria, his eyes narrow and lips tight. “You’re not allowed to give up like that,” he said sternly, his eyes had turned pitch black. Zane squared off with the White Horseman, tossing the remains of his sword to the side. His power surged, causing shivers to run down her spine. She watched as he charged the White Horseman. He retaliated with a barrage of arrows, which Zane easily dodged, almost instinctually, as he ran across the room. Horror grew in Aria as she watched Zane pull the White Horseman off his stead and throw him to the ground.

  The White Horseman roared at Zane. “You have the nerve to try and sack my city. Take my kingdom from me. Take my slaves and use them against me.” The White Horseman grabbed Zane and smashed him into the wall. “And your most heinous crime is that you would put your filthy, human hands on me!” He tossed Zane across the room into a pile of rubble. The White Horseman laughed darkly. “You may be strong boy, but you are nowhere close to my level. You and your little angels won’t be making it out of here alive.”

  Aria’s heart sank as the White Horseman’s laughter filled the room. She looked around the chamber, most of their group was injured and struggling to fight. The battle had been long and draining, everyone was exhausted as they tried to keep their heads up. She growled with frustration, there was no way they could retreat now. She looked back at the pile of rubble Zane had been thrown into. Hope surged through her body as he slowly climbed out of the rubble. She turned towards the Horseman, who was aiming an arrow at Zane. Aria started to run across the room as an arrow exploded against the White Horseman’s crown, knocking it across the room. He lost his aim as he released the arrow, Aria watched with satisfaction as the arrow struck the wall.

  “Who dares attack me?” he shouted as he searched the room. His eyes landed on Mikayla, who was kneeling next to a pile of rubble, Myra’s bow in her hand. The Horseman pulled back his bow and released another arrow. Time seemed to slow as Bishop’s shouts filled the cave. Aria mustered her strength as she ran towards the arrow, trying in vain to deflect the blow. Jackson left Riley and ran to Mikayla, quickly grabbing her, and putting his body in front of hers. The arrow flew straight and true, piercing through Jackson’s back. Mikayla’s scream filled the chamber as she crumpled to the ground, Jackson’s limp body landing on top of hers.

  “Mikayla!” Bishop shouted as he lunged forward, thrusting his sword and dagger as fast as he could at the Hell Hounds that surrounded him and Kai. Keira turned from the Berserker she had been fighting and ran to Mikayla and Jackson. Her face paled as she rolled Jackson’s limp body off Mikayla.

  A deafening roar filled the chamber, freezing everyone in their place. Aria slowly turned towards the sound; her eyes widened as they fell on Zane. He was standing on top of the rubble, Raphael’s sword in his hand. The hilt of the sword was so large he could barely wrap his hand around it, yet he held it high without a problem. The runes were glowing brightly, softening his rough face.

  “No,” she whispered in disbelief. Zane charged at the White Horseman, moving with inhuman speed. The Horseman laughed as he released a volley of arrows towards him.

  “Aw, did I kill one of your friends?” The White Horseman mocked as Zane easily dodged his barrage of arrows. Zane’s anger grew as he sped across the room, his glare watching the Horseman standing tall and proud behind his stead. A roar of pure hatred left his lips as he thrust Raphael’s sword into the side of the Horseman’s mount, running it down the length of its body. Black flames exploded from the cut, engulfing the horse, and burning it to ashes.

  “I’ll kill you!” The White Horseman shouted as he released another barrage of arrows towards Zane. He easily dodged the attacks as he closed the distance between him and the Horseman. Aria took advantage of the distraction and pulled out six throwing knives from their sheaths on her stomach. She held one between each knuckle, took a deep breath, and threw them. The silver blades flew gracefully through the air, planting themselves into the Horseman’s neck and upper back. He reared back in pain as the blades dug into his skin. Zane jumped into the air, lifting the sword above his head. Aria gasped as Zane brought the sword down, cleaving the White Horseman in half.

  “Nephilim.” The Horseman gasped with his dying breath.

  Chapter Forty-Seven


  Zane was fighting to stay conscious as pain rolled through his body. He forced himself to move as he watched Aria walk towards him. Her face was grim, the sadness in her eyes was devastating. Zane slammed Raphael’s sword into the ground, his muscles too weak to carry him any farther. He dropped to his knees as realization dawned on him. Aria stood over him and pulled out her dagger, placing the delicate blade against his throat.

  “I can’t let you live.” Her voice strained with emotion as a tear silently roll
ed down her cheek. She could feel her heart being torn apart as she looked around the room. The last of the demons had disappeared as soon as the White Horseman was killed. Bishop was cradling Mikayla’s limp body in his arms, rocking back and forth as he muttered incoherently. Keira stood awkwardly behind him with her hand on his shoulder. Liam and Riley were tending to Jackson’s body, the black arrow left forgotten on the floor.

  Aria’s eyes fell on Ryder, who was slowly standing up, using the wall of the chamber for support. Myra and Kai watched her silently, pain etched across their faces. “Well,” Kai shouted. “Just do it already. This is hard enough as it is.” Myra nodded solemnly in agreement.

  “Make it quick,” she added, her voice hoarse as she wiped a tear from her face. “He was a good man.”

  A hint of sadness flickered across Ryder’s face as he saw the pain Aria was in. He couldn’t imagine what must be going through her mind right now. “This is madness,” Keira shouted as she looked over at Zane. “Haven’t we lost enough already?”

  “You must do it, Aria.” Ryder replied calmly. “Don’t forget about the prophecy.”

  “This is bullshit!” Keira shouted hysterically as she brought up her bow and nocked an arrow, pointing it directly at Aria. Liam and Riley used the distraction to jump up and pull out their weapons, facing off with Ryder, Myra, and Kai.

  Aria looked down at Zane, searching his blue-hazel eyes for an answer. “I’m sorry.” Her voice cracked as another tear rolled down her cheek. “I don’t have a choice. This is our law.”

  Zane smiled as he stared deeply into her green eyes. “You always have a choice, Aria.” He looked around the chamber at his team. “It has been an honor to lead you for this long.” He paused to catch his breath as pain shot through his side. “Stand down.”


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