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Page 7

by Alana Khan

  “I don’t deserve a female as good as you, Tawny. I shouldn’t have kept a secret from you.” He looks me straight in the eyes and says sincerely, “I’m sorry. Do you want to go to Paradise with Thantose and me? We’ll do scans to make certain the planet is safe before we leave the ship.”

  My anger evaporates, though I’m still hurt that he kept such a big secret from me. I can’t really claim the moral high road here. After all, I haven’t exactly shared the shitty news I got from the doctor today.

  “Yes, I’d like to bathe in the magical pool with you,” I tease, not divulging I have something I want to heal on Paradise myself.

  Chapter Seven


  A quarter hoara later, Thantose knocks on the doorway of the dining area and waits for our response before he enters. The tension is no longer palpable between Tawny and I.

  “It’s safe,” he calls, and everyone piles in for dinner.

  One minima later everyone’s laughing heartily as they reminisce about a recent heist they pulled on Aeon II.

  Thantose reaches over and grabs Tawny’s wrist. “You okay?” he asks as he looks directly into her eyes, clearly inquiring about more than her cut. A pang stabs my heart as I realize I was right about the chemistry between them. Part of me rejoices as I realize I was correct in my fantasy that they’ll become a couple after my demise. The other part dies a little when I think of the happiness they’ll share when I’m dead and gone.

  He grabs us both a plate of food, and the table talk turns to good-natured ribbing about the extra seasoning in the food.

  “The orborre tastes especially good tonight,” Marcus, the pilot, declares with a grin.

  Griff, the mechanic, takes an exaggerated bite of his food, then smacks his lips, “Yes, I just can’t tell what that special taste is.”

  Young Destin adds, “I don’t know, it does taste richer,” he smiles, “more flavorful.”

  “Perhaps we should add a little Earth girl blood to every dish.” Thantose winks at Tawny. “Think you could spare some?”

  “On my planet, nothing comes for free.” She’s joining in the fun. “There would be a slight charge for that.”

  “How about we keep allowing you to ride inside of the ship instead of outside it?” Sextus, the fierce ex-military muscle on the crew asks in a tone so gruff I’m not certain he’s joking.

  Thantose claps Sextus on the back and laughs, making certain we all take it as a joke, even if it wasn’t meant to be.

  “We’ll be on Paradise in three days,” Thantose’ voice is suddenly serious. “Seneca says the wild game on the planet is mouthwatering. Devolose, Tawny and I will be going on a little excursion of our own. Sextus, I’d like you to kill as much game as Destin says will fit in our freezers.”

  “Doc, are you going to join us down on the planet?” Devolose asks.

  “Yes, a quick dip in the pool, then I’ll go exploring.”

  “Marcus, I’m going to ask you to sit this one out. Stay on the ship, monitor comms, and make sure everything is going smoothly. Griff?” Thantose looks at the mechanic.

  “Destin and I will go down to the planet for maybe an hoara.” Griff replies. “We want to be able to say we’ve traveled to Paradise.” They both laugh.

  “All right.” Thantose digs into his bowl of noodles. “I’ll be taking suggestions in my inbox as to where we’ll be off to after our little vacation.”


  As I take my shower, I can’t help but think about what happened last night in bed. I know I should have asked to bunk with one of the other males on the ship tonight. Every day that passes, every additional intimacy we share, will just confuse her more. Not to mention making my heart crack further apart.

  Tawny already took her shower and is lying in bed under the covers. She’s facing away, her body motionless; it looks like she’s asleep. Good. Hopefully, there will be no temptation, no replay of last night.

  I crawl in on the far side and face away from her. My thoughts turn to the curve of her breasts, the dusky color of her folds, the aroma of her arousal.

  I haven’t felt this sensation in decades, but I can feel my cock. I had heard of phantom limb pain back on my home planet, where people still sensed their appendages after they were severed. During my captivity, I had no access to the Intergalactic Database, no physician to ask, so I assumed what I had was phantom cock pain. I haven’t experienced this in annums—I guess today’s my lucky day.

  Lying in bed with Tawny, hearing her quiet breathing, knowing she’s inces away and her breasts could be in my palms in a modicum, yes, that’s a great time for my penis to resurrect itself. My testicles are doing their job, pulsing with arousal, sending desire through my bloodstream to every cell in my body. My mind is very clever, very talented at torturing me tonight.

  Tawny’s breathing changes, I’m immediately attuned to the fact she’s awake. She scoots closer, presses herself against me, and throws her arm around me. The hard points of her breasts brush against my back and I feel the soft tickle of her nether hair against my ass.

  “Dev.” The word is barely whispered, it’s almost a sigh. She nips the skin on my shoulder blades, then kisses her way to the nape of my neck. Scraping the skin there, she has my full attention. She licks, then blows. My phantom cock actually bobs in approval. Am I dreaming? This is insane.

  Her tight nipples drag along my skin as she moves up and leans over me. Her tongue has trailed up my neck, along my scalp and is now lodged behind my ear. Every iota of my consciousness is aware of the location of her slick, hard tongue. Why am I allowing this? This vessel doesn’t carry enough water to shower long enough to cool my lust. With no way to relieve my arousal, I’ll be a ball of pain after this.

  “Dangerous. This is dangerous, Tawny.” My voice is a low, breathy growl—it doesn’t sound like it belongs to me. She acts as if she didn’t hear me.

  She licks the taut skin behind my ear, then grabs my earlobe with her teeth. She nips, then nibbles as she sucks the tiny ball of flesh into her mouth. My hips pump the empty air in front of me. Her hips press against my ass, mock humping me from behind.

  She nips the cartilage along the outside of my ear, from lobe to where it’s attached at the top. I haven’t experienced this level of excitement, of lust, since before my captivity. This is more intense than what I felt last night with my mouth between her legs.

  She blows humidly into my ear, then sucks in. My breath escapes in a shocked huff. How can her simple act stimulate me so intensely?

  “You like that, Dev?” She does it again, and instead of getting used to it and losing its effect, it grows more arousing, more powerful.

  “What’s better, this?” She pulls away enough that just the tight peaks of her breasts slide along my back as if she’s tracing a picture or writing words with their peaks.

  “Gods,” is all I can reply, my voice so low it’s almost a growl.

  “Or this?” She presses her furred mons against the flesh of my ass, mimicking the thrusts of intercourse.

  “Or this, Dev. This?” Her mouth is near my ear again and her warm breath puffs slowly in and sucks out in a quick gasp.

  A soft grunt escapes my mouth involuntarily in answer.

  “Yes, Dev. This.” She bites and sucks and nibbles and does her breathing trick which causes bumps to rise on my skin. Her nipples press against my back as she reaches around and grasps one of mine between her fingers.

  My senses are on overload. I never knew my nipples were this sensitive. My phantom penis kicks at my hips which are bucking involuntarily. Her other hand slips under my arm, Now she’s clinging against my back, both hands twisting and flicking my nipples as she uses some type of witchcraft to assault my ear.

  I haven’t experienced this feeling in twenty annums, but all the muscles in my body tense as if they’re gathering the energy for an orgasm.

  “No.” This couldn’t be happening.

  “Did you say more?” She breathes into my ear.r />
  She throws her leg across my hip me. I can picture her core, exposed and needy. I can smell her arousal, which amps me up another notch.

  “No.” The word escapes from the back of my throat, guttural and breathy.

  “Yes, more.” She twists my nipples harder, in unison as she spears my ear wetly with her tongue.

  “Drack!” It’s a barking shout as I orgasm. I’ve never experienced pleasure like this before. Instead of a short, hot, quick burst of pleasure, this rolls up from my toes to my balls to the top of my head. Every muscle in my body is straining. I feel this orgasm in the cords of my neck, the rigidity in my jaw, my curled toes, my hands gripping the sheets. My face is a tight rictus that might look like pain but is the expression of pure bliss.

  My hips are pistoning against nothing. I feel liquid spurt from my phantom penis. Surely this is a hallucination, but the wetness soiling the sheets is real.

  “Tawny,” I grunt as my muscles are still contracting, the release still clenching every muscle in my body. My eyes widen as I wonder if this pulsing, squeezing wave of pleasure will go on forever, but it slows, then diminishes, then stops.

  I flip over and engulf Tawny in the tightest hug possible. I kiss every surface of her face: forehead, eyebrows, cheeks, lips, and chin. My right hand pats behind my ass, searching for evidence that it really happened. My fingers encounter a large wet spot in the tangled folds of the sheets. That was not a hallucination.

  “How was that possible?” I ask.

  “I don’t care. Make me come, Dev,” she demands with a huge smile on her face as she rolls onto her back and opens her legs in invitation.

  I slip a finger along the edge of her folds and find she’s dripping wet—drenched. She scoots up, lays her head on the pillow and opens her knees even wider for me. For a moment I wish that phantom penis was real. I would slip into her wet core in one thrust and pound hard and fast until she came.

  I’ll just have to be more creative.

  I hold her gaze as I slip one finger into her warm channel. “Ahh, yes.” She smiles.

  A second finger joins the first, then I press the heel of my hand against her bundle of nerves.

  “I’m so wet for you, Dev. So ready.” Her face is flushed, her eyes half closed in lust.

  I latch on to one nipple, sucking and scraping as I press her clit in circles with my hand and thrust with my fingers.

  “Dev!” She sounds sexy and surprised as her orgasm comes barreling through her. Her thighs quiver, then her inner muscles clamp onto my fingers in rhythmic release.

  “Fuck,” she sighs, happily sated.

  Scooting up, I join her on her pillow. I fall asleep almost immediately while I’m wondering if I’ll ever tire of looking at her beautiful face.


  I wake up to the incredible sight of Dev’s back as he rummages on the top shelf of the closet. His back skin is red, which is mostly what I see. It meets the black of his front in a fairly straight line interrupted by white tribal-type markings. If I was a better artist, I would paint him—muscles tight, haunches straining, arms reaching—he’s a sight to behold.

  “Watcha doin’?”

  His hands are full of a set of sheets he found. “Made a mess,” lifting the sheets for me to see, he’s grinning from ear to ear. Being pleased about coming all over the sheets would be a strange phenomenon on Earth, but considering it was the first time he orgasmed in twenty years, yeah, I get why he’s happy.

  He motions with his thumb for me to vacate the bed, then strips it while I watch; both of us are stark naked. I’ve never seen his mood so light. I guess the guy had blue balls for two decades. Blue balls, hmmm? What’s black and white and red all over? I wonder if the front half is black, the back red, and lean in just as he bends over to smooth the top sheet. I’m not exactly sure, but I think they’re red with white markings. Interesting.

  “Two days to Paradise, Dev. What are we doing today?”

  His easy attitude disappears as he seems to realize he’s waltzing around without clothing. He keeps his back to me as he retrieves his pants and shimmies into them. I get it—shame. I’m well acquainted with it myself.

  “Thantose said he’ll teach me a few basics of navigating today. He says I should be cross-trained on every job on the ship.” He has a faraway look on his face.

  He’s about to shrug into his shirt when I shout, “Halt!”

  He looks startled and freezes.

  “Let a girl admire your muscles, big guy. Can you wait to put that on until we’re ready to leave our room?” My eyebrows waggle of their own volition.

  He smiles. Not a little smile, or a half smile, or a Mona Lisa smile. No, this is a smile big enough to show some pearly white teeth. He walks toward me, almost dancing, shaking his shoulders, showing off his black pecs, the white markings jumping as he flexes his muscles.

  He’s still too thin from all those years in captivity, but I’ve never seen him so at home in his body, so loose, so alive.

  “Handsome.” I pat the bed, wanting him to join me. I’m nude, lying on my hip, knees bent; I feel like Mata Hari or Marilyn Monroe—a seductress.

  “No.” He shakes his head, then grabs his shirt and drags it over his head.

  It’s like a swift wind brought in an arctic cold front over the savannah. The open emotions on his face shutter closed. Playtime is officially over.

  A frisson of fear spears through me. There was something about his tone of voice when he said “no,” or maybe the look he gave me out of the corner of his eye. For just one second I was back in the dungeon.

  I give my head a little shake, push that out of my mind, and announce, “I guess it’s time for sumra.”

  He nods curtly.


  I’ve got to get my drack together. Just because we had an amazing time in bed last night doesn’t mean anything has changed. I still abused her. She still has that syndrome where she thinks she’s attached to me.

  Last night was phenomenal, I won’t deny that. But how long can I satisfy her without a real cock? It was wonderful to come. For a moment I felt like a real male. All I have to do is look straight down and see the ruined, discolored place where my manhood should be, and it’s like being awakened in a pool of ice water. Reality is a bitter pill. How long can I tolerate this level of self-loathing? Two days until we reach Paradise is more than enough torture. I’m ready to end things there.

  Chapter Eight


  Almost everyone on board is crammed into the small bridge, looking out the floor-to-ceiling windows. From up here, the planet looks lush, with tranquil azure waters surrounding land covered with verdant green plants. As Thantose waits for Sextus to arrive, I avoid Tawny’s eyes and pretend to be fascinated by the planet below.

  It’s been an awkward two days. The more I reflected on what happened that last night in bed, how pathetic my behavior was, the more embarrassed I became. What female could possibly be attracted to a male like me?

  Thantose was smart enough not to ask questions about my request to sleep in his cabin. Smart enough also to avoid using his wit and sarcasm to even mention it. I took my meals in our room and avoided Tawny—until now.

  Thantose kept me informed of her swift progress as she learned how to find prices on the Intergalactic Database, and how she was researching how to discern genuine from forgeries. He said she seemed happy with these new tasks. I avoided the unspoken questions that lingered in the air between us.

  With each passing day, I thought I could detect more warmth, more affection in his voice when he spoke of her. Good, my plan is coming together. I’m not certain why it squeezes my heart with such a tight grip.

  I shake my head and keep my eyes averted from her probing brown ones. I can feel her questing gaze from the other side of the room.

  She’s been eating with these males every morning and night. They must have formed friendships; they have an easy camaraderie as they banter back and forth, joking and tea
sing. This is good. In about three or four hoaras I’ll have a tragic accident. She’ll be free from the burden of worrying about me and attempting to make me feel good. They’ll all move forward without me. As they should.

  Sextus rushes in, a laser rifle slung over one shoulder, two extra energy canisters and a pistol hanging from his belt. He hands a pistol to everyone in the landing party, bending close to Tawny to ensure she knows how to use it.

  “Everyone has a pistol and wrist comm. Whether you’re alone or with others, check in at least once an hoara. Back aboard ship by 1600.” Thantose is serious and direct—one of his strengths as captain. He can have fun with the best of them, but when it comes to safety—or money—he’s all business.


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