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Page 27

by Anna White

  “Maybe.” Her eyes narrowed on me, she pulled a cup from the cupboards and I watched as she poured herself some water.

  “She better be. I really miss her.” Hearing her being so open and honest made me smile and I nudged her arm softly. “You didn’t shag her did you? I told you that it only fixes problems in the short term.” Her eyebrow raised upwards and I shook my head.

  “No we didn’t.”

  “Right so how much does she know?” There was the Chloe I knew so well. Demanding and to the point just like her big brother.

  “Enough.” I almost snapped. She placed herself on the kitchen island, the rips on her jeans seemed stretched. “She knows something isn’t right with Rava. But I’m not talking about Bandoni. She doesn’t need that worry.” Her facial expression saddened. It was almost as though she’d forgotten about that part of the story. Bandoni was a nasty man. Rava’s father. I worked for him. I hated his son and I worked for him. My jaw clenched at the memory of telling Chloe the whole story before I flew out to her. She cried. She sobbed. She knew that the outcome of him getting his hands on her was worse than what would happen if Rava found her and that was bad enough.

  “Do you know it’s her Birthday on Saturday?” I looked down towards her phone that was placed next to her and counted the days.

  “What the 20th?” She simply nodded.

  “Jay said Lena had mentioned that she hoped she’d come back in a better mood. She let it slip one evening when they were working over.” Her voice sounded strained and I touched her chin to lift it up slightly.

  “What’s wrong?” I questioned. I knew her well enough to know she wasn’t comfortable.

  “I just wish my mum would have done for me what Lena did for Av. She made us suffer under him.” I watched as she touched her arm and shook her head. A tiny shiver rolled over her and I kissed her forehead softly. She sighed and hugged me. I placed my arms around her and squeezed. I knew her mum loved the beer and her dad abused them both as children. I knew it haunted her. I’d spent many of my teenage years holding her while she screamed in her sleep.

  “You’re here though Chlo. You both are and you're strong.” I heard her sniff against my shoulder and felt her pull away from me.

  “I just don’t want her being hurt. She doesn’t deserve that.” She wiped away her tears and straightened herself out. It appeared as though she was over her sudden outburst of emotion.

  “I know.” I didn’t want that either. “So her Birthday?” I watched her smile softly as she cleared her throat.

  “Yeah, I was going to surprise her for it maybe a meal out with her mum, Soph and Nance and all of us? I thought that would be really nice?” I nodded and took a step back from her.

  “Have you got her anything?” She nodded and jumped down off the kitchen island. My eyes followed her as she made her way out of the kitchen before reappearing with a small box. I smiled widely at her and she glared at me.

  “I brought her this.” I recognised the Pandora box and opened it. There was a beautiful bracelet inside, it was silver and had just three charms on it. I ran my hands over the tiny charms and examined them. One of them was a tree in a circle, another was a world and the final charm was four leaf clover. I raised my brow towards where Chlo was standing and watched as she flushed bright red. She was always thoughtful but this was totally out of character for her. “Look I get on with her, she’s my friend Haz and I care for her.”

  “Aww,” she rolled her eyes at me and punched my bicep with some force. “No it’s sweet what do they mean?” She grinned and shook her head.

  “I’m not telling you, but you need to think about a gift next.” I scoffed a laugh and watched her raise her shoulders.

  “I’m not joking. Even Jay has got her something.” Jealousy coursed through my bloodstream and I frowned deeply. I heard Chlo cackle as she wandered out of the kitchen, leaving me to revel in annoyance. She didn’t even mention her Birthday was soon. She’d be 21? I frowned and made my way towards the front door. What do I buy a 21 year old?

  Chapter Eight

  Holt - Wednesday 17th December

  I was sprawled out across the sofa when my mum's face appeared around the crack in the door. I’d missed her so much. I darted towards her and gripped her in a tight embrace. I’d been horrible to her before I left. I’d been horrible to everyone. I clutched her tightly, taking in the scent of her new shampoo and I smiled softly.

  “I’m so glad your home.” Her voice was breathy and I squeezed her a little more. She released me and held me at arms length examining me. “You’ve gone a beautiful colour!” The corners of my mouth rose upwards and she touched my face with her fingers.

  “Thank you. I always go really dark don’t I?” I watched her nod and drop her bags from work on the floor, I glanced at the time on the clock perched on the wall and smiled to myself. “Your home early?” It was 4pm. She’s never back this early, it was usually past 6pm or even later. She nodded and gave me a secret smile.

  “Jamie let me out early.” I cringed at her calling him his full name. It made me uncomfortable. I raised my brow and watched as she made her way towards the kitchen. She hadn’t made an effort to tidy the house in readiness for my arrival home. I’d presumed she’d been working around the clock and that wouldn’t have surprised me at all. “He’s been really stressed while you’ve been away. I think whatever happened he’s sorry?” I struggled not to laugh and shook my head.

  “Wrong guy mum.” I nudged her arm and watched her cringe. I giggled slightly and sat on the wooden kitchen table that was in the middle of the small kitchen.

  “Get off there!” She pushed my arm and I grinned. I watched her eyes narrow and smirked as I placed my hands on my legs.

  “You haven’t decorated for Christmas yet?” I watched her glance toward the cupboard underneath the stairs.

  “I know it just didn’t feel right doing it when you weren’t here.” I smiled softly at her, before I made my way towards the tiny under stair cupboard. Our tree was small but it did it for us. Finding it would be the next task. In front of me lay shoes, bags, coats and much more. Rolling my eyes I made my first attempt at digging down into a place that was barely ever moved.

  “We should get a wriggle on then!” I laughed as I began to pull on a coat that was wedged under the stairs. I pulled hard on it and watched her roll her eyes.

  Thursday 18th - Vens

  Alfie always made an effort with the house at Christmas and I’d hated it every year since I lost Holly. People were surrounding the gym. I glanced down at my watch and frowned. If she was coming to a class she was usually early. Jamane looked my way and nodded.

  “She’ll be here, Nance is teaching after me.” He stated. I still had no idea what to get her for her birthday and I was running out of time. I placed my phone against the floor of the gym and watched it flash.

  Avay: have you forgotten I’m home?

  I smirked to myself a little. I hadn’t forgotten her at all, I wanted her to catch up with her sleep. I knew my family would all be around for Christmas and I didn’t want her to be forced into being around them. Buddy wandered through the doors with Marley. Marley’s jet black hair was styled perfectly. He was so much longer than Buddy. He winked at me and I rolled my eyes. He was gayer than any gay man I’d ever met in my life. Buddy punched his arm softly and I tapped back on my phone.

  Me: forget about you? Never. Are you taking Jamanes class?

  Avay: yup running late, can I come to yours after? x

  Me: ;) x

  Jamane was stabding over me smirking as he offered out his hand. There was old school R&B playing throughout the gym and I reached for him as he pulled me up to my feet.

  “You looking forward to this?” I was. For the first time in a long time I wanted to teach. I wanted to dance and that was because of her. I nodded at him and watched him pat my shoulder. “She’s gonna murder that blonde if she keeps staring at you.” My line of sight followed Jamanes. There was a tal
l, slim looking girl stood biting her lip at me. I shook my head and snapped my eyes towards the commotion coming from the door. Av and Nancy had burst through it and were laughing. They were carrying a bag with heels in and my eyes caught hers. I watched her flush a deep shade of red when she saw me. She was wearing my light grey hoodie that I’d gifted her the night I’d soaked hers through. She wore shorts and white trainers. She looked breathtaking. I threw a wink her way and watched her grin. Jamane turned down the music slightly.

  “Chris Brown Choreography tonight ladies and gents!” He clasped his hands together and glanced towards where I stood.

  “It’s not an oldie it’s a newy but it’s a goody.” I added as he the song ‘No Guidance’ burst through the speakers. The crowd erupted with whistles and I watched them all sit around the floor. Av’s eyes didn’t look away from me. She hadn’t even put her bag on the floor. Jamane counted us in and we danced through the routine.

  I waited outside the gym in the car for her. Nancy’s class was a heels one and I couldn’t for the life of me stay and watch it. I’d have combust. I’d had to endure Buddy flirting with her during Jamanes class and that was bad enough. She moved wonderfully and she always shocked me when she danced. My car door opened and she flung herself into my passenger seat. Her forehead was glistening with sweat, yet her skin was almost blue from the outdoor weather. I smiled towards her and watched her eyes examine me. Mine left hers and scanned over her attire. I loved her in that hoodie.

  “Are we heading back to Alfie’s?” She questioned me, the tone in her voice soft and I nodded.

  “Yeah if that’s alright?” She pushed her hood off her hair and sighed before she placed on her seatbelt. I ran my hand over her leg and watched her eyes dart to mine. “What’s wrong Avay?” She shook her head and I watched her swallow hard.

  “I like watching you dance,” Her voice trailed off “but I don’t think I’m ever going to get over other women looking at you.” This was the first time she had ever admitted out loud to feeling jealous.

  “Well if it’s any consolation,” I leaned into her and she ran her hand over my neck “it took everything in me to not kill Buddy in our class. If he’d have touched you again I’d have hit him.” She scoffed a small chuckle and I smiled with her. There was nothing better than that sound.

  “At least he didn’t fuck me with his eyes.” She ran her hand against my cheek softly and I smirked.

  “Oh he did.” I watched her shake her head and started the engine of the Audi. It rumbled beneath us and she placed her hand against my thigh. I held her hand in mine and drove towards home.

  She’d hummed the whole way back, occasionally broke into song and then she’d fallen asleep. I’d remembered the night she’d fallen asleep in the back of Jays Merc the night I’d fucked up, but somehow she looked more at peace tonight. I’d carried her from the car and into the quiet house. Her head rested against my shoulder, she hadn’t murmured and I jumped a little when I spotted Jay walking out of the living room. I was nearly flushing red as he examined us. His eyes looked full of pain and I tilted my head.

  “What?” I almost whispered in his direction.

  “Nothing,” his eyes trailed down her and rested where my hands were holding her. “It just still shocks me seeing you with her. It’s like you love her.” He shrugged a little and I gulped. I did love her. I automatically kissed her cheek and began to climb the stairs. He followed behind me slowly. Once we reached my room he opened my door. “She staying in here?” He raised his brow and I nodded.

  “Yeah.” I placed her in my bed and watched her hair fan out on the pillow, her scent filled my room and I smiled towards Jay. “She looks better yeah?” I looked towards him staring at her and watched him smile a little.

  “Yeah she does. I just dunno how we’re gonna get out of this one.” The wave of sadness overcame him again and his dark eyes seemed to darken further. I pulled my hoodie over my head and wandered into my en suite.

  “Me either, we’ll figure it out.” I breathed a deep breath and watched him shrug. I brushed my teeth and glanced at my reflection in the mirror. I was changing. I looked broader now I’d stopped using. My skin was darker from my trip to see her but my cheeks looked more full and I looked happy. Jay looked the complete opposite. He looked tired and worn out. I placed my hand over his arm and squeezed it. “There anything I can do to help out?” He nodded.

  “Yeah, you could do a drop for me and arrange that meeting with Rava on borders?” I nodded. Right now I’d do anything to help make him less tired and to get my best friend back.

  “What have you brought her for her birthday?” I asked. I’d been curious since Chlo had said he’d got her something and I watched him turn slightly pink.

  “It’s nothing special?” He leaned against the frame of the door and shrugged. I studied him and watched him tilt his head towards my door. I followed him towards his room and watched him pull out a box from under his bed. “I remembered her saying she didn’t have any nice loungewear and she like Chloe’s pink one so I just thought she’d like it.” I smiled at him. He’d thought about his gift to her. I remembered her saying she liked Chloe’s. I glanced inside the box. There lay a light grey cotton, light weight lounge wear set. It wasn’t pink like Chloe’s but she loved grey. Her initials were embroidered in white on the breast and I smiled widely. She’d love it. I tapped his shoulder softly and nodded.

  “I think she’s gonna love it.” He nodded and pushed the box back under the bed. His room seemed cold and I ran my hand over the radiator which was turned off. “No heating?”

  “I keep waking up in the night dripping of sweat, so I turned them off last night.” I nodded at him before I pulled him in for a small hug.

  “See you in the morning? Gym for 6?” He smirked and nodded.

  “Absolutely.” I saluted him as I wandered back down the corridor to my room. She was still sprawled out across my bed and I slipped off everything but my boxers before I climbed into bed next to her. I’d promised her things would change when we got home. I promised her I’d protect her and I would. She snuggled down next to me and I kissed her head softly.


  I must have slept through my alarms. My eyes struggled to open and I felt her lips against my jawline. I smirked and ran my fingers over her cheek.

  “Good morning handsome.” She whispered.

  “Good morning beautiful.” Her eyes were still sleepy and slightly redder in the corners and I smiled before she placed her leg over my hip. “Have you got much planned for the day?” I questioned. I needed to know what she had planned so that we could plan her birthday meal and I could get her gift. She shrugged and glanced over my shoulder towards the large floor to ceiling window overlooking the sea.

  “I think Nancy and Soph want to go out for the day.” She still hadn’t mentioned her birthday and it was a big birthday? I wanted to ask her why she wasn’t bringing it up but I didn’t want to spook her. I nodded and pulled her closer into me, I wrapped my fingers in her hair and kissed her slowly. “I’m sorry about falling asleep last night?” I smiled against her lips.

  “Don’t be sorry. I didn’t mind.” It was nothing but the truth. I didn’t mind her falling asleep. She stretched out next to me and yawned. I sat up slightly and heard the door being knocked. Her eyes still looked heavy, I hadn’t remembered her taking her shorts off but they were no longer on. Just my hoodie, that barely covered up her bum.

  “Come in.” I muttered and watched as Chlo and Missy strolled in. My hands were behind my head and the duvet was low. I raised my brow at a Chlo who was smiling.

  “Nance and Soph are waiting downstairs?” Chlo was excited. Missy looked less than thrilled in fact I was almost positive she hadn’t stopped looking at me since Chlo opened the door. I glanced towards a red faced Avaya who was swiping her hair behind her ear.

  “I’ll be down shortly?” Her voice was soft as she spoke to Chlo “I overslept I’m sorry?” She apologised and I watc
hed Chlo smirk towards me.

  “Busy night?” I shook my head and returned the look she was giving me.

  “No she fell asleep on the drive back from class so I put her in here we both just crashed.” It was the truth. It felt so nice not to have to lie. I heard a snigger come from Missy’s lips and frowned at her. Her eyes made contact with mine and I noticed her pupils looked small. She was on something. I hadn’t seen much of her over the last few months, she’d sort of disappeared and I couldn’t complain. I ran my hand over my forehead as I sat up and gestured towards the door. “Can you pair get out? There’s gonna be some rumours going around if all three of you leave my room at this time in a morning.” I half smiled at Chloe who laughed a hole some laugh.

  “Mhm no problem,” she winked towards me and I shook my head “I’ll see you down there Av?” Avaya just nodded and clasped a towel in her hands before she made her way towards my en-suite. My eyes followed her and once Chlo and Missy left my legs followed her too. She’d already stepped into the hot shower, steam filled the room and my eyes ran the length of her body. She looked more toned than I remembered. She’d slimmed down and I frowned. She didn’t need to. She was singing a song I’d not heard before and I tilted my head to one side.

  “What’s that song?” I questioned as I brushed my teeth.

  “Home by Gabrielle Aplin.” She smiled as she stepped from the shower. She was standing behind me in the mirror and my eyes never left her. She reached for her fluffy white towel and wrapped it around her body. Droplets of water were erased from her body as she did so. Her usual brown hair now looked black and I gulped. She looked up at the mirror to find me staring. “Did you not mind Chlo and Missy knowing we shared a bed last night?” She stood somewhat still as I shook my head.

  “Nope,” her expression looked confused and I turned to face her “Jay was awake when we got home too he saw me carry you in from the car.” I closed the gap between us slightly and watched as she stopped breathing. I touched her face that was still dripping with water and she smiled softly. “I told you things would change once we got home.” She glanced at her pile of clothes on the floor and nodded.


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