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Page 7

by Anna White

  “You look very neat.” I grinned at him and he raised his brows.

  “Yeah, thanks.” He examined me and smirked. My eyes glanced at Missy who was crawling towards us. Her berry coloured hair was fading. Chloe was following behind and I smiled at her. She was dressed in a mid length black dress and looked very sultry.

  “I thought I told you to dye your hair?” I held back my laugh and shrugged at Missy’s expression.

  “You’ve got roots for days babe.” I patted her shoulder and made my way to join the rest of the lads down the stairs. I finally get to lay my eyes on her again.

  Holt - Friday

  Rihanna's Needed Me was pulsing through my room as we got ready together. Nancy was sitting in front of my mirror curling her hair and Soph had decided that she should wear hers up. It was a meticulous bun on the top of her head. I smiled to myself as I concentrated on placing mascara on my eyelashes and deep red on my lips.

  “Do you know what you’re wearing?” Nancy piped up and I pouted as I glanced at my wardrobe.

  “No idea? Something black probably.” She nodded and I laughed as Soph stood on my bed, she was dancing, well grinding. I laughed at her and pushed her slightly. She screamed it was so high pitched it made my ears ring. My mum walked in the room.

  “You girls are all so loud!” The track had changed to work and I chuckled as my mum, dressed in a short black dress and heels tried her hardest to dance. I definitely don’t get my moves from her. We all shared a look and laughed. “I’m going there now to get a seat? I’ll meet you there okay?” I nodded at her and kissed her cheek. This was probably one of the first gigs she would have ever seen because she was always working. Nance and Soph were always there and that’s the way I liked it. I pulled out a long black dress with a slit either side and pulled it over my head, wriggling into it and Soph whistled.

  “You look beaut.” She winked at me and I smiled, I let my waves down and winked at Nancy who was wearing a khaki coloured tight little number. Soph twirled around and began to pose in her wrapped shirt looking grey dress.

  “You nervous?” Nancy messed with my hair as I glanced in the mirror.

  “Kind of. You’ll see why?” I blushed red and turned to face my inquisitive best friends. Her face said that she was dying to dig deeper but she surprised me by keeping her mouth shut.

  “Come on then! I need a drink!” Soph hauled herself up and pulled us all to join her for the short walk across the beach.

  When we arrived Alfie smiled and pointed towards the front. I smiled to myself and felt a warm hand run across my waist. I shot around to see Conway, he looked smart and pristine. He had never touched me before tonight and I wondered why the sudden change of heart. I laughed awkwardly as I placed my hand on his shoulder. I felt an overwhelming sense to hug him. I now knew that he was okay and was back from wherever his business venture took him.

  “What are you singing for us tonight?” I touched the side of my nose and watched as he smiled. It was bleak and I watched as he placed his arm around the blonde that stood next to him. Her figure was like something off an instagram post. Her black dress was classy, it hugged her tightly in the right places and a pang of jealousy moved through me. My mouth almost hit the floor when she turned around to face me.

  “This is my sister Chloe.” Your what!? The Chloe from my high school days? I gulped down the lump that was growing larger in my throat and forced my smile. Her mud brown eyes reflected the look of mine. Of shock. She reached and touched my shoulder.

  “He said you’re good. So did Alf so you must be good.” Embarrassed didn’t cut how I was feeling. I stood pondering which words I was going to come out with next.

  “Thanks,” I glanced at Conway, his big brown eyes grew darker as his eyes explored me. He shared his eye colour with his sister. I pointed towards the stage which had a piano set up and he nodded as if he’d approved me to leave. My chest thudded, I could hear it in my ears. How the fuck am I supposed to sing now?! I shook my head as I made my way towards the stage. Nobody ever really listened. I just sat down and played through a list of songs whilst people drank and had conversations with their loved ones. I placed my fingers over the keys and stretched my neck from side to side. I closed my eyes and didn’t quite know what to play first. The lighting here was dim and I could just about make out silhouettes of people. My nerves had never been so bad. My fingers started to strum the song ‘At Last’ by Etta James along the keys and almost instantly the room went silent. I smiled as my eyes closed and I began to sing. This was the song that reminded me of him. Harvey and Grace’s first dance and ours too. The memory of him swaying me from side to side swept through my head as I sang it through. I opened my eyes momentarily before I closed them again. I heard Nancy and Soph whistle and some other lower voices shouted as it ended. I’d never been anywhere that had gone into uprawr when I’d finished a song. I felt my face fill with blood and giggled a little down the microphone.

  “I’ll play something a little different this time,” I smiled to myself as I glanced up at Nancy and Soph “I promise,” I giggled again and heard a rumble of quiet laughter from around the room.

  My fingers played through a cover of an Old Arctic Monkeys song ‘Do I wanna know’ along with a few of my usual ones and everytime I did the room fell silent. “Last one for the night, or you’ll get fed up with me I feel,” there was a tiny rumble of laughter and a few whistles. I stretched my neck and cracked my fingers before I pulled myself closer. The familiar sound of ‘This is a Man’s World flew across the keys and there was an explosion of cheers and whistling from around the room. I closed my eyes as I sang through the song. There was a buzz in the air and I placed my fingers down on the keys before I stood to swop over with the next young lad who trembled in his shoes. I placed my arm on his for reassurance.

  “You’ve made it ridiculous to follow now.” He smiled at me from underneath his dark grey eyes and floppy looking blonde hair. He clutched his guitar in his hand and I smiled back at him.

  “Thank you,” I made my way down the few steps to hit the floor and turned to face him again “honestly you’ll do great.” I ran my fingers down my dress and felt two sets of arms fly at me.

  “Oh my fucking god that was the best I’ve ever heard you!” Nance was beaming. She was kissing my cheeks and Soph was pointing towards me screaming.

  “That’s my best friend!” I instantly went read and shoved her softly. I watched as my mum came down to where we were standing and she was crying. I shook my head at her and held my finger up to point.

  “Don’t start,” I opened my mouth to continue but she threw her arms around me and squeezed tightly.

  “You are absolutely wonderful. I’m so proud of you sweetheart.” I cuddled her softly and glanced towards where I knew Conway was standing. He was no longer there but Alfie was ushering me towards him. I left my mum in the capable hands of my best friends and stood opposite the bar watching Alfie.

  “That last one is my favourite I think.” He beamed at me and I smiled to myself.

  “Yeah one of mine too.” He lifted his hand up to high five me and I smiled widely before giving him one back. I heard the guy up on the stage's voice run through the pub.

  “I’m not as good as she was,” I flushed red as I nodded in his direction and he smiled widely at me “but to pay homage to her theme I’ll be singing a classic.” He strummed his guitar and started to play Let’s Stay Together by Al Green and the room almost lit up again.

  “I love this one too.” Alfie nudged me and I smiled to myself before feeling a hand against my arm. The smell of him hit me before anything else. It was rich and sweet but so fucking masculine. I inhaled deeply.

  “Nice choice of songs.” His eyes wandered over me and I froze.

  “I thought so too.” My voice had turned into a whisper and I turned to face him. His hair was roughly styled and the scruff on his chin was more full. I bit down on my lip so that I didn’t smirk and examined him. His hand was st
ill placed on my arm and there was that electricity pulsing between us again. I glanced toward his white shirt which was pulled more taught against his large chest and gulped. His mouth turned upwards on one side as he let my arm go. He pulled me closer towards where he was sitting, his hand was resting on the top of my thigh and I knew my face was growing more red with colour with every passing second.

  “Are you going to play tonight Mr Vens?” I raised my eyebrow at him and he simply laughed. It sent shivers through my body.

  “I couldn’t possibly.” His teeth were nearly as white as his shirt and I pushed my long hair from my face behind my ear. I realised my hand was resting against his shoulder. I squeezed slightly and felt the tension in his muscles flex beneath it.

  “Where did Conway go?” I questioned quickly trying my hardest not to get lost in his big blue eyes.

  “He’s had to run some errands we can go and meet him afterwards if you’d like?” I felt his hand pull me closer towards him so that I was practically sat in his lap and inhaled sharply. I found myself staring in his eyes. I heard a woman laughing next to us and tried to concentrate on breathing.

  “Why didn’t you say you knew him?” I searched his eyes for some give away and he simply shrugged.

  “I didn’t have a clue you knew him when we danced at the wedding. I only found out after the fact. If he knew I’d got my hands on you here,” He squeezed where his hand was just underneath my arse and my heart began to pound “he’d probably kill me.” He flashed a wicked grin at me and I cleared my throat.

  “Then why is your hand there?” His eyes danced as I asked him the question and I watched as he leant back against his stool not moving his hand. An uncomfortable dig landed in my back.

  “Oh I’m sorry love, I didn’t see you there.” I glanced towards the younger lad whose hair was ruffled and a soft dark blonde colour. His eyes darkened as he examined me. His eyes ran down the length of my body until he spotted Haz’s hand.

  “Don’t worry, it’s fine.” I lied and cleared my throat. Haz leant closer towards me, his face brushed past mine and he landed a soft kiss against my collar bone. I suppressed a moan from within my throat and closed my eyes. The feeling of having him so close almost sending me into a frenzy. “You do realise that we look like we’re a couple?” I whispered into his ear that was now resting against my cheek. He moved slightly and leant back in his seat. My eyes flew open instantly and a smirk grew wider across his handsome face. I was sure my hands were shaking.

  “It got him off your back didn’t it?” I nodded a little and dropped my hand from his shoulder. I wasn’t going to argue with that, he’d saved me from a night filled being awkwardly flirted with. I leant towards the bar to pick up my glass.

  “Thank you,” I raised it towards him, he smiled and stood up before he took my hand in his. I stood with him and glanced up at him following him away from the bar. There was now no smile on his face and he looked so serious. His jaw was clenched and it sent shivers through my body. I began to wonder how his stubble would feel across my chest. “What are you doing?” I laughed uneasily and he just shrugged.

  “Do you wanna go and see Jay?” I did however not right now. I wasn’t about to follow a random guy away from my friends. I frowned deeply as we hit the front of the bar. “I promise you I won’t bite you,” he glanced down at my chest and looked away quickly “well not unless you wanted me too.” I flushed red in colour. Fuck I’d probably enjoy it… “I won’t kidnap you.” There was a cheeky glint in his eyes and I let out a giggle. He caught my hair in his hand and tucked it behind my ear slowly. The feeling of his skin against mine made my heart rate spike again.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Home,” he replied softly before he took my hand in his and pulled me along the beachfront. The waves were crashing against the sand that was now tickling my toes. My feet stopped moving halfway across the beach. What the fuck am I doing? My common sense kicked in. You’ve watched Criminal minds Avaya, you know how they work! Lure you in… I felt his presence beside me and moved my head to look at him, I went to move him away from him and he scoffed back a laugh. “Look over there, that’s the house. I swear I’m not going to hurt you.” He let go of my hand softly and I took it back into mine. I liked the feeling of it in his. He glanced at my face and I continued to walk in silence towards the house. We left the beach after a few more minutes. There was a small path, he pulled me through and over the gate. I had no idea why I felt so safe around him. I shook my head and turned to face the house. I nearly died looking at what was in front of my eyes. It was huge, white, with windows everywhere and that would explain the gate. I pinched my arm. This can’t be real, you're dreaming again. Wake up, wake up Av. I gasped when the pinching didn’t wake me and I turned to face him. There was a large gust of freezing autumnal air that ripped past us I shivered and he smiled as he let go of my hand. “See I told you I wasn’t going to murder you. This is Devon not America.” I laughed out loud.

  “How did you know I was thinking of criminal minds?” He shot me a sassy look and I bit down on my lip.

  “It was that look of realisation on your face.” I smiled to myself. He was witty and easy to believe. My hands were shaking as we walked down the long driveway towards the intimidating house. When we got closer I noticed a large number of cars, new cars parked outside and I’m convinced that I was dreaming. I pinched myself again as we stood in the doorway. I watched as he fumbled around in his pockets. I lifted my head up to look at him. He was so tall. I smirked to myself and ran my hand down his arm. He stopped looking for his keys and his eyes looked down at mine.

  “This is really where you live?” He smirked down at me and dangled the keys in front of me before he leant down and opened the door. He guided me inside and my mouth fell. This is a dream there is no way, absolutely no way this house is real. It’s huge! A large open plan wide hallway with a staircase right up the middle, marble floors, white walls faced me. I could see right up to the next floor above our heads. He ushered me in and placed the door shut behind us.

  "Wow" I muttered. He walked towards the left of the house and opened doors which lead into quite possibly the biggest kitchen I had ever seen in my life. Brand new high gloss cupboards, dark slate worktops and floors, a matching breakfast bar and stools. I spotted the sliding door in the background where the sofas were facing. I found myself wandering away from him further into the house, I took in the breath-taking views of the sea that was crashing against the shore a few hundred feet in front of me.

  “This is…” I struggled to find my words and luckily he finished my sentence for me.

  “Big?” I nodded in agreement with him and stood admiring the view. I felt his hands run up the sides of my dress and around my stomach. My chest thudded and I held my breath. I turned to face him, I tilted my head up towards him.

  “You’re so tall?” I watched his eyes grow with depth and he smiled.

  “Maybe you’re just short?” His head dipped and I felt his nose run against the length of mine. My eyes closed and reopened. His breathing became shallow and I smiled. “Do you take tea?” He moved away from me quickly and coughed a little. My hands dropped to my sides and my eyes followed him around the room. He poured me a cup just how I liked it, he handed it to me and I nodded at him before flushing red. The light was bright in here and I realised that this was the first time I’d seen him in real lighting and not dimly lit . He walked towards where I was standing.. And I instantly tensed. I can’t breathe when you’re this close.

  "I can't believe you live here." I gripped my hands around my cup and stared out the window, the feeling of his large hands grasping my shoulders made me close my eyes.

  "Believe it." He whispered. I turned to face him again and glanced up at his large blue eyes.

  "Who are you?" I studied his expression for what seemed like an eternity but nothing gave him away. I didn’t know the first thing about him and yet I was standing in his kitchen drinking a cup of tea
. His voice hushed as he opened his mouth and closed it again.

  "I'm Jay's best friend, well more like a brother really, I'm also his business partner." He smiled, it was a comforting smile, shy almost. I am in the arms of a complete stranger and feel safe. How is this even possible? He never broke my eye contact.

  "What is this business?" I wanted to know more about you both please let me in.

  "Now you're asking too many questions Miss Holt." He dropped my gaze and I placed my cup of tea to my lips.

  "You are all so elusive. And it's Avaya. Not Miss Holt." I sighed, I hated to be blunt but I was now growing frustrated with all the secrets. I made my way back towards the large sliding door and thought about the sound of the sea to try and level out my breathing. None of them gave much away. All of them were cold and calm.

  "Avaya?" I heard a familiar low voice, it interrupted my breathing. I turned to face it and saw him standing in the entrance to the kitchen.

  “Hey.” I smiled at him broadly and he walked towards me holding out his arms. I tiptoed to hug him. I let him hold me for longer than a hug should last. It was comforting to have him around again. I’d never witnessed this side of him. He’d never hugged me. I glanced towards Haz and his face was twisted. “Where did you go?” I released him from my grip and watched as he pushed his floppy black hair from off his face. Haz’s face was full of smiles as though something I’d said had made him laugh. I shook my head.

  “Oh you know work calls.” I looked up at his muddy eyes and smiled to myself before I shrugged. “You were really good earlier,” he paused and nudged Haz “wasn’t she?” He raised his eyebrow at Haz who smirked at me.

  “Oh yeah she was great.” He made sure Jay wasn’t looking at him before he winked at me. My heart fluttered and I smiled as I looked towards the floor, blushing. This was ridiculous. I glanced at the door to see Chloe and Missy. They had now arrived back home along with Alfie and a few other familiar faces. Chloe smiled at me. It was a weak smile.


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