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by Anna White


  I glanced over towards Nancy and gave her an evil stare, This was the same look Soph was giving her. There was nothing normal about the amount the amount of sweat beads that were falling from my face, my armpits and other assets. I hated spin. Nancy flicked her fire engine red bob in my direction before she winked at me and I looked towards Soph who was nearly collapsing over the handles of the bike. Why I ever signed up to this shit is beyond me. I promised myself I’d give this fitness thing a go. It wasn’t that I wasn’t happy with the way I was, but I was nothing in comparison to my supermodel skinny best friend. I glared at the side of Nancy’s pretty turned up nose, olive skin and tiny boobs and I almost wanted to throw up. How can anybody look that good sweaty? I continued to cycle harder on the bike as instructed. I smirked at Soph who was now throwing her hands in the air in an attempt to surrender.

  “I give up! Sod this!” She was puffing like an old fashioned locomotive almost as if she’d been smoking 40 a day since she was 12. I heard Nancy laugh, who encouraged my outburst of laughter. Bless her, she really didn’t know what she was signing herself up for did she? I smiled to myself as I panted my way through the last 10 minutes of the class, wiping the sweat droplets from my head with my towel and guzzling down my bottle of water. Anybody who does this for fun is completely off their head. This included my dear old friend Nance. She hopped off the bike with such grace I almost want to punch her in the face. I giggled to myself as I watched Sophia get off hers, rubbing her arse with vigour and pulling some very peculiar faces. She shot me a disapproving look and cut me daggers.

  “This my lovely Avaya,” she pointed at her sweaty little pale face, big brown eyes and her sweaty cleavage whilst she stared down at me “this is not happening again!” Nancy laughed and I found myself catching her laughter again.

  “Oh please Soph! Grow a pair you’re 20 for heaven's sake!” Nancy sniggered. I frowned with her as I stood by her side in an attempt to back her up. “And you Mrs! You were the one who said it’d be a good idea so don’t you start!” She pointed towards me as the instructor walked past us towards the gym doors exit. She had no red cheeks, showed barely any signs of exhaustion and had not one peice of sweat anywhere on her body. Which was unsuprising really considering she had about as much meat on her as a beanpole. I smiled politely at the instructor as our eyes met and glared back towards Nancy.

  “It may have been my idea, but I don’t know if I’m all that happy about doing it again. Anyway, we all dance and that’ll be enough.” Soph sniggered next to me.

  “Well done genius; could have told you that before coming here. Now I’m not going to be able to walk for the next week, let alone dance.” A splurge of laughter escaped my lips as I patted her back firmly. We made our way towards the exit. These were my two very different, yet very best friends.

  I watched as the two of them pranced around my tiny two bedroomed home where my single mother and I lived. It brought back fond memories from my childhood, only back then Nancy didn’t have fire engine red hair, she was a blondie and Soph was always the slightly ginger friend though she covered it well now with her dark brown hair dye. I giggled to myself and premeditated Soph dashing the pillow at me.

  “Alright dreamer?” She raised her one eyebrow towards me and I nodded.

  “Yeah I’m good actually,” I watched as Nance examined my facial expression to see if I was telling the truth and watched as she placed herself next to me on my bed. “Do you remember when we were kids? We skipped school and hid in here? Thinking mum wouldn’t find us?” The memory of us doing that was as clear as day as I said it out loud I could almost see her terrified little face hiding under my bed. I heard Soph cackle and watched as she stopped filling in her eyelids with dark makeup.

  “Oh yeah, I remember it like it was yesterday! Your mums face when she found us was hilarious.” I laughed and Nancy crossed her arms in an attempt to protect herself.

  “You guys were always a bad influence on me. I was grounded for a month after that!” We all laughed. She had always been the golden child, the one that was always well behaved. She was the neat one and achieved everything first. Soph on the flip side was the rebellious child. I will never forget the time when she got so blind drunk she forgot where she lived and let herself in my house at 3am after she hooked up with Matty. I giggled to myself as the memory came to life. I was just the boring one, boring just about summed me up actually. My hair was thick, it was dark and the wave was unruly. I caught my reflection in the mirror which was opposite where I was perched on the bed and ran my hand over it the cool glass. My green eyes stared back at me. I sighed as the realisation I was nothing special washed over me. I huffed as I looked down towards my hips and pulled a sad face towards Nancy.

  “Oh come on beaut. We have to get ready for tonight.” I shook my head, I’m really not feeling this… do I really have to go? I wanted to beg them. I knew what would happen. Soph would be going on her man eating mission and Nancy would be a drunken fool too. I rolled my eyes in defeat and hopped off the bed. I made my way towards the bathroom where I could at least shower in peace.

  Chapter One

  Holt - Saturday

  I found my eyes wandering towards the bar where he was sat. All tall dark and handsome and struggled to finish the last few lines of the song I was singing. It was my last song of the night and as I strummed the last few chords on my guitar, my hands stopped shaking. Stop looking at me. I could feel my cheeks turning a beautiful crimson shade. I looked down at Nancy and Soph who were now clapping. I rolled my eyes, said my thank you’s and made my way towards them. I glanced back over my shoulder to the bar where Mr. Mysterious was once sat to find he had vanished. Nancy gripped me and held me tightly in an embrace for a few short seconds.

  “You were good tonight,” she paused for the longest time before she opened her mouth again. “Not that you aren’t always good like...” I studied her face with intent and noticed she was suppressing her embarrassment for stumbling over her words.

  Nancy had always been the most supportive and caring friend from the small group I had grown up so closely with. I glanced back towards the bar where he was sat and felt the frown creep back on my face. I don’t remember seeing his face in here before. I felt Nancy’s arm dig in my rib and looked back towards her. There was a slightly wider smile stretched across her face now. She was struggling to contain her pride. Her teeth were beaming and a slight sigh escaped my lips. I had always been envious of her smile. It’s that smile. The smile that lights up a room full of people and it was so infectious. I watched as she took her seat just the other side of the table from where I was sat, she tucked her short bobbed bright red hair behind her ear and looked up towards me from underneath her huge lashes.

  “Thank you,” I muttered and I studied her expression. “I don’t think it’s my best - Always room for improvement, eh?” She rolled her eyes in unison with Sophia who was now clapping her hands together with excitement.

  “I love it when you sing and now you’re doing gigs... you could so sing at my wedding!” I looked towards Nancy who was now trying her hardest not to choke on her glass of wine.

  “Who are you getting married to Soph?!” She spluttered. Both Nancy and I laughed, knowing full blown well that the small, still slightly ginger haired girl at heart sat next to us was clearly a dreamer.

  “You never know, my Mr Right may just walk through those big double doors any second!” My eyes skimmed the bar in an attempt to find him and I suddenly found myself struggling to concentrate on our conversation. The girls were now in deep conversation about their ideal men and I started to zone out. If I had to hear one more word about a man I would scream. This is your night. My subconscious growled and I could picture her arms folded. I folded my arms in agreeance with h
er. This was supposed to be my night. I felt an unfamiliar hand pressed against my shoulder. I didn’t have to look at Nancy’s face to know who it was. It's Him.. I couldn’t help but glance at Nance who looked like a little puppy, if her tongue could have been out it would have been and I couldn’t remember the last time I saw her swoon like this over anybody. He must be really hot…

  “Can I help you?” The words had left my mouth before I had the opportunity to look at him. I turned around and noticed his big pools of brown eyes staring down at me. They were glazed over slightly and he must have been at least 6ft possibly even taller.

  “You’re the singer,” I glanced back towards Nancy and watched as a slight smirk crossed his arrow shaped lips. I couldn’t help but wink at her. She looked like a deer in headlights. “Right?” I nodded in response to his question. Please someone tell me why I’m even engaging in conversation with this guy?

  “I am? What can I do for you?” His smirk reappeared and he looked as though he was amused by my question. I received a swift kick from Nance from underneath the table, which hit me right in the shin and I glared at her. His arm had now slipped into mine and I felt him pull me softly from my seat. I watched as Soph winked at me being dragged away and I cleared my throat. A sudden scent of apple cider hit me as we began to walk away from my friends, both left laughing like 2 teenage girls. I’m sorry? I mouthed towards them. There were not bothered in the slightest, in fact neither seemed bothered that I had been dragged away from them by a sleaze ball. So much for safety in numbers hey? I felt a frown cross my face as he placed me on a bar stool. He studied me under his intense glare and I shifted awkwardly in my usual confident seat. I felt too uncomfortable to speak. I waited for a word to leave his mouth.

  “So what’s your name?” He questioned me as if was a student in a classroom. It’s been a long time since I was scolded by authority. There was something uneasy about his eyes and I couldn’t make out whether to like or dislike him. He’s not very flirty? I shook my head trying to push my thoughts away from my head. Why would he be flirting with you!?

  “It’s Avaya.” Oh god why do you always have to be so defensive!? I rolled my eyes at myself and watched as his expression changed. I was sure I saw a small smile creep across his lips. He almost looked as though he was enjoying himself by making me squirm. I found myself studying the way he lifted his pint glass, the way he gulped it down and how easily he has acquired a glass of wine for me. It was clear to me he liked his beer.

  “I have never come across an Avaya before?” His voice was deep and I shrugged, as I looked away from his ridiculously intense stare. There was a glint in his eye, they seemed to have darkened in colour now, they were almost black, they matched his neatly styled dark hair. “It’s unusual.” I nodded at his remark about my name. It is unusual. I’m pretty sure my mother must have made it up as I’ve never come across another Avaya in my life. “For a girl with such a beautiful voice you don’t speak much do you?” His tone was more playful and I looked up towards his tanned face I couldn’t help but smile.

  “Well you haven’t really asked many questions Mr?” It suddenly dawned on me that I didn’t know his name and he smirked before he shrugged his large shoulders. I watched as they rose and fell.

  “Alfie would love it if you gigged here again Avaya.” Right so he’s not going to tell you his name… Who is Alfie? I followed his line of sight, there was a beauty of a man leaning across the bar towards us. He had bright blonde hair that was tousled in just the right way, paired with the most beautiful hazel eyes I had ever had the pleasure of looking at. I assumed that was Alfie. He has the exact same young and carefree look Nancy had, and I instantly warmed to him.

  “That’s if you don’t mind?” His voice was lower again as he questioned me and I instantly shook my head.

  “No that would be great thank you Alfie.” My voice came out as a squeak. He gave me a cheeky grin which made my cheeks flush. Fuck he’s hot. He gave me a small wink and he walked off. This bar is one we come to often and I’ve never seen this tall dark and handsome bloke before. There was never any trouble in here and I was beginning to wonder who this guy in front of me was and what his relationship was with the blonde god behind the bar.

  “Alfie owns the bar. He asked me to find out if you could come back.” So that’s who the blonde is. I nodded.

  “Is that your excuse? Not the fact that you’ve been eyeballing me all night?” The words escaped my mouth quicker than I could stop them. He snorted and started to laugh. It was a careful laugh, almost a cackle and it sounded forced.

  “Oh you’re so sure of yourself aren’t you?” I shrugged and took a sip of my wine. Not usually.

  “So your name?” I ran my hand over a glass of wine that was placed on the bar in front of me before I glanced at him shaking his head. The smile that was on his face was cheeky and infectious. I caught it.

  “You don’t give up do you?” I shook my head and felt more determined to dig my heels in further. I was a little frustrated by his smooth talking deminer. My first impression of him was that he was a creep and although my gut is never usually wrong, I was pretty pissed with myself for giving into such a cheese ball so easily. I cleared my throat and tried my hardest to get Nancy’s attention. I rose from the barstool carefully and held my glass towards him.

  “Well… It’s been a pleasure?” I grinned at him and watched as he bowed sarcastically at me.

  “Likewise… I’m sure I’ll be seeing you around.” He sounded confident that this wasn’t the last time I would see him and I was suddenly uneasy. This is not the attention I’m used to.

  “I wouldn’t count on it.” I smiled sweetly and made my way back towards my girls. I hit the tabled and watched as Soph wiggled her eyebrows at me.

  “Come on you pair, up” I heard Nace groan as she stood and followed me out of the bar.

  The feeling of the cool crisp air hit me and I took a deep breath as I gazed at the ocean a few feet ahead of us. The feeling of relief flooded me. He was so strange. I felt Sophia’s elbow in my rib and stared at her.

  “Well… Who the hell was that?” Her tone was high and I could see that she clearly thought he was hot. I was more interested in the hottie behind the bar and I shrugged before I nudged her arm.

  “I really don’t know. He was a creep.” Mhm.

  “Hmm… But a fit creep?” Nancy laughed as she spoke the words and I grinned at her cool blue eyes studying me. She could always read me sometimes better than I could read myself. We said it was her gift. My feet took me away from them. The air was crisp and the wind had picked up. It was late September yet the temperature didn’t reflect that. England was always so bloody cold. My feet touched the sand and I watched as the girls ran across the beach throwing sand at each other and giggling. My eyes automatically rolled at their childish antics.

  “Everytime we come down here you pair end up fighting… Nobody would think we were a bunch of 20 year olds…” the confession escaped my lips and I grinned towards them. The sun was gone but the moonlight bounced off them. Soph snorted at my comment.

  “That’s the fun of the beach. Lighten up!” She threw sand towards me and I laughed a true belly laugh.

  “I’m lightened I swear!” I threw my arms up in surrender and heard them both chuckle. The street lights were edging closer to us now and this was a sure sign we were nearly home. I breathed a sigh of relief. Nancy’s comforting arm reached for mine.

  “You’ll be sighing like that after he’s fucked you senseless.” The words left her sweet mouth and I recoiled.

  I gasped “God no!” She did the same thing that Soph had done earlier. Wiggled her eyebrows.

  “Why not!? I wish he’d fuck me senseless.” She admitted and I grimaced.

  “She liked the blonde… we all know blondes are her type.” Soph had now popped up and gripped my other arm. Please don’t bring up.

  “Ben.” They said in unison and I frowned deeply as they both laughed. Why? Why did t
hey bring him up. I had checked my phone countless times to see if he had texted me before we left for my gig. He sent nothing which didn’t surprise me but it still hurt. I thought he understood when I said I wanted to take things slow. I gripped their arms tighter and felt Nancy rest her head against my shoulder.

  “Honestly he’s a fucking tool Av. Forget about him.” Her words were softer now but not soft enough. In that moment I thought I was going to combust.

  “Yeah just get under the hottie at the bar that’ll fix everything.”

  “Soph you’re such a slut.” I grinned at her and watched as she licked her lips.

  “Nothing better than a bit of dick… once you’ve had it I swear to you, you’ll be the slut.” I laughed with Nancy and shook my head. Your so dirty.

  Holt - Monday

  I woke the next morning to the extremely rude sound of my alarm clock, reaching across to my side table to turn it off, I slipped and rubbed my eyes. Now more awake than I was I groaned and slammed the alarm off.

  “Shit…” I muttered inwardly to myself as I rolled out of my bed and glanced at myself in the mirror.

  “Avaya! You are going to be late again! If you insist on doing these gigs you need to learn to wake up the next day!” My mother… She continued to harass me throughout the morning, not leaving well enough alone and followed me around the upstairs of my house rambling about how I need to get a grip on my life if I’m ever to succeed. Stubbing my toe as I made my way to the bathroom, I gripped it tightly and hissed. This in turn received a look of dismay from my mother. Her boss must have seriously pissed her off this morning. I gave her a ‘please now leave me alone’ look and slammed the bathroom door behind me. I looked down towards my throbbing toe to find there was no blood drawn. Stubbing toes has got to be one of the most annoying things in the world. I don't do mornings.

  I pulled faces in the mirror, examining every imperfection. I looked tired today more than normal. It must have been something to do with the fact that I couldn’t get Mr. Mysterious out of my head. I knew that there was something fishy about him and yet the thought crossed my mind that he could be good to have some fun with and would almost definitely piss Ben off. I grabbed my long sleeved turtleneck jumper and shoved it over my head. It did absolutely nothing to tame the mass of waves. I brushed my teeth frantically and scraped my hair up into a high messy bun. I caught a glimpse of the girl stood looking back at me and let out a sigh. One more year of this Av, one more year. I threw on my dark slightly worn skinny denim jeans and rushed down the stairs towards my front door.


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