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Call of the Lycan Trilogy Bundle

Page 3

by Pillow Michelle M.

  “Ah,” she cried, shaking violently against the hard mass pressing into her. The friction stimulated her clit until she could take no more. Ian jerked as she came and she wondered if he was releasing himself into his pants.

  “Ceana,” he growled in the back of his throat, only to whisper. “It’s you, isn’t it? You’re who I’ve been looking for.”

  “I sure am,” she said in response to his odd love-talk. “I’m exactly who you’ve been looking for.”

  Chapter Three

  Ian couldn’t believe his luck as he stared in awe at the woman above him. She was human, he smelled that clearly, but it was her. She had to be the one! Ceana was the woman he’d been searching for. He’d suspected that moment in the water, when they were both under and she’d stared at him. Her eyes had taken on the silver light of the moon.

  But, he wasn’t sure until he saw her face, as she rode above him in passion, her hair drying in golden long waves about her pale, perfect skin. It was her. She was alive and had taken him again from the depths of the ocean.


  Time travel?

  Did it matter?

  His cock throbbed beneath her, ready for more. How did this happen? Was he dead? Dreaming? Insane? Again, what did it matter? The human woman was on top of him, her gorgeous body naked and proud and willing to do his bidding. The beast desperately wanted to come out and play, but he kept it back. He would not hurt her, couldn’t hurt her.

  “You are not…” She hesitated, looking down in what could only have been disappointment. “You are not done, are you? That is it?”

  The woman had just come, screaming into the night and she wanted more? Ian grinned. He could definitely do more. In fact, he’d bet even money he could outlast the poor thing.

  “Trust me, I can go for nights,” he assured her. “You’d just better hope you don’t get too tired before I’m ready to stop.”

  Her brow rose at the challenge and he could instantly smell how the idea excited her. Licking her lips, she stood. “Hmm, it’s been a long time since I’ve had a man who claimed that. He was a sore disappointment.”

  Ian’s gut tightened and a feeling of possessiveness came over him. He did not want to hear about other men being inside her body. Rolling up from the ground, he stood, his hands instantly on his pants to take them off. “By the time I’m done, you will not remember there being any others.”

  The woman had the nerve to laugh at his claim.

  “You think that funny?” Ian pushed his pants from his hips, freeing his cock and her laughter instantly died. He grinned wickedly and grabbed his thick shaft. Her rounded eyes stared at the massive weapon he sported between his thighs. It wasn’t the first time he’d gotten that reaction. An enormous cock and the innate ability to know how to wield it was just another perk of being Prince of the Lycans.

  “Ahhh,” she breathed heavily, her mouth hanging open. He stared at her full lips. They were so lush and inviting. Territorial feelings burst forth in him and he wanted to lay his scent on the woman so no other lycan would dare to touch her without his express permission.

  “You dare to laugh at my claim?” The dominant beast inside him surged forth, showing itself once more in little physical signs—the hair on his chest, the longer locks about his head, the fangs, his eyes, the lengthening of his already engorged cock. Unable to control himself, he ordered her, “Crawl forward to me. Show me how much you want me. Take my cock in your mouth and suck it so I come in your throat.”

  If it had been any woman from his clan, she’d have done so instantly, excitedly, willingly. This woman arched a brow at the order. “Ah, I was going to until you said that. Now you can suck your own cock.”


  “What?” She lay on her back and looked up at the stars. “You actually think you can order me about like that and I won’t take offense? Crawl to me? Like I am some cuttlefish following the school? I don’t care who or what you are, Ian, I refuse to have my life controlled.” Then under her breath, she said, “My life is too controlled as it is without you telling me what to do.”

  “I am a prince among my people,” he said, unsure what to say to the rest. No one had ever questioned his command before.

  “And I’m queen of the ocean,” she returned. “So I think you should bow to me.”

  “I do not bow to women,” he exclaimed. Ian glanced around, tempted to do just that if it meant getting her back into his arms. What a fool he was! But he couldn’t help it. It was in his nature to dominate. He didn’t sense any of his clan around and turned back to her.

  “Then, you might want to continue up the beach.” Ceana put her hands behind her head and bent her knees, bathing in the moonlight. Her thighs parted, giving him a full view of her wet pussy. “I’m sure there is some weak-minded lady just waiting for a stud like you to make her night.”

  Ian didn’t move. She was serious!

  “Go on, then,” she said. “Shoo.”

  Ian growled. The woman jolted some but didn’t change her position on the ground. “You think you can dismiss me that easily?”

  Pushing up on her elbows, she whispered, “Crawl to me. Show me how serious you are.” She parted her thighs wider.

  Ian cursed himself, even as he fell to his knees and crawled forward. Lust ran rampant through him, fueled by the moon and the sea. Damn his Cancerian nature! How easily his body was influenced by both. And the sexy goddess, who’d emerged from the ocean like a gift from his rulers, didn’t do much for his control.

  Ian crawled to her, nipping at her thigh as he was drawn to lick her pussy. Letting his long tongue flick, he got his first taste of her sweetness. He meant to tease her into submission, but that one taste left him mindless for more. Licking, he did it again and again, each time pressing harder until his mouth was flat against her clit and he was sucking and working her body for all it had.

  Ceana grabbed his hair, pulling it hard as she bucked against him. He pushed her legs open wider with a confident shove, licking and sucking at her wet clit, nibbling it. His tongue worked along her folds, probing and pushing just right. Only when she was crying out for more, begging him to let her come, did he give her what she needed. Her cries rang out over his head. Ian slipped his tongue into her, getting an intimate taste. Her body clutched him, as she shook with a rocky climax.

  Ceana breathed hard, amazed at the force with which he commanded her body. She knew he wouldn’t leave, not in the middle of what they were about. No man would. They were simple creatures in that way—even this sexy wolf man.

  Ian pulled away from her, instantly moving up her body. She let him explore, enjoying the rough feel of his mouth on her chest. He devoured her breasts, nicking her with his teeth. It stung, but felt so good she wanted him to do it again. Amazedly, when he was between her thighs, he’d only given her pleasure, not pain. Ian groaned, licking the wound before sucking a good portion of her breast deep into his hot mouth.

  “I want you to suck me,” he said against her chest. “Please.”

  “That’s better,” she purred, pushing him over. Little grains of sand fell down her back as she rose above him. “That’s a good little wolf man.”

  Ceana crawled down his body. His arousal strained, thick with need, over the soft globes of his balls. She stroked it several times with her hands, feeling the impossibly huge length of it. Then, leaning over, brought the ruddy tip of his shaft to her mouth. She licked the cock head, swirling her tongue.

  It was a strange game they played. But she loved that she had complete command over him. There was freedom in being with Ian, but also a sadness because it wouldn’t last past one night. She could do anything because tomorrow it wouldn’t matter. There were no commitments, no unnecessary talk of love and emotions. It was like they had a silent understanding. They both needed to be touched, to feel, to fuck. This was just pure, animalistic sex. It was all it could ever be.

  She took his balls in her hand. Squeezing gently, she elicited a
moan of masculine approval. Slowly, she trailed her lips down one side of his shaft with light, tormenting kisses only to come back up the other.

  “Ah, sweet torment,” he growled, gripping at the sand on either side of him. His fist hit the ground hard several times and his body tensed.

  Finally, she took him into her mouth. Her teeth lightly grazed along his shaft as she fitted him as deep as he would go. She kept one hand on his balls, the other on his shaft to help accommodate his giant length.

  He grunted in satisfaction as she blew lightly and sucked heavily in turn. Ceana sucked harder and he growled. His hands dove into her hair and jerked her down hard, nearly gagging her with his length. She pulled back and he did it again before she could brace her hands to the ground. With a yell, he came, squirting seed down her throat as he held her mouth to his cock. The salty taste of him was too good and she didn’t protest as she swallowed him down.

  Ceana had to admit his need to control excited her. It was a battle of the wills, one she knew neither of them would win. Too bad there wasn’t more time to play. Already the moon was traveling across the sky. Soon she would be driven back into the ocean to live out her fate.

  He let go and she pulled off with a gasp. Ian looked concerned, even through his passion-hazed features. “Did I hurt you?”

  “I told you,” she said, crawling on top of him and resting against his naked, warm body. She lay still as their bodies cooled and their heartbeats returned to normal. It was nice to be held. She really missed the closeness of human contact, the companionship, just hearing another voice. Taking a deep breath, she finished softly, “There is nothing you can do that will cause me harm.”

  Ceana sighed, resting on Ian in the aftermath of their pleasure. His cock lay sated along his thigh, only slightly engorged as it pressed against her. His muscled chest rippled gorgeously beneath his tanned flesh and she cuddled into him. A cool breeze came from the ocean, but he was warm enough for the both of them. She liked the feel of his muscles beneath her cheek. In fact, she felt so relaxed she fell asleep. When she awoke, it was to the gentle kneading of Ian’s hands on her lower back and the poke of his rising shaft against her lower stomach.

  His mouth nuzzled her neck, as he lightly kissed her. His voice deep and a little hoarse, “Did you get enough rest?”

  Ceana mumbled, managing to get out, “Mmm-hmm.”

  “Are you ready for more?” She looked up at him. He was still breathing hard but he managed to give her a lopsided grin.

  “Mmm-hmm,” Ceana answered with a laugh, snuggling against him once more.

  “Good, my ocean queen, because I want to give you more. Much more.”

  Ceana stiffened. His tone was different. It wasn’t quite as domineering and it had become almost tender, caressing. No, she was just sleepy and sated. That was all. Nothing had changed. This was still just a fling. The words implied nothing.

  Unless he, like the others, thinks to be falling in love with me.

  Regret washed over her and he stiffened, as if sensing it.

  “What? What’s wrong?”

  “Do not love me,” she said.

  “What?” he sounded surprised.

  “I don’t want you falling in love with me.” She looked up, showing him with her expression just how serious she was. “Nothing will come of this. Nothing ever comes of this.”

  “Mmm, why don’t we talk about it in the morning,” he said, his tone low with meaning. Ceana couldn’t help but laugh as he pushed his cock along her thigh. “I want to give you something first. Then you can tell me all about how I can’t fall in love with you and why a relationship would never work out between us and how we’re just too different—you human, me lycan.”


  “Later,” he hushed.

  “Fine, later.” Ceana knew there would be no later. If he refused to hear her now, what could she do about it? He’d discover there was no later soon enough—like when he awoke in the morning, completely abandoned. Hopefully, he’d convince himself she was just a dream.

  “You’re not regretting this, are you?” he asked.

  “Mmm, no,” she answered. It was partly true. She didn’t regret it in the way he meant. She did regret that it could only be one night, that in the morning her curse would renew itself and she’d find herself alone in the dark, cold ocean. Ceana glanced up at him and smiled, not pulling away from his strong chest. “There are so few pleasures in life. I don’t see a reason to regret what ones we do get.”

  “That’s a very bleak outlook.”

  “Shhh,” she ordered, covering his mouth with her hand. To emphasize her meaning, she reached between his thighs and grabbed his cock. She ran her fingers over the length the best she could in her position. It pulsed with life in her palm. “I don’t want to talk about this anymore. There is so little night left. I want to play.”

  Ian opened his mouth and sucked a couple fingers between his teeth. Pleasure shot into her, moving like liquid ecstasy down her arm to her breasts then farther to her sex. Tingling erupted between her thighs as they eagerly came to attention.

  “I like the sweet smell of your pussy, Ceana,” he said, the words muffled by her hand. “And I liked the taste even more.”

  She began the thorough process of kissing the span of his chest. Stopping by each nipple, she licked the little buds hard. Straddling his naked waist, she rubbed her swollen clit along his hard stomach and skated her fingers over his neck and chest, tickling him with the light caress. He visibly shivered and his eyes narrowed in golden response.

  “I like your eyes,” she whispered. Never had she felt so free, so open with someone. “They’re so dangerous and powerful. I bet nothing could hurt you.”

  “There are things.” His tone was absent as his eyes closed.

  “The ocean,” she said, remembering how she saved him. His muscles strained beautifully and the heat radiating off his chest warmed her hands as they brushed against him.

  “Yes, that is one of the few.”

  Lifting her arms over her head, she stretched, lengthening her body as she rocked her hips back and forth on his stomach. He stared at her breasts, watching them bounce with her gentle movements.

  “This is torture,” he growled, reaching for her breasts. His hot gaze stared into her.

  Ceana laughed, bringing her arms down to touch him once more. Her ass slid back, hitting his erection. It pressed into her and she wiggled against it. His cock was indeed fiery hot. Her sex stung at the intimate contact. She gasped as he grabbed her face and pulled her roughly to his mouth. Her heart lurched. Tremors hit her, shivering a wayward path over her skin. She’d never been so aroused in her life. Ian kissed her deep, stealing her already ragged breath.

  He moved her easily as they made love, touching her everywhere, roaming his hands over her flesh as he worked his mouth from one breast to the other. He stared up at her, a ravenous smile on his handsome features. His eyes glistened with the threat of his lycan side. Pleasure racked through her body as he gently sucked her nipples. She was awash with sensations, the salty smell of the sea, the pleasure of his touch. Moisture ran in a hot torrent down her thighs.

  Ian flipped her over so his weight was pressing her into the sand. He rubbed his cock along her hip, searing her with his heat. She parted her thighs, eager for that first thrust. The whole night had built to this moment, this time when he would show her just how much her body could take of the powerful wolf man. Her stomach tensed, as she became almost frightened by the size of him. His cock had choked her mouth and she knew it would fill her pussy to the brink.

  With a groan, Ian stretched her, easing his cock head into her. Suddenly, he stopped moving, stiffening. His muscles became as hard as rocks. More of the dark brown fur covered his skin and long teeth grew from his mouth until he was almost every inch a lycan. The scene should have scared her, but Ceana found it did quite the opposite. It aroused her further. The tip of his cock stretched her wider and she knew that part of hi
m grew as well. He was breathing hard, panting as if he was seconds away from pounding roughly into her. His golden eyes focused on her, full of questions.

  “Do it.” Ceana didn’t know what prompted the whisper to escape her lips. Maybe it was the knowledge that this may never happen again. Maybe it was the night air, or the full moon. “Don’t be afraid. Fuck me.”

  His muscles flexed as he angled his hips to hers. Slowly, Ian thrust his hard cock inside her, prying her apart with his heavy length. Ceana gasped as he filled her up. She rocked her hips, working him in shallow strokes as he broke her open to him. Thrusting up, she took him to the hilt. Ian roared and lost control. In a frenzy, he took her, pumping his hips fast and hard into her. Ceana moaned, calling for more.

  The fit, combined with their night full of love play was too much. Ceana shook, orgasming so hard her teeth chattered. Ian howled, stiffening inside her as he released his seed. A long moment passed before Ian moved and regained control over his body. His breathing slowed down and his body gradually made the transformation back from the wolf man. When he looked completely human once more, except for his dangerously lit eyes, he pulled out of her and collapsed at her side.

  A soft moan left her lips and she mumbled incoherently, not even sure what it was she was trying to say to him. All she knew is that she felt good—really good. Ian cradled her in his arms.

  “I can’t stay too much longer,” she whispered, closing her eyes. “Morning approaches.”

  “Just try to get away,” he answered, holding her tighter.

  Chapter Four


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