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Page 37

by Anna White

  “Well at least now he knows your mine.” He smirked to himself and I threw my head backwards as I laughed. He stopped us walking just outside the large glass doors of the entrance to the building and planted a kiss against my lips. “Do you like the flowers?” He gestured towards them and I nodded.

  “They’re beautiful, slight shock that you gave them to me so publically?” I raised my brow and watched him smile.

  “I’m glad you like them.” He pulled on my arm as we began walking again towards the car park. His car winked at us as he unlocked it and I placed my flowers on the backseat. I then placed myself on the leather seat and slipped as I did so. I giggled a little and watched him smirk.

  “I’ve had it cleaned today, one of those valley things?” I rolled my eyes at his confession.

  “You’re so lazy.” He laughed as he shut his door and the engine roared beneath us. “Where are you taking me? I’m in 6 inch heels and a suite?” I questioned and watched as he clicked his seatbelt in place.

  “Wherever you want?” I grinned and pushed his shoulder.

  “McDonalds?” I watched him raise his brow and giggled.

  “Are you joking?” I shook my head in protest. I could almost taste the salty fries and double cheese burger and my mouth filled with saliva. I chuckled and placed my hand on the geer stick.

  “No? I wanna go home and sleep for a week to be honest. It’s been a really busy day?” I put on my best puppy dog eyes.

  “Fine, as you wish?” I smiled to myself and listened to the radio that was playing. I hummed the melody of Tori Kelly’s Dear No One and felt his fingers trace mine.

  “I love listening to you sing?” I smiled as I turned to face him as he drove.

  “You’re full of compliments today?” He shrugged softly and stared out of the window towards the traffic in front of us.

  “Hmm.” I closed my eyes for a brief second as I yawned. “Have you seen the traffic going into Maccies Av?” I grinned and opened my eyes to see what all the fuss was about.

  “No? My eyes were closed?” I watched the cheeky grin spread across his face and smirked to myself. He pulled in swiftly behind one of the other cars in the drive through. The lady spoke politely from behind the speaker. I pointed to what I wanted and watched him smile.

  “Hiya, can I have a Classic Large burger meal please? 20 chicken nuggets? A chicken legend meal, large and large strawberry milkshake and 2 mcflurries?” He barely took a breath as he ordered. My mouth opened in shock as he pulled forward to the pay bay. He gave me a wink and laughed.

  “You fat shit!” I exclaimed and heard him laugh.

  “I’m a big boy.” He winked in my direction and I blushed red. He isn’t wrong.

  “£26.79 please.” The young girls voice rang through the car. Her mouth hung open as her eyes fucked him and I frowned deeply.

  “As if you’ve just cost me “26!” I rolled my eyes at his remark and placed my hand on his leg. He paid and rolled the car forwards to collect the food. “Av don’t not while I’m driving.” His voice faltered as I ran my fingers up the inside of his thigh. “I swear to God Av stop it or I’ll pull over and fuck you in the back of this car.” My eyes widened, my hand stilled and I felt my heart pounding against my chest.

  “Oh?” My eyes met his and he cleared his throat and the next window opened and a young girl handed him the food. He placed it on my lap and drove off the car park. I sat and admired him the majority of the way back. Occasionally he’d steal a chip from the bag that was resting on my lap. I loved the way he was able to shut me up within seconds. I loved the way he made my heart race quicker whenever I looked at him. “What have you done today?” I questioned as we drove

  “Just the gym and helped Jay out with his paperwork.” I frowned to myself and began to sip my fanta. “I’ve also been thinking about the slimeball you work with and how close he’s been to you.” I laughed slightly and shrugged.

  “He hasn’t been that close and I kind of agree he is a slime ball.” I watched as he relaxed slightly and as we drove around the final road that was in the direction of Alfie’s.

  “You ready to eat?” I winked at his question and watched as he grinned and shook his head. “You’re filth today Miss Holt.” I chuckled as we pulled up on the drive and I handed the food bags to him before I gathered my flowers from the back of the car.

  “How many roses are in here?” He juggled the keys, my bag and the food and I shook my head as I offered to help him out.

  “24 I think?” I smiled as I sniffed them again. They smelled so sweet.

  “They’re lovely.” I opened the door to see Jay laughing at us.

  “You pair decided no fancy lunch then?” I smiled at him broadly and shrugged.

  “I didn’t want to go out I just wanted food, bath and to go to sleep and somehow I’ve ended up here.” I watched as Haz made his way towards the kitchen and glanced up at Jay who was in more relaxed wear, his brown eyes looked tired and I reached to hug him. “You look tired?” He nodded and glanced at Haz.

  “How was your first day? Freddie Behave?” I snorted in response to his question.

  “If by behaving you mean asking me for dinner then yeah, sure he behaved.” I watched him roll his eyes and I followed Harry into the kitchen. He handed me my fries and I began to eat, kicking off my heels and I moaned.

  “He asked her out for dinner?” Jay’s voice was tinged with annoyance and I heard Haz huff.

  “That he did. But now he knows she’s with me I think he’ll back off.” I turned to face him grinning as he piled yet another load of fries in his mouth and heard a laugh escape Jay’s lips.

  “I’m just hoping he doesn’t start being a cock to her.” I took a bite out of my burger. I ran my fingers over the buttons on my shirt and began to undo them. My feet were throbbing. I pulled my blazer off my arms and placed it on the kitchen island.

  “You know I am here? I can hear this conversation.” I rolled my eyes and looked towards them both who were now staring. “What?” Jay smirked and shook his head.

  “Nothing.” I watched as Haz smacked his chest hard and frowned.

  “Stop fucking gorping at her.” I chuckled as I took another bite of my burger and picked up my shoes to take upstairs.

  “I’m not gorping!” His innocence wasn’t sinceer and I made my way up towards the bathroom. Where I planned on staying for at least another hour or maybe two.


  The rest of the week had been hell. Freddie had been in a foul mood since he'd been made aware that Harry and I were an item. I got the feeling I was only hired because he wanted to fuck his PA. It wouldn't have surprised me. Mum had been in numerous meetings and my paperwork had been sky high, literally piles of paper on my desk and I was looking forward to not doing much the weekend. I missed Uni. I sighed aloud. Freddie waltzed in my office and dropped a piece of paper on my desk. He was on his mobile phone and was now blocking the wonderful sunset view I'd got out of my office window. I frowned a little as I continued to tap at the keys. He said his goodbyes and watched as he relaxed back in the chair opposite my desk.

  "There's a meeting in Manchester next week."

  "Who's going?" I instantly questioned.

  "You, Della and myself?" I raised my brow.

  "I'm surprised the board aren't going if it means we're meeting with another branch?" If I had to go up there with him Haz would have a fit. He wouldn't allow it.

  "It's to meet with one of our largest clients, I expect you to be there." He leant forward slightly in his chair and pushed his blonde hair from his face. My stomach churned as he stood up and gave me a wink before he went to leave my office. I didn't trust him. Not for one minute. "Are you up to much the weekend?"

  "Not really. I have a dance class at 6 and then I don't think I'll be doing much. Are you doing anything?" I smiled politely when realistically I wanted the throw up in my mouth just looking at him. Fucking slimeball.

  "I'll probably go out on Saturday." I smi
led and nodded before I collected my bag and coat.

  "See you Tuesday." I pushed past him slightly and made my way towards Della who was sat close to the exit of the office. She was laughing at something or somebody on the end of the phone. Her auburn hair swished around her pale face. She was bloody stunning.

  "Hey! How are you settling in?" I nodded and stumbled on my words a little.

  "I've been really busy which I suppose is a good thing?" She smiled and shrugged.

  "Did he tell you about that meeting? I haven't spoken to Jay about it." I grimaced and nodded.

  "Yeah he told me about it and I don't think I'll be able to go." She offered me a small smile and shrugged.

  "Good choice. I don't like the way Freddie looks at you." I shuddered at her words, nodded and made my way quickly towards my car.

  The roads were busier tonight, well, busier than I remembered them being on a normal Friday on the way home from the office. Within 30 minutes I was back home, my mum was nowhere to be seen. I sighed before I made my way up the stairs to get ready for my class. I felt as though I hadn't danced for ages when really it had been less than a few weeks. I pulled up my gym pants and placed my heels in a bag. I pulled my sports bra over my head and checked my phone.

  Nance: R u doing that class tonite ? X

  I smiled to myself and replied quickly.

  Me: I am. It's a heels class though. Don't forget x

  I tapped my reply and heard my door shut.

  “Avaya?” My mum’s voice was being carried throughout the house and I jogged down to meet her. She was smiling and I hugged her softly.

  “You’re looking less stressed!” I chuckled as she made her way further into the house.

  “Jay had words I believe.” I smirked to myself and shrugged as I glanced at the time.

  “I bet he did.” I muttered to myself. “Right I have to go? I have a class and then I think we’re heading out possibly?” She nodded and kissed my cheek.

  “Have fun I’ll see you on Sunday for lunch?” I nodded and gave her a quick squeeze before I dashed out of the door.

  Stepping through the routine in a cramped room was so much fun. I glanced at Nancy who was sweating slightly and this was showing through her light grey t-shirt. I grinned at her as the choreographer told us to break. I reached down for my water and leant against the industrial beam that was holding the ceiling up in the old warehouse.

  “Bloody hell this is hard.” She wiped away the sweat from my head and I laughed. Her honesty made me smile.

  “Yeah it’s not the easiest dancing in heels. Never has been. Good for the glutes though.” She chuckled as she took the water bottle and necked the last dregs. I frowned and pushed her slightly. She flashed her teeth at me and I smirked.

  “How’s your new job? I feel like it’s been ages since we all went out or even saw each other. Soph’s proper besotted I think.” I rolled my eyes and nodded.

  “Yeah I haven’t heard much from her either.” We both shrugged as Ariana Grande’s - Dangerous Woman started to beat through the studio again followed by the choreographers voice telling us to come back to perform. They were filming now and choosing their groups. My chest tensed and I looked at Nance.

  “It’s only going on Youtube we’ll be fine.” I knew Rava had been quiet lately, a little too quiet and I wasn't sure I appreciated being filled. "Av, you've been filmed all your life dancing stop being saft." My heart sank as she spoke. My best friend had no idea the shit I was in and I couldn't tell her either. I'd been living in blissful happiness the last few months. I'd almost forgotten about him. I stood and gulped as Jade pointed towards Nancy and I, she then looked at Jack and another lad. She'd gone through and chosen some other groups. I internally cringed as I looked at Jack. He smiled softly at me and we began to run through the steps again.

  The first group who performed were foot perfect. Hayley and Jean smashed it out of the ballpark and now it was my turn. It's just a dance routine. I took a breath and forced myself into character. The music started and we began to dance, I laughed as we finished the routine and heard people clapping. Jack high fived me and I smiled.

  "Well done guys! That was ace, considering you've only had a couple hours to learn the routine you've done great!" She had a strong American accent. Growing up she was one of my favourite dancers and now I was taking her class. She was praising me. I smiled widely and felt myself flushing. "Video will be up Monday! That's a wrap!" She clapped and I joined in with everyone else. Jack patted my shoulder and I nodded at Nance. He still fancied her and my bet was he was secretly pissed off that he was paired with me. I leant and grabbed my bag from off the floor and felt Nance nudge me.

  "This is proper cool you know." She was beaming. I changed my heels and placed on my crappy trainers and watched as she did the same. "You've gone really quiet Av what's up?" Her eyes furrowed and I shook my head.

  "I'm just having a think." I lied.

  "Fuck me that's dangerous…" I couldn't help but laugh as I handed her my hand so that she could pull me off the ground.

  "Hey that's not nice." I teased and held my chest. She rolled her eyes and I kept my hand in hers. Lately life had seemed to have got in the way of our close knit friendship.

  "You haven't filled me in on the job? How's it going?" She questioned as we walked out from the dance studio.

  "It's alright I suppose? Just a stop gap until I graduate in September." I sounded convincing but the truth was I had no idea what I wanted once I'd graduated. Her face said it all. She knew I was lying. "My boss is a bit weird." I admitted and watched her smile.

  "There it is, the truth comes out, fill me in!" She clicked her car and her Mercedes winked at us in the car park.

  "The first day I was there he offered to take me for dinner and then when Haz turned up with flowers he went really horrible and then today he had the cheek to tell me he expected me to go to Manchester for a meeting with him next week?" I had that horrible uneasy feeling return in the pit of my stomach and watched as she frowned.

  "Jesus Christ?" She turned to look at me as she turned on the ignition. "Have you told Haz?" I shook my head and started to mess with my fingers.

  "Not yet no." I heard a small laugh escape her lips and watched as she concentrated on driving.

  "He's gonna flip." I cringed. I knew he would. We began to drive a short way back to her house and pulled up on her drive. Her house looked big and stately in comparison to mine and my mums. We climbed out and made our way into the empty house. I hung my coat up at the doorway and watched her smile.

  "Did Chlo tell you about the trip to the Maldives in July?" I watched her mouth drop slightly and her brow furrowed. "He's brought you and Soph tickets?" A scream escaped her lips as she jumped up and down.

  "Oh my god are you fucking joking!?" She exclaimed as I laughed. I loved seeing her like this. Excited and happy. I shook my head. Her bright blue eyes are wide with shock.

  "No I'm not joking." She grinned widely and flashed a killer smile my way.

  "Why would he book me a seat?" I shrugged and winked at her.

  "Maybe it's his way of saying sorry? Maybe he still likes you?" I watched her frown and shrug.

  "It'll take more than a trip to the Maldives for me to forgive him." She scoffed. I smirked and shook my head. This was bullshit. She still liked him. More than she was prepared to let on anyway. Maybe she didn't love him but she really, really liked him. I'd never seen her mope over a man before him.

  "If you say so." I winked at her and glanced towards the living room.

  "Well I'm going anyway!" She giggled as she pulled me into her kitchen. This place felt more like home than my house sometimes. Now was one of those times. Her mum and dad must have been out at work or for dinner. I looked down at my watch and realised it was getting on for 9pm. I have a text.

  Haz: Fancy coming to the Top Hat later? I can lick you up at 9?

  The typo made me laugh and I smirked.

  Me: Lick me up? Do you mea
n pick? I'm sorry I'm at Nancy's we've only just finished class. X

  I chuckled a little as I sent the text and glanced at Nance. She tilted her head to the left and smiled.

  "You know seeing you this happy makes me feel a little sick," She admitted and I frowned as I threw my phone at her "oi! You fucking swine." We laughed and she threw my phone back at me.

  "Fancy going out?" I questioned.

  "Do you have to ask?" She grinned and I rolled my eyes. She was right. I probably didn't have to ask. I knew she would always say yes. My phone buzzed again.

  Haz: I could lick you. I'm sure you'd enjoy it. ;) you coming or not?

  Me: I'm not coming right now no…

  Haz: Later then?

  Me: Is that a promise? X

  I smirked at our little texting conversation.

  Haz: ffs Miss Holt behave. You'll have me combusting at the bar if you carry on…

  I chuckled as I tapped the screen of my phone.

  Me: Yes. I’ll be joining you at the bar. Give me an hour. X

  Haz: A fuckin hour? Your killin me x

  I laughed and pulled on Nancy’s arm.

  “God he does make you laugh doesn’t he?” Her facial expression was soft and I shrugged as I turned slightly pink in tone.

  “C’mon. Let’s get ready? We’ve got an hour.” I heard a moan escape her lips. Nancy and ‘get ready quick’ did not go well together. I pulled her up the large mahogany staircase in her house and watched as she followed behind me.

  The doors were being guarded by bouncers and I smiled politely at them as I took Nancy's hand in mine. I'd grown to know the bouncers over the last few months. Brett and Billy. They were always so friendly. Brett had a bald head and looked like he'd murder you if you made him jump. Billy was softer faced and had slightly more hair than Brett. Nancy was forever chatting Brett up when she was pissed. I smiled at the memory or her sneaking outside for a fag. I pulled on the mustard cowl neck dress she'd convinced me to wear and smiled as Brett held open the door for us.

  "Evening Ladies." Billy winked at us and I smiled.

  "Thank you Brett." I pushed on the glass door slightly and glanced towards the dimly lit bar. Music pulsed through the room and I gripped Nancy slightly tighter. She almost skipped towards the bar and pulled down the hem of her grey dress. I took a seat on one of the stools and glanced around the bar. I couldn't see them. She leant forward slightly.


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