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Pleasing His Perfect Curvy Girl: An Alpha Male Insta-Love Younger Woman Romance (Sweet Curves Book 2)

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by Bailey Rock

  Pleasing His Perfect Curvy Girl

  An Alpha Male Insta-Love Younger Woman Romance

  Sweet Curves 2

  Bailey Rock


  Title Page

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7


  This is a work of art/fiction. Names, places, businesses, characters, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, actual events, or places is purely coincidental. Any persons appearing on the cover image for this book are models and do not have any connection to the contents of this story.

  All characters depicted in this work are unrelated consenting adults. This author assumes no responsibility for the use/misuse of this material.

  © 2020 Bailey Rock

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  Chapter 1


  “Alice, open the door!” There’s an intense banging on my door, which makes it shudder in its hinges. I step back and try to slow my breath. I have 911 queued up and ready to dial on my phone, but I’m not sure that I want to push send.

  I’m not entirely sure that I’m ready to go that far, to bring Michael’s wrath down on my head. It’s bad enough that he found out where I live. If he thinks that I called the cops on him then he’s going to be even more of a nightmare.

  Breaking up with him was the smartest and the dumbest thing I’ve ever done. Smart because it means that I’m finally free from his controlling attitude and how mean he can be, but dumb because…

  Well, because I’m here.

  I take a look around my apartment and groan. Moving out of his house after one of his fits of rage was absolutely the smart thing to do, but I didn’t intend to end up here, in a slum. With water dripping from the ceiling. And rats. I’m pretty sure I saw a rat in the kitchen last night.

  “Alice, please let me in so that we can talk.” His voice is calmer now, but I know that it’s just the calm before the storm. I also know that if I open the door it will only get worse. The best thing to do is ride it out, so I slide down onto the floor and lean against the door.

  This way, I can hear if things get worse. It’ll also let me hear if he makes any threats.

  After a moment of silence, he bangs again, louder than before. I step back away from my door and literally shake.

  This could be it. Is he strong enough to break down the door? I eyeball the hinges.

  Probably. They look as old as I am, so 22, which isn’t that old, but still…

  Old enough.

  He’s in the middle of screaming my name when suddenly he falls silent. Heart pounding, I lean my ear up against the door to listen.

  Did he leave?

  No. There’s another voice from in the hall. This one deeper than Michael’s and warmer. For the first time since I moved out, I feel calm.

  But who the hell is it? And what is he saying to Michael?

  “You can’t make me leave.” It’s Michael and he sounds defiant. Pissed.

  The other man responds, but his voice is so quiet that I can’t quite hear it. I press my ear up against the door in an attempt to make out the words, but all I hear is Michael slam his fist against the door.

  My heart is in my throat now, and I take a step back.

  “I’ll leave, but I’m coming back! She’s mine, you know!” His footsteps echo down the hall as he storms off and, for the first time since he showed up, I feel relief.


  After a moment, there’s a softer knock on the door.

  “Are you in there? You okay? He’s gone.”

  My fingers rest on the knob. Should I open it? How do I know that the person out there is any better than Michael?

  The man’s voice is warm and friendly, and I feel the fear leave my body. Whoever he is, I should thank him.

  Carefully I unlock the door and open it a crack to peek out. After a moment, though, I swing it wider to get a better look.

  Holy. Shit.

  I had no idea that guys looked like this in real life.

  In the movies? Sure. Magazines? You bet.

  But standing in the hall of my shitty apartment? Not a chance.

  He’s taller than me, and broader, with wide shoulders and muscles that bulge when he moves. His short hair and sexy stubble make my knees weak, but it’s his piercing eyes and the way he leans against my doorframe that makes me wet.

  Who the hell is this guy?


  Holy hell.

  I had no idea what I expected to be behind the door, but this sexy curvy girl definitely wasn’t it. She looks scared, which makes sense with the asshole banging on her door, but even still…

  She’s gorgeous.

  Her tight blue jeans and her tank top show off all of her curves, and damn, there are a lot of them.

  She’s a curvy goddess if I’ve ever seen one, and for a second, I can’t talk.

  All I can do is stare.

  “Thanks for running him off.” She smiles up at me and I tear my eyes away from her giant tits to look in her eyes. “I broke up with him and…I guess he hasn’t taken it very well.”

  “I wouldn’t either. I’m Logan.” She takes my outstretched hand and gasps at the jolt of energy that passes between the two of us. I feel it, too.

  “You know, my mom always told me that when I met the girl I was going to marry that I’d know it as soon as I saw her.” I stand up from her doorframe and look down on her. “I always thought it was a load of crap, honestly.”

  She laughs. “Do you still think it’s a load of crap? Sounds kinda like a crazy wish from someone desperate for love.”

  Normally I wouldn’t like someone talking about my mom like that, but I grin at her. She’s a little feisty. No wonder that hulking asshole from earlier doesn’t want to let her go.

  “I did. Up until about a minute ago when you opened the door.”

  She glances sharply up at me and I can tell that she doesn’t believe me. That’s okay, if I have my way, I’m going to make sure that I take plenty of time to show her just how serious I am.

  “You’ve got to be kidding.” She allows her eyes to rake slowly over my body and I feel my cock twitch in my pants. Damn, this girl is hot, and the way she’s looking at me tells me just how interested in me she is.

  “I don’t kid about stuff like this. Why don’t you let me take you out to dinner and I’ll tell you more about how serious I am.”

  I also want to know how a girl like her ended up in a slum apartment like this, but before she can answer, the door down the hall slams open and my sister, Jessica leans out. “Logan! I need your help with the kids!”

  I glance over my shoulder at her, but when I turn back to the curvy goddess I see that she’s lost any of the interest in her eyes.

  Shit. She thinks that Jessica’s my girlfriend.

  “Maybe you need to tell your girlfriend that you’re over here hitting on her neighbor,” she says, her eyes dark. Before I can stop her, she slams the door and throws the bolt.

  I lean against the door, feeling the cool wood on my forehead.

  I could bang on her door. Make her open it. Make her listen.

  On the other hand, she
’s already dealt with an asshole knocking on her door tonight. I don’t want to be pigeonholed with him.

  I know where she lives, and now that I’ve laid eyes on her, I’m not going to let her get away. I’ll go help my sister now, but I’ll be back.

  I don’t care how long it takes me to break down this curvy beauty’s walls…I’m going to do it.

  And then I’m going to make her mine.

  Chapter 2


  My heart’s pounding in my chest when the sexy blonde god walks down the hall to his girlfriend’s apartment. I’m peeking through the peephole and I watch as he turns to look at my door before going in hers.

  I swear, we made eye contact.

  It’s stupid. There’s a damn peephole between us.

  But still. It felt like he was looking into me. Through me. Like he saw me.

  Too damn bad he has a girlfriend.

  Sighing, I turn away from the door and pull out my phone to see how many messages I’ve missed. It was vibrating like crazy in my pocket the entire time I was talking to Logan.


  He doesn’t look like a cheater, but then again, most cheaters don’t.

  15 missed messages and 5 missed calls. I delete the voicemails without even listening to them. It was nice of Logan to get Michael to leave tonight but he’ll be back.

  Guys like him never stay gone for long.

  On a whim, I peek back out of the peephole, but the door down the hall is closed. I can hear the kids yelling through the shitty thin apartment walls, and I turn to go to bed.

  There’s nothing else to do.

  But if I’m being honest with myself…I not only want to pass out and forget this day happened, but also think about Logan.

  About his hands. His gaze. The way he looked at me like he was undressing me.

  Shame he has a girlfriend.

  That doesn’t mean I can’t dream about him, right?

  That’s all it will ever be – guys like him never go for girls like me.

  It’s just the way it is.


  “Tell me about your new neighbor.” Jessica and I finally got her two kids fed and in bed and now she has a glass of wine while I’m enjoying a glass of water. Her husband, Tim, is working late, again, so I came over to help her with the kids.

  The entire time through dinner and getting the kids ready for bed I couldn’t stop thinking about the girl down the hall. Her curves. Her bright eyes. The way her nipples poked out through her tank top.

  I groan and shift in my seat to adjust. My cock is getting hard just thinking about how damn sexy she looked.

  And that mouth?

  There’s only one thing I want that mouth to be doing.

  “I don’t know her. She just moved in. Did you catch her name?

  I shake my head. “No, she didn’t say. She thinks you’re my girlfriend.”

  Jessica starts laughing so hard she almost chokes on her wine. “Girlfriend? Did you correct her?”

  “No, she looked a little stressed out.”

  “Yeah, I probably would be too if I had a meathead asshole banging on my door. Ex-boyfriend, do you imagine?”

  “Yep.” I take another drink of my water. “I told him to clear out or we’d have problems. He did, but I bed he’ll be back.”

  She looks at me over her wine and I know exactly what she’s thinking.

  “You should stay here. Make sure she’s safe, don’t you think?”

  “The sofa looks really good to me. Thanks, Jessica.”

  “Hey, what are siblings for? Make sure that she’s safe and also keep any creeps from getting into the house.” She stands up and stretches before walking to the bedroom. “Oh, remind me – how long are you in town?”

  I was planning on staying in town just another night or two to wrap up some business, but now that I’m here and I’ve seen the curvy girl down the street, I’m not leaving until I make her mine.

  “As long as I need to be.”

  “Lucky guy gets to work from anywhere.” She blows me a kiss and leaves me alone in the living room.

  Sure, I can work from anywhere. Hell, I don’t even know if I’d call what I do have the time work. It’s easy money just managing my business from on the go.

  But I’m alone. I’ve been alone for most of my life. Jessica has her family and I’m always invited, but there’s never been a girl who really caught my eye.

  Not until today.

  I can work from anywhere, and I’m not leaving until she’s mine.

  She may not believe me, but she’s what I need to feel complete.

  To make my life whole.

  Chapter 3


  I made it through the night without Michael banging on my door although I did have to turn my phone off since he kept texting and calling me. While eating a bowl of cereal for breakfast I add “change phone number” to my to-do list.

  As much as I’d like to stay home all day, I know that I won’t get anyone done unless I leave the house, so I throw on a pair of jeans and a fresh top. Before leaving my apartment, however, I peek out through the peephole to make sure that he’s not there.

  He’s not, but the sexy guy from yesterday is sitting in a chair in the middle of the hall. His girlfriend’s door is closed, but he’s working on a laptop, facing my door.

  I feel a flush of energy and throw the door open. “Are you spying on me?”

  He glances up slowly and I feel the blood drain from my face as I see again just how damn sexy he is. Today he has on jeans and a button-up shirt. His sleeves are rolled up exposing his forearms and when he moves I can see the bottom of a tattoo tucked under the cuff.

  Dammit. Could he get any hotter?

  “Not spying, no.” He shuts his laptop and stands, turning to place it on his chair before looking at me. His gaze rakes over my body and I shiver. “Making sure that your asshole of an ex didn’t come back to pay you a surprise visit this morning.”

  “Did he?”

  He shakes his head and a sense of relief courses through my veins.

  Now that I know I’m not in immediate danger, I can’t tear my eyes away from this guy. Who the hell is he and where did he come from? And why is he so interested in keeping me safe when his family is right down the hall?

  “Doesn’t your girlfriend mind that you’re keeping an eye on me?”

  He laughs. “Didn’t you listen to me yesterday? I told you that my mom told me I’d know when I met the woman I was to marry, and that’s you. Besides, marrying my sister would just be weird. And illegal.” He winks at me and I feel my panties getting wet.

  Oh, no.

  That wasn’t his girlfriend.

  “Your sister?” My voice doesn’t sound like mine. It sounds kinda strangled and weak, and he laughs and nods. “So, you were just visiting her and ran into my ex?”

  “That’s it. But you forgot the most important part. After I ran into your ex I then ran into the woman of my dreams. She’s curvy, sexy, and laughs like an angel.”

  I blush, hard. My heart is pounding in my chest so loudly I’m sure that he can hear it. When he steps closer to me, I reach back and grab the doorframe for something to support me.

  “But I don’t even know you,” I manage.

  “But I know you. My heart knows you, curvy mystery girl. Now, the question is: are you going to share your name with me or am I going to have to make up a name for you? Because I have a lot of things I don’t think I’d mind calling you.”

  I swallow. Hard.

  “I’m Alice,” I say finally.

  “Alice. It’s perfect. Have you eaten, Alice?”

  I think back to the half bowl of cereal I pushed around with my spoon and I shake my head.

  “Me either. Let me put this in Jessica’s apartment and I’ll take you out to eat. She told me that there’s this great place in town that makes homemade waffles. You heard of Jim’s Diner?”

  “I love going to Jim’s!” I grin at hi
m and realize that for the first time in days I feel happy. Hopeful.

  Will I marry this sexy guy? Probably not, even though, for some reason, he seems convinced.

  But can I go enjoy a waffle with him? Hell, yes.

  After that I’ll go change my phone number. It’s a fresh start.

  “Fabulous. Wait here, Alice. I don’t want anyone else seeing how good you look this morning unless I’m there to keep them away from you.”

  He puts his things in the apartment down the hall and then walks slowly back to me, his eyes sliding over my curves.

  When he gets to me, he slips his hand into mine, interlacing our fingers. It feels natural. Good.

  A surge of energy runs through my body and I feel a low tugging deep in my stomach.

  It seems stupid to think but moving into this shitty apartment may actually have been the best thing to happen to me.


  Alice’s hand feels good in mine. It feels right. In fact, I think that it feels perfect – like I’m finally home and I’ve finally found the thing that I was looking for.

  I know that my mom was always worried that I would never settle down, but I just never found the right person. Now that I’ve laid eyes on her, I don’t want to let her go.

  I want to bring her home and make her my bride. I want to make her happy and ensure that she never has to worry about living in a shitty apartment again or what she’ll do to stay away from creepy exes. She doesn’t know this yet, but that guy from yesterday is the last ex she’ll ever have. I’m going to make sure of it.

  “Do you want me to drive and meet you there?” We’re in the parking lot and Alice looks up at me expectantly.

  In response, I tighten my grip on her hand. There’s no way I’m letting her out of my sight. Not with her ex walking around – hell, not with any man walking around who may see her and want her for her own.

  “I’ll drive. I’m going to take care of you now, Alice. You won’t need to worry about a thing, I promise.”


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