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Call of the Lycan Trilogy Bundle

Page 7

by Pillow Michelle M.

  “Urbana,” Ceana said softly.

  “Yes, that’s what she was called,” the king said. “So, is it true? You’re one of her cursed?”

  Ceana nodded.

  “And can I assume by your mark on her, Ian, that you are going to break her curse and free the mermaid?” The king looked hopeful.

  “I don’t know how,” said Ceana.

  “What was the curse?” the king asked.

  “To live in the ocean, except during full moons until one came to break the curse.” She glanced at Ian. “That my only hope is to find the one who can break the curse—a man from land, born under the right sign and of the moon. Also, he must be born of the night.”

  “What sign?” the king asked.

  “Cancer. It was by the power of the Cancerian Crab that it happened.”

  “Genius,” the king whispered. “So specific it would be hard to fulfill.”

  “Ah…” Ceana looked helplessly at Ian.

  “Oh, sorry, love,” he said. “I didn’t mean anything by it.” Turning to his son, the king added, “But it really is a precise curse. Not many people would know what to look for.”

  “And you know what to look for?” Ceana asked, trying not to sound too eager, even as her heart leapt around in her chest.”

  “It’s Ian, all right.” The king looked at his son. “Born of Cancer and the night. He’s from land and ruled by the moon as all lycans are.”

  “There’s one more thing,” Ceana continued softly. “His love must be pure.”

  “Ah, she must have really been mad at you to be so specific in her anger.” The king patted her arm. “So, I guess there’s really only one question then.”

  Ian didn’t speak. He looked stunned.

  “I’m changing back,” Ceana said. “Whenever I touch water I grow partial fins. I fear I don’t have much more time on land.”

  “I’d imagine that is to be expected,” the king nodded thoughtfully. “In the old days, the purest of loves were expressed when two people defied all odds and were married. Since marriages, especially with humans, were arranged, undoubtedly that is how Urbana’s curse played out. Though times have changed, the curse will have not. Whether that is what she intended or not, I have no way of knowing. But I imagine that is what has happened. Magic is a very tricky thing to get exact. In all honesty, practitioners of it can never be sure of the exact results. I myself have only dabbled, but that was a long time ago.”

  “I just don’t get what use Meghan would have with this information,” Ian said. His father shrugged. Ceana noticed how Ian avoided the topic of marriage completely. Could she really blame him? He hardly knew her.

  “You’ll have to ask her,” the king answered. “She told me she was coming tonight.” Pausing, he sniffed the air. “Ah, it looks like she just arrived.”

  “She lied to you about me sending her to inquire,” Ian said.

  “Yes, and I suppose she’ll be punished for using your name in such a way and for lying to me.” The king patted Ian’s shoulder. “Though, truth be told, you have allowed her certain liberties over the years. Perhaps she thought it was her right.”

  “I made myself clear to her,” Ian said. “I never lied about my feelings.”

  Ceana didn’t like the sound of this Meghan. Mainly, because she was jealous of the woman. Meghan evidently had known Ian for a long time and quite intimately.

  “Well, perhaps you should go ask her,” the king said, motioning to where the beach rose to a small incline. They all turned. On the hill a woman was outlined in orange, as if the sun put its personal spotlight on her.

  “I will,” he said.

  Ian took Ceana’s arm and walked to where Meghan seemed to be standing in wait for them. Music started and several of the lycans called out to Ian. He ignored them and they let him be. As they neared the woman, Ceana shivered. She had long, jet-black hair and dark eyes that glinted with a dangerous gold.

  Meghan turned her back on them and walked away from the bonfires. Ian didn’t stop in his progress. Ceana glanced back to the king. He was grinning at her. When their eyes met, he winked, raising his mug of beer before turning to talk to a nearby group of lycan men.

  “Meghan!” Ian ordered when they were out of sight of the bonfires.

  “Come, Ian, I have something to show you,” the woman answered, her voice as sugary as warm honey. Ceana also had the distinct impression that the woman could also be venomous if she so chose.

  “Meghan, stop!” he ordered.

  She did, turning to him with a look of impatience. “Yes, darling?”

  Darling? Ceana wanted to kick the woman. Unfortunately, she didn’t know how to fight.

  “You have some explaining to do. By what right do you interfere in this matter?” he demanded.

  “Oh,” Meghan pouted. “You don’t trust me?”

  “Meghan,” he warned, drawing out the sound of her name. He let go of Ceana’s arm and she stepped back, watching the two closely. She tried to see past her own jealousy to what was really happening.

  “I just wanted to protect you, darling,” she purred. “We don’t know anything about this woman. She could mean you harm. I mean, you just picked the slut up last night and already she’s in your home?” Meghan clicked her tongue and glanced disdainfully in her direction, but otherwise did not acknowledge she was there. “Not very smart, Ian.”

  “Who I sleep with is none of your concern.” Ian placed his hands on his hips.

  “For your information, I went to your father to protect you and because I was worried about you. I’ve known you for a long time and suddenly, you ditch me and throw me on my ass for a piece of shark bait? I don’t think so, buddy. Besides, my assumptions were right. After I talked to your father, I did some more research. The reason you dumped me on my ass was because she made you do it. She’s a mermaid. She calls men to their deaths in the sea. That’s what her kind does and then she feeds off their dead, bloated flesh.”

  “I would never,” Ceana began.

  “What else would you say, flesh eater?” Meghan spat.

  “She saved me,” Ian argued. Still, when he turned to look at her, Ceana saw distrust in his eyes. “She pulled me out of the water. Twice.”

  “To fuck you no doubt,” Meghan spat. “Ian, why would I lie to you about this? You know I’ve only ever cared about you.”

  “My title,” Ian corrected.

  “Damn it, Ian! You’re supposed to eat fish, not fuck it!” Meghan glared at Ceana. “And you. I know what you are. I know what you want. Your mistress, the sea witch told me all about you.”

  “Urbana?” Ceana paled, involuntarily backing away from the shoreline. “She’s here?”

  “And she’s not happy to have you out of the ocean,” Meghan spat. “What did she tell you, Ian? That she was a victim of the sea witch? She’s not a victim. She’s being punished for drowning her brother in cold blood.”

  “What?” Ceana shook her head. “No. No, that’s not what happened. I didn’t hurt Kerrigan. I… Ian?”

  “Ah, so convincing, isn’t she? But not all of us are fooled by the conniving bitch.” Meghan pointed back to the sea. “If you don’t believe me, go ask the witch yourself. Urbana will show you everything.”

  “Ceana?” Ian asked.

  It took her a moment to look at him. There was confusion in his tone and she knew he had doubts about her.

  “Ian, I already told you. She can’t be trusted.” Meghan went to him, reaching for his arm.

  He jerked away from her. “This changes nothing, Meghan. You are still in trouble for lying to the king. Let us hope, for your sake, you are not lying to me now.” He stepped past her toward the shore. “Come, Ceana. We’ll find out who is telling the truth in this. Meghan. Call your friend.”

  “No,” Ceana pleaded. “You don’t know what you’re up against. Ian, please. Don’t do this. I… I’m scared of her. Please. Don’t take me to the ocean.”

  He stopped, his expression softening. �
��Ceana, baby, I know you’re scared. I’m scared too. Not of the witch, but of what I feel for you right now. I have to know that it’s not a trick. I have to know that I haven’t been under a spell. And if there is a curse, I need to see Urbana. If there is a way to break it, I would know how. She might be the only one who truly knows.”

  Ceana took a deep breath and nodded. What else could she say? He was right. And the hint that he might care deeply for her made her legs feel stronger. She walked with him toward the water. Meghan glared openly at her, looking ready to shift and tear Ceana’s eyes out.

  As they neared the shore, Ceana suddenly stopped. Her heart quickened and the pull to the ocean became unbearable. Gasping, her feet started to slide forward in the sand. Her arms flailed and she screamed.

  “Ceana!” Ian yelled, reaching out to grab her. He missed as her body gained momentum.

  The sand heated beneath her feet. Throwing her body, she landed on the ground and began reaching for pieces of driftwood—anything that would keep her from the water. The wood only slid with her. Nothing helped. Suddenly, a loud roar sounded and she looked up to see Ian running toward her. His body shifted and dark brown fur grew over his flesh. His eyes narrowed and his body sped through the night with ease to reach her. Just as her feet dipped into the cold ocean water, he reached her. She grabbed at his front paw and he pulled her back.

  “Leave her, lycan. She is mine!” The angry words resounded over the beach, punctuated by the violent crash of waves toward the shore. Suddenly, silvery light flashed as the witch appeared to join her voice. Ceana looked at the water, seeing the horrible, watery shape growing up from the surface. Two fat eels swam inside her chest, their bodies ripping the surface of her skin as they poked through.

  The fur beneath her hand disappeared, to be replaced by flesh. She looked up. Her eyes meeting Ian’s dark ones.

  “Run, Ian,” Ceana yelled, as the waves swept up and touched her feet. He didn’t listen as he tried to drag her away. “Don’t let the water touch you! It’s too late for me. She owns my soul. But you can save yourself.”

  “Meghan!” Ian roared. “For the love of the lycan clan, help me pull her!”

  Meghan’s sharp laughter rang out. “See what you get, Ian, for messing with me! That bitch will never have you. You are such a fool. And now, you will live with the knowledge that you brought her here, to the shore. It was your doubt that sent her back to the ocean.”

  Ian pulled Ceana violently behind him.

  “No!” the sea witch screeched as Ceana’s body jerked loose from the water.

  From the corner of her eye, Ceana saw Meghan back away. Suddenly, the treacherous woman turned, running from them.

  “Ian!” Ceana pointed after Meghan.

  Ian looked but didn’t appear too concerned about the woman’s escape. “Don’t worry about her. She might run now, but my brother will find her. Roark hunts our lawbreakers for a living. He’ll like bringing her in.”

  “Ian, you should go. Please. Save yourself.”

  “Marry me!” Ian yelled.

  Ceana whipped her head back to look at him. The winds picked up, becoming as violent as the sea. Her breath caught as she looked behind them. The sea witch was approaching fast. Ian tugged her to her feet, urging her to run with him.

  “Are you sure, Ian? I don’t want you asking because you feel sorry for me.”

  “Damn it, Ceana! I’m sure. I said it, didn’t I? I know it’s fast, but I’ve given the matter all the thought I need. I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. I love you. I’ve loved you since that first night you saved me all those years ago. You were the reason no one else was ever good enough for me. You’re the reason I could never give my heart to anyone. I love you, Ceana. Say you’ll marry me. Stay with me. Let’s break this curse together.”

  Tears trailed over her face and she nodded. “Yes. Yes. I’ll marry you, Ian! I will!”

  “No!” Urbana screeched. “You can’t!”

  “I’m sorry I brought you to the shore,” Ian said, running faster. He was naked and she assumed he must have lost his clothes when his body changed. His strong form moved with perfection over the sand as he sprinted toward where his family gathered around the bonfires. Now was no time to stare at his fine ass, but she couldn’t help herself. Even with the sea witch chasing them, she felt protected by Ian. “I just had to know the truth. I didn’t mean for you to get sucked into the water like that.”

  “I know,” she answered back.

  “Hurry. We’ll do it right now. She won’t have you. Not again. I won’t lose you again.”

  “Ceana, I call to you, I call you back to your rightful home!” the witch cried.

  “Ah!” Ceana’s legs cramped. Tears of pain ran over her cheeks as she tripped. “It might be too late.”

  Her thighs glued themselves together so she couldn’t walk. Suddenly, her legs gave out and she felt the tail appearing. She was changing back. Gasping for breath, she felt her neck. The gills were starting to crack through her skin.

  “No!” Ian demanded. He swept her up into his arms.

  “She is mine!” Urbana screamed.

  Ceana looked back in amazement. The woman was on shore, her feet sloshing in the sand as she came after them. Her transparent body shone with the blue of the moonlight. Seaweed wrapped one of her watery legs, winding up her thigh and drifting around as if it were on water. She was formed like a woman, but wore no clothes. Still, there was no human definition to her features, not really. She had a nose and two horrible white eyes that glowed eerily from within.

  “Give her to me! It is too late. Too late. She is mine. Give her to me, lycan!” Urbana trudged forward, moving slowly. Her legs jerked up from the sand with each step, as if they took a lot of energy to make.

  “You’ve had her long enough, witch!” Ian cried. Ceana held on, feeling weak, feeling the pull of the sea witch on her body. Her hair drifted up, reaching back behind them toward the witch. As he came to a small hill along the beach, the bonfires were in view. “Father! King Gregor!”

  The faint sound of laughter stopped. Ian ran for shore. Ceana was compelled to reach back, though that wasn’t what was in her heart to do. In front of them, the lycans stood and several of them began to run toward Ian to help.

  “From land to sea,” the sea witch cried, “you belong to me!”

  She shot out streams of water from her hands, spraying her power like mist from the ocean over those who charged her. Whichever lycan the water landed on, the person instantly dropped to the ground. The victims started to twitch helplessly as they became objects from the sea—starfish, anemones, sand dollars and several types of shells. Ian leapt over his transformed friends. As he neared the fire, he tripped, landing on his knees.

  “Father,” Ian cried. “I wish to marry this woman. Please may I have your blessing and being king may your blessing also seal my vows!”

  “No!” the sea witch hissed, shooting a long stream of water from her hand. It shot over Ceana and Ian and was aimed at the O’Connell king’s head.

  “So shall it be!” the king yelled. The water suddenly stopped, inches away from his face, and the witch cried out in agony.

  Ian leaned over, biting Ceana on the neck. She gasped in surprise as the pain of the touch seared her with a white-hot heat. But soon, the feeling was replaced by pleasure—the pleasure of being completely connected body and soul to her husband. The sensation didn’t last long.

  Ceana screamed as pain shot over her body. Her tail ripped in half, the sound of it loud and horrible. Suddenly the frozen water that had come from the sea witch burst above her, sprinkling her and healing her body. Legs grew and the fins fell away to the ground, leaving behind thin scars shaped like a line their wake. Amazed, Ceana stared at the witch. She was glaring with her evil, white eyes. The sea witch screamed, her body bursting into a small but violent spray of droplets just as the stream of water from her hand had.

  Ceana couldn’t move. She was too st
unned. The sea witch was dead.

  “My love!” Ian cried, grabbing her to his chest. “It is over. You are safe.”

  Little explosions of water popped all around them as the lycans turned back to normal. The transformed men and women stumbled around on the sand before finding their footing. Soon, their cries of excitement filled the air.

  Ceana was still too stunned to believe that it really was over. She stared at where the witch had dissipated. “But, that woman? Meghan?”

  “Don’t worry about her. James and Roark will track her down. Her days are numbered.” Ian grabbed her face and kissed her. When he pulled away, he announced, “It is done, my love. You are mine.”

  “We’re married!” she gasped, instantly forgetting the witch as she kissed her husband.

  “Married?” one of the lycan asked, sounding a little dazed. “Prince Ian has married!”

  Shouts sounded. Ceana smiled as two of the men picked up instruments and began to play like nothing had happened. Maybe they were all so old that magic didn’t really surprise them anymore.

  “My wife!” Ian yelled, hopping to his feet. He pulled her up next to him. She was still a little weak and wobbled until she fell against him.

  He grinned like a fool at the cheering crowd around them. Ceana grabbed his face and pulled his mouth quickly to hers. The sounds of the lycans’ joy only got louder as she kissed him deeply. When she pulled back, she whispered, “My husband.”

  Ian grinned, before swaying with her to the beat of the music. Keeping her feet off the ground, he danced with her around the bonfire.


  Call of the Untamed (Call of the Lycan)


  Michelle M. Pillow

  Call of the Untamed (Call of the Lycan) © Copyright 2007 - 2013, Michelle M. Pillow

  Cover art by Natalie Winters, © Copyright 2011


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