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America Ascendant

Page 56

by Stanley B Greenberg

price discrimination

  Princeton University



  productivity, earnings vs.

  Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) rankings

  Progressive Era, history of

  progressive taxation


  Proposition 187


  Democratic ascendancy and

  gay marriage and

  immigration and

  religious pluralism and

  Republican party and

  Public Service Commission

  Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906

  Putin, Vladimir

  Putnam, Robert

  Putting People First

  Rabinowitz, Dorothy

  race. See also multiculturalism; specific races

  marriage and

  new heartland and

  Republican Party, Obama and

  values, battle over, and

  Racial Justice Act

  radicalism, Republican


  Rauch, Jonathan

  Ready Nation

  Reagan, Ronald

  Civil Rights Act and

  economic failures of

  faith, partisanship and

  immigration and

  inequality and

  taxes and

  unions and

  Reagan Democrats


  Reed, Ralph

  Reeves, Richard


  affordable college education and

  agenda for working women and men

  businesses and

  churches and

  democracy in twenty-first century and

  equal pay/rights for women and

  infrastructure investment and

  Medicare, Social Security and

  metropolitan areas and

  momentum for

  of money and politics

  narrative for

  presidential agenda for

  progressive era of

  taxes and

  working families, working mothers and


  regulations. See also specific regulations

  big government and

  energy revolution and

  reform agenda and

  religion. See also secularization; specific religions

  immigrants and

  lack of

  multiculturalism and

  new heartland and

  pluralism of

  reform and

  social transformation and

  values, battle over, and

  Rendell, Ed

  renewable electricity standards (RES)

  renewable energy

  renewable portfolio standards (RPS)

  Rentfrow, Peter

  Report Card for America’s Infrastructure (ASCE)

  Republican Governors Association

  Republican Party

  Affordable Care Act and

  Barack Obama and

  climate change and

  as damaged brand

  as deeply divided

  electoral college and

  Evangelicals and

  focus groups and

  governing models, red vs. blue ideology

  governing models, state

  immigration positions by

  Industrial Revolution and

  momentum shift and

  multiculturalism and

  new heartland and

  Obamacare and

  off-year elections and

  overrepresentation of

  overview of current

  polarization and

  radicalism within

  Tea Party and

  tipping point and

  unemployment benefits and

  RES. See renewable electricity standards

  research and development

  innovation revolution and

  investment in

  metropolitan areas and

  revolution(s). See also Industrial Revolution

  counterrevolution and

  economy and




  metropolitan areas and

  overview of current



  Rice, Tamir

  Right to Rise

  Riis, Jacob A.


  robber barons

  Robertson, Pat

  Robertson, Phil. See also Duck Dynasty


  Rockefeller, John D.

  Rodden, Jonathan

  Roe v. Wade

  Rohatyn, Felix

  Romney, Mitt

  corporations and

  2012 elections and

  Hillary Clinton vs.

  immigration and

  Roosevelt, Eleanor

  Roosevelt, Franklin

  New Deal and

  progressive taxation and

  radical reforms and

  Roosevelt, Theodore

  immigration and

  Industrial Revolution and

  learning from

  New Nationalism and

  progressive era reforms and

  special interests and

  Roosevelt Institute

  rope trust

  Rosin, Hanna

  Rove, Karl

  RPS. See renewable portfolio standards

  Rubio, Marco

  climate change and

  deficit and

  Hillary Clinton vs.

  Super PACs and

  taxes and

  running to the center

  Russian Federation

  Ryan, Paul

  Affordable Care Act and

  2015 budget of

  climate change and

  deficit and

  poverty and

  Saez, Emmanuel

  salaries. See income

  same-sex marriage

  bans by states on

  Evangelicals and

  Karl Rove and

  Massachusetts Supreme Court and

  moderate Republicans and

  overturn of states’ bans on

  pluralism of marriage types and

  pluralism, religious, and

  Republican opposition to

  support for

  Supreme Court ruling

  Tea Party and

  Samuelson, Robert

  Santorum, Rick

  Scarborough, Joe

  Schiavo, Terry

  Schulz, Nick

  Schwartz, Anna

  Schwartz, Nelson

  Schwarzenegger, Arnold

  Scott, Rick

  Scott, Walter

  Scottish National Party (SNP)

  Second Amendment

  “A ‘Second Opinion’ on the Economic Health of the Middle Class” (Burkhauser/Larrimore/Simon)


  Democratic ascendancy and

  values, battle over, and

  secular stagnation


  sentencing reform

  service sector

  Seventeenth Amendment

  sexual revolution. See also gender roles

  shale oil and gas

  sharing economy

  shareholder revolution

  Shelby, Richard

  sick leave

  Silicon Valley

  Simon, Kosali I.

  Simpson, Alan

  Sinclair, Upton

  Singer, Natasha

  Sixteenth Amendment

  small businesses

  SNAP. See Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

  SNP. See Scottish National Party

  Social and Psychological Bases of Ideology and System Justification (Jost/Kay/Thorisdottir)

  Social Security

  Barack Obama and

  future of

  payroll tax cap for

  reform agenda and

/>   social transformations

  marriage and

  overview of

  polarization and

  soft money

  soft power


  Soros, George

  special-interest groups. See Super PACs



  Standard Oil Company

  Stanford University

  Statue of Liberty

  steam engines


  Steffens, Lincoln

  stem cell research

  STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics)

  education and

  immigration and

  metropolitan areas and

  Next Generation Science Standards and

  Steyer, Tom

  Stiglitz, Joseph

  stock market

  student debt

  education crisis and

  growth of

  tuition and


  Summers, Lawrence

  Super PACs

  contribution limits and

  democracy in the twenty-first century and

  2012 elections and

  2014 elections and

  2016 elections and

  influence of

  public opposition to and

  spending freedom and

  Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

  Taft, William Howard

  Tanenhaus, Sam

  Tarbell, Ida


  TaskRabbit Economy

  tax(es). See also tariffs

  capital gains


  education and

  EITC and

  2010 elections and

  2016 elections and

  on financial transactions


  health care revolution, deficit and

  income gap and

  Industrial Revolution and


  in Kansas

  in Louisiana

  middle class and

  in North Carolina

  in Pennsylvania


  reform agenda and

  Republican governing models and

  top rate of

  trusts and

  Tea Party

  Barack Obama and

  climate change and

  Evangelicals and

  gay marriage and

  Republican Party and


  American economy and

  economy and

  employment diversity in

  metropolitan areas and

  small businesses, independent contractors, freelancers and

  Teixeira, Ruy




  Texas. See also Perry, Rick

  budget cuts in

  businesses and

  education and

  immigration and

  off-year elections and

  red vs. blue states and

  research and development in

  same-sex marriage and

  shale oil, gas and

  Thorisdottir, Hulda

  Tillis, Thom


  Tomasky, Michael

  transfer defense

  transportation. See also infrastructure investment

  Truman, Harry


  Tucker, Marc S.

  tuition. See also education


  Turner, Frederick Jackson

  two-income households

  U.K. Independence Party (UKIP)


  U.N. Green Climate Fund

  undocumented immigrants. See also DREAMers

  amnesty for

  Barack Obama and

  Border Security, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Modernization Act and

  border security and

  Canada and

  comprehensive immigration reform bill and

  Democratic ascendancy and

  Evangelicals, Tea Party and

  Hispanic support for

  Immigration Reform and Control Act and

  Lyndon Johnson and

  Mitt Romney and

  Republican Party and

  unemployment benefits

  abuse of

  extension of

  North Carolina and

  Republican positions on

  The Unfinished Revolution (Gerson)

  Unintimidated PAC


  Industrial Revolution and

  minimum wage and

  reform agenda and

  Republican governing model and

  Ronald Reagan and

  universities. See also education

  U.S. Chamber of Commerce

  U.S. Steel

  values, battle over

  Duck Dynasty and

  immigration and

  metropolitan revolution and

  overview of

  political polarization and

  race, counterrevolution and

  sexual revolution, secularization of America and

  Van Hollen, Chris

  Velvet Revolution

  Virginia, Loving v.

  Volcker, Paul


  voter ID laws

  voting rights

  Industrial Revolution and

  limitation of

  race and

  Voting Rights Act

  wage gains. See income

  Walker, Scott

  anger and

  climate change and

  Hillary Clinton vs.

  off-term elections and

  Super PACs and


  Warren, Elizabeth

  Warren, Rick

  Washington, D.C.

  Barack Obama and

  education and

  immigration and

  income gap and

  metropolitan revolution, economy and

  minimum wage and

  sick leave and

  Teddy Roosevelt and

  Washington Post

  Washington state

  climate change and

  income gap and

  metropolitan revolution, economy and

  research and development and

  sick leave and

  West, Darrell

  West, Martin

  White, William Allen

  Whyte, William H.

  WIC program. See women, infants, and children program

  Wilson, James Q.

  Wilson, Pete

  Wilson, Woodrow

  Industrial Revolution and

  learning from

  Windfall Profits Tax Act

  Winship, Scott

  Wisconsin. See also Walker, Scott

  Wisconsin idea

  Wolraich, Michael

  women, infants, and children program (WIC)

  Women’s Right to Know Act

  Women’s Voices Women’s Vote

  Woodson, Bob

  working class

  decline of marriage and

  Democratic ascendancy and

  Democratic economic agenda


  elections and

  importance of education

  lack of support for women in the

  marginalization of men in the

  reform agenda and

  Working Family Fund

  World Cup of 2014

  World Fairs of 1893 and 1904

  World War II

  Wurzelbacher, Joe


  Zakaria, Fareed

  Zuckerburg, Mark


  Stanley B. Greenberg is a New York Times bestselling author, CEO of Greenberg Quinlan Rosner, and a polling adviser to presidents, prime ministers, and CEOs. He currently advises national leaders and their campaigns in Israel, Europe, South Africa, and Lat
in America. He was the senior pollster for President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore, Prime Minister Tony Blair, and President Nelson Mandela. You can sign up for email updates here.


  It’s the Middle Class, Stupid!

  Dispatches from the War Room: In the Trenches with Five Extraordinary Leaders

  The Two Americas: Our Current Political Deadlock and How to Break It

  The New Majority: Toward a Popular Progressive Politics

  Middle Class Dreams: Building the New American Majority

  Legitimating the Illegitimate: State, Markets and Resistance in South Africa

  Race and State in Capitalist Development: Comparative Perspectives

  Politics and Poverty: Modernization and Response in Five Poor Neighborhoods

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  Title Page

  Copyright Notice


  1. America at a Tipping Point

  PART I: America: The Exceptional Nation

  2. America’s Economic Ascendancy

  3. America’s Cultural Exceptionalism

  PART II: America’s Deepest Problems

  4. Contradictions of the New Economy

  5. Contradictions of the New Society

  PART III: Political Disruption

  6. Revolutions and Counterrevolution: The Battle for American Values

  7. The Democratic Ascendancy

  8. The End of the Republican Party as We Know It

  PART IV: Addressing America’s Contradictions

  9. The Conservative Interregnum

  10. From Reagan Democrats to the New America

  PART V: New Progressive Era

  11. The Progressive Era: “To Cleanse, to Reconsider, to Restore, to Correct the Evil”

  12. Momentum for Reform

  13. The State of the Union




  About the Author

  Also by Stanley B. Greenberg



  An imprint of St. Martin’s Press.

  AMERICA ASCENDANT. Copyright © 2015 by Stanley B. Greenberg. All rights reserved. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.

  Cover design by David Curtis

  The Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available upon request.

  ISBN 978-1-250-00367-6 (hardcover)

  ISBN 978-1-4668-8699-5 (e-book)

  Our e-books may be purchased in bulk for promotional, educational, or business use. Please contact the Macmillan Corporate and Premium Sales Department at (800) 221-7945, extension 5442, or by e-mail at

  First Edition: November 2015


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