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Beneath The Assassin's Touch (Daggers 0f Desire Book 2)

Page 19

by Katherine Hastings

  “Your ex may not be the only one dying tonight. Viktor may just drop dead at the site of you.”

  Nora giggled. “Thank you, Charlie. It may only be for one night, but I needed this.”

  “You’ll be needing these.” Charlie whipped out two daggers and slipped them into the holsters built into her corset.”

  “I was wondering what those were for,” Nora said, looking down at the straps now bulging beneath the metal.

  “Let’s go. The boys have the horses outside.”

  They moved side by side, faces masked beneath their cloaks, as they descended down the stairs and across the inn. Charlie pushed the door open. The crisp night air slapped Nora in the face. She peeked up from beneath her hood. Viktor sat astride his grey horse, every muscle on his face went taught at the sight of her. She took a step forward, her leather-clad leg slipping out from beneath her cloak as she stepped down the stairs to his side. Playful eyes peered up at him and she pulled the cloak up just a bit to give him a peek.”

  “Bloody hell, woman. Are you trying to kill me?” A large gulp moved his throat.

  “You like?”

  “There are no words for the things I want to do to you right now.”

  Nora snickered. “Good. I’ll remember that.”

  “You had better bring that home. We’ll be needing it for... other things.”

  Home. Hearing him call it her home warmed her in the deepest part of her soul.

  “Easy, Duke.” John said, pulling up on a bay gelding.

  “You two ready?” Charlie swung up on a stunning grey mare and spun to his side.

  Victor handed her the reins of the horse she rode in on. She swung up and settled into the saddle. Sitting astride and feeling the saddle so close to her skin felt awkward at first, but somehow increased the power she had brewing inside. “Let’s go.”

  Together, they rode out of town, veering from the road and forming a single file as they disappeared into the woods that surrounded her old estate. Charlie led the way through the darkness. They had made the journey several times in the last few days and it seemed her horse, Duchess, already knew the way.

  “Are you all right, love?” Viktor whispered when they neared the estate.

  Nora only nodded in response. She was all right. Scared, of course, but invigorated in a way she had never been before. It all ended here. Tonight.

  “This is far enough,” John said. They halted their horses and slid to the ground, landing in sync. Nora followed their lead, crouching low while they moved through the cover of trees to the shrubs surrounding the property.

  “We wait for the guards to make their rounds, then go up over the wall there.” Viktor pointed. “It’s five strides to the bushes, and then we scale up the stones to the third-story balcony that opens into the library. Once inside, he should be down the hall fast asleep. The servants should be sleeping and from my count he had ten guards. Two outside, two at the entrance, and one by the road. The other five patrol the house but as long as we time it correctly, there shouldn’t be anything in our path.”

  “I still don’t bloody understand why he has so many guards,” John scowled.

  Nora scoffed. “He’s paranoid and has partaken in enough illegal doings that he has made quite a few enemies.”

  “Doesn’t matter. The guards shouldn’t affect us,” Charlie said. “Not if we do this right.”

  Viktor nodded his agreement. “Right. So after we get into his room we grab him, take him to the library and toss him over the balcony. We scale back down, we disappear and in a few days, we return triumphantly with the kidnapped Baroness Aberdeen. Are we all clear?”

  Three heads bobbed in unison.

  “All right, then on my mark.”

  Nora tried to keep her hands from shaking as she crouched beside him in the bushes. He must have sensed her fear because he reached out and grabbed her hand in his.

  “I won’t let any harm come to you, love.”

  “I know you won’t, Viktor.”

  “Shhh... here they come,” John whispered.

  The foursome flattened into the bushes and Nora held her breath, her heart galloping against her ribs. Two men marched past. The pounding of their footsteps softened as they faded off around the corner.

  “Now,” Viktor said.

  They sprung from their positions. Charlie and John scaled the wall before Nora could even reach the base. Viktor sprang to the top. He extended a hand and she grabbed it tight. One tug and she reached his side.

  “As much as I love seeing you in that outfit, this is a one-time only thing, love. Don’t get any ideas of becoming an assassin. I’ll be sick with worry and you’ll turn me grey long before my due.”

  “We finish this and we both retire. Deal?”

  “That sounds perfect, love. Let’s go.” He grabbed her hand and lowered her down the wall. She swallowed as she watched him jump down, landing with ease. Seeing him in his element set her body on fire. Never had she wanted him more than she did right now.

  “Hurry up,” Charlie demanded. She and John scaled the wall with little effort.

  Viktor stood below Nora, concern heavy in his eyes. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  “I’ve got this, Viktor.” She smiled.

  Nora inhaled a sharp breath and grabbed the first of the stones. She pulled herself from one to the next, the distance to the ground growing with each handhold. She heard Viktor below following her every move. She saw the balcony nearing and gritted her teeth while she pulled at the next stone, her arms burning and begging her to give up. Rage pushed her on.

  When she arrived at the balcony, John reached down and grabbed her by the wrist. He pulled her over the railing with a firm yank. She collapsed at his feet, exhaustion overcoming her now that she’d made it. Viktor hopped over it and landed beside her. Nora couldn’t believe how easy they made this look.

  Charlie pressed a finger to her lips and pointed into the dark room. A faint light approached. They split in half, each couple pressing their backs to the cold wall on opposite sides of the door. The warm light of a candle illuminated the room inside, moving from one end to the other, pausing for a moment before fading back out into the hall. Four breaths blew out at once.

  “We need to move. Now,” Viktor whispered.

  One by one they filed through the opened door into the library. Nora shuddered when she stepped inside. She had suffered countless horrors in this room, and just the smell of it made her weak. Closing her eyes for a moment, she dug deep to find her resolve. Tonight, Cuddy would pay for the pain he’d inflicted on her all these years.

  They slid along the walls of the hall to his bedroom. Her own bedroom was in another wing, the one good thing about her marriage to Cuddy. The odious man considered sleeping next to his wife beneath him. After one of his painful and obligatory ruttings, he marched back to his own room, leaving her to her own peace until he returned another night.

  She held her breath when Charlie turned the knob. The door creaked, and all four of them froze while they listened. Deep snores rolled out unencumbered by the door. Nora sighed. It hadn’t awakened him. Charlie ducked low, John and Viktor following suit. Nora dropped behind them and followed them into the room. They worked their way to his bedside, standing one at a time, daggers clutched in hand as they rose above him.

  Nora’s eyes flew open when she saw the woman naked at his side. His mistress. The new one. Wives weren’t allowed to stay in bed. Mistresses, on the other hand, were quite welcome. Nora saw the bruised handprint on her arm. She remembered those well. No anger ripped through her chest at the sight of the other woman at his side, only sympathy for what she had endured. If they didn’t end him tonight, his mistress would only endure further agony and humiliation.

  Nora looked to Viktor, wondering how this new development altered his strategy. The three assassins shared a look, a secret language spoken between them. Viktor placed his hand on Nora’s chest and guided her backward, gesturing for her to hide
in the corner. She didn’t argue, and pulled her cloak down farther over her face before stepping into the shadows.

  Nora saw the three of them tower above Cuddy before they moved as one. John slammed his hand over Cuddy’s mouth. Charlie’s dagger moved to his throat, and Viktor hovered above him, his finger pressed to his lips. His eyes peered from beneath his hood and threatened what would happen if he didn’t comply. Cuddy’s eyes flew open and Nora couldn’t breathe while she waited for his reaction.

  Cuddy lay frozen beneath them, no muffled pleas squeaking from beneath John’s hand. He blinked, fearful eyes quite aware of the severity of his situation. Viktor beckoned him forward with his finger. Charlie and John helped guide him up, his hand still held tight over his mouth and her dagger threatening to slit his throat should he argue. Cuddy didn’t see Nora when they pulled him out of bed and pushed him down the hall to the library. Viktor tossed a look over his shoulder as they moved out of the room, begging her to follow. She stepped out of the shadows and slipped out of the room behind them, pulling the door closed as she did.

  Viktor pushed Cuddy into the library, Nora stepped in behind him.

  “Shut the door,” Viktor whispered to her.

  She responded without delay, her heart racing when she pressed the door closed.

  “What is the meaning of this? Who are you?” Cuddy spat.

  “Keep it down, Cuddy,” Viktor snarled. He pushed him to the ground and towered over his sizable frame. “We’re here to take care of that little assassination request you had. The one that ended with a suicide?”

  “What? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” The sweat beaded along his forehead and trickled down his bloated jowls.

  Nora remained cloaked by the door. Her breathing quickened at the sound of his voice.

  “Sure you do, Baron. The one that resulted in the loss of your wife,” Viktor said.

  “Nora? She’s dead?” Cuddy perked his eyebrows.

  “She’s gone from your life. Now, will you or will you not be paying us the contract?” Viktor’s teeth flashed white as they pulled back from his lips.

  Nora held her breath while she waited his answer. In her gut she knew, but she needed to hear him say it.

  “If she is dead, then yes, the contract is yours. Only after proof of her death, however. Now, I demand you let me up or I will be forced to yell for my guards.” Cuddy struggled to get up, his round shape and extra weight made the nominal task a monumental one.

  “Stay down,” Nora snarled, stepping out of the shadows. Viktor pushed him back down to his knees and lifted his chin with the tip of his blade. She stepped in front of him, her stance wide as she pulled the hood from her face. It fell to her shoulders, her hair breaking free.

  “Nora!” Cuddy gasped. “You said she was dead!” His eyes left hers and moved to Viktor.

  A sly smile met his horrified stare. “Actually, Cuddy, you are incorrect. I said she was gone from your life. Well, you lost her, so she’s gone. But she’s still alive and well. Very well, in fact.” Viktor grinned.

  “What are you going to do to me?” Cuddy crumbled beneath his own weight. His beady eyes shifted to the floor.

  “I’m going to watch you die, Cuddy.” Nora leaned down into his face. “I’m going to snuff the life from you and with it the memories of every bruise, every scream, and every moment I spent cowering from your touch. I’m going to make sure that the poor girl in the room next door, and every girl that would have come thereafter, never suffers at your hands again.”

  “Nora, please. You’re my wife,” he lifted his gaze to hers. His lip trembled and he pressed his palms together. “Please, please have mercy on me. Forgive me. I promise, I won’t harm you again. I’m so sorry, Nora. I’m sorry.”

  She glared down at him. No pleas could soften her. She knew him too well. The moment they released him she would be dead, and another girl would be sobbing at his feet, her body aching from the thrashings. No. There would be no absolution, no forgiveness.

  The door cracked open behind them, a ray of light illuminating the dim room.

  “Cuddy?” a woman’s voice asked. They all spun to see his mistress standing in the doorway.

  Before her eyes could reach Nora, Charlie moved like a flash of lightning, her dagger glinting in the light as she lunged at the girl.

  “No!” Nora screamed. Charlie stopped just shy of impaling her. The mistress turned and ran screaming down the hall.

  “Well that wasn’t part of the plan,” John said, pulling out his sword.

  “I’m sorry, but she’s innocent! She’s a victim... just like me. She didn’t deserve to die.”

  They could hear the guards coming.

  “Nora, get behind me.” Viktor kicked Cuddy in the head. He fell back into an unconscious heap.

  Nora ducked behind Viktor as the guards burst through the door. Charlie pushed up the wall and drove down through the top of the first one. John lunged forward taking out two with his daggers. Another guard pushed his way in. Viktor jumped in, his blade colliding with another. Sparks flew as they crashed together. Nora reached for her daggers, the fear melting away as she prepared for the fight.

  Cuddy’s hand gripped her ankle and pulled her legs out from beneath her. Pain radiated through her when her back slammed against the floor. He climbed on top of her, chubby hands wrapped around her neck and he squeezed down with all his strength. Nora choked out her last ragged breath. The pressure threatened to explode her head as she struggled beneath him. Dark, beady eyes glared down at her, his rank breath souring her nose and bringing back memories of being trapped underneath him.

  “Think you can kill me?” he growled.

  Nora fumbled for her dagger. When she felt the metal at her fingertips, she pulled it from her sheath. She lifted her hand and locked eyes with him as she drove it through the side of his neck. His mouth went slack and his eyes froze open. A trickle of blood leaked past his lips and he stiffened above her. She gasped for air as his grip released, his body collapsing on top of her.

  “Nora!” Viktor shouted, the last clash of swords quieting the room.

  She coughed as she tried to refill her lungs, Cuddy’s weight preventing her from gaining a full breath.

  “John, help me!” Viktor said, racing to her. In a breath, John stood beside him.

  They dropped to her side, both grunting while they rolled his body off her. Nora gasped as the air returned.

  “Are you all right, love?” Viktor’s eyes moved over her for injury.

  Nora nodded, her eyes moving to the body crumpled beside her before falling back to Viktor’s. “He’s dead. It’s over.”

  Viktor smiled and nodded, his hands cupping her face. A tear slipped down her cheek as he pressed his lips to hers. “It’s over, love.”

  “Everyone got all their fingers and toes?” John asked.

  Viktor pulled Nora to her feet. Her eyes saucered at the sight of the bodies piled on the floor.

  “Well, that didn’t go as planned,” Charlie said, wiping the blood from her blade.

  “It couldn’t have gone as planned regardless,” John said.

  They all turned to look at him. “Why?” Viktor asked.

  John flung a finger at Cuddy’s body on the floor. “Because you didn’t mention the sheer size of that whale. There is no way we could have hoisted him alive over the balcony. We would have needed a horse to pull him.”

  All eyes fell to Cuddy. Charlie laughed first, Viktor and Nora following suit.

  “Aye, it wouldn’t have been quiet a task,” Viktor said. He put a hand on John’s shoulder. “I could have done most of the heavy lifting.”

  “You? If anyone was getting him over the ledge, it would be me.”

  “Boys?” Charlie intervened. “Could we save the squabbling until we are safely out of here? Considering this will no longer pass off as a suicide we need to get Nora to safety and come up with a new plan.”

  Viktor grinned. “Easy. Nora was kidnapped, and C
uddy refused to pay the ransom. The kidnappers, enraged that he wouldn’t comply, came and killed him. In the meantime, the good citizen, that’s me, hears Nora’s cries from the abandoned building and rescues her. She returns home to tell the tale, horrified her beloved husband was slaughtered.”

  John tipped his head. “Christ, Viktor. That’s good.”

  “Of course, it is. Now, let’s get the hell out of here so we can come back with Baroness Aberdeen, the widow, in a few days.”

  Viktor pulled Nora by the hand and led her to the balcony. Together they climbed the rail and scaled down side by side. Charlie and John followed suit, the four of them landing and scampering over the wall to the safety of the woods on the other side. They ran across the field to where their horses stood tied.

  Nora panted when she reached her horse, collapsing forward and pressing shaky hands to her knees.

  “It’s over,” she panted. The reality of her situation finally sinking in.

  Viktor rubbed her lower back. “You’re safe, love. He can’t hurt you again.”

  Tears of joy fell freely now, her chains finally broken. The man she loved was at her side and she knew with certainty he would love her until he took his last breath.

  “I’m happy we could help you, Nora,” Charlie said, stepping to her side. “Did the mistress see you?”

  “No, I was too far behind the door. Did she see any of you?”

  “No, we still had our cloaks on. I think it’s best we go our separate ways for a while and spread out, though. Just to be safe. She’d never be able to describe us, but they’ll be looking for four assailants.”

  “Good idea, Charlie,” Viktor said. “Where will you two go?”

  “Where won’t we go is a better question,” John answered. “Off to another adventure, I suppose. And you? Where will you two go?”

  “Well, first I need to go hide her and then ride in like a triumphant savior of the poor kidnapped Baroness Aberdeen. After that, I have plans for a new adventure as well.” Victor grinned. “This one far more exciting than the pirating and the fighting. There’s a new life waiting for Nora and me back in Wales and I intend to enjoy every last second of it.”


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