affordability of
elections and
homeownership and
immigration and
income inequality and
attitude, multiculturalism and
Atwater, Lee
automation, income and
automobile industry
bailout of
energy revolution and
Industrial Revolution and
innovation revolution and
new economy
baby boomers
aging of population and
comparison to millennials
Democratic economic narrative
new economy and
sexual revolution and religion and
Social Security, Medicare and
“back to basics”
Baker, Ray Stannard
Balls, Ed
Banfield, Edward
America’s capital markets
bailout of
community development
elections and
financial crisis
Gilded Age and Progressive Era and
innovation revolution and
lack of trust in
reform agenda and
Republican Party and
Barnett shale deposit
battle over values. See values, battle over
Bell Labs
Bernstein, Jared
Besharov, Douglas
Bessemer Steel
Beyond the Melting Pot (Glazer/Moynihan)
big businesses
reform agenda and
as villains in new economy
big government
Bighton, Ben
bike sharing programs
Billionaires (West)
bipartisan commissions
birth control (contraception)
controversy over
marriage and
Republicans and
unplanned pregnancies and
Black Americans. See African Americans
Black Belt
Bloomberg, Michael
Bloomberg Americas Clean Technology Index
blue-wall states
Boehner, John
Boko Haram
boom-and-bust coalition
immigration revolution and
Johnson era and
legislation governing
Reagan era and
Republican Party and
Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act
Borgen (television series)
Borgia, Cesare
Boushey, Heather
Bowles, Erskine
Bracero Program
Bradley, Jennifer
aerospace industry and
immigration and
multiculturalism and
religion and
Brewer, Jan
child care and
cost of living crisis in
education and
immigration and
income inequality and
Industrial Revolution and
minimum wage in
religion and
Brooks, David
Brown, Jerry
Brown, Michael
Brownback, Sam
Brownstein, Ronald
Bryan, William Jennings
Bryan Democrats
Buckley, James
Buckley, William F., Jr.
for 2016
California and
innovation revolution and
Paul Ryan and
building codes
Burkhauser, Richard V.
Burnett, Bob
Burwell, Sylvia Mathews
Bush, George H. W.
Bush, George W.
child care and
economic failures of
Energy Independence and Security Act and
faith-based initiatives of
income inequality and
off-year elections in 2006 and
religion and
Bush, Jeb
Barack Obama and
climate change and
Hillary Clinton vs.
immigration and
Super PACs and
Bush v. Gore
businesses. See also big businesses; small businesses
C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group
budget crisis in
climate change and
education and
gay rights and
immigration and
innovation revolution and
metropolitan revolution and
minimum wage and
renewable energy standard and
sick leave and
Camden, Carl
Cameron, David
campaign funding. See also Super PACs
Campbell, David
education and
infrastructure spending and
multiculturalism and
paid leave and
Cantor, Eric
capital gains tax
capital income
Capital in the Twenty-first Century (Piketty)
carbon tax
Carnation Milk
Carnegie, Andrew
Carter, Jimmy
Cassidy, Bill
abortion and
Barack Obama and
big government and
climate change and
culture war and
immigration and
momentum for reform and
religious pluralism and
Republican Party and
Center for American Progress (CAP)
CEOs. See chief executive officers
Chait, Jonathan
Chamber of Commerce
Charlie Hebdo
charter schools
Chen, Joewi
Cherlin, Andrew
Chetty, Raj
chief executive officers (CEOs)
compensation of
diversity in
reform agenda and
as villains in new economy
Child and Dependent Care Credit of 1976
child care
cost of living crisis and
family structure and
freelancers, independent contractors and
new economic consciousness and
recommendations for
reform agenda and
tax credits for
universally available
Child Care Acts
child labor
Fair Labor Standards Acts and
history of
Hull House and
lifting of restrictions on
New Nationalism and
Progressive Era and
child tax credit
aging population in
climate change and
deficit and
entertainment and
globalization and
immigration and
religion and
research spending and
Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882
churches. See specific churches
cities. See also metropolitan areas
economy and
immigration revolution and
income gap and
Industrial Revolution and
millennial revolution and
values, battle over, and
Citizens United Supreme Court decision
Civil Rights Acts
class warfare
Clayton Antitrust Act
Clean Air Act
clean energy
climate change
carbon tax tied to
Catholics and
China and
conservative interregnum and
current actions to address
2010 elections and
Evangelicals and
metropolitan areas and
moderate Republicans and
National Climate Assessment (2014)
New York and
Oregon and
overview of issue
Republican Party and
sustainability and
Tea Party and
war on coal and
Washington state and
Clinton, Bill
economic plan of
employment and
FMLA and
middle class and
multiculturalism and
political polarization and
reform of Democratic Party and
religious polarization and
running to the center and
taxes and
Clinton, Hillary
Club for Growth
coal-fired divide
coal industry
climate change and
energy revolution and
exports and
Industrial Revolution and
next president and
Republican Party’s protection of
coal strikes
Cohn, Nate
college loans
education crisis and
free tuition and
increasing amounts of
comfortable life, aspiration to
Commission on Inclusive Prosperity
Common Core standards
compensation. See income
Comprehensive Child Development Bill
Congress, Democratic underrepresentation in
consciousness, new economic
conservative heartland
conservative interregnum
Capital in the Twenty-first Century and
climate change and
description of
education and
middle class
overview of
poverty, marriage and
red vs. blue visions and
Republican state model and
Constitution. See also specific amendments
history of immigration and
representation and
construction industry
controversy over
marriage and
Republican Party and
unplanned pregnancies and
Coolidge, Calvin
Coontz, Stephanie
Corbett, Tom
Corker, Bob
corporations. See big businesses
cost-of-living crisis
child care and
Great Britain and
new economic consciousness and
cotton, steam power and
counterrevolution, battle over American values and
Cowen, Tyler
creative productivity
Croly, Herbert
Cruz, Ted
cultural exceptionalism. See also multiculturalism
culture of poverty
D’Amato, Alfonse
Darwin, Charles
data, big
da Vinci, Leonardo
Davis, Paul
de Blasio, Bill
debt. See deficit; student debt
Debt Reduction Task Force
Declaration of Independence
Defense Department
defense industry
austerity and
falling projections for
health care revolution and
tax cuts and
DeLauro, Rosa
Democratic ascendancy
America’s social trends and
damaged brand of Republican Party and
electoral college maps and
new conservative heartland and
overview of
Reagan Democrats and
recent off-year elections and
Democratic economic narrative
Democratic Leadership Council
Democratic Party
conservative heartland and
economic narrative of
electoral college and
immigration and
Industrial Revolution and
migration of black Americans and
off-year elections and
overview of
polarization and
Reagan Democrats and
reform of
Republican Party as damaged brand and
social trends and
tipping point and
in twenty-first century
Deutch, John
Dionne, E. J.
diversity. See also multiculturalism
women and
Dobson, James
Dodd-Frank bank reform
Dole, Bob
Dollar Tree
Donahue, Tom
Douthat, Ross
Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act and
future of immigration and
immigration reform and
prioritization of citizenship for
Republican Party and
successes of Barack Obama and
Duck Dynasty
earned income tax credit (EITC)
Eberstadt, Nicholas
economic narrative. See Democratic economic narrative
Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Act
assessment of current
big businesses, CEOs and
comfortable life vs. middle-class dreams
contradictions of new
endemic cost-of-living crisis and
energy revolution and
freelancing, independent contracting, small businesses and
health care revolution, deficit and
immigration revolution and
impact of technology on
inadequacy of salary for living expenses
innovation revolution and
marriage and
metropolitan and millennial revolutions and
reality of current
Edsall, Thomas
birth rate and
businesses and reform of
conservative interregnum and
economic recovery and
2010 elections and
immigration revolution and
income and
innovation revolution and
marriage and
metropolitan areas and
need for improvement in
new heartland and
presidential agenda for reform and
reform agenda and
student debt and
tuition subsidies/credits and
women and
working-class men and
Edwards, John
Ehrenhalt, Alan
Eighteenth Amendment
EISA. See Energy Independence and Security Act
Eisenhower, Dwight
EITC. See earned income tax credit
Elections. See also campaign funding; off-year elections
of 2012
affordable education and
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and
California and
campaign finance reform and
counterrevolution and
Electoral College and
equal pay and rights for women and
families and
Hispanic population and
immigration an
infrastructure investment and
Medicare and Social Security and
middle-class economic narrative and
multiculturalism and
nationalization of
odds against Republicans in
political polarization and
race and
red vs. blue states and
renewable energy and
sexual revolution, secularization of America and
special interest groups and
spending for
taxes and
working families and mothers and
Electoral College
electric cars
Elf Aquitaine
Elk River, West Virginia
Ellwood, David
Emanuel, Rahm
Emanuel, Zeke
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Employment Act of 1946
The End of Men: And the Rise of Women (Rosin)
Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA)
energy industry. See also specific energy sources
entertainment industry
entitlement programs
reform of
Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974
of opportunity
for women
abortion and
Barack Obama and
climate change and
Democratic ascendancy and
focus groups and
gun control and
homosexuality and
individualism and
momentum for reform and
race and
Republican Party and
sexual revolution, secularization of America and
Tea Party and
traditional values and
executive orders
Fair Housing Act of 1968
Fair Labor Standards Acts of 1938
Falwell, Jerry
families. See also marriage
economic agenda for
Industrial Revolution and
Pope Francis on
reform agenda and
social transformation and
Teddy Roosevelt and
Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA)
Family Dollar
family leave
Family Leave Act of 1993
family structure. See also marriage
culture war and
importance of
poverty and
Farage, Nigel
fast-food restaurants
Federalist Paper, No. 2
Federal Reserve
Federal Reserve Act of 1913
fetus personhood amendment
Fight for $15 movement
financial industry
bailout of
community development
elections and
Industrial Revolution and
innovation revolution and
lack of trust in
reform agenda and
Republican Party and
Financialization Project
financial transaction tax
First Amendment
flat tax
Florida. See also Miami
Electoral College and
metropolitan revolution, economy and
off-year elections and
as swing state
Florida, Richard
FMLA. See Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993
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