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Loyal Heir

Page 9

by Michelle Heard

  Taking a seat on the stool, I stare at the clean canvas until an image begins to take shape. I see Forest and me. I remember the first time he kissed me because he wanted to and not because he had to. I remember his hands on me, the way he looked at me… and then I realize it’s nothing compared to how he looks at Kennedy – as if no time has passed and they’re still in love.

  What’s wrong with me that guys would rather go back to their ex-girlfriends than be with me?

  The heartache rips the air from my lungs, and I lower my head, the wave of pain intense… raw… soul-crushing.

  A tear drops on my hand, and I close my eyes, trying to focus on my breaths again.

  God. I’m not going to survive this.

  Clenching my jaw, I reach for my palette, oil paints, and brush. When I have the colors I’ll need, I dip the brush and tilting my head, I begin to attack the canvas with all the fear I feel. I spill the heartbreak from seeing Forest with Kennedy into every brushstroke.

  An hour later, when the bell rings, Professor Neel walks to where I’m still painting. He comes to stand behind me for a long while, then he says, “Shut the door behind you when you leave.”

  “I will,” I murmur, not taking my eyes from the blacks and grays bleeding over the canvas.

  When I’m finally alone, a sob escapes my lips. My hand continues to move as my tears mix with the paint.

  I’m going to lose Forest. I can feel it in my soul. Kennedy is going to rip us apart.

  This is Eli and Taytum all over again.

  My shoulders begin to shudder from the heartache swallowing me whole.

  Five days. That’s all I got with Forest.

  My shortest relationship.

  I cover my mouth with the back of my hand as a cry rips out of me.

  I’m cursed. It doesn’t matter whether I love him. It doesn’t matter how I feel or what I want. I’m cursed when it comes to relationships.

  Lost in my pain, I continue painting, creating an abstract view of the love I got to experience with Forest before it was ripped away from me.

  Chapter 13


  When five o’clock comes and goes, worry grips my heart in a suffocating hold.

  I’ve looked all over for Aria, but there’s no sign of her. As I walk toward the restaurant for dinner, I have zero appetite. When I get to the entrance and Aria’s spot at our table is empty, I come to a standstill.

  Kennedy’s eyes fall on me, and she waves, but right now, I’m too worried about Aria to acknowledge Kennedy.

  Turning around, I head towards the security office, my gaze scanning the grounds for Aria.

  Fuck. I haven’t seen Aria since lunch at twelve. Where is she?

  If I can just find her so we can talk about Kennedy being back. I know Aria, and I’m sure she’s worried out of her mind about what this means for us.

  When I reach the security office, I step inside, and one of the guards instantly jumps to his feet. “Mr. Reyes, how can we help?”

  “Search the campus and find Aria Chargill,” I say, tension coming off me in waves.

  He nods and turns to the screens. My eyes dart over all of them, and still not seeing her, the suffocating hold around my heart tightens.

  Christ, Aria, where are you?

  The guard begins to contact the other guards on campus, and as each one comes back, saying they don’t see her, my body grows tenser.

  After what feels like forever, one finally says, ‘Miss Chargill is in the art building. She’s painting.’

  “Thank fuck!” I dart out of the office and break out into a run. Students part in front of me like the red sea, and when I see the guard, and he gestures to the classroom, I nod my head at him. “Thanks.”

  I shove the door open and stalking inside, my relief of finding her and anger for being worried has me snapping, “What the fuck is going on? I’ve looked all over for you. Do you have any idea how worried I’ve been?”

  Aria’s head snaps up, and her eyes are wide on me. “I… I’m painting.”

  Seeing she’s okay, the grip on my heart lessens. “I sent you messages and tried to call. Where’s your phone?”

  She digs in her bag and pulls the device out. “It’s on silent because I was in class, and I’ve been working on the painting since then.” She checks, and when she sees how long I’ve been looking for her, she mutters, “I’m sorry. I didn’t think you’d worry.”

  I grab one of the stools from the other easels and place it next to her. Sitting down with my body facing her, I rest my forearms on my knees and stare at her. “What’s going on?”

  Shaking her head, she says, “Nothing. I’m working on my assignment.” She gestures to the easel.

  I glance at the canvas and pause for a moment to appreciate how talented Aria is. “Damn, it feels as if the painting is alive.”

  “Thanks,” she mutters.

  My eyes snap back to her, and tilting my head, I ask, “So you’re not upset because Kennedy is back.”

  Aria shrugs, and she begins to paint again, “Why would I be upset?”

  I stare at her and not finding any signs that Kennedy being back bothers her, I wonder if I’m not deflecting my worry onto Aria. “So you’re okay?”

  “Of course,” Aria whispers. She leans closer to the canvas as she works on a piece that requires fine detailing.

  I let out a breath of relief, and when she pulls her hand back from the canvas, I lean over to her and framing her face, I press my mouth to hers. I kiss her with the urgency I felt to find her, with the worry that consumed me when I thought she was pulling back, and by the time I break the kiss, we’re both breathless. Needing to make sure, I ask, “We’re good, right?”

  “Yeah. Always.” A smile tugs at the corner of her mouth. “I need to get this done in seven days, so the pressure is on. I’m just stressed.”

  I feel like an idiot for making it all about me and press another kiss to her lips. “I’ll go get you something to eat.”

  I give her a last kiss before I get up so I can go get her dinner.


  The moment Forest walks out of the class, my breath rushes from me as if I’ve been holding it the whole time he was here. My hands tremble so badly I have to set down the palette and brush.

  I rub the back of my hand over my brow and try to rein in my turbulent emotions.

  I don’t know what to think anymore.

  Am I overreacting? Maybe… maybe Forest won’t choose Kennedy over me?

  Feeling bad for letting my fears and panic get the better of me, I jump up and run to catch up to Forest.

  Stupid, Aria. You almost ruined things between the two of you because you’re so damn paranoid.

  As I step out of the building and I head toward the stretch of lawn between the lecture halls and the restaurant, my steps come to a faltering halt when I see Forest and Kennedy hugging. Her fingers are tangled in his hair at the back of his neck.

  The blow hits so hard it makes me stumble a couple of steps backward.

  I watch as Kennedy pulls back, and she smiles lovingly up at Forest. She lets out a burst of laughter, and wetting the pad of her thumb, she wipes something off on Forest’s cheek.

  I spin around and dart back into the building. Instead of going back to class, I run to the restroom, and the instant I’m inside, my legs give way, and I drop to my knees.

  I cover my mouth with my hands as a silent cry rips through me. Nothing has ever hurt as much as this moment. It robs me of my ability to breathe.

  I’m not imagining things.

  Forest is probably worried about our friendship, and he doesn’t know how to break things off between us.

  The ache is agonizingly deep as I realize I’ll have to be the one to let him go. I can’t keep him if he loves Kennedy and wants to get back together with her.

  As his best friend, I can’t do that to him.

  Getting up, I splash cold water over my face, while trying to find a way to escape the pain.

  There’s only one other person who can calm me down, and needing the strength to let go of Forest while pretending I’m okay with just being friends with him, I rush to the class.

  I grab my phone and dial my father’s number.

  “Hey, sweetheart,” he answers.

  Instantly tears rush to my eyes, and a sob escapes me. “Daddy.” It hurts. It hurts so much.

  “Aria!” Dad growls with worry. “What’s wrong, baby-girl?”

  “The pressure,” I gasp. I can’t tell Dad everything, but I need him to comfort me. “It’s a lot. I have seven days to paint a piece for the gallery of modern art in San Francisco.” I only had five days with Forest, and now I have to let him go.

  “Oh, sweetheart.” He lets out a breath of relief. “You can do it. You’re smart and gifted. Don’t doubt yourself. Whatever you paint will be a masterpiece.”

  “Okay,” I breathe. “I wish you were here.” I can’t get through this alone.

  “I’ll be there in five minutes.”

  “Thanks, Daddy. I’m in room twelve in the art building.”

  The call cuts out, and slumping down on the stool, my shoulders sag under the weight of my despair and heartache.

  The universe shows me some mercy, and minutes later, Dad comes jogging into the classroom. I dart out of my chair and jump into his arms as tears begin to wrack my body.

  “Daddy’s here. I’ve got you,” he murmurs, wrapping me up in an unbreakable hold.

  “It’s so hard,” I gasp. “I can’t do it.” I can’t let him go after feeling what it’s like to be in love.

  “You can, Aria.” Daddy pulls back and framing my face, his eyes are filled with determination as he stares at me. “You can do anything you set your mind to. You’re a Chargill.” The heartache swells and grows in my chest, and it feels like it’s consuming my heart.

  I barely survived what Eli and Taytum did to me. This time it will kill me.

  I lower my eyes, but Dad moves his hands to my shoulders and gives me a shake. “Look at me, Aria!” My gaze snaps back to his. “You can fucking do anything. I believe in you.”

  Pushing forward, I wrap my arms around my father’s waist and bury my face against his chest. “I’m sorry I panicked. I just needed you to tell me everything will be okay.” And that I won’t end up all alone when I lose my best friend and the man I’ve fallen for.

  Dad rubs a hand up and down the length of my back. “I’m glad you called, sweetheart. Everything will be okay.” Dad pushes me back and glances around the class. “Show me what you’ve painted.”

  “I only started today,” I warn him as we walk to my easel.

  Dad crosses his arms over his chest and stares long and hard at my work, then he tilts his head and points to the canvas. “That’s a couple right?”

  “Yeah. I’m trying to add layers so some of the images will be hidden, and the longer you look, the more you see,” I explain, feeling much calmer now that Dad is here.

  I move to his side and wrap my arm around his lower back. Dad lifts his arm so I can burrow against his side.

  “It’s going to be magnificent once you’re done. You have no reason to worry,” Dad assures me.

  “Professor Neel said there will be an event held at the gallery next Saturday where the winner will be announced. Will you and Mom come?”

  “I wouldn’t miss it for anything in the world. I’ll make sure the private jet is ready to go,” Dad says, giving me a fatherly smile.

  “You’re the best,” I mutter as I hug him.

  “Anything for my baby girl.”

  Dad glances around the class again, then he asks, “How is school? Are you coping with your other classes?”

  I nod. “Yeah, I just didn’t expect it to be so overwhelming.” I didn’t expect to fall in love with Forest and for it to hurt so much.

  Chapter 14


  I got Aria a chicken sandwich and a piece of chocolate cake, and as I walk back into the class, my eyes widen when I see Uncle Mason.

  “This is a surprise,” I say and give Aria her food before I shake his hand.

  Aria sets it down on the table where all her paints are spread out, murmuring, “Thanks, Forest. I appreciate it.”

  “I’m glad to see you’re feeding Aria,” Uncle Mason grins. “She just buckled a little under pressure and called me.”

  My eyes dart to Aria, and noticing her red-rimmed eyes, I realize that I’ve been so fucking stuck in my own head about Kennedy being back, I’ve totally neglected Aria.

  God, I feel like shit for not realizing how much pressure she’s under, and I know she always internalizes her worries.

  I lift a hand to her shoulder, but merely touching her isn’t enough. Wrapping my arm around her, I pull her to my chest and ask, “Do you feel better now?”

  She nods, and it has Uncle Mason saying, “I better get home. I didn’t tell your mom I was coming over.”

  Aria pulls away from me and goes to hug her father. “Give Mom a hug from me.”

  “Will do, sweetheart.” Uncle Mason’s eyes drift over Aria’s face. “Call the second you feel overwhelmed, and I’ll come reassure you what a badass artist you are. Okay?”

  “Thanks, Daddy.”

  Uncle Mason gives me a chin lift before he walks out of the class.

  I turn to Aria, and seeing the stress on her face, I move forward and wrap her up against my chest. “I’m sorry, babe. I should’ve seen how much pressure you were under.”

  “I just panicked,” Aria says as she pulls away from me. “I’m okay now.” She walks over to the food and opens the containers. “Yummy. Thanks for getting me dinner.” Turning to me, she asks, “An event will be held at a gallery next Saturday where the winner will be announced. Will you come with me?”

  “Of course.” I grin at her. She goes to sit behind the easel again, and it has me saying, “I’ll go grab my bag and come do my assignment here by you.”

  Aria shakes her head. “You don’t have to do that. I’m just going to focus on my art. I’ll catch you later.”

  “You sure?” I ask, hesitant to leave her alone.

  “Yeah. You know how I get when I paint. The whole world could go to hell, and I wouldn’t notice.” She lets out a chuckle, and it makes me feel better.

  “Okay. Don’t work too late.” Leaning down, I frame her face and press a tender kiss to her mouth. “I’ll keep the bed warm for you.”

  I walk to the door but then stop and turning back to Aria, I say, “I just want to sit five minutes with you, and I promise I’ll leave you to work.” I go take a seat on the stool and tilt my head. “It feels like I didn’t get to spend any time with you today.”

  “Yeah,” she murmurs, her gaze drifting over the painting.

  I turn my attention to the canvas. “It’s amazing what you can create with a blank piece of paper, a brush, and some paints.”

  “An entire world,” she whispers.

  Looking back to her, I ask, “Is that the title?”

  She shakes her head. “I haven’t thought of a name yet.”

  “It would be fitting,” I give my opinion.

  I lean over, and taking hold of her hips, I turn her body, so she’ll face me. My eyes lock on hers, and when she meets my gaze, a smile tugs at my mouth. “Hi.”

  The corner of her mouth lifts. “Hey.”

  I lift my hand and brush my fingers from her temple down to her jaw. “I love you.”

  A heartbreaking expression flashes over her face and darkens her eyes.

  I reach for her stool and pull her closer to me. Framing her face, I ask, “Why the sad look?”

  She sucks in a deep breath and shakes her head. “I’m just overly emotional from the pressure and PMS.” Then she lets out a chuckle. “They're quite the explosive combo.”

  “Yeah?” I lean closer and press a kiss to her lips.

  “Yeah,” she breathes. Her eyes meet mine, and it looks like she wants to say something.

sp; “What?”

  Aria shakes her head again and gestures to the canvas. “I need to get back to work, or I won’t get it done in time.”

  “Okay.” I get up but then lean down and give her a last kiss before I walk out of the class to get to my own workload.


  I can’t stand the silence and open the Spotify app. Putting in my earphones, I turn the music up loud so it will drown out my thoughts.

  My hand moves, and I get lost in my art.

  Paint It, Black by Ciara plays, and the lyrics are in sync with my brushstrokes.

  ‘Maybe then I’ll fade away and not have to face the facts. It’s not easy facing up when your whole world is black.’

  It feels like my heart is a bloody mess, and I wish I could reach inside me and throw it over the canvas.

  I reach for the crimson oil paint, and squirting some on the palette, I begin to blend it into the thick black strokes.

  I keep working until it feels like my eyes are on fire, and slumping back, I let the palette rest on my lap. I close my eyes, and the burn makes them tear up.

  Putting the palette and brush on the table, I take hold of my phone, and I exit the playlist. My battery is low, and when I see the time, I let out a gasp.

  Crap, it’s already past midnight.

  I quickly wipe the remaining paint off the brush before I dunk it in thinners so it won’t get hard. When I’ve cleaned my workspace, I grab my bag and the containers of uneaten food and rush to the door. Shutting it behind me, I jog out of the building. The campus is super quiet, and I let out a shriek when a guard comes around the corner.

  He nods at me, and I feel safer knowing he’s patrolling the grounds. I hurry into the dorm and take the elevator up to my floor, then I sneak as quietly as possible into the suite.

  Walking up the hallway, I notice the light is still on in Forest’s room, and peeking inside, the corner of my mouth twitches when I see him fast asleep with the laptop on his lap. I walk inside and carefully lift the device. Shutting it, I go set it down on the table.


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