
Home > Nonfiction > Run > Page 34
Run Page 34

by Anna White

  “Hi I’m Freddie” I smiled politely. His short blonde hair suited him. He sort of reminded me of Alfie. His blue eyes twinkled.

  “I’m Steve.” I reached to shake his hand too. He was slightly taller than Freddie and his eyes were hazel in colour, they almost matched his red hair.

  “And I’m Della.” I grinned to myself as she shook my hand. I knew her. I'd heard Jay speak to her on the phone a million times. Her thick auburn locks curled around her shoulders. She was bloody beautiful. All of them gestured for me to take a seat. “I’m very sorry we overran on our timetable Freddie likes to take a smoke between interviews.” She rolled her eyes and a giggle slipped from my lips as I examined the way he looked at Della. I placed my hand over my mouth for a brief minute to stop anything else from spilling out before I sat up straight. I handed them my folder full of qualifications.

  “How did you find us Avaya?” Steve was trying his hardest to ease me in before he peaked over Della's shoulder at my paperwork.

  “Oh it wasn’t too bad I’m familiar with the area.” I smiled again and glanced at Freddie who was now writing on the interview paperwork. I met his gaze.

  “What attracted you to HJC?" Truthfully my mother made me apply. My inner subconscious growled as I tried to think of a better way of putting it. I absolutely could not tell them that I practically lived with Jamie Conway either. My hands grew claimer the more I thought about it.

  “Well I’m good with time management and being organised. When I read through the job description I thought I’d be a perfect fit. My mother is a PA so my life's always very structured.” I felt my lips turn upwards as Steve caught my smile.

  “I suppose you have to be eh?” I nodded in agreement with him and began to relax.

  “Ever since I’ve been a little girl, law has fascinated me and I thought this position would ease me into the corporate world. I’ve just graduated from university and I’m unsure what my next step would be and this is the only thing that really caught my eye.” I lied convincingly through my teeth. The truth was I’d applied for hundreds of jobs over the last few weeks. From retail to Costa I was just trying my luck with everything and anything.

  “Can you tell me about a time where you’ve had to work to a deadline and under pressure?” Della grinned up at me, her bright ginger hair glistened in the sun. I gave my examples of university deadlines and coping with the pressure of being successful, they fired more ridiculous questions my way such as 'are you computer literate?' 'Do you know how to answer a telephone?' I tried my hardest not to roll my eyes and glanced back at Freddie who was smiling widely at me.

  “If you’re successful I will be your boss. I’m under the executive board who run and own the company.” I bit down on my lip and nodded. I knew who he was and Jay had said he was a bit of a prick. “Do you know what our goals are?”

  “I know that your slogan is ‘when it matters most’ so clearly you have a vision and a drive to protect your clients. Whether it be through high or low profile cases. I believe you have a really good team here and I’d love to be a part of it.” I smiled softly as Della winked at me. They all scribbled on their interview notes again and I watched Steve look towards me.

  “Well I think that’s a wrap Avaya. Thank you very much for coming in to see us. Do you have any questions?” They all looked up at once and I felt myself flush.

  “Erm yes? I’d like to know if I am successful, when will I know?” I asked sheepishly.

  “We have 1 interview tomorrow. We are hoping to let people know by the end of Thursday?” I nodded and smiled before I stood. I shook their hands and thanked them. Freddie held my hand a little longer than the others and I smiled up at him before I left. I exhaled loudly as the tiny brunette skipped towards me happily.

  “I think they like you. Della does and I’m guessing Freddie does too..” Her eyes lit with fire as she stared at him and I smiled to myself.

  “Hmm I wouldn’t be so sure.” I watched her and guided her away from a door frame that she was seconds away from hitting and she giggled.

  “Thank you.” She smiled and I returned it. “Hopefully we will see you soon.” She crossed her fingers and I giggled to myself as I left the huge building to enter the lift. I rummaged through my bag to grab my phone so that I could text Nancy and let her know how it went. I scrolled through my phone as I packed into the cramped lift to go down 15 floors. I sniffed the air and a familiar smell hit me in the face. I placed my phone down and looked up. Jay was smiling at me broadly and I frowned.

  “Are you kidding?!” I almost hissed in a low voice.

  “What? I work here Avaya…” I shook my head in disbelief as the lift pinged to let more people out. “Honestly you seem so surprised!?" I crossed my arms in a huff and stared at the lift going through it’s floors and heard him chuckle. “Well it’s nice to see you. You look very smart Miss Holt.” He winked as he exited the lift into another office on a lower floor. I shook my head and rolled my eyes. I glanced up to to 3 women staring at me and flushed red instantly. They must have worked there too and from the look on the blondes face she liked him.

  It had been a long and hard day. My feet ached from walking and driving to and from that office. The office that my mum was so familiar with when she wasn't working from home and as I laid down next to her on the sofa she grinned.

  “Freddie liked you.” She chirped as she stroked my hair that was sprawled on her lap.

  “What do you mean by liked me? Like in what way?” She chuckled and shrugged.

  “He said you interviewed very well. Of course he knows your my daughter now after he saw you he put two and two together.” I rolled my eyes and glanced up at her flicking through the channels. The sense of being back home made me feel slightly uneasy. I began to panic that things were ways going to be like this. I didn't want to stay in Devon forever.

  “We look nothing alike?” She laughed and nodded as he fingers tangled into my hair.

  “You’re much more like your father but you do have some aspects of me… Your lips are one of them.” She ran her tiny hand over my cheek as she dipped to peck my head softly. “You know while you've been staying away the house has been so odd.” I smirked.

  “Clean?” I questioned .

  “Very.” She paused, “and empty.” She shrugged to herself as I sat up and cuddled her.

  “Oh mum. I’m not going anywhere for a while?” She nodded. I could see that she was pushing tears away.

  “So have you sorted things out with Haz? They've both been in the office a lot more this week.” I frowned and shrugged to myself.

  “I bet…” My thoughts of how he hid the fact he worked at the law firm were now prominent in my mind. I folded my arms and watched my mum smile.

  "What's he done?" She questioned.

  "Did you know he worked at the firm?" She nodded and smirked.

  "Did he not tell you?" I shook my head and frowned deeply. I still hadn't told him that I'd found out or that my best friend was in bed with the enemy. I pushed that thought out of my head and kissed my mum on the head.

  "I'm gonna go? I'm gonna let them know how I got on." I rose up from my spot on the sofa and watched as she smiled and ushered me out of the door. I wanted him to be in a better mood. I needed him to be.

  My need for him was ridiculous. I braced myself for seeing him pissed or high because I'd been in and out of Alfie's for a few days again but as I burst through the door of the all too familiar house I spotted Alfie in the kitchen. Chloe nearly took me out as she cuddled me tightly.

  “Oh thank fuck your back!” She exclaimed down my ear, she squeezed me tightly in a fond embrace.

  “Bloody hell Chloe I was gone for a morning!? What the fucks going on?" I laughed as I grappled with her arms to loosen their grip. She smiled sweetly and offered her arms up. I smiled back at her and she raised her brow. “So I’m guessing he hasn't told you?”

  “Told me what?” I raised my eyebrow at her. I examined her standing in the hal
lway all relaxed and not bothered and she reminded me so much of her brother, more than she probably cared to know.

  "Oh I'll let him fucking tell you, I swear to god these men…" I watched her walk off into the living room cursing and glanced towards Alfie who was shrugging his shoulders.

  "I've got no idea?" I nodded and placed my bags on the coat rack. I paced up the stairs towards his room. I didn't knock, I just opened it and watched his eyes dance over my attire. I smiled softly at him. He was laying sprawled on his bed, he had no t-shirt on, his hands were behind his head and his jogging bottoms were hanging low on his hips. His abs of steel looked deeper set and I cleared my throat. I'll never tire of him being like that. He flashed his shiny white teeth at me and I leant against his door. I watched as he patted the bed next to him and smirked to myself. I shook my head and placed my arms across my chest, the way he rolled his eyes made my southern regions clenched with desire. The sound of the television in the background was the only sound breaking our silence.

  "How did your interview go Avay?" I loved hearing that from his mouth. Nobody had ever called me Avay before him. Av, Avaya, A but never Avay… That was his name for me. His voice seemed husker than usual and I smiled. He'd either been asleep or singing. I didn't know which. I tilted my head and shrugged.

  "I'm not sure. I don't think I'd fit in very well." I continued to watch him. "They're all so mature." I raised my brow and waited for him to admit to me that he worked for the firm. He smirked to himself and shrugged his shoulders.

  "Hm, I'm sure some of them aren't mature." I frowned. No I'm sure they aren't… "Della certainly isn't." He added. "Apparently Della is a fan of yours." I glanced at his eyes as he leant across the bed and gestured for me to sit with him. "Among a few others…" I shook my head and kicked off my heels. "Oh c'mon Av you're killing me." I examined him smirking at me and I unbuttoned my shirt a little and took my blazer off.

  "How'd you know all of that?" I questioned him.

  "Jay told me. I swear if that prick looks at you the wrong way I'll kill him." I rolled my eyes and felt him pull me so that I was on the bed.

  "Don't be ridiculous!" I scoffed.

  “I don’t understand why you're thinking about taking a job. You don’t have to work.” His words left his mouth almost without another thought.

  “I WANT to work Harry. That’s how you survive? You need money to survive…” Wow well done Miss State The Obvious.

  “But that’s what I’m here for.” I grimaced and shook my head.

  “We are not having this conversation Haz. I am not your trophy.” I snarled. "In fact I'm not even officially your anything." My arms instantly folded and I watched as he bit down on his lip.

  “You’re impossible.” I scoffed at his comment and went to climb off his lap.

  “Me!?” He didn't look towards me, he just held me in place on his lap.

  "Yes you." I didn't go there for an argument but it looked as though an argument is what I'd be getting. He ran his fingers over my arm softly and I instantly stilled. "Where'd you think your going?" He muttered softly as he leant into me. Goosebumps filled my skin and I swallowed the lump in my throat. He rolled so that I was now pinned beneath him and my chest fluttered.

  "I was going to go home. I didn't come here to argue." My eyes traced over his face. His lips ran the length of my jaw before they landed against my lips. My eyes fluttered shut before I placed my hand against his shoulder. "Don't play this game, it's not fair." He continued to kiss down my neck towards my chest. There was now a pool between my legs as I blushed. "You can't use your charm and your," I stumbled on my words and felt him smirk against my chest.

  "Devilish good looks?" He finished off my sentences and I shrugged.

  "Yeah that." I added breathlessly.

  “I’m sorry Avay. I’m trying this is just what I know.” I smiled a little to myself and rolled my eyes. Of course this was how he knew how to fix it. He'd never had to grovel before. I ran my hand over his face and exhaled.

  “I'm just extremely tired and ratty, it's been a long day." He nodded in agreement and I watched as he pulled his phone from his bedside table and I watched as it unlocked it reveal a picture of us. His head is tilted towards mine and I wasn't sure whether I was smiling or I was mid laugh. I grinned to myself.

  "Fuck me we were subtle hey?" I smirked and watched him chuckle.

  "Oh yeah proper." I watched as he gestured towards the time and I frowned.

  "Shit I'm sorry I didn't realise it was so late?" I ran my hand against the stubble on his face and watched him place his phone next to me.

  "Wanna stay here then?" I smiled up at him and kissed him softly before I let my lips linger there for longer than they should have.

  "Hm, what's in it for me Vens?" I raised my brow at him and watched as he smirked.

  "Well," his large hand ran underneath my shirt across the skin of my stomach and I giggled like a schoolgirl. "I could think of a thing or two?" I ran my fingers through his soft, just washed hair and wrapped my legs around his waist. I would be more than happy to get lost in him for

  Holt - Thursday

  Alfie's house had been sureen the entire morning. When I woke he was no longer in the room or even the house. I'd assumed he'd gone to the gym or work? I glanced at my phone that was placed on my bedside table, he must have plugged it in so it didn't die overnight. I ran my fingers over the screen and smirked to myself. I loved that picture. His arms are either side of me and I'm looking up whispering in his ear at that dinner. Honestly I'd never tire of seeing it. I checked my calls and almost fell out of bed when I saw I'd missed a call from a local number. Shit it's Thursday! The job. I dialed the number back as quickly as I could and after a few rings a lady answered.

  "Good morning HJC Law. How can I help you?" Her voice was sweet and I recognised the tone.

  "Oh erm hi, I've had a missed call on this number? My names Avaya Holt?" I heard a pause.

  "Avaya it was me I called! It's Della? I was on the interview panel." My hands shook slightly with nerves as I tried my hardest to speak without sounding absolutely ridiculous.

  "Hi Della how are you?" I glanced at the door where Chlo was peeking through the crack. I shook my head at her and pointed at my phone which was placed on my ear. She winked and made her way in. I was and truly distracted now.

  "I'm very well thank you. I hope you will be once I've broken the good news." My breathing stopped as she began to speak again. "We'd like to offer you the position of assistant to the executive director of finance." I had to stop my myself from screaming down the phone and watched as Chlo jumped up and down.

  "Oh really!? That's amazing, thank you so so much!" I giggled to myself and listened to her speak about bringing in documents to get me ready for payroll and my start date. She asked about holiday booked and I glanced at Chlo.

  "July the first 2 weeks we're going to the Maldives." She muttered with a big grin. I rolled my eyes and began to relay that information back to Della. The phone call ended and I screamed.

  "I've got a fucking job Chlo!" I laughed as she cuddled me tightly.

  "Well done!" She was like an excited school girl in front of me in her little pink pj's. I grinned and gave myself a moment to take in what had just happened.

  "I've got a job..." I smiled as an overwhelming sense of pride flooded me. "I've gotta tell my mum!" She nodded as I started to call her. The phone rang for what seemed like an eternity before she finally picked it up.


  "Yes Avaya?"

  "I got the job!" I giggled excitedly as she screamed down the phone. Her excitement for me resonated from the other end of the line.

  “Oh Av I’m so pleased!” The sound of pride rang through my ears and I smiled broadly. “You’ll be working with me probably.” She laughed and I frowned to myself, excitement now completely dissipating.

  “Are you joking?” I chimed.

  “I was a little bit yes. I suppose you’ll see me in the office tho
ugh which will be nice considering you don’t come home anymore.” I cringed as the words left her mouth.

  “Oh mum don’t make me feel bad, I was excited…” I heard her pause and sensed her smiling.

  “I’m pulling your leg Avaya. Well done. I’m very proud of you.” I smiled inside a little as her warmth made its way through the phoneline.

  “See you later mum.” I placed down the phone and grinned at Chlo who was dancing to whatever music she had put on the television and tried my best to suppress my excitement. She was clearly vibing my happiness.

  “So Mrs Executive assistant of Finance,” I giggled as she glanced out the window “you’ve done so well on getting that job. Honestly, do you know how many applicants they interviewed? It was ridiculous.” I smiled to myself and shrugged.

  “I just must be that good.” I laughed as I began to feel suddenly hot.

  “What’s your plan for the day?” She questioned as she lay back on the huge bed, I took my place next to her and tilted my head towards her. She seemed so much more relaxed than she had done in a while.

  “I was gonna go and dance for a while I think? There’s a class down in town.” She sighed and turned her head to face me. Her eyes that are pools of mud brown were glazed over as she smiled unconvincingly at me. I frowned slightly as I watched her.

  “That sounds like a great plan.” She stared at me for a while and I began to feel slightly uncomfortable. “Would you mind if I came to watch?” I shook my head in an automatic response and I watched as she shut her eyes, sighing heavily. She looked saddened now after our earlier sudden outburst of excitement.

  “What’s wrong Chlo?” My voice was low, her eyes were still shut and I stared at the ceiling.

  “I’m just wondering what I’m gonna do with the rest of my life. I don’t have a long term plan. My brother is a bloody drug mule and my other relatives are just fucked up and if anything happened to Jay I’d be like a lost puppy…” her sudden outburst of feelings shocked me and I felt unable to speak. “You know when I was younger, everything was just a laugh, I’m nearly 23 and I’ve got nothing to show for it. I’ve got a shitty literature degree, no stable relationship and a druggy as a best friend.” She laughed slightly as she poured out her feelings, though there were tiny water droplets trickling from her eyes.


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