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Ghost Stories

Page 42

by Bill Bowers

  Even now, weary as I was, I felt that with a supper, an hour’s rest, and a guide, I might still get back to her before midnight, if only guide and shelter could be found.

  And all this time the snow fell and the night thickened. I stopped and shouted every now and then, but my shouts seemed only to make the silence deeper. Then a vague sense of uneasiness came upon me, and I began to remember stories of travelers who had walked on and on in the falling snow until, wearied out, they were fain to lie down and sleep their lives away. Would it be possible, I asked myself, to keep on thus through all the long dark night? Would there not come a time when my limbs must fail, and my resolution give way? When I, too, must sleep the sleep of death. Death! I shuddered. How hard to die just now, when life lay all so bright before me! How hard for my darling, whose whole loving heart—but that thought was not to be borne! To banish it, I shouted again, louder and longer, and then listened eagerly. Was my shout answered, or did I only fancy that I heard a far-off cry? I halloed again, and again the echo followed. Then a wavering speck of light came suddenly out of the dark, shifting, disappearing, growing momentarily nearer and brighter. Running towards it at full speed, I found myself, to my great joy, face to face with an old man and a lantern.

  “Thank God!” was the exclamation that burst involuntarily from my lips.

  Blinking and frowning, he lifted his lantern and peered into my face.

  “What for?” growled he, sulkily.

  “Well—for you. I began to fear I should be lost in the snow.”

  “Eh, then, folks do get cast away hereabouts fra’ time to time, an’ what’s to hinder you from bein’ cast away likewise, if the Lord’s so minded?”

  “If the Lord is so minded that you and I shall be lost together my friend, we must submit,” I replied; “but I don’t mean to be lost without you. How far am I now from Dwolding?”

  “A gude twenty mile, more or less.”

  “And the nearest village?”

  “The nearest village is Wyke, an’ that’s twelve miles t’other side.”

  “Where do you live, then?”

  “Out yonder,” said he, with a vague jerk of the lantern.

  “You’re going home, I presume?”

  “Maybe I am.”

  “Then I’m going with you.”

  The old man shook his head, and rubbed his nose reflectively with the handle of the lantern.

  “It ain’t no use,” growled he. “He ’ont let you in—not he.”

  “We’ll see about that,” I replied, briskly. “Who is he?”

  “The master.”

  “Who is the master?”

  “That’s nowt to you,” was the unceremonious reply.

  “Well, well; you lead the way, and I’ll engage that the master shall give me shelter and a supper tonight.”

  “Eh, you can try him!” muttered my reluctant guide; and, still shaking his head, he hobbled gnome-like, away through the falling snow. A large mass loomed up presently out of the darkness, and a huge dog rushed out barking furiously.

  “Is this the house?” I asked.

  “Ay, it’s the house. Down, Bey!” And he fumbled in his pocket for the key.

  I drew up close behind him, prepared to lose no chance of entrance, and saw in the little circle of light shed by the lantern that the door was heavily studded with iron nails, like the door of a prison. In another minute he had turned the key and I had pushed past him into the house.

  Once inside, I looked round with curiosity and found myself in a great raftered hall, which served, apparently, a variety of uses. One end was piled to the roof with corn, like a barn. The other was stored with flour-sacks, agricultural implements, casks, and all kinds of miscellaneous lumber; while from the beams overhead hung rows of hams, flitches, and bunches of dried herbs for winter use. In the centre of the floor stood some huge object gauntly dressed in a dingy wrapping-cloth, and reaching halfway to the rafters. Lifting a corner of this, I saw, to my surprise, a telescope of very considerable size, mounted on a rude movable platform, with four small wheels. The tube was made of painted wood bound round with bands of metal rudely fashioned; the speculum, so far as I could estimate its size in the dim light, measured at least fifteen inches in diameter. While I was yet examining the instrument, and asking myself whether it was not the work of some self-taught optician, a bell rang sharply.

  “That’s for you,” said my guide, with a malicious grin. “Yonder’s his room.”

  He pointed to a low black door at the opposite side of the hall. I crossed over, rapped somewhat loudly, and went in, without waiting for an invitation. A huge, white-haired old man rose from a table covered with books and paper, and confronted me sternly.

  “Who are you?” said he. “How came you here? What do you want?”

  “James Murray, barrister-at-law. On foot across the moor. Meat, drink, and sleep.”

  He bent his bushy brows into a portentous frown.

  “Mine is not a house of entertainment,” he said haughtily. “Jacob, how dare you admit this stranger?”

  “I didn’t admit him,” grumbled the old man. “He followed me over the muir, and shouldered his way in before me. I’m no match for six foot two.”

  “And pray, sir, by what right have your forced an entrance into my house?”

  “The same by which I should have clung to your boat, if I were drowning. The right of self-preservation.”


  “There’s an inch of snow on the ground already,” I replied, briefly; “and it would be deep enough to cover my body before daybreak.”

  He strode to the window, pulled aside a heavy black curtain, and looked out.

  “It is true,” he said. “You can stay, if you choose, till morning. Jacob, serve the supper.”

  With this he waved me to a seat, resumed his own, and became at once absorbed in the studies from which I had disturbed him.

  I placed my gun in a corner, drew my chair to the hearth, and examined my quarters at leisure. Smaller and less incongruous in its arrangements than the hall, this room contained, nevertheless, much to awaken my curiosity. The floor was carpetless. The whitewashed walls were in parts scrawled over with strange diagrams, and in others covered with shelves crowded with philosophical instruments, the uses of many of which were unknown to me. On one side of the fireplace stood a bookcase filled with dingy folios; on the other, a small organ, fantastically decorated with painted carvings of medieval saints and devils. Through the half-opened door of cupboard at the further end of the room I saw a long array of geological specimens, surgical preparations, crucibles, retorts, and jars of chemicals; while on the mantleshelf beside me, amid a number of small objects stood a model of the solar system, a small galvanic battery, and a microscope. Every chair had its burden. Every corner was heaped high with books. The very floor was littered over with maps, casts, papers, tracings, and learned lumber of all conceivable kinds.

  I stared about me with an amazement increased by every fresh object upon which my eyes chanced to rest. So strange a room I had never seen; yet seemed it stranger still, to find such a room in a lone farmhouse amid those wild and solitary moors! Over and over again I looked from my host to his surroundings, and from his surroundings back to my host, asking myself who and what he could be? His head was singularly fine; but it was more the head of a poet than of a philosopher. Broad in the temples, prominent over the eyes, and clothed with a rough profusion of perfectly white hair, it had all the ideality and much of the ruggedness that characterizes the head of Louis von Beethoven. There were the same deep lines about the mouth, and the same stern furrows in the brow. There was the same concentration of expression. While I was yet observing him, the door opened and Jacob brought in the supper. His master then closed his book, rose, and with more courtesy of manner than he had yet shown, invited me to the table.

  A dish of ham and eggs, a loaf of brown bread, and a bottle of admirable sherry were placed before me.

“I have but the homeliest farmhouse fare to offer you, sir,” said my entertainer. “Your appetite, I trust, will make up for the deficiencies of our larder.”

  I had already fallen upon the viands, and now protested, with the enthusiasm of a starving sportsman, that I had never eaten anything so delicious.

  He bowed stiffly, and sat down to his own supper, which consisted, primitively, of a jug of milk and a basin of porridge. We ate in silence, and, when we had done, Jacob removed the tray. I then drew my chair back to the fireside. My host, somewhat to my surprise, did the same, and turning abruptly towards me, said:

  “Sir, I have lived here in strict retirement for three-and-twenty years. During that time I have not seen as many strange faces and I have not read a single newspaper. You are the first stranger who has crossed my threshold for more than four years. Will you favour me with a few words of information respecting that outer world from which I have parted company so long?”

  “Pray interrogate me,” I replied. “I am heartily at your service.”

  He bent his head in acknowledgement; leaned forward, with his elbow resting on his knees and his chin supported in the palms of his hands; stared fixedly into the fire; and proceeded to question me.

  His inquiries related chiefly to scientific matters, with the later progress of which, as applied to the practical purposes of life, he was almost wholly unacquainted. No student of science myself, I replied as well as my slight information permitted; but the task was far from easy, and I was much relieved when, passing from interrogation to discussion, he began pouring forth his own conclusions upon the facts which I had been attempting to place before him. He talked, and I listened spellbound. He talked till I believe he almost forgot my presence, and only thought aloud. I had never heard anything like it then; I have never heard anything like it since.

  Familiar with all systems of all philosophies, subtle in analysis, bold in generalization, he poured forth his thoughts in an uninterrupted stream, and, still leaning forward in the same moody attitude with his eyes fixed upon the fire, wandered from topic to topic, from speculation to speculation, like an inspired dreamer. From practical science to mental philosophy; from electricity in the wire to electricity in the nerve; from Watts to Mesmer, from Mesmer to Reichenbach, from Reichenbach to Swedenborg, Spinoza, Condillac, Descartes, Berkeley, Aristotle, Plato, and the Magi and mystics of the East, were transitions which, however bewildering in their variety and scope, seemed easy and harmonious upon his lips as sequences in music. By and by—I forget now by which link of conjecture or illustration—he passed on to that field which lies beyond the boundary line of even conjectural philosophy, and reaches no man knows hither. He spoke of the soul and its aspirations; of the spirit and its powers; of second sight; of prophecy; of those phenomena which, under the names of ghosts, specters, and supernatural appearances, have been denied by the skeptics and attested by the credulous of all ages.

  “The world,” he said, “grows hourly more and more skeptical of all that lies beyond its own narrow radius; and our men of science foster the fatal tendency. They condemn as fable all that resists experiment. They reject as false all that cannot be brought to the test of the laboratory or the dissecting-room. Against what superstition have they waged so long and obstinate a war, as against the belief in apparitions? And yet what superstition has maintained its hold upon the minds of men so long and so firmly? Show me any facts in physics, in history, in archaeology, which is supported by testimony so wide and so various. Attested by all races of men, in all ages, and in all climates, by the soberest sages of antiquity, by the rudest savage of today, by the Christian, the Pagan, the Pantheist, the Materialist, this phenomenon is treated as a nursery tale by the philosophers of our century. Circumstantial evidence weighs with them as a feather in the balance. The comparison of causes with effects, however valuable in physical science, is put aside as worthless and unreliable. The evidence of competent witnesses, however conclusive in a court of justice, counts for nothing. He who pauses before he pronounces, is condemned as a trifler. He who believes, is a dreamer or a fool.”

  He spoke with bitterness, and having said thus, relapsed for some minutes into silence. Presently he raised his head from his hands, and added, with an altered voice and manner:

  “I, sir, paused, investigated, believed, and was not ashamed to state my convictions to the world. I, too, was branded as a visionary, held up to ridicule by my contemporaries, and hooted from that field of science in which I had laboured with honour during all the best years of my life. These things happened just three-and-twenty years ago. Since then I have lived as you see me living now, and the world has forgotten me, as I have forgotten the world. You have my history.”

  “It is a very common one,” he replied. “I have only suffered for the truth, as many a better and wiser man has suffered before me.”

  He rose, as if desirous of ending the conversation, and went over to the window.

  “It has ceased snowing,” he observed, as he dropped the curtain and came back to the fireside.

  “Ceased!” I exclaimed, starting eagerly to my feet, “Oh, if it were only possible—but no! It is hopeless. Even if I could find my way across the moor, I could not walk twenty miles tonight.”

  “Walk twenty miles tonight!” repeated my host. “What are you thinking of?”

  “Of my wife,” I replied impatiently. “Of my young wife, who does not know that I have lost my way, and who is at this moment breaking her heart with suspense and terror.”

  “Where is she?”

  “At Dwolding, twenty miles away.”

  “At Dwolding,” he echoed, thoughtfully. “Yes, the distance, it is true, is twenty miles; but—are you so very anxious to save the next six or eight hours?”

  “So very, very anxious, that I would give ten guineas at this moment for a guide and a horse.”

  “Your wish can be gratified at a less costly rate,” said he, smiling. “The night mail from the north, which changes horses at Dwolding, passes within five miles of this spot, and will be due at a certain cross-road in about an hour and a quarter. If Jacob were to go with you across the moor and put you into the old coach-road, you could find your way, I suppose, to where it joins the new one?”


  He smiled again, rang the bell, gave the old servant his directions, and, taking a bottle of whiskey and wineglass from the cupboard in which he kept his chemicals, said:

  “The snow lies deep and it will be difficult walking tonight on the moor. A glass of usquebaugh before you start?”

  I would have declined the spirit, but he pressed it on me, and I drank it. It went down my throat like liquid flame and almost took my breath away.

  “It is strong,” he said; “but it will help to keep out the cold. And now you have no moments to spare. Good night!”

  I thanked him for his hospitality and would have shaken hands but that he had turned away before I could finish my sentence. In another minute I had traversed the hall, Jacob had locked the outer door behind me, and we were out on the wide white moor.

  Although the wind had fallen, it was still bitterly cold. Not a star glimmered in the black vault overhead. Not a sound, save the rapid crunching of the snow beneath our feet, disturbed the heavy stillness of the night. Jacob, not too well pleased with his mission, shambled on before in sullen silence, his lantern in his hand and his shadow at his feet. I followed, with my gun over my shoulder, as little inclined for conversation as himself. My thoughts were full of my late host. His voice yet rang in my ears. His eloquence yet held my imagination captive. I remember to this day, with surprise, how my over-excited brain retained whole sentences and parts of sentences, troops of brilliant images, and fragments of splendid reasoning, in the very words in which he had uttered them. Musing thus over what I had heard, and striving to recall a lost link here and there, I strode on at the heel of my guide, absorbed and unobservant. Presently—at the end, as it seemed to me, of only a few m
inutes—he came to a sudden halt, and said:

  “Yon’s your road. Keep the stone fence to your right hand and you can’t fail of the way.”

  “This, then, is the old coach-road?”

  “Ay, ’tis the old coach-road.”

  “And how far do I go before I reach the cross-roads?”

  “Nigh upon three mile.”

  I pulled out my purse, and he became more communicative.

  “The road’s a fair road enough,” said he, “for foot passengers; but ’twas over-steep and narrow for the northern traffic. You’ll mind where the parpet’s broken away, close again’ the signpost. It’s never been mended since the accident.”

  “What accident?”

  “Eh, the night mail pitched right over into the valley below—a gude fifty feet an’ more—just at the worst bit o’ road in the whole county.”

  “Horrible! Were many lives lost?”

  “All. Four were found dead, and t’other two died next morning.”

  “How long is it since this happened?”

  “Just nine year.”

  “Near the sign-post, you say? I will bear it in mind. Good night.”

  “Gude night, sir, and thankee.” Jacob pocketed his half-crown, made a faint pretence of touching his hat, and trudged back by the way he had come.

  I watched the light of his lantern till it quite disappeared, and then turned to pursue my way alone. This was no longer a matter of the slightest difficulty, for, despite the dead darkness overhead, the line of stone fence showed distinctly enough against the pale gleam of snow. How silent it seemed now, with only my footsteps to listen to; how silent and how solitary! A strange disagreeable sense of loneliness stole over me. I walked faster. I hummed a fragment of a tune. I cast up enormous sums in my head, and accumulated them at compound interest. I did my best, in short, to forget the startling speculations to which I had but just been listening, and, to some extent, I succeeded.


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