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This Time Around

Page 8

by Walker, Aimee Nicole

  It was hard to push thoughts of Milo aside to focus on my job with a raging hard-on between my legs. I know, I’m a guy and should be used to working around an inconvenient erection, but the truth is: not all boners are created equal.

  A Milo-induced erection, like the man himself, isn’t something you can ignore. Milo gets under my skin in ways no one else ever could, and the boners he gave me wouldn’t just go away on their own if I worked hard enough. I had two choices: rub one out myself at my earliest convenience or follow him home so we could fuck this physical frustration out of our systems and begin healing the emotional rift. I knew which one I preferred, but it wasn’t a decision I could make unilaterally.

  I untucked my T-shirt to help hide my erection, but my toolbelt prevented it from giving me full coverage. I felt curious looks, and even some knowing ones, as I ran into the other guys while I made my rounds. Later, I’d marvel over how stunning the house truly was, especially since it was built prior to indoor electric and plumbing, but right then, I only wanted to give an honest appraisal of the condition so I could search out Milo’s hiding spot. I hadn’t seen him or Memphis since I returned to the attic.

  “Milo’s outside with Memphis,” Simon told me. I guess my thoughts were obvious to anyone who looked at me.

  “Look, Simon—”

  He held up both hands to stop me. “Say no more. I might not be the most observant man in the world, but I think I know why I never stood a chance with Milo.” Simon was the second person to say that in as many days. “That doesn’t mean I won’t be waiting in the wings in case you screw up once and for all.”

  Me? Why did everyone always assume that I was the one who ended our relationship? Was it because I stayed gone so long, or was it something that little shit told people after we broke up? I felt my anger returning, which only seemed to make my dick harder. Damn that Milo.

  “See you around, Simon,” I tossed over my shoulder and headed for the door. I should’ve looked for Becker to say goodbye and thanked Chris and Mike for working me into their busy schedules, but I was beyond niceties.

  “All done then?” Milo asked me with forced cheer. “We’ll just be going. Come along, Memphis.”

  “Not so fast, Dimples.” It was the first time I used the nickname I’d given him in high school. Many people thought I was referring to the dimples on either side of his mouth or the cute one in the center of his chin. Nope, I was referring to the adorable divots that rested above his ass cheeks. I was obsessed with them when we were younger, and I was eager to get reacquainted with them. “We need to talk.”

  I saw anger and hunger swirl in Milo’s eyes. There would be no talking, not until after we worked off some steam. Was he angry over my assertiveness or because he wanted me so fucking bad? I was about to find out.

  “Milo, let me give you a ride home.”

  “I don’t think—”

  “Sounds good to me,” Memphis said. “I have dinner plans.”

  “Hot date?” I asked.

  “Nah, dinner with Emory and Jon.”

  “Don’t I have a say in who takes me home?” Milo asked angrily.

  “Milo, Andy isn’t a threat to your safety.” Oh, I wasn’t sure about that. “Of course, I’ll take you home if you don’t want to be alone with Andy.”

  I leaned forward and pressed my lips to Milo’s ear, loving the slight tremor that shook his body. “Don’t be afraid.”

  “I’m not afraid of you,” Milo hissed at me before he turned to his friend. “I’ll call you later, Memphis.” He trotted down the steps and across the driveway with his shoulders back and head high, not waiting for Memphis to respond or for me to comment further.

  “You’re going to have your hands full with him tonight,” Memphis teased.

  “I’m counting on it, cutie. Have a nice night,” I tossed over my shoulder as I followed Milo, but at a more leisurely pace. I wanted to draw this out and ratchet up his emotions even more. I took off my toolbelt and tossed it in the back seat of my quad cab.

  Milo said nothing when he climbed into my truck, but it would’ve been hard to hear over my thundering heartbeat anyway. He sat there with his arms crossed over his chest and his lips pursed sexily, but I could tell he wasn’t trying to turn me on. He was stewing in his juices, literally and figuratively. Tonight would be the beginning of the end to all the negativity sparking between us.

  “You passed my street, Andrew,” Milo said feistily. He knew damn well where I was taking him.

  “I want to work this out in my bed, Milo. I’ve wanted you there every single night since I returned.”

  “You mean on the nights my spot wasn’t filled by a different willing body?” he inquired. Was he fishing?

  “I haven’t hooked up with any guys since I returned home, Milo.” I looked over at him when I came to a stop at the intersection down the street from my house. It was clear he didn’t believe me, and I realized it was beyond cruel to keep him guessing about my Wednesday night activities. I just didn’t want him to be disappointed in me. I’d hurt enough people with my reckless behavior. “Well, there was this one guy.”

  Milo’s lips firmed into a straight line, indicating how much he hated the thought of me having sex with someone else. Good, we were even. The Tuckers and Simons in the world could take a fucking hike.

  “We hooked up in the alley behind his business a few times. It was the hottest, raunchiest sex of my life, and I can’t get it, or him, out of my mind. He hates me now.”

  “That’s just cruel, Andy,” Milo replied, but a crooked smile tilted one side of his mouth. “I could never hate you.” His confession gave me hope.

  “He was all I wanted and craved, and no one else was going to do, even though I would’ve been well within my right to fuck him out of my system with someone new.” I winked playfully to lighten the mood. “It’s good that you acknowledge that other pillow belongs to you.”

  “That’s not what I meant, Andy.”

  “That’s what you said, Dimples.”

  “You’ll have to find a new nickname for me,” Milo said suddenly. “Kyle is known as Dr. Dimples now. Blissville isn’t big enough for two Dimples to be running around.”

  “What if I call you The Original Dimples?” I asked.

  “Nope,” Milo said. “You’ll need to come up with something new. I’m curious to see what you choose.”

  “I’m curious to see what you give me to work with,” I said, pulling into my driveway.

  “You’re awfully full of yourself, Andy.”

  “You’re about to be awfully full of my dick.”

  “Asshole,” Milo said as he opened the door and climbed down. He headed toward the front porch after slamming the truck door shut. I called out to stop him.

  “I use the back door,” I told him.

  “I haven’t forgotten, Andy.” He turned around and faced me. “I love using the back door now too.” I didn’t know my dick could get any harder, but it did. I didn’t want to think about this being a first we didn’t explore together, but I planned to make up for all the lost time between us. “Is that going to be a problem for you, Slugger?”

  Not giving a fuck what my neighbors might think, I pressed the full length of my body against Milo’s. “Does this feel like I have a problem with you putting your dick in my ass?”

  “Andy,” Milo gasped when he felt how excited I was. “This is probably a big mistake. It’s not too late—” I cut him off by briefly pressing a finger against his lips.

  “You’re right, Milo. It’s not too late to have everything we both want. This time around will be different. Have faith and you’ll see.”

  “I need to trust you with my heart before that will happen,” Milo reminded me. “But right now, I just want to trust you with my body.”

  I dropped a quick kiss on his upturned lips then took his hand and led him to the back of my rental house. “It’s not much, but it’s home sweet home for now,” I said once we were standing in the kitchen.
  “It’s tidy, clean, and cute,” Milo said. “Show me to the bedroom.”

  “Okay, but please don’t use any of those adjectives when I take off my clothes. I mean, I am tidy and clean, but cute might be a boner killer.”

  “Andy, I know it’s been fourteen years since I saw your cock, but I’m almost positive that cute isn’t a word I would use to—”

  “You’ve seen my dick since I returned,” I reminded him.

  “No, I’ve only felt it in my—” Milo’s words cut off with a whoosh of air when I hoisted him over my shoulder and carried him to my room. “Fuck, I love when you manhandle me,” Milo admitted when I tossed him onto the bed. “I’ve been looking for someone to make me feel this way since you left me.”

  “I didn’t leave you, Milo. I went to college.” I pulled my shirt off over my head and dropped it to the floor.

  “And never came back,” he replied bitterly.

  “Who ended our relationship over a text message, Milo?” I asked, renewed anger and frustration rising inside me all over again. That didn’t stop me from removing the rest of my clothes until I stood there completely naked and vulnerable while he sat fully dressed on my bed. We were going to have this out once and for all.

  “I did,” Milo said quietly. “I admit now that I acted hastily.”

  “Why?” I asked.

  “Why didn’t you ask me this question back then, Andy, instead of the ‘if that’s how you feel’ reply I got back. You’re mad at me for not fighting harder for us, but what excuse do you have?” Milo ripped his shirt off and threw it to the floor. I didn’t think it was possible for my heart to pound faster or my body to get tighter with longing. Fuck, I was going to die if I didn’t have Milo again.

  “Honestly?” I asked. Milo nodded. “As hurt and sad as I was, it was easier for me when I didn’t have to keep juggling between keeping our relationship a secret from my team and coaches and making you happy too.” Hurt flared in his dark-blue eyes, and I regretted that I was the source of pain for him. I only wanted to give him pleasure.

  Milo toed off his socks and shoes, then lay on his back to remove his pants and underwear. “You’ve got me addicted to angry sex. Do you want to have angry sex with me, Andy?” Milo lazily stroked his cock, only stopping to gather pre-cum and smear it as lubricant down his shaft.

  I growled as I knocked Milo’s hand off his dick and replaced it with my own. I dropped to my knees and released Milo’s hard-on long enough to grip his hips and pull him closer to me. He set his feet on my shoulders and spread his legs wider, letting me see all of him. Milo reached between his legs to cup my chin, tugging my face closer to where he wanted it to be. I released his shaft and licked his excitement off my fingers and palm, then gripped the base of his cock before I fell on it like a starving man. I was starving for him—more and more each day we were apart.

  Milo arched his back off the bed like a long, sleek cat, hissing his pleasure and digging his nails in my scalp while I gave him an angry blow job. Fuck, I was going to make him purr for me too. I loved sucking cock and knew how to work a man until he was on the edge of blowing his load then pull off before he reached climax. Edge play was my favorite form of torturing a lover, but it wasn’t a skill I knew when I was with Milo.

  “Andy,” Milo growled after the third time I backed him off.

  “What’s the matter, baby?” I asked, then circled the crown of his cock with my tongue, loving his taste and texture. “You don’t like edge play, or are you pissed because I learned how to do this with other people?” Milo’s expressive eyes glittered angrily, and I knew I’d hit the nail on the head.

  “How pissed are you that your ass won’t be the first I fucked?” Milo fired back, his missile hitting its target too.

  “Pretty damn pissed,” I admitted before I took him back in my mouth and worked him up to the edge a fourth time. Milo was no longer willing to remain idle. Gripping my hair with both hands, he thrust his hips up and fucked my face in earnest. I was too turned on to back him off again, so I swallowed his release when he came with a victorious yell that sounded like a battle cry.

  I was feeling damn pleased with myself too when I climbed onto the bed and pulled him up against me so that we lay on our sides facing each other. Milo’s midnight eyes were sated, but still a little suspicious about why I hadn’t suited up and found my release inside his tight ass.

  Milo closed those heavy lids and sighed blissfully when I reached around to cup his ass and trail my middle finger along the crack between his perfect peach. I moved in for a kiss, soft at first, but it quickly grew more passionate as I rimmed his pucker with the tip of my finger. Milo pushed his ass against me, urging me to penetrate him, but I had no intention of fucking him that night. I meant what I said in my driveway. Thinking about him inside me made my dick leak.

  I broke our kiss long enough to get my finger wet with saliva before returning to his greedy, pulsing hole. I breached him with just the tip, and Milo bit my lip spurring me on to do more. I hadn’t forgotten how much Milo loved having his ass fingered. I recaptured his lips in another searing kiss while working my long digit in and out of his tight clench. Sliding my free hand down between us, I felt that his cock was already getting hard again. Good, I had big plans for it. But first, I cupped Milo’s smooth balls in my palm, then massaged them firm enough to drive him insane but not hard enough to hurt him.

  Milo broke the kiss and cried out again when I tagged his prostate. “Stop dicking around and shove that big dick inside me!” Now we were getting somewhere; it was too bad for him that I wasn’t ready to give in to his demands though. I wasn’t guaranteed another night with Milo in my bed, so as much as my cock begged to come, I held off until I didn’t think I could take it another second. I crooked my finger up and massaged his prostate in a circular motion, making his dick bounce and drip some more. Almost.

  Hunger didn’t begin to describe the emotions tearing through my body, lashing at my guts. I stamped down the primal urge to roll him to his back and claim him. Just barely.

  “Fuck me, damn it!”

  I removed my finger and released his balls to retrieve the condoms and lube from the nightstand.

  “No overnight guests, huh?” Milo snarkily asked.

  “The lube is for jerking off nightly, and the condoms in the nightstand were a wishful-thinking purchase in case you ever pulled your head out of your ass long enough to stick your dick in mine.”

  “Like you ever expected me to want to tap that,” Milo snorted. His eyes widened when I tossed the condom on his chest.

  “Suit up and fuck me already.” It was my turn to lazily stroke my cock like I didn’t have a care in the world, or I wasn’t about to spunk all over myself.

  “You’re serious?” I asked in disbelief.

  “Dead serious. And what about you? Do you really want to fuck me, or were you teasing to get a rise out of me?” Andy’s mighty cock had arisen all right.

  “Dead serious,” I said, repeating his phrase, then tore the condom wrapper open with my teeth. “I want inside your ass really bad.” Fuck me! I sounded like a cheesy porn star, and Peach would be pissed.

  Andy didn’t seem to notice because he was too busy watching me roll the condom down the length of my dick. His hand was still, gripping his cock tight around the base like he was trying to stave off an orgasm. “It’s been a long time though, so lots of lube. Go slow,” he added hastily. He sounded as nervous as I felt.

  I wanted to go slow and relearn every inch of Andy’s cock with my tongue and test the weight of his big, virile balls in my hands. Did he taste as good as I remembered? Did he still love having his sack fondled? I positioned myself between his spread legs, and Andy fisted his cock even tighter. I loved the effect I had on this big, strong man. The bigger they are, the quicker they drop to their knees.

  I wanted to shake Andy, to make him regret every second we missed out on the past fourteen years, if only… Nah, these weren’t the types of though
ts to have while licking cock and fingering ass. Shit, he hadn’t been joking about not bottoming often. Andy was tight, and I knew it would be a curtain call for me after only a few strokes inside his tight heat, which meant I needed to make the foreplay even better.

  I never forgot a single thing about Andy or the way he made me feel. There in his bed, those lost years were forgotten; it was as if they never existed. He looked at me through the eyes of a man who hadn’t known I could break his heart, or mine. Andy touched me with gentle hands even though he had wanted to throttle me just moments prior. Then again, I had that effect on people, and I owned it. What the hell was the point of going through life with a blah attitude? I was passionate about everything I did from sex to picking out fruit at the supermarket. In fact, my ball-massaging technique was very similar to the tactics I deployed to find the right kiwis. Sometimes I rubbed people the wrong way, but sometimes I rubbed them so good they moaned and curled their toes.

  I dropped lower and sucked Andy’s balls in my mouth one at a time, while continuing to move one, very wet finger inside his ass.

  “So good, baby. So fucking good.” Andy’s guttural cries of pleasure made me bolder, so I worked a second digit inside him, teasing his taint with my tongue. I angled my fingers and tagged his prostate once, twice, then massaged it. “Fuck me now. I’m ready.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Milo, I’m going to come. I want to do that with your cock in my ass.”

  I removed my fingers and moved up his body to position myself between his thighs. My dick wasn’t as fat as his, but it was still thicker than two fingers, so I applied a liberal coating of lube on the condom. Locking my eyes on Andy’s, I fisted my cock and pushed the head in past the first ring of muscles.

  “Oh damn, you’re tight,” I said between pants. I wanted to shove in and fuck him so bad, but I saw the discomfort on his face. Lowering my lips to hover above his, I whispered, “Kiss me.”


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