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How Much I Care (Miami Nights Book 2)

Page 23

by Marie Force

  Chapter 23


  “I probably shouldn’t have done that while we were having sex.”

  I turn my head so I can see him. “It was perfect. As long as you meant it.”

  “Hell yes, I meant it. Did you mean it when you said yes?”

  “Hell yes.”

  His smile lights up his face as he turns on his side to face me, his arm around me. “It’s going to be so great. We’re going to be so great.”

  “We already are.”

  “I talked to my agent, Aaron, today.” He combs his fingers through my hair. “What do you think of Seattle?”

  “As in the Seattle that’s on the other side of the country Seattle?”

  “Yeah, that’s the one.”

  “Um, well… I haven’t really thought much about it, to be honest.”

  “Would you be willing to consider it for roughly half the year for the next six or so years? We could spend the off-season here.”

  As I rest my head on his chest and run my fingers over the elaborate artwork on his pectorals, I try to imagine life without regular time with my family and friends and what that would be like.

  “You’d be able to come home any time you need to for any reason. No questions asked. Your Nona’s birthday, your sister’s home for the weekend, your cousin is having a Tupperware party… Whatever it is, if you want to go, you go.”

  I’m rocking with silent laughter. “No one has Tupperware parties anymore. With my family, it’s more likely to be Pampered Chef.”

  “Whatever it is, if you need to be there, you’ll be there.”

  “You’re very sweet to understand how connected I am to my family.”

  “I’ve seen that firsthand, and I’d never want to keep you from them. But selfishly, I need you with me and Ev. I know this is a big ask.”

  “It’s not that big. Yes, it’ll be hard to be away from my life here, but I’ll have you and Ev to make it worth the sacrifice.”

  “We’ll make it worth it—and the Mariners are making it worth it, too. Aaron says they’re offering a hundred twenty million for three years with all sorts of options and incentives.”

  “Holy. Shit.”


  I look up to catch his gaze. “Can I ask you something else?”

  “Anything you want.”

  “Do you want more kids?”

  “Absolutely. I’d have ten kids. I love being a dad.”

  “We’re not having ten kids.”

  “You’re no fun.”

  “Yes, I am, and you know it. I’d consider two more with possible negotiations for a fourth, but that’s it.”

  “I’ll take that deal.”

  “Are we really doing this? Are we talking about our life together?”

  “That’s what I’m talking about. What’re you talking about?”

  I smile at the way he says that and snuggle into his warm embrace. “I’m so excited.”

  “So am I. What kind of wedding should we have?”

  “The only kind of wedding my family is capable of—an extravaganza. You’ll see this weekend.”

  “I want you to have whatever you want. Anything you want.”

  “All I want is you and Ev and your family and my family. That’s all I need.” I pause and let out a laugh. “I can’t believe I’m getting married.”

  “Believe it, baby. We’re going to have it all. Every single thing.”

  I’m not sure what time it was when we finally fell asleep, but it was late, and I’m startled awake when I can’t breathe. I open my eyes to find Everly hovering over me, plugging my nose to get me to wake up.


  Austin comes to with a gasp as we realize we’ve been caught in bed together for the first time. “Pooh, don’t do that to Rie. It’s bad enough when you do it to Dada.”

  “Dada! Rie! Bed!”

  I’m dying, and I can’t stop the gurgle of laughter that erupts from deep inside me.

  “Rie! Silly!”

  We never did get around to putting clothes back on, so not only has she caught us in bed together, but we’re also bare-ass naked.

  “Pooh, go on out to the sofa. Dada will be right out.”


  “I’m coming, too, pumpkin.” As soon as I can stop laughing, that is.

  Everly jumps off the bed and goes running out to the living room.

  Austin gets up, pulls on a pair of underwear and shorts and then leans over to kiss me. “We’re busted.”

  “Looks that way. Are you okay with that?”

  “She needs to get used to seeing us sleep together. And you know what’s great?”

  “Besides everything?”

  He smiles. “She’ll never remember life before you. You’ll be the only mother she ever knows.” After dropping that emotional bomb on me, he kisses me and goes to see what Everly is doing while I lie in bed and marvel at how I’m now a fiancée and the mother of a three-year-old.


  I float through the morning at the clinic, in the best mood I’ve ever been in. My future is set. I’ve found my one, and that he comes with the most wonderful little girl is a delightful bonus. In the break room between patients, Miranda asks me what’s got me smiling from ear to ear.

  “You’ll meet them around noon when they come in for lunch.”


  “My boyfriend and his daughter.” It pains me to call him that when he’s my fiancé now, but I can’t do anything to take the spotlight off Carmen this week. There will be time enough to celebrate my news after her wedding.

  “Ah, so it’s all official, then?”

  “It is. I can’t wait for you to meet them, and you should know he’s interested in funding the clinic.”

  She pauses mid-sip. “Seriously?”

  “Yep. I told him what we do here, what it means to me and the community. He’s excited to be part of it.”

  Miranda blinks a few times, and I realize she’s trying not to cry. “This is a miracle,” she says softly. “I haven’t wanted to say anything, but our funding is really low. I’ve been praying to the Blessed Virgin for relief…”

  I go to her and hug her, filled with love for her and the man who will ease her burden. “I’m sorry you’ve been so worried. You could’ve told me.”

  “I didn’t want you to be worried, too.”

  “You need to prepare yourself… When Austin goes all in, he doesn’t hold back.”

  She fans her face as she tries to contain her tears.

  I hand her a tissue from a box on the counter. “I should tell you that it’s possible he’s going to sign with Seattle.”

  Her smile falters. “That’s awfully far from Miami.”

  “I know, and I’ll probably be going with him.”

  “Ah, mi amiga, you’re in love.”

  “Very much so.”

  “I’m so happy for you—and for him. He’s a lucky man.”

  “We’re both lucky to have found each other.”

  “And in the most special way. You were a perfect match for his child, and he’s a perfect match for you. What a lovely thing that is.”

  Our receptionist, Angie, comes to the break room door. “Maria, there’s a hot-as-F dude here with the cutest kid ever, and they’re asking for you.”

  “That’d be her boyfriend and his daughter,” Miranda says.

  Angie’s eyes bug. “Legit?”

  “As legit as it gets.” They’re early, but I don’t care. I follow Angie to the reception area, where Austin is holding Everly and a big shopping bag.

  “Rie! Lunch!”

  “There’s my pumpkin.” I take her from him and give her a squeeze.

  “Rie! Bed! Dada!”

  While Austin, Angie and Miranda crack up, I gently cover Everly’s mouth. “Shhh, don’t tell my secrets at work.”

  “I’m Austin,” he says. “You must be Angie and Miranda.”

  As they shake hands with him, both women seem a l
ittle dazzled. I can’t blame them. He has the same effect on me.

  “So this is the clinic I’ve heard so much about.”

  “It’s not much, but it’s our home away from home,” Miranda tells him. “Come take a look.”

  While I hold Everly, Miranda shows him our two exam rooms and the break room. “And that concludes our five-minute tour.”

  “How many patients do you see here in a week?”

  “It varies, but on our busiest week, about two hundred fifty.”

  “That’s a lot.”

  “We can never accommodate everyone in a given day,” I tell him. “But we give them numbers so they can come back without having to wait again.”

  “If you had a bigger place and more staff, would that help?”

  Miranda stares at him. “Uhhh…”

  “It would make a huge difference for our community,” I tell him.

  “Then let’s do that, shall we?”

  “Holy F,” Angie says. “Is he for real?”

  “He is,” I tell her, bursting with pride. He’s all mine, and I love him for doing this. “He’s as real as it gets.”

  Over the lunch that Austin brought, we discuss his intention to fund the clinic going forward, to provide whatever is needed, up to and including a new, larger facility.

  “You’re going to have to give me some time to catch up,” Miranda says. “I can’t believe this is happening.”

  Austin covers her hand with his much larger one. “It’s an absolute pleasure to be able to do this, Miranda. I get paid a ridiculous amount of money to play a game. Being able to do some real good with that money is important to me—and this place is important to Maria. That makes it important to me.”

  “Girl,” Angie says.

  I send her a smug smile. “I know, right?”

  “We were really, really lucky when Everly got sick to have access to the best health care money could buy. I can’t take care of everyone who needs it, but I can do this.”

  “Thank you so much,” Miranda says. “So, so much.”

  Jason comes in and stops short when he sees us gathered around the table with Austin and Everly. I almost forgot that today is his afternoon at the clinic. “What’s up?” he asks.

  “We’ve got ourselves a new benefactor,” Miranda tells him.

  “Is that right?” Jason smiles at Austin. “That’s awesome and so badly needed.”

  “So I’ve been told.” He gestures to the sandwich makings on the table. “Have something to eat.”

  “Don’t mind if I do. I was running late and didn’t get to eat.”

  We make room for him at the table.

  “Are you getting excited?” I ask him.

  “So excited. I never knew getting married was so much fun.”

  “It’s only fun when you get it exactly right,” Miranda tells him. “Which you did.”

  “I sure did.”

  “How’s the bride holding up?” Austin asks.

  “She seems good, although I know it’s not the same for her as it is for me. I’m trying to be mindful of that.”

  “When you marry a widow, you don’t just get her,” Miranda says. “You get her late husband and his family, too.”

  Jason nods. “I know, and I love Tony’s family and how devoted Carmen has been to them and vice versa. They’re her family.”

  “You’ll be just fine because you get it,” Miranda says. “And with that, we need to get back to work. Austin, thank you for lunch and everything else. I’m looking forward to working with you.”

  “Same. You have my number. Let’s talk again soon.”

  “After the wedding. This week is about celebration. We’ll take care of business next week.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll look forward to hearing from you.”

  “Oh, you’ll hear from me,” she says over her shoulder as she leaves the room.

  “It’s so, so amazing what you’re doing,” Angie says. “You have no idea…” She spontaneously hugs him. “And you’re hot AF.”

  She scurries out of the room while the rest of us laugh.

  “So that’s Angie for you.”

  “She’s funny.”

  “It’s amazing what you’re doing here, Austin,” Jason says. “The need is so great.”

  “It’s very satisfying to be involved in something like this. Thank you for what you do, too.”

  “Like you said, it’s very satisfying work. And with that, thank you for lunch. I need to get to it.”

  “There’s always a line out the door when Dr. Jason comes in,” I tell Austin after Jason leaves the room.

  “We need some of our own Dr. Jasons on staff,” he says.

  “No matter what happens from here on out, I’ll never forget that you did this. You’ve earned years’ worth of husbandly get-out-of-the-doghouse-free cards with this.”

  His grin is potent, sexy and satisfied. “Then it’s money very well spent.”

  Austin makes dinner while I get ready for a night out with my girls. This feels so domestic, like what being married will be like. When I come out of my bedroom wearing a black dress, sky-high heels and more makeup than Austin or Everly have ever seen on me, he stares at me with a look of pure desire that makes me wish I didn’t have plans tonight.

  “Rie pretty!”

  I pick up Everly so she can get a closer look at the makeup.

  “Rie is so pretty,” Austin says. “So, so pretty.”

  “You guys are good for a girl’s ego.”

  “Your ego should be very, very healthy.” He steals a quick kiss and then gets busy serving up chicken and mashed potatoes and stuffing that Everly apparently loves better than scream, if her father is to be believed.

  Austin not only makes dinner, he cleans up afterward, too, while I go brush my teeth, reapply my lipstick and run a brush through my hair.

  He comes up behind me, wraps his arms around me and kisses my neck. “It’s not fair that you’re going out looking so fucking hot, and I don’t get to go with you.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “We need a real date.”

  “We’ve got the rehearsal and the wedding.”

  “Which will be awesome, but after that, I want just us. A lot of just us.”

  “We’ll have plenty of that.”

  “You promise?”

  “Absolutely.” My phone chimes with a text from my sister. “Dee is here, and she wants to meet you guys.” I turn and kiss him. “Don’t wait up.”

  “I will wait up. Don’t let some other dude take off with my girl.”

  “I’m not going anywhere with anyone but you, and you know it.” I take him by the hand and lead him to the living room, releasing him to open the door to Dee.

  She shrieks and launches herself at me, like always when we see each other for the first time in weeks or months. She’s only a year younger than me, and we’ve always been close. We never fought the way other sisters we knew did, and along with Carmen, she’s my closest friend. She’s about two inches shorter than me, but otherwise, we could be twins. The only real difference is her curly dark hair isn’t as long as mine. “You’re looking hot, mama!”

  “I was just saying the same thing,” Austin says.

  “Speaking of hot, you must be Austin.”

  “Nice to finally meet you.”

  “You, too.” Dee hugs him and then bends at the waist to speak to Everly, who’s hiding behind Austin’s leg. “And you must be Miss Everly. I’ve heard so much about you.”

  “This is Rie’s sister, Dee,” I tell her. “Can you say hi?”


  “She’s much chattier when she gets to know you better.”

  Dee plays a cute game of peek-a-boo that has Everly giggling in no time.

  “Rie! Dee!”

  “That’s right, pumpkin. Dee is Rie’s sister.”


  I look up at Austin. “Another new word!”

  “Add it to the list.” Austin picks her up so th
ey can walk us out to the limo that’s backed into the driveway, waiting for us. Dee and I splurged on the car so none of us has to worry about driving tonight. “You ladies have a blast.”

  “We will.” I kiss him and Everly. “Love you guys.”

  “Rie! Love!”

  Austin’s grin makes me again wish I could stay home. “Love you, too.”

  When we’re in the limo, I look back and see them waving to us as we leave.

  “Um, wow?” Dee says. “You love him? He loves you? What the fuck? I don’t talk to you for a couple of days, and love has happened?”

  “It happened a while ago, actually.” I’m dying to tell her the rest, but I literally bite my tongue so I won’t be tempted to blurt it out. Carmen’s big week. Not the time. Keep biting your tongue. “He asked me to marry him.”

  She screams so loud, the driver startles.

  “Sorry,” I tell him while shushing her. “You can’t tell anyone. This is Carmen’s week. I’d never want to steal her thunder. You have to promise.”

  She hurls herself at me, hugging me so hard, she nearly breaks my ribs. “This is so awesome, Mari. He’s gorgeous, and that little one… Dear God, she’s adorable!”

  “Is he gorgeous? I hadn’t noticed.”

  “Shut up. You have to tell me everything. How did he ask?”

  “Um, well, we were… you know…”

  “Oh my God! No way! Right in the middle of it?”


  “That’s so amazing. Does he know yet where he’s going to play next year?”

  “Maybe Seattle.”

  “Ugh, Mari… That’s so far away!”

  “Believe me, I know, but as he said, it’s only half the year, and his contract will probably be six years. I can do anything for half the year for six years. We’d spend the winters here.”

  “Until you have kids in school, and then it’s not quite so simple.”

  Her comment has the same effect as a pin hitting a balloon. “How did I not even think of school? Everly is already three…”


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